Member Reviews

So I am reading this book and I keep thinking “Well the writing is a little weak, but it’s short and I am weirdly curious.” And then I finish the book and I am like “Yeah, it didn’t really serve its purpose. I doubt I’ll read the next book.” But it’s weirdly nagging at me and, about thirty minutes after I finished the book, I find myself going “Well, I should really read the next one because I am now oddly curious how the author(s) have managed to do it.” So while originally I would have given it a 3/5, some delayed reaction gave it an extra point.

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What did I just read?

No HEA or even a tentative HFN, although to be fair the publisher was upfront about this at the beginning.
This was the strangest Christmas story I've read for a long time, not bad, just weird. And short, probably a half hour read. Santa is a vampire. And he eats people. And Rudolph is homophobic. Honestly I think I dreamt that whole story...

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A gay elf, a kidnapping and a vampire! Santa’s Kinky is a short, different read. I like this story although a little disjointed in parts it was not enough to detract from the overall read

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Enslaved by Santa, who is a murderous vampire, and forced to troll the gay bars of Chicago looking for love... gotta give this author some points for creativity, yeah?

Honestly, it's pretty well written (and definitely unusual). The story didn't work for me personally, but if you are looking for a quick and quirky holiday read then check out Santa's Kinky Elf, Simon, you won't be disappointed.

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Yiiiiiiiiiiikes this was even worse than I thought it was going to be. I only read the first few pages before deciding to put this one down. What even is this plot?

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This was... a wild ride. Honestly, not quite as over-the-top as I wanted it to be, but it is exactly what you'd expect it to be.

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