Member Reviews

An enjoyable read that keeps you involved to the end. The story told from different viewpoints moves at a swift pace and is full of great detail. I particularly enjoyed the unpredictable twists and turns in the story.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this - it kept me guessing right to the end, even though hints and possibilities were there as the story unfolded. Sometimes I am not fond of books which shift the plot's timeline backwards and forwards, but it was needed here. Will definitely read more from this author.

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A very difficult read, felt like giving up at times as the story was confusing not certain if sometimes despite different names you were actually reading about the same character at different times in their lives. However persevered to the end to find that the ending was as confusing as beginning !

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There are some really good books around at the moment - which is probably why I found this a little disappointing! 3 main female characters - and I got confused with each of them! It was a job to finish - and when I struggle to finish a book - I know it’s not for me.

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I really enjoyed this book but I did find the third quarter a little confusing. There are 3 main female characters in the story and I was trying to work out who was who as the storyline developed. The first part where a small girl is fostered, has some distressing angles. The book describes the girl living with her criminal mother, and her fostering, life as a prison officer and the luxury life of the main male character. The apparently separate parts do cleverly join up to come to a conclusion, providing a satisfying ending. I can recommend this book.

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Another amazing read from Jane Corry. A page turner that has you hooked.
Thanks for the advanced copy

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A book full of twists and turns and layers like an onion! What has happened to Vickys ex husband ?! A great book written on the perspectives of the different characters which is a bit confusing until it all comes together. A good read

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Good story basis but not as well written as I would have hoped. Story seemed to drag a lot in places.

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I enjoyed this thriller / mystery novel but did feel I had to perservere at times, as it was a little confusing with the switching of characters! There were lots of twists and a build of tension, keeping you guessing right to the end/conclusion.

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I did persevere with this book, I really did, but it became so confusing. Now that might just be me to be fair. Vicki, an aromatherapist, is the main protagonist and it would appear that she is going about her business and due to epileptic seizures she doubts her actions, to such an extent that she is not even sure whether she killed her ex-husband. Married to an epileptic I am familiar with all the affects this can have on the individual but this seemed to stretch it a bit. It stopped me in my tracks a bit to think that the police could question your truthfulness based on that, but hey this is fiction, right?

Anyway, she is obviously concerned on the affect this might have on her clients, but she seems very ready to up and move quite frequently as a result of her seizures. Add to this the character of Scarlet who is another plot within the novel. From quite a young age, she was trained by her mother to help her in her drug dealing – so we also follow her timeline.

Reading my review it sounds a bit confused. Well, there you have it. So sorry Ms Corey this one just didn’t work for me although I kept reading hoping that it would click.

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for providing an ARC via my Kindle in return for an honest review.

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Brilliant book. A fast paced thriller which had me hooked from the first page. Great storyline and strong characters. Highly recommended.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Jane Corry for the copy of this book. I agreed to give my unbiased opinion voluntarily.

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I found this book difficult to get into but I am very pleased that I persevered as it turned out to be a very good read

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What a page turner! Very absorbing plot with interesting characters which kept me gripped to the end. Highly recommended.
Many thanks to NetGalley, Penguin and Jane Corry for the ARC.

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Wow this was a fantastic read

Some of the characters are unlikeable but they have to be for the basis of the story

Would recommend this to thriller lovers

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A really interesting plot, well written and instantly absorbing. So close to being a 4 star read, let down only by the rather rushed, somewhat watered down ending. On the whole a good read that should do well this summer.

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I enjoyed this book and was a page turner as you weren't sure where you were going to end up. The author brought you into the story and made you care about the characters.

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Thank you for allowing me to read this. I had enjoyed the author's previous work, but I found this a hard slog, and I lost track at times who was who. Alright ending but it took a while to get into it

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This book was definitely a slow burner and at first I found it difficult to keep up with the changing POV (not sure if I still understand the aromatherapy references at the end of Sasha's chapters, but maybe that was just me).

Part one introduces us to two main characters , Vicki and Sasha, at this point we are unsure how these two women are linked. What we do know is that Vicki's ex husband, David has gone missing and the police have lots of questions for Vicki. We find out that Vicki has been diagnosed with Epilepsy and it has stopped her from living the life she previously had, she has reinvented herself as an aromatherapist. Her condition also affects her memory so she can't be 100% sure of her actions, something the police are quick to focus on during their investigation into David's disappearance.

In regards to Sasha, in part one she is a young child who is in the foster care system after her mum is sent to jail. These chapters are particularly heart felt and sometimes a difficult read (as previously mentioned I didn't get the aromatherapy references in Sasha's chapters as I associated this with Vicki . .. maybe it was just to highlight that there was a connection between these two women).

Part Two was where this book really book took off for me and Vicki's back story came into it's own and took the rest of the book on a roller coaster - I don't want to post any spoilers, but suffice to say, despite the slow start, which was really just the scene being set, it's worth sticking with and I enjoyed the book. The ending definitely had an element of surprise.

Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to review this book, this is my honest opinion of the book.

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A disappointing read for me, particularly as I had hoped I'd love it as much as the author's first two books - with My Husband's Wife still one of my favourite books.
The Dead Ex was an ok read, not outstanding or particularly bad as the story had an interesting concept but was confusing at times with all the characters and I found myself skim reading from half way through.. Overall it fell a bit flat for me. I would still read more books by Jane Corry based on her earlier books.

Thank you for allowing me to read this book.

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From the first page I was hooked. This page turner got better and better as I read it. In fact, I stayed up all night to read it much to the annoyance of my husband but delight of my two fur babies who enjoyed a lot of cuddles! The characters are richly described and the way the story is told from different perspectives enables the reader to see the story in a holistic way. Pennies started to drop about halfway through but the ending was great....just when you thought it had finished...there was more! Clearly, a lot of research had gone into making this book and the acknowledgements demonstrate this. I even began to really feel for one of the protagonists due to the back story being covered so well. Definitely one to read on a cold, winters night or a hot sunny day.....just put the rest of the world on hold!

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