Member Reviews

Haven’t read anything else of the author, but I’d love to (need to check if there is more to read). Good read, kept me interested all the way. Light and approachable in style and likeable characters. Worth your time.

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This was a brilliant read. As soon as I started reading this book I just knew I was going to love it. Highly recommended

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A brilliant suspenseful thriller that grips you from the start right up until the very last page.
This is a domestic thriller with a different premise.
Not only has her husband disappeared but her house has been pulled out from beneath her feet.
A very clever, sophisticated domestic thriller that has you glued from start to finish.
How did he do it? You’ll have to read it to find out!
A must read for anyone who enjoys a great book

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This book begins with Fi returning home unexpectedly to find a couple are moving into her house and she hasn't sold it to anyone or rented it out! A podcast is used for Fi to tell her story to us through a #victim social media site. What I liked about this was all the things I was thinking came up at the end in the social media chat, this really made me feel like I was listening to it too. Meanwhile her husband, Bram tells his story to us through a word document he is writing. That document certainly makes for interesting reading and for feeling very sorry for poor Fi.

The first third of the book was a little slow but it certainly kept my attention, and I did wonder as we knew the ending, how this was going to progress. Then the rest of the book came with plenty of "aha" moments and "well what would you do?" thoughts entering my head. Everyday life suddenly meets a psychological thriller.

Well written and researched, this is a clever book with a few twists to keep you on your toes. The ending though! The author definitely saved the best until last. Nooooooo I was screaming as I read it!

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I loved the premise of this book but unfortunately it wasn't for me. I struggled to connect with the characters or become drawn into the story.

Probably this was a case of my expectations versus the book's style - I was expecting a mystery or page-turning thriller but instead felt this was more of a domestic suspense with some light psychological elements. I'm sure fans of that type of book will enjoy this but it wasn't for me.

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An gripping page turner ! I like the authors style oF writing and in main I enjoyed this book . 4 stars

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Our house by Louise Candlish is a domestic drama set in London. The main couple Fi and Bram have been married about 10 years have two young boys and live in an affluent area in a lovely home. Fi comes home one day to find another family moving into her house, yep they’ve bought it, without her knowledge and Bram can’t be found, nightmare!

This novel is the story of how this has come to be and of a short time afterwards, told in various formats, Fi’s story via podcast transcript, Bram's via note written after the event and current happenings in and around the house in the day of the event. The story is well written and very pacey, as the drama at the house unfolds as does the background of the characters, about half way in I made loads of guesses as to what I thought was happening, finishing it I was wrong, but looking back a lot were right there were just a few loose ends that didn’t add up for me. The plot is good and I like the mixed format of storytelling there is a lot of things that happen that if you are generous you can see it happening to ‘anyone' however, there are a couple of big things that don’t fit for me. Although the ending is class!

****Spoiler warning****
I thought Fi had set Bram up, which would have explained why Mike and Wendy caught him in the first place, this was left as chance which to me wasn’t enough considering all the other avenues were neatly tied up. I also couldn’t see her as a killer if she was innocent of everything else, which is why my rating isn’t higher ( not because I guessed wrong!)

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Read in one day & loved it! Fi arrives home to find that another family have moved in while she has been away for a couple of days. The home that she shares with her estranged husband is no longer theirs and her (ex) husband has vanished.

I loved that this book was told from both Fi and her ex husband, Bram’s perspective. I also chuckled at the social media discussions at the end of some of the diary entries.

I didn’t like the character of Bram (& his name grated on my nerves a little too!) but we weren’t supposed to like him.

There are various twists and turns in this book. Some were more obvious than others but the end 50 pages is totally spell binding. The last page really made me gasp too!

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This was a gripping and tense psychological thriller with an emotional plotline. I loved the writing style and was kept on the edge of my seat. Another brilliant book from the author. I will be reading more in the future.

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Fi comes back unexpectedly from a couple of days away and finds someone else moving in to her house! What is happening? Is it a mistake? is it a crime? And where is Bram, her husband? They have separated after he has cheated and are sharing custody of the children with a birds nest arrangement, where each of them stays in the house when it is their turn to look after the children. All is going well (for a separation that is) but there is something Bram hasn't told Fi about.
The story hops between the past and the present, in the form of a podcast from Fi and a letter from Bram. Fi does her best to keep it all together and your sympathies lie with her. Bram is up to his neck in trouble and although he puts his wife and children in jeopardy there are times you do actually feel sorry for him.
I really enjoyed this book. The end of it left me with my head spinning. This is the first Louise Candlish book I have read but I will definitely look for more! Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC of this book in return for an honest review

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Unfortunately this book just didn't work for me. A fascinating idea and storyline -but it wasn't for me.

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I struggled with this book. Maybe it was the hype around it. I'm not sure. I felt like i was just waiting for the twist that never seemed to come.. For me it felt a bit flat compared to some of her others.

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An utterly clever, claustrophobic thriller that had me hooked from the get go, after reading fantastic feedback I was looking forward to reading our house, Louise candlish is a favourite author of mine I always know I’m in for a treat with her books!

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So I have a confession to make about this book. I was very lucky to receive an advanced copy from SJ at Simon and Schuster last Christmas. The proof was one of the coolest proofs I've ever seen! Sadly I just didn't get around to reading it. Then for Black Friday, I saw a deal on the audiobook and I grabbed it. A few days later I had some time off to pack up my house to move. I found it a rather appropriate book to be listening to while packing up my house.

The story follows Fi and Bram. It is told from each of their perspectives and also flicks between the present and the recent past leading up to the present day. If you have read any of my reviews before you will know that I love changing POVs so this was something I was happy about. This is done well in the audio too with different narrators for Bram and Fi.

A lot of Fi's story is told via a podcast and on the audiobook, I thought I could hear an extra touch like a tape playing but that might just be me...anyone else hear that? Either way, I liked it. I also liked the social media reactions and hashtags. It made the whole thing more realistic.

At first, you really don't like Bram, well at least I didn't. But as the story progresses you start to understand how he has got himself in this situation. I'm not saying I necessarily agree with his actions but you understand what happened.

The story has so many twists and turns. I really didn't see most of them coming. There was one reveal in particular that I actually gasped out loud. I was so glad I didn't have anything fragile in my hand because I may well have dropped it I was that shocked.

Recently I have read a few psychological thrillers but I sometimes find them overrated. Well, not this one. This book deserves every bit of the hype it's been given. This book got under my skin. I listened to it in 3 days. I stayed up until 2 am listening to it because I just had to. I couldn't stop listening. I was about halfway through when I insisted my friend, who loves this genre, bought it. I am pleased to say she also loved it. Then she passed it to her mum who loved it too.

Now I really have to talk about THAT last line. You may have seen the hashtag going around as part of the marketing campaign for this book and I thought I was prepared for something shocking but man I was not prepared for that ending. It's one of those endings that leave you with more questions than answers. I'm pretty sure there are no plans for a sequel so my guess is that you are to draw your own conclusions. Man, I couldn't sleep after that ending and of course, because it was 2 am I had literally no one to talk to about it!

This book was one of my top books of the year and my only regret is that I didn't read it sooner.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I loved the premise for Our House. It follows Fi who is separated from her husband but instead of getting a proper divorce and splitting up have come up with an arrangement where instead of the children splitting their time with Mum and Dad, Fi and her husband, Bram, will take turns staying at the house, so the children’s routine is not disturbed. The arrangement goes well until Fi turns up to the house to discover her husband has sold the house without her knowledge and is now missing.
Candlish uses Fi’s POV through a podcast she’s interviewed for, along with Word documents from Bram that serves as a diary, and the usual third-person that follows the present day narrative.
This was an intriguing read with an engaging and gripping setup. However I did find that middle started to drag and the plot became far too diluted that I began to lose my interest. An intriguing setup spoiled by too many far-fetched subplots. 3/5

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This is a read that will keep you on your toes throughout. I really enjoyed the quirky podcast format. And it's dual POV but each only gets about a page or so before it switches back to the other voice. So it moved along swiftly which I loved, and I felt very invested in the plotline. Not to mention gob smacked at times at the outrageous actions of one character.

Highly recommended if you like domestic style grit-lits.

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Our House was a fab book that hooked me from the first few pages.
What would you do if you arrived home after a few days and found out your house had been sold with a new family moving in and this was the first you’d heard of it. This is what happens for Fi, what is going on, why has her estranged husband done this? Have a read you won’t be disappointed.
Another great book by Louise.

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Anyone wanting a good edge of your seat holiday read, this is it !!!!

The impact of a stupid careless decision causes a landslide of twists and turns, that unfold devastating consequences for all the family.
This book is highly destructive to your nerves.

Thank you netgalley, Simon and Schuster and Louise Candish for allowing me to read and review this book.

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More twists and turns than most authors could manage in a lifetime, while a lot of people have gasped at "that ending" I've got to tell you, everything that goes before is just as spellbinding. I will now be reading through the authors back catalogue for more gems.

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The storyline for this book sound great and I really wanted to be hooked by it but struggled in the early chapters. I wasn't too keen on the way some of the book was told via podcast and I don't think the formatting in the Kindle book helped - as a digital ARC, it was a bit random in parts, especially with capitals.

It was a slow burner but once I'd got into the later chapters, it flowed a lot better and I was keen to find out what happened with Fi and Bram.

Rather far fetched but maybe one to read again in the future and see how it all fits together.

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