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What the Wind Knows

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I just finished reading an #ARC of this book and I am so completely blown away by the beauty of this story and the phenomenal writing! It truly is a masterpiece! Amy Harmon knocked it out of the dang park with this book!! I will NEVER forget this beautiful story!

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This book was absolutely amazing! I completely fell in love with Thomas, Anne, and Eoin. The story was just perfect.. the history of Ireland, and Mick. I think this May be my new favorite Amy Harmon book. It may even be in my top ten all time favorite books. And I normally don’t like historical fiction. But Amy Harmon is a genius... a master storyteller.

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This was a different kind of book for me as I haven’t read a time traveling book before.. I loved it and after visiting Ireland last summer I had a vision in my head about the scenery!!!! This was a first book for me by Amy Harmon and I loved the characters and the story line... highly recommend

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3.75 "lady of the lough stars"

Amy Harmon is one of those authors that regardless of what she writes I will read it. She could write a Quantum Physics textbook and I'd pick it up because she's a great writer. The writing in this one was spot's the story/plot line that didn't entirely hold my interest.

Anne was raised by her grandfather, her parents having died when she was a child. When her grandfather becomes ill with cancer in 2001, his last few days reveal some treasures he had been saving for Anne, some cryptic comments, and a request to scatter his ashes in a body of water in his native Ireland. While trying to carry out his requests, Anne is transported back in time to 1921 and is mistaken for her great grandmother who has the same name. Dr. Thomas Smith fishes Anne out of the lough and nurses her back to health, and Anne is reunited with her grandfather only he's a boy of 5 or 6 and thinks she is his mother, back from the dead! 1921 Ireland is a time when the Irish are trying to fight the British to gain sovereignty so there is a lot of unrest and political maneuvering occurring. As a writer and quasi Irish historian Anne is well versed in how history will unfold and finds herself in a strange she part of history or making history in being here? And how and when will she return to the future?

You can tell the author did a huge amount of research and I applaud her efforts as I learned a lot about a time and series of events that I was basically ignorant of. There is a very cyclical message imbibed with passing down history and events and remembering our ancestors and our past through storytelling using the wind and the rain as was haunting yet beautiful and the use of poetry really added to this almost supernatural nature of the wind knowing all. While this book was beautifully written it was too heavy on the historical and too light on the romance for me so it didn't keep my interest as well as I was hoping. There was not a lot of conflict so I found it hard to pinpoint the dilemma of the story, which also didn't help to keep my interest. I didn't form any real emotional attachment to the characters until the last 1/4th of the story and by then it was too late to make an impact on me. Well written but not my favorite book by this author.

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What the Wind Knows was such a spectacular read. I’m always skeptical of time travel historical fiction books. Outlander worked so well, but it’s hard to get it right and authors often fail. Well, Amy Harmon knocked this story out of the park. It was truly dazzling and artfully written. This beautiful tale predominantly takes place in Ireland during my favorite time period, the 1920’s. It’s original, romantic, and I even learned some history while reading it. Although the story isn’t one that begs for binge reading, it was something I soaked up and cherished. It’s a book you want to take your time with and savor. I finished it with so many emotions swelling inside me. This was just the read I needed and is my first 5 star rating of 2019. It gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. It was THAT excellent.

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WOW, she does it again and again …
After "From Sand and Ash" it took me days to get out of my emotional melancholy and start another book.
"What the Wind Knows" is an overwhelming love story with an epic HEA.
This story is about Ireland, a country that until now I only knew from history lessons and TV, but would love to explore now.
A journey into the history of Ireland and a love story, that has no limits to time differences, not even in a journey through time.
Amy writes about old and “new” times, as if they flow over each other.
When it comes to love in Amys books, there are no limits, no beginning and no end.
The emotions and feelings are so strong, that you have no other choice, than to be sucked into her world.
The book is a roller coaster of action and feelings. You keep drifting between fear and desire. Between grief and joy. Between rage and helplessness.
This book is so interesting that even without being a historian or even being interested in history at all, you just have to love the old Ireland and its history.
Anne Gallagher is an Irishwomen born and raised in America. She only knows Ireland from stories, which her grandfather told her.
When her grandfather died, she decides to take a trip to Ireland, which allows her to have a further look into the history of her family than she could have ever imagine.
She is a successful writer and even with her beautiful mind of fantasy, she would not come up with a story that she is about to experience.
I love the deep thoughtfulness in Amys books, which give You the special feeling of being one with the character for a long time, after finishing reading.
As usual, I will not disclose what is going on in this book!
You have to discover for yourself, so read this book and enjoy.
I definitely enjoyed it very much.

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Wow, what a great story. I'm not one for historical romance,however it is by Amy Harmon so it was a must read. A beautiful story of love and family, Of love and war. A story of lost and found. Simply put this book has everything. A must read for all fans of Amy Harmon, and those just beginning their journey with this phenomenal author.

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Thank you for the ARC.

Amy Harmon is a phenomenal writer. She has this way with words that grabs you and does not let you go until the very end. Her books are absolutely amazing and this one is no different.

By reading this book the reader can feel how personal the story is, how much thought and emotion has been put in it by the author. It was beautifully written, very captivating and overall very likable book.
I’ll read anything Amy writes.
The only reason why 4 stars is because it dragged at times when it came to the history side. I bit too descriptive for my taste.

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All the stars, sun, and the moon! Perfection! This story could easily be an epic movie!

One of the most captivating historical novels I’ve ever read. The immaculate prose and imagery will have you dreaming of Ireland in vivid color. The historical events of the Irish Rebellion are seamlessly weaved in a magical, timeless love story for the ages, resulting in the flawless, unforgettable novel I found it to be.

During tumultuous times in Ireland, Dr. Thomas Smith and Anne Gallagher meet under extraordinary circumstances. Anne finds herself inexplicably in 1921, decades before her time, drawn to Thomas and thereby the conflict he’s immersed in as Ireland tries to gain its independence from the British.

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What a beautiful story! I didn’t even look at the description before reading, I just saw it was an Amy Harmon book and knew I had to read it. Perfect balance of history and romance. I absolutely loved the setting and time period as I have not read many books that cover the early struggles in Ireland. While a big part of the storyline is an element of fantasy (time travel), which is not typically something I gravitate towards, I still loved this book. Harmon’s writing allows me to get fully immersed into the story and characters.

Thanks to Lake Union Publishing and Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book.

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4* Timeless Stars

This was my first time travel read and it took some time for me to focus but once I got familiar with it I was so caught up in this magical story. It begins in the present, 2001 in Manhattan and then travels into the past of the 1920’s era in warring Ireland.

This is a historical romance, which is part fiction and part fact. The author’s writing was beautiful and the story flowed well. The love story of Anne and Thomas was tender and emotional. The relationship between Anne and Eoin was so heartfelt and realistic.

This story was full of love and hope and you will fall in love with the interesting characters on their journey.

I loved the way the book ended, this was a lovely surprise.

Many thanks to the Author and NetGalley for my copy to read and review.

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I've come to expect five-star reads from Amy Harmon, regardless of how many times I've been burned by other authors that I've done the same with. She has yet to let me down and at this point, I'm not sure she can. I'm convinced that her words are literal magic. She has the ability to transport you to another place and time. Her characters will consume you. The stories she tells are simply stunning and I can't get enough of them.

What the Wind Knows is the story of Anne Gallagher, however it is also a story of Ireland and it's history of war and political unrest. There are true events that occur in this story and they're so well researched and told in a way that you feel like you're experiencing them as they happen. I was so engrossed in this story and in Anne's journey that I couldn't put this book down.

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Amy Harmon is one of the most spell-binding storytellers of this generation. If you haven't read any of her work I believe with my whole being you are missing out on something great. She has this innate ability to pull you from reality and put you right inside the book as if you're right beside her characters.

Time travel is quickly becoming one of my favorite kinds of books to read. Being transported to a different time is fascinating and going to Ireland in this one was magnificent. You know by her words and descriptions she fully immersed herself in the research and wanting to get it just right. I truly felt like I was across the ocean and in a different world, a different time.

Amy's characters are always favorites of mine and are ones I never forget. She knows how to write their different layers so they feel real and like you know them on a personal level. The draw to the characters in this book was one of the strongest I have had while reading and not just the main characters. All of them. I hurt when they hurt, I smiled when they did and I found myself falling in love right along with them. Add this to the beautiful albeit tumultuous setting and you have a timeless story that crosses many barriers.

I struggled with wanting to see how this story played out and never wanting it to end. I think I could read stories about these characters forever. But that is the pull Amy has no matter what story she is writing and that is why she has a story out there for everyone.

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4.5/ 5 stars

Initial thoughts: I am not a big fan of historical books. But I love Amy Harmon and this cover is stunning!

This book takes place in 2001 and 1921. Ireland is everything in this book! The author blends real life events with an incredible romance. What an original and compelling book!

This book starts out in 2001. The narrator is thirty year old Annie (1st person POV - she is a famous author).

Historical is not my thing. So I was actually happy that the book begins in the 2000s. The story begins when Anne's grandfather is dying. He wants her to go to Ireland.

The chapters have Anne's POV. But at the end of each chapter we also have Thomas' journal/POV mostly from 1916 and the 1920s. Thomas was her grandfather's dad's best friend.

The focus of this book is Ireland and I absolutely loved that about this story.

But this book is about so much more than that. There is a fantastical aspect to the story, that took me a while to get used to. But I ended up loving this aspect of the story so much.

There is also a political part of the story. This book had a fair amount of political history (Irish Civil War). So that part wasn't my favorite. But this book is so unique. And heavy and meaningful. And it seems like the author must have done so much research.

I was mesmerized by Anne's story. And the romance was amazing. But I was so curious how the book would end. By the end I was teary. I can honestly say that I did not see the end coming at all.

This is a love story unlike any other. The book features historical events mixed with a story of romance. This is definitely a must read.

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Amy Harmon NEVER disappoints. This is a million star read. I'll update this review closer to release. I don't want to spoil it for anyone. Get excited, you're in for a great read.

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3.5 stars. As with all Amy Harmon books, this one is beautifully written. However, this story just wasn't for me, but it could very well be the perfect one for you. Anne, a famous author, whose 2 passions are her love for her grandfather and storytelling. She is a bestselling writer and her grandfather has passed away recently, so now Anne is completely beside herself and decides to travel to Ireland, her grandfather's homeland. The cryptic comments made by her grandfather before he passed away are very suggestive of something that he knows that will happen, but isn't revealing them to Anne. And by a series of events, Anne is no longer in 2001, but 1921, and mistaken for her great-grandmother Anne. She is reunited with a much younger, child version of her grandfather and his caretaker, Thomas Smith.

I don't mind historical fiction or time traveling or calm, stoic characters. But in this particular one, there's quite a bit of history to pay attention to rather than skim over because the events that take place are important for the era and must be kept track of. Personally, I'm not a fan of close record keeping with historical events so that felt peripheral to me. As for time traveling, the method of which Anne moved back in time was rather unique. But she was mistaken for her great-grandmother. Obviously that makes sense in terms of her close physical appearance, but at the same time, I think I would've rather her be her own separate person than someone else's missing doppleganger. While Anne is no shrinking violet and Thomas is a very determined and dedicated person, I found their mutually quiet passion to be a little too under the radar for me. It lacked angst and buildup. That doesn't mean that I didn't like them or their relationship, because obviously it also reflected the time period they are in, it just didn't help me to invest in more for them.

Having said that, I did feel a sense of dread knowing that perhaps there was no future for Anne and Thomas, being from 2 different time centuries. And there are other heartbreaking moments tempered with sweet sentiments to balance it out. All the reminiscing felt palpable, including the legend of Niamh and Oisin. The depiction of Ireland's scenery was incredible, I wanted to travel to Ireland myself after reading this. Obviously, there is some suspending of disbelief to make certain things happen and Amy managed to weave that part well while intertwining certain elements that make it a more intricate web of how history had always planned for these things to be set in that way all along. Of course I will still read other books by Amy and liked that this was unlike her other works, but it wasn't a favorite.

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This book does give me vibes of Outlander but only for the time traveling parts, otherwise its own amazing book. Had a fantastic time reading this and knowing more Ireland's history during the 1920's.

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Anne Gallagher travels to Ireland to spread the ashes of her beloved grandfather, Eoin, in the land he once lived in. Stricken by overwhelming grief for the man who raised her, she is about to find answers to questions he never revealed. With a history she never knew, she is pulled back in time to an Ireland, in its past, tie time of the Uprising. Taking a row boat out to the middle of the lake, she spreads her grandfather's ashes,when strangely she is surrounded by fog and taken to another time. Now mistaken for her grandfather's mother, Anne wakes up in an unfamiliar room with a gunshot wound....she is more than bewildered. Furthermore, she is being taken care of by a doctor, Thomas Smith, the same man who raised her grandfather and who believes she is Anne, Eoin's mother. While her mind is still currently in 2001, her body is in another time, another place.

What does the wind know, will it whisper the truth to those who would listen? Would the wind blow away the secrets of the past, would it leave those who once lived become something only it knows? Or, will the wind set the past free as well as Anne?

I have never read anything that Amy Harmon has written, but that will not happen again. This story has a magic all its own. While there is so much suffering in the history of Ireland, their stories are not to be forgotten, no matter real or in fiction based on reality. I know I will read this book again, it was so well written, the characters both fictional and real, reach out to you. This book is highly recommended.

My thanks to Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Amy Harmon is one of my favorite authors. As always she never failed to evoke so much emotions from me through her words. Though I admit I am not the biggest fan of historical fiction but she has a gift with words not all authors have. She has this lyrical prose which captivated me from start to finish. I also love how she included Yeats’ poems and the Irish folklore to add body to her tale. The letters written by Thomas Smith also improved the story as it gives you another perspective of what happened during that time. Although the beginning was a bit slow, I still enjoyed and entranced by the story. I may not always a fan of historical fiction but I learned so much about Irish history. After reading this book, I became interested with the history of Ireland that I researched for more information during that time.

This may be fictional albeit some characters who were real historical figures, it gives a personal touch to these people who played a big part in their history. We’ve got to know their feelings, opinions, pains, anguish, and joy. We followed their stories just like individuals and how they lived them. I like how the story also showed that people who were not be favorably written in our History books are not necessarily bad. Each one is fighting for what he or she thinks was right. And I think, they should not be judged. The following quote exactly explained this:

“I’d been wrong about one thing. These were not average men and women. Time had not given them a gloss they had not earned. Even those I wanted to loathe, based on my own research and conclusions, conducted themselves with fervor and honest conviction. These weren’t posing politicians. They were patriots whose blood and sacrifice deserved history’s pardon and Ireland’s compassion.”

Last year, I have read Outlander and both books have similar elements so it’s impossible for me not to compare them. Though they may have similarities because they deal with time-travel and history, both books are amazing in their own way. What I love about this is that this is not just a romantic story between two characters from the past and the future, it is also a story of friendship, family, and patriotism that stayed the same even through time. I loved these characters so much that I really wanted them to have a happy ending. Do you know how much pain I suffered throughout some parts of the book especially the last few chapters? But everything was all worth-it. All worth-it! So if you're a sucker for historical romance and time-travel, you have to read this. I don’t usually sigh after finishing a book, but I did on this one.

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Wow what a fantastically written book by Amy Harmon and what a way to start the New Year! It is going to take something very special to top this book. What the Wind Knows is a historical novel with a little of a fantastical twist. The research that has been put in to this book by the Author is phenomenal. I love that the story line is part fiction and part true events in which Amy Harmon's ancestors were actually involved in. Make sure you read the Author's Note at the end of the novel which explains how the story came about. The book steers around a lot of political events which were happening in this time period within Ireland. When I finished the book I wanted to go back and reread it again incase I missed anything as I just inhaled this book and did not want to put it down. Wanting to know what would happen next with my heart beating throughout, anxious as to what was unfolding. This book is something really special. Amy Harmon has really excelled her writing ability. Thank you NetGalley for supplying the copy.

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