Member Reviews

I started to read this book feeling sad and ended it feeling good. It's heartwarming, moving and on gives back hope if you're feeling down.
It's my first book by this author and it won't be the last as liked the style of writing and how how she developed the plot and the characters.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to Harper Impulse and Netgalley for this ARC

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I was first drawn to this book by its cover, and was intrigued by the blurb. I really enjoyed it, my only criticism is that I wish the romantic relationship between Ruth and Michael was developed more. All in all a good book with a very important message, be kind to one another

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While it took a little bit to get into this story, it had a great message inside of it that everyone can use. The main character is stuck...she's had a really tough year and can't seem to move forward with her life. After some self-pitying, she decides to reach out and help others during this holiday season. As you'd expect, that service to others leads to a very rich and fulfilling experience for her....including one big surprise toward the end that I won't reveal (no spoilers)...but it does put some old demons to rest for her.

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This is a first for me by this author but won't be my last.

Can a single act of kindness really change a life forever?

To many people Ruth Ryans has everything: the perfect job, a home to die for and a loving family. But it’s all lies. As Christmas approaches, Ruth feels lonelier than ever.

Ruth is an Agony Aunt for her local newspaper. Her Mother left years ago, but she loves her father dearly.
Sadly he's had a Stroke and she's taking care of him whilst balancing work and life. After he passes she thinks her life has fallen apart.
Her friend owns a café which is where she meets Michael, a man who, on the night of her father’s death the year before, she showed kindness to during his darkest moment. That one single act, his miracle, helped change his life forever.

Can one act of kindness really change a person’s life? Ruth decides to find out and plans to make this Christmas the most perfect one ever, opening up her home to those who need her help – the lonely, the lost and the ignored.
Being an Agony Aunt she get's lots of emails from lost souls, she goes through them and chooses a few to help this Christmas... With Michael's help of cooking on the day.
During the run up to Christmas she learns that Michael left his wife and child many years ago, she suggests he contact them to see if they could be friends and whether he can see his son again, but will he?

She also learns just days before Christmas one of her guests has passed away, which makes her wonder if she's doing the right thing. Michael speaks with her and she decides to invite someone else from the list. They meet the day before which results in a shock and lots of questions... can she forgive her long-lost mother and rebuild their relationship?

How will Christmas Day go and will it change their lives forever?
Can Michael and Ruth admit their love for each other?
What will Ruth decide to do with her family home?

A heart-warming story that reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas.

Thank-You Netgalley for my ARC.

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I had never heard of this author before but loved it from the first page was so easy to read and the characters are excellent along with the story plot really made you think and give you hope and simply brilliant all the way through. It’s heartwarming and full of friendship and love and hope and shows you can change peoples lives and be happy. Worth far more than the five stars I’ve given it as such a great read and now want to read more by this author.
Ruth is an agony aunt for a local paper and she loves her father very much but her mother left her years ago and she has know idea. Her father sadly has a stroke and she cares for him while working but when he sadly passes away she thinks her life has fallen apart. She goes into a cafe her friend has and starts talking with Michael and learns that she changed his life when a year ago she gave him so money and he changed his life around and it gets her thinking that this Christmas she could help others and provide a Christmas to remember. She goes through emails of people that have written to her and decides who she wants to invite for Christmas she asks Michael to help her cook on the day. In the process she learns he left his wife and child and he hasn’t seen them for years and she suggests that she contacts his ex to see if they can be friends again and he can see his son but does he do this or not. Just days before Christmas one person she invited she learns has died so she wonders if she is doing the right thing but Michael speaks with her and she decides she will invite someone else instead so chooses someone and when she meets her before the day she gets a shock as it’s her long lost mother can she forgive her and start to build a relationship with her. How does Christmas Day goes and can they all build a new friendship and get on and can it change all their lives forever. Can Michael and Ruth admit their love for each other and does Ruth decide to sell her family home or not.
A simply fantastic read from the first page well worth reading.

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This book made me feel good. There are some sad bits but sure but I think this is just what I needed to read. I kind of wish it was mire of a series instead of a standalone book. I think it would have worked well to profile all of the characters in individual books.

Ended up reading this in one sitting.

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