Cover Image: Jack of Hearts (And Other Parts)

Jack of Hearts (And Other Parts)

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One of my favourite YA reads of the last few years and one I always recommend given the chance. L. C. Rosen has now become an auto-buy author for me and I have loved everything he's released since.

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I tried a few times with the book but I could not connect with the main character and found him and the writing style quite annoying. To be fair, I think I am a bit too old for this book and it would be better suited to the YA demographic.

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I have previously read and reviewed this book on my social media during release but did not link to Netgalley. I thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book

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It's great to be in a position to recommend much more diverse books to our young people at school. Building the senior school library as a place where students actually come and find books that they want to read as opposed to books that teachers think they ought to read is an important responsibility and one we take really seriously.
Books like this are such a positive move as they will appeal to a broader set of readers than we are usually attracting. Dealing with modern issues in a clear and captivating way with a strong narrative voice and characters that the students can relate to is critical as we move forwards. This book is both an intelligent and compelling read that will hold even the most reluctant reader's attention and keep them turning the pages long into the night. It keeps the reader on their toes and ensures that you give it your full attention too. I found myself thinking about its characters and events even when I wasn't reading it and looking forward to snatching kore time with it and I hope that my students feel the same. An accessible, gripping and engrossing read that I can't recommend highly enough. Will absolutely be buying a copy for the library and heartily recommending it to both staff and students.

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I had heard so much about Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts) when it first came out and I was interested in the premise. The book is quite special in the way that it deals with sex positivity and for that alone it is worth the read.

Although I think the book is really important, I have to say that I had some problems. I found Jack as a character really annoying and this made it hard to connect to a lot of the book. He does have a vulnerable side which you can definitely see but some of the actions are quite questionable.

A lot of the book does focus on a place where teenagers can get sex advice given by Jack. A lot of this is really great to read about as books do shy away from the topic but of course, so many people can benefit from the descriptions.

As an asexual person, it was nice to see representation included in the story and will definitely help readers and those who need it. I also think that the description was based around sex and different types which again make the appeal wider.

I did for the most part enjoy the characters and Jack's friends and how they all supported him. I really do hate the whole blackmail trope though and even though it was handled well, I just don't want it included in my stories. Especially LGBTQ+ ones.

I did like the writing style and the issues they were tackled which made me want to read more from L.C. Rosen in the future. I have also heard a lot of good things about Camp so will definitely get to it soon!

The Verdict:

Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts) is a special YA read that a lot of people should read.

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This was a fun book to read, a great story of friendship and acceptance. Enjoyed the chilling element too!

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I adore this book! Jack is such a fun character to follow- his advice was refreshing and delightfully diverse.

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Read July 20

More books like this please! Well, the being stalked part was not so great, though so twisty and whodunnit, thankfully without the murder. No, the gay teen sex-ed stuff. I will say that this book is very, very graphic in its talk of sex between men/people with penises. However, it is necessary for the very good advice Jack gives as part of his column. He also discusses coming out, expectations, asexuality, and even BDSM. The key threads through every single letter are communication and being safe. The book also covered stereotyping and microaggressions in a really good way.

All of the characters were well-written and developed. Ben who is fat and black and loves fashion and believes in “happy ever after”. Jenna is latinx, worries about her international reporter mother and is one of the novel’s few straight characters. I low-key love and find amusing that the only time her sex life is talked about is when she’s discussing an act that many men refuse to do! I also loved how supportive and non-judgemental Jack’s mum was! This book overall is really well-written and important.

Something small to note. It may be because I did get it via NetGalley but some of the notes didn’t display properly on my ebook/Kindle.

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Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.

After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.

I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.

Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

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I enjoyed this novel, it made me think and I like reading books that I normally wouldn't go for.
I'll be looking out for more by this author.

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I was so lucky to have an early copy of Jack of Hearts (And Other Parts) sent to me to me for review and I couldn’t wait to get started. Even though I got this book a few months early there was still a real buzz surrounding the book and and awful lot of positives reviews. I had very high hopes going into this book and I do have a soft spot for gay coming of age stories, so my expectations were sky high. Thankfully Jack of Hearts lived up to the hype and surpassed my expectations because it was absolutely brilliant.

Jack of Hearts (And Other Parts) is about a seventeen year old boy who is an out and proud gay teenager. He lives his life as he sees fit, he doesn’t care what people think about him. He is a very honest person even when it comes to personal topics such as his sex life. But things start to turn sour when someone starts leaving him notes in his locker telling him to not behave in certain ways and they don’t like how he is behaving. At first Jack shrugs it off but when the notes become threatening and start appearing at his home he knows he has to take it more seriously and find out who has a problem with him.

One of the reasons why I really liked this book so much was the writing because it felt so real and honest. Sometimes you find that the author doesn’t really know what to write when it comes to teenagers and you find yourself thinking they wouldn’t really say something like that, or they wouldn’t act like that in real life. But for me the author did an excellent job in creating a character that readers can easily connect with and really relate too.

Another reason why Jack of Hearts is such an interesting and engaging read is because of the way it touches and deals with issues that other books are maybe too scared to cover. Such as the advice columns, they ask and answer questions that some reader may want to know about but are a little too scared to ask or can’t find out themselves. Instead of dealing with issues in a preach way the book manages to weave all the information into the story and it makes it a lot more engaging with some really funny moments.

I read this book in just a couple of sittings, I found myself unable to put it down once I picked it up. I thought the story was well paced and I really liked the mystery side of the story as well as Jack’s day to day life. Jack is such an easy character to get along with and read about his life because it so freeing and fun, but when the notes do start to get to him you start to really his terror and insecurities, which made it so hard to leave the book unread.

Jack of Hearts is a book that has no boundaries and an unfiltered look on a life of a gay teenager. There is a lot to like about this book because it feels so fresh and original. This book tells you how it is without covering up the difficulties or problems that’s some people experience in their day to day lives. Once you start reading you will find it very hard to but down because you will become so obsessed with Jack. If you loved Simon Vs the Homosapien Agenda but wanted something a little more grown up then Jack of Hearts is the book for you.

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Incredibly funny, earnest and honest, this book was a breath of fresh air in terms of its handling of so-called taboo subjects. It covered everything from gay sex to true friendships, also hitting interesting topics like stalking and stereotypes, with equal parts sensitivity and hilarity.

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I really enjoyed reading this book and would have loved it as a teenager. It’s a great read for the LGBT YA community and young people in general. The plot, characters and story weren’t necessarily the most original but the issues that the book addressed were dealt with sensitively in an informative way. I would recommend to younger readers: straight, gay, bisexual or transsexual, and to older reader just to make them reevaluate how they look at sex and relationships.

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I absolutely adored this book! Jack is most definitely my new favourite character! I love his boldness, his confidence, and his unapologetic nature about who he is and what he wants. I don't remember the last time I rooted this much for a character's happiness. A must read, completely worth your time.

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I tried to reading this on three different times and could not get into then, on the fourth attempt i got further through it but i could not continue with it.I did not really like the character of Jack and felt that he was a bit irritating. it might have been because it was the audiobook version but I did not like the narrative voice that was happening. This novel does discuss some important topics but this wasn't for me.

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I loved this book! Jack is such a strong, distinct character with a great voice that worked perfectly for the story. I was hooked on the mystery aspect, and I loved Jack's Agony Aunt style replies to people's questions. They felt so real (and genuinely informative) and this felt like an important read, and a great gay voice in YA!

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I thought this was a brave and searing story with a truthful representation of the way young gay men think and feel about their sexuality. the tense plotline was played beautifully and I loved it right up to a rather lack lustre ending which sadly soured the whole for me.

A great new voice in realist YA though. Bravo

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Jack is a gay teenager who is comfortable with his sexuality, he enjoys shopping and gossiping with his best friends Jenna and Ben.

Jack is asked to write an agony aunts column online, where he is open about his sex life. He is used to being talked about, he is known as a slut, but the stories are widely exaggerated much to his amusement!! Unfortunately being in the limelight has attracted a stalker who leaves him origami notes in his locker, at first it is slightly amusing but the notes are getting more menacing and controlling. Jack will need the help of his besties to find the stalker.

Jack Of Hearts is a fun book to read, it’s a great story of friendship and being accepted for who you are with the added chilling element!!

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy in exchange for a review.

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Going into this book I was quite looking forward to reading it. It took 3 attempts but I got there in the end. I thought the idea of a story about a teenage writer of a sex column was quite an interesting one, especially with the confident, outgoing characters we met along the way.

I enjoyed the story line about the notes and the stalker and the lengths Jack went to to try and conceal what was happening, without hiding himself away. I thought the layout of the story was good (especially when I got my hands on the paperback and could see the graphics properly) with letters, texts and crumpled notes. I think the representation in the book is great and I'm sure many older teenagers who read the book will get a lot from it.

However, marketed as a YA book that could be read by younger readers, (I know I was browsing the YA shelves in the library at 12) it was quite graphic and may leave the younger reader with a lot of questions.

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I would have given a lot to read this book when I was a teenager <3 Unapologetically queer, sex-positive, and feminist, Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts) was a breath of fresh air in YA. The sex advice was non-patronising, useful, and narratively cogent (which I loved), and having a sex-positive queer YA main character felt like a sea change. That said, I found the stalker plotline a lot creepier than I was expecting, and it felt tonally jarring at times, with the eventual culprit's motives underexplained (and more hand-wavingly ascribed to "poor mental health" than I was comfortable with). I think, if I'd gone into the book hoping for a safe space to feel queer and proud as a teenager, some of the elements of the stalker plotline would have really been at odds with that sense of safety, although I do understand that it gives voice and concrete to worries and fears. Overall, though, Jack was a delight, and I would absolutely recommend this book. Fierce and unapologetic and queer. <333

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