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Don’t You Cry

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Member Reviews

The story is told between Nina, Angel and Lucas and their meeting is quite extraordinary. We begin with Nina waiting in a restaurant for her blind date. As she feared, he is awful and she cannot get through the meal fast enough, but she is just too polite to just leave. Not wishing to prolong the evening she orders olives for herself and begins to choke. The quick-thinking waitress Angel performs the Heimlich Manoeuvre. She saves her life and changes it forever.

Nina is a mum to Sam and an English teacher at the local comprehensive. Recently left by her husband of 15 years, she is bereft to find that he is now living with a younger woman.

Having fallen asleep on the sofa, she hears and loud banging on her front door. Fearing it could be bad news as Sam is with his father before going on holiday, she opens it. What happens in the next few hours is nothing short of horrific. The waitress Angel is on her doorstep, soaking wet and barges her way into the house. Being threatened by her with a gun Nina has little option but to find her dry clothes. It is not long after that when Angel's brother turns up with another surprise.

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A good book that had me hooked and keeps you interested from the start. Clever writing, great twists and suspense!

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I read In A Cottage In A Wood by Cass Green back in 2017 and really enjoyed it, so I thought I'd give this book a chance.

The story is told from the viewpoints of Nina, Angel and Lucas. From the off I felt for Nina. Recently dumped by her husband, she's trying to put herself out there and not having much luck. Instead, she ends up holding a newborn baby, held hostage by Angel and her brother.

We know that both Angel and Lucas are troubled individuals, but in different ways. Angel is always angry, a little world-weary, whereas Lucas is holding onto abuse and hurt from his past, not able to let go. As the story progresses, the author does a good job of explaining why they are the way they are and things can be a lot more complicated than what we first see.

I can't say too much more in case of spoilers but unfortunately, while the story started off strong but fizzled a bit as I got to the middle, although the ending was satisfying.

Will I read another book by this author? That's a yes, I still enjoyed her writing style even if this wasn't my favourite story.

Don't You Cry was a solid psychological thriller and a must if you love this genre.

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Don't You Cry by Cass Green is a psychological thriller with an engrossing tale and a fast pace which kept me glued to the pages.

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Unfortunately this book wasn’t for me and I struggled my way through it. I found the story boring and I didn’t care what was happening,

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I started listening to this book but got too impatient so I then finished it by reading it. As normal I skimmed the blurb and went in blind with no idea what to expect. I wasn’t expecting the story I got!

This is a dark story, it starts off being a home invasion, an intense night and ends up being something completely different but no less tense! A story you do not necessarily expect but one you know needs to be told.

A story told by 3 different people, Nina and Angel as the events unfold and Lucas visiting the past and to how they all ended up in the same house. Subjects of abuse are mentioned and handled with care. However, as a reader, you know that the threat is real. The darkness surrounding that character is visceral as it begins to affect the mental health of one of our main characters. It takes hold and does not let go. Even after the resolution, we are shown that things do not just spring back to normal and this made the book have that a much more realistic feel to it.

When we learn the events of that night, it was heartbreaking and the killer is so devoid of emotion that it made it oh so more chilling. To be fair, there was no emotion from that character throughout the book when they were mentioned, a lot of hearsay but when we meet them, Jesus. One thing I will say, if you have Guinea Pigs you might want to steer clear of one scene!

At times an uncomfortable read, at one point it was an incredulous read and the rest there was an unsettling feeling in my stomach as I could hear the ticking of the clock to indicate our time was running out.

I will easily pick up a book by Ms Green again. She has everything I love about the genre. The drama, the conflict, the intensity and the thrill all wrapped up in a bundle for us.

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The task of repopulating the senior library has been an exciting and daunting task aS in a boarding school our aim is to encourage all members of the community to read. Because of this, I have been searching down a wide and diverse range of books to read that will entice a wide cross-section of the school to come in, browse and find books that they love.
Books like this will ensure that the senior students in the school see the library as a diverse, modern and exciting place with books that speak to them and they want to recommend to their friends, classmates, teachers and tutors.
It is an engrossing and exciting read with fully-formed characters and a plot that ensures that it's hard to look away. It is as far from formulaic as it is possible to be and kept me up far too late in order to finish it. I immediately wanted to read all of this writer's other books as I loved their voice and found that it really drew me into the story and made me think about it even when I'd stepped away from this tale.
This is a thought-provoking read which I'm sure will be a popular and well-read addition to our new library; I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to read it and I know that the students are going to absolutely love it too!

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Starts off slow but once it gets going boy does it ever! Well worth hanging on if you have the patience. Would recommend this author to all that are willing to give it a little patience.

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Thanks to netgalley for the arc of this thrilling read.
I haven't read anything by ms Green before and was pleasantly surprised! Recommended!

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This book has a lot going for it - it's a thoroughly enjoyable and engrossing tale involving a murder, kidnapping of a baby, physical and mental abuse and the kindness of strangers.

It is also well paced and deftly plotted. The characters are so brilliantly portrayed that they seem real and alive. Main character Nina's point of view is told in the first person but the others are told in third person, and this works very well as key facts are hinted at and revealed only slowly. Nina was my favourite character even though she made a few stupid decisions at times (but who wouldn't in such a stressful situation?) and these just made her a more rounded and filled-in character. I thought the police woman was an excellent character too; we didn't know what she was thinking but she was short, smart, tough and red-headed (perhaps she needs her own book)!

A great read which has humor, sadness, action and strong characters. I'll certainly try others by the same author.

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Don't You Cry by Cass Green, a brilliant psychological thriller. When Nina is held hostage in her own home that is just the beginning of her terrifying ordeal. Recommended for fans of thrillers.

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This is a good modern thriller.The story held my attention to the end and was an unusual storyline. Worth reading.

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Hard going, and a slow read, although persevere and all of a sudden it will grip you to the end (If you can be bothered)

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A really gripping thriller that kept me guessing until the very last page. I loved it. Would recommend!

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Don't You Cry is an emotional and fast moving psychological thriller. Believable characters and convincing storytelling made this a very enjoyable read.

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Read this in one sitting today. Absolutely loved it. You’ll love the characters and you’ll love Nina. This has EVERYTHING!!!!

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Don't You Cry by Cass Green was a very good and gripping read, the story is easy to get into and is for the most part thrilling and at times very tense with an air of menace. I found it enjoyable though I would not class it as a psychological thriller. I did at times find the main character quite frustratingly annoying - one minute appearing weak and dithering as to what to do and the next setting out on a kind of vigilante expedition. However, this aside the story is twisty, dark thriller and I would recommend it.

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I loved this fast paced thriller, the plot had me hooked from the first page. I could not put it down. Loved it!! Five stars from me, highly recommended!

Many thanks to Netgalley and Cass Green for the copy of this book. I agreed to give my unbiased opinion voluntarily.

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This was a story which started with great expectations which it didn't fulfil. very drawn out which was a shame really as it was a good storyline and stirred my imagination.

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I was disappointed by this book; I thought that the blurb sounded super original and thought it was going to be a top-notch thriller, however I was wrong.
To the author's credit at the beginning my attention was immediately captured, and I definitely needed to know more about Angel. I appreciate the social-commentary of sorts surrounding abusive husbands, the effect of
parental domestic abuse on children and such however I found the main character (who I had been rooting for in the beginning) to be quite annoying. I appreciated the nod to situations such as Stockholm syndrome however I felt they spent too much of the book trying to highlight and prove her obsession after 'That Night'. By the end I thought the story had dragged throughout the majority of the book. I also think the author had all the perfect ingredients for a brilliant thriller, but for some reason or another it just did not sit well with me and I did not enjoy reading this book.

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