Member Reviews

What an excellent book. The sort of book that gives you a warm glow.
Loved the book and would recommend this to everyone

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Excellent book! Loved the characters and it was a great storyline. I would highly recommend this book.

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We are introduced to Felicity Simons. Felicity is from the little Scottish village of Heartcross, but left home a few years before to head for London. There was more to her leaving than the lure of the bright city lights though, and in the process she broke the heart of her childhood sweetheart, Fergus and also of her two best friends. Returning to Heartcross following the death of her grandmother, Felicity receives a warm welcome from almost everyone, with Fergus finding it difficult to forgive her for what she did. When a winter storm washes away the only bridge into and out of the village, Felicity finds herself settling down to live back in the village, but can she get Fergus to forgive her?

I’ve had this book sat on my kindle for so long now, patiently waiting its turn in the To Be Read pile! Why did I leave it so long???!!! This book was absolutely fantastic! After reading so many crime and thriller books, this book was just the kind of book that I’ve been needing to read! Whilst it’s light and breezy, it’s also heart-warming and beautiful! As soon as I read the first page I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that I was going to love it!

I love Felicity’s character, and whilst I wasn’t quite sure at first what caused her to leave Heartcross, as the story moves on you get to understand what happened between her and Fergus and, to be honest, it makes me love her character more! Fergus is equally as important to the storyline and dare I say it, he does sound like a big Scottish hunk with a heart of gold! All of the other characters within the story were all so likeable also and there was no one that I didn’t connect with. The community spirit amongst them all in difficult times made the thought of living in the village so attractive and if I could move there….I would!!

The story was full of love, laughs and tears and it had everything you could want from a book! I got completely hooked into it and so desperately wanted to find a quiet corner where I could be left undisturbed to finish it. Unfortunately, real life got in the way and I had to keep putting the book down to do irrelevant jobs such as making dinner and taking my son to school, but every chance I had I was found sneaking a few more pages as I just couldn’t put it down! It left me with a lovely warm feeling and a big smile on my face!

It is the first book of the Love Heart Lane series, and the ending of this book left it open nicely to carry on with the second book of the series. I seriously cannot wait until this book comes out, and until then I will have to satisfy my love of this author’s writing by re-reading this one all over again! Highly highly recommended!!

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A great read - the second chance for Flick and Fergus.

Looking forward to reading the rest of this series.

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This is an ideal book for a winter’s read, whilst sat in front of a log fire especially. The characters and setting were well described making the book come alive. It wasn’t the most exciting book I’ve ever read, but sometimes it’s nice to read something less taxing and this book has the right balance between a good story and being able, if reluctantly, to be put down. I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

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When I found this book on Netgalley I was instantly attracted to the cover of “Love Heart Lane”. It’s beautiful and bright. I love the combination of colours used on the cover! I was absolutely thrilled to be approved to read and review a copy of this book. I am excited to see that this is the start of a series of books set in Heartcross and I hope I get to read each one as soon as I can. The narrative is easy to follow as it freely flows from chapter to chapter.

The description of Heartcross is so detailed and not just because it starts in an agressive snowstorm. It sounds like a beautiful place to live and every single character just oozes personality. I would actually move there in a heartbeat to be a part of this close knit community.

I was instantly drawn to Felicity’s character, she’s lost in the beginning and you really hope that she finds her place in the end! (Where ever that may be 🙂) You feel all of the emotions that Felicity is feeling throughout the story. I actually feel like I’m her best friend. You end up hoping she becomes a part of the Heartcross community once again and finds her happy ending.

In some parts of this story I found my heart in my throat, especially in the first half of the story (I don’t want to spoil it for you all!) “Love Heart Lane” also has so many twists and turns which gets you completely hooked from start to finish. I didn’t want to put my kindle down at all.

I am very much looking forward to the next instalment in the series to once again feel a part of the Heartcross community. You just don’t know what is going to happen next and by the end this leaves you feeling all warm inside with a smile on your face! ☺️

Whilst I (I will say patiently!) wait for the next instalment of this gorgeous series, I know I will very much enjoy reading some of Christie’s other books that’s currently in my huge to be read pile 🙈. I give this a deserving rating of 5*/5*

Also thank you to Christie and Harper Impulse for an advanced copy of this book via Netgalley.

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Having read all the other books of Christie barlow was delighted to get an early copy from netgalley in return for an honest review
Oh Boy what a treat 5*+++ couldn't put it down set in the highlands of Scotland
Felicity goes home to face up to her past with Fergus and the gorgeous adorable Esmè this is the 1st book in the love heart lane series can't wait for the next one can highly recommend

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Lovely lovely book romantic warm I floated right into this story into this neighborhood,Will be reading more by this author,.Highky recommend.#netgalley #harperimpulse

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What a lovely book! It was the first I read by this writer and it surely won't be the last.
I loved the characters, the strong sense of community, and I felt I could relate to them.
The plot was engaging and entertaining, it made me feel good.
I was sad when the book ended and I look forward to reading other books with this wonderful cast of characters.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to HarperImpulse and Netgalley for this ARC

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Oh I do love a Christie Barlow novel! I've read a few others by her and I have really enjoyed them but this one was probably my favourite. The cover is absolutely stunning, I love the colours, they go together so well and the village looks so cute!

The setting of this book just sounds beautiful. The thick snow, the mountains and all other kinds of bad weather makes me feel so cosy when I'm warm and dry wrapped up on the sofa! I also absolutely loved main character Felicity. She pulled on my heartstrings on more than one occasion and I couldn't even begin to feel what she had gone through that made her escape Heartcross for eight years. As well as Felicity (or Flick as some of the characters call her), I really loved the secondary characters as well. I think Flick's mum was adorable and so loveable and I really liked Isla as well, she was so kindhearted!

As well as the characters, the whole novel had a wonderful community spirit, and even though quite a few things kept going wrong (mainly due to the bad weather!), they stuck together and had each others backs. I loved this so much and I wished on more than one occasion that I lived somewhere like Heartcross! Fergus was another one of my favourite characters, I really felt for him in everything he had been through. Not just with Felicity but also with his family. I could feel my heart aching on more than one occasion whilst I was reading this novel!

I feel like there was loads of action throughout this book, straight from the start there were things happening that I just couldn't put it down! I was eagerly awaiting the next time I could pick it up to find out what happens next. It was exciting, heart warming and quite simply unputdownable. This is by far my favourite novel by Christie Barlow right now! It had everything you could possibly want from a story, great community spirit and friendships, drama, romance and some humour too! I really, really enjoyed reading this book and I was sad when it came to an end!

I noticed on Goodreads that this was the 1st in the series (I hope this is true!) so hopefully we hear more about Heartcross in the future! Thank you to the publisher and Rachel from Rachel's Random Resources for a chance to read this novel, which I have reviewed honestly.

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This was a nice uplifting story which I thought was a perfect read for me.

It had good characters that were very well developed and I could really relate to them. The book had a great sense of community and I really warmed to the characters from the outset.

The plot flowed very well and I flew through the pages as I couldn't wait to see how it would end.

The attention to detail was great - definitely a book I would recommend - 5 stars

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I did not want this wonderful book to end, except maybe me moving to the Scottish Highlands.

I enjoyed the warm community feels and the exciting happenings in a small corner of snowy mountains.

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There’s nothing better than the start of a new series with brand new characters. I always love getting to know new ones. As you would also expect from this genre of book, we also have the idyllic setting.

I love Scotland and what’s better than Scotland in winter time? Lots of snow adding to the most wonderful visions I had in my head. I loved how close knit the village is and how secluded it was also. Though as we soon get to realise, being out in the middle of nowhere does come with a down side.

This is very much a story about community spirit. It’s about everyone pulling together at a time of crisis. There is also a wonderful sense of friendship and I mean real friendship. These are friends that pull together and are there for each other when it really matters. I was very envious of theses characters and wanted to join them along at the pub or up at the farm. I definitely wanted to be one of the crowd either way.

Flick and Fergus obviously have a lot of history and I was intrigued to know more about why they had parted ways and why Fergus wasn’t giving Flick the warmest of welcomes. Even so, you can still sense a certain amount of chemistry between the two and I was gripped to the pages to see how things were going to work out for the pair of them.

Love Heart Lane is a heart warming and all consuming read that I couldn’t get enough of. I read it in one day as I was desperate to see if Flick gets her happy ending. The good thing of course about this book, is that of course, there’s more to come! I can’t wait to be back in Heartcross again! A truly fabulous novel.

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