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I loved Thirteen by Steve Cavanagh so I was highly disappointed when I didn’t like Twisted as much. In all fairness I think part of the problem is that life kept interrupting my reading, so I had trouble getting into the book to start with.

The beginning of the book was very promising but about the same time Maria was introduced I began to lose interest.

Maria is horrified to discover that her husband is the reclusive award-winning author JT LeBleau and has a lot of money which he has kept hidden from her.

I can’t say anymore about the plot without ruining it for potential readers so I won’t say anymore.

On the plus side the book was very well plotted, and the twists were a surprise, but the characters just weren’t engaging enough for me.

I didn’t dislike Twisted but I won’t be rushing out to buy it.

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Steve Cavanagh takes us on a emotional wringer of a read, with twists here, there and everywhere…..I don’t want to say too much about the actual plot as I would be too scared to reveal too much…..we know what happens when that’s done!

But, I will say this is a marvellously entertaining read, with enough suspense and tension to keep you turning those pages. Thoroughly compelling and this would be perfect for a book club or buddy read as you’ll really want to discuss some parts….I mean, really want to !!! To try and work out the many twists leading up to a gripping finale.

I would like to thank the Author/the Publishers/NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book for free in exchange for a fair and honest review

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When writing a review I usually give a quick summary of the main plot (no spoilers).  In this case I'm not going to as any indication of the plot will ruin it for you dear readers.  This means my review will be shorter than usual but for good reason. 

This book has been gracing the pages of my social media accounts for a while now using the #thisbookistwisted.  And Twisted it is! 

The question on everyone's lips is: Who is J.T. LeBeau? Well, you're going to have tor ead it if you want to find out.

Cleverly written with surprises around every corner, I had an absolute blast reading this novel - it's just so much fun.  It moves at such an impressive pace and I strongly advise that you pick it up when you have several hours to dedicate - you won't want to put it down.  The plot is well written, like a book within a book and has a kind of Hollywood sheen to it as you read.  It's less of a dark thriller and more of a crime novel but entertaining as hell.

Apart from the police officers and Sue, it was difficult to like any of the main characters which I'm assuming was purposeful.  I always feel that it must be much harder to write characters that are not perfect and lovely and Steve Cavanagh does this so well.  Usually in a novel I am rooting for certain characters -  I didn't in this case which was great as it meant I became more invested in the plot itself - not really wanting it to go anyway in particular and not being overly worried about what happened to each one of them - I just sat back and enjoyed the rollercoaster ride. 

If you're a fan of twisty crime thrillers - this is for you!  More twists than Chubby Checker.

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I've enjoyed all of Steve Cavanagh's Eddie Flynn books so I had high hopes going into this one. This is a much different proposition to those books and it didn't at first grab me but once I'd got into the story a little, I got more interested.

Twisted is an appropriate title as it is full of twists. Nothing is as it seems at any point. Whilst I love a good twist, I do think it was a little overdone here. After the first couple, I found myself waiting for the next twist and doubting everything so that a lot of the things which felt like they should have been big reveals later in the story I'd actually guessed as I'd been expecting them.

The pace picks up nicely at the end and I was engrossed enough to delay bedtime to complete it. Loose ends were largely tied up and there was a certain sense of satisfaction at the end result. All told, though, I think I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't read any of Cavanagh's previous books as then I wouldn't have gone in with any preconceptions.

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**4.5 stars **

Twisted’ is a novel that certainly lives up to its name!

I think it’s best if I don’t go into detail with this one - the less you know the more you’ll enjoy it. Suffice to say though that this psychological thriller had me turning the pages rapidly to see what happened next. The writing here is absolutely first rate and takes us into the dark world of an obsessive, where any rationale is entirely his, not ours; where the central figure’s view of his actions leave room for little else. The pace is relentless - a bumpy ride down a long road, and when the main protagonists are drawn ever closer together, the outcome may not be so great! Excellent!

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‘Twisted’ is a stand alone, very original in plot and idea and with a completely different ‘concept’ to anything I have read begore
J.T.Le Beau ( living as Paul ) is one of the worlds most successful authors, he is also a recluse, putting it mildly, anyone who finds out who he is dies, its as simple as that
well almost everyone
Maria, his wife, has no idea who she is married to and that he is an author!!??!! she is also having an affair and plans to leave Paul, then she discovers who Paul really is and his worth and the story really starts
I found the book hard going and I am soooooo disappointed I did as I loved the authors last book THIRTEEN ( one of my fav’s last year) but although as say its original
and so so different I found it not for me, I didn’t connect with the characters or the writing style this time and thats where I will leave the review!!

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Wow! I loved this book. What a fantastic read and such twist and turns. I thought I had it figured, but no, I was wrong time and time again. I devoured this book in one sitting. Great story writing and a really captivating read.

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I have previously read a few of this authors legal thriller books featuring Eddie Flynn and I enjoyed them immensely so I was extremely excited to get stuck in to this latest offering. Now I have to admit, I had some preconceptions of what this book would entail before I even read the first page. With a title like ‘Twisted’ who wouldn’t. I was expecting some sort of huge twist that I wouldn’t see coming, that would knock me sideways and make me gasp. Well I wasn’t disappointed! There are various twists in this book, and just when I thought I might have had it all figured out, there was another twist… and then another! The twists just kept on coming and I just kept on reading.
For me personally I wouldn’t describe this book as ‘character focused’. I didn’t feel like I got to know the character’s on any kind of deep level, but to be honest, that didn’t really bother me. This is a book which is all about the plot, intrigue and mystery and it definitely ticked all the right boxes for me in those categories.
We get to read the story from various different characters point of views and this method if anything kept me pondering on the outcome even more. I would read one chapter and make up my mind about certain things, then I’d read the next chapter from another characters view point and completely turn myself around.
At times I felt like some of the plot turns were a bit farfetched but in a weird way for me this kind of added to the enjoyment of the book. I loved the larger than life nature of some of the twists and turns and I couldn’t predict at all where the author would take it next. Did I enjoy this book as much as the author’s Eddie Flynn novels? No. But to be fair those books for me are in a league of their own and will always be a stand out series that I use as a bench mark when reading other similar genres.  
‘Twisted’ is a really gripping standalone and a very entertaining read that will have you racing through the pages and constantly guessing and changing your mind as to the final outcome.

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I would like to thank Netgalley and Orion Publishing Group for an advance copy of Twisted, a stand alone thriller set in the American town of Port Lonely.

When Maria Cooper accidentally uncovers one of her husband Paul’s secrets she enlists her lover Daryl in a plot to get even.

Having thoroughly enjoyed Thirteen, the only other of Mr Cavanagh’s novels I have read, I was excited to be offered the opportunity to read Twisted. That was January and now it’s April and I’ve finally managed to finish it. I kept picking it up and putting it back down as it failed to either capture or hold my attention. It is slow to start with Maria putting her plan in motion but as both the secret and Maria’s reaction and solution are almost impossible to swallow it isn’t a propitious start. None of the characters is appealing and the picture of the marriage again doesn’t invite belief and investment. Paul, apart from keeping secrets, is often away from home on business and cold and distant when there. Maria is left kicking her heels, lonely and unoccupied in a town she doesn’t like so she transfers her emotions to Daryl.

This is a novel of two halves with the first half being rather dull and then there is a major twist about half way in and the whole tenor of the novel changes, not least by introducing some explanations and finally putting the thrill into thriller. It doesn’t become any more believable but it’s much more complicated and exciting.

I think many readers will enjoy Twisted but, unfortunately I’m not one of them.

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My word, ‘Twisted’ is certainly a very apt title for this book! It’s absolutely jam packed with twists and there were loads and loads of times where I was left with my mouth just hanging open. There are so many twists in fact, that it’s really difficult to write a review without giving any of them away!! (Apologies if my review is shorter than normal for that reason!)
The opening felt really unique and I was hooked and intrigued by the very first sentence.
Not only are there twists upon twists, this book is full of action too and I felt that I never knew who I could trust or what to make of each person, with the different narratives working perfectly to create this feeling.
The ending really packed a punch and it’s stuck in my head even now.
I think that the best way to sum up my thoughts though, is to share a photo of one of the notes I made while I was reading! (There were more, but this was the only one that didn’t contain a spoiler!) [Photo is of a section of my kindle showing ‘????????!!!!!!!!’ as a note I made while I was reading]
The amount of ‘??!!’ I used really says it all I think!
Overall, I’m giving Twisted 4 out of 5. It’s clever, intriguing and endlessly twisty.

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# Teisted#Netgalley
Wow wow wow, OMG, this is the very first book I have read by Steve Cavanagh. Impressed would not cover the words I am looking for, Brilliant, phenomenal. Awesome doesn’t really do it either, people say about twists and turns in a book, I havd find myself, however there’s been absolutely nothing I have read that could top this book, there are notes twists on this book than there are a fairground tide, Also a lot more fun too, I was glued to the books. Unfortunately I did NOT WANT TO PUT THIS BOOK DOWN. Although I have a sever bout of flu, despite not wanting to put the book down, o tried to stay awake all night if I had to, just because I was reverted to the pages, I actually fell asleep reading, I was absolutely annoyed with myself, this is just a absolute genius’ of a book, if this is not one of the most talked about books this year I truly would be amazed. I can also see this book if entered winning the booker prize for the best mystery & Thriller category. If you do not read this book you are missing out on one of the best novels ever written, and I havd been reading just about every adult genre of the last 55 years,

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I have finally got to read this book which I have been looking forward to and hearing good things about. And oh boy, I wasn’t disappointed. This book is full of suspense and intrigue with lots of twists and turns. I sometimes had to reread a paragraph or two, just to make sure I understood just what I had read to ensure I didn’t miss something. It could have been important to the plot afterall.

The book is full of descriptive writing and this works well, it sets the scene. You feel you are an observer looking in. It’s hard to say too much about the story without giving too much away but never read anything like it before. Very creative plot and well thought out, definitely ‘twiisted’!

I wasn’t disappointed with this book, hope you won’t be either.

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Thanks to Orion and NetGalley for the ARC.

I love Steve Cavanagh's Eddie Flynn series, so was looking forward to this, his first standalone novel.

What a setup.
How would you react if you just discovered your husband is an internationally acclaimed multi million selling author with millions stashed away in offshore accounts?

Throw in some old unsolved murders and we're on our way in this helter skelter of a novel with more twists and turns than a twisty turny thing.

Just when you think you've got it worked out there's another revelation that blows your theory away.

The characterisation is excellent, the storytelling first class and the final reveal is kept for the very last page.

A brilliant story, told by a master story teller.

Go buy it!

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JT LeBleau is the world’s best selling author, their books have been translated into many different languages and fans eagerly await the next book. But everyone has one question, who is JT LeBleau?

I loved this premise, and I loved how Cavanagh approached this story and revealed the truth to the reader. Quite often I thought that I had it all worked out, but then I would doubt myself, and change my mind before going back to what I thought first and then going round it all again. The twists in this book were thrown at the reader thick and fast.

It was hard to know who to like, who to trust and who was what they said they were. This book can be gruesome, but what is fiction and what is real?

I will not spoil it for you, but if you enjoy thrillers and you like lots of twists then this book is for you. If you haven’t read the genre before then this is a great book to start with as it really is well done and I’m sure that it will convince many just how much fun the thriller genre can be.

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I was looking forward to reading this book having really enjoyed "Thirteen". I thought it was a great premise, but by the end I was feeling a bit fed up with the number of twists and the ever increasing body count.
thank you to netgalley and Orion Publishing Group for an advance copy of this book.

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This was my first Steve Cavanagh book and after hearing about this author all over the social media, I was excited to read this book.

With much ado, over the weekend I opened my kindle to read, the prologue was soo intriguing!! The storyline was twisted and went thus, J. T. LeBeau was this famous bestseller but elusive author whom no one had seen ever. Paul lived with his wife Maria, and she found a bank statement for twenty million dollars credited to her husband from LeBeau Enterprises. And the story rolled on...

My interest rate spiked, my pulse raced initially. And then I got stuck... Not in a good way... I got bored. But I persevered, and the book picked up its plot and its pace. There were many twists and turns, all of them steep and confusing. I could guess the plot easily because there were only 3 characters. The cat and mouse game kinda became obvious. It was still interesting as the author's writing had the power to pull me in.

Then there came a major medical flaw. There were 2 of them but I let go of the first one because miracles happen in the medical field, the second I couldn't let go.

Overall, it was a good read certainly not what I expected.

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I absolutely loved 'Thirteen' so was really thrilled to get an advance copy of 'Twisted' but I was bitterly disappointed - it's almost unbelievable that the two were written by the same author. This was filled with thoroughly nasty, selfish characters, twists for the sake of twists and a plot so beyond belief that it was left farcical while taking itself seriously.

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Clever, Clever, Clever. Just when you think you've got things straight Steve Cavanagh goes and pulls the rug out from beneath you, time and time again. Twisted is a brilliant standalone novel from this author, fast paced, ingenious plot and so many surprises. I won't bother to regurgitate the plot, just believe me when I say its a real joy to read and you need to read it for yourself.. The book opens with the author's note of a novel and we are told 'From here on in, don't believe a single word you read'' and never a truer word could be spoken, even with this in mind you are pulled in various directions as each reveal shatters what you thought you knew. The arc of the story takes you from domesticity through lies and deceit to chasing suspects through the country. The denouement is well worked and honestly - I never expected that. Can't wait to see what Steve Cavanagh comes up with next, I loved Thirteen and will seek out his next book eagerly.

#Twisted #NetGalley

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I am used to occasionally having to go back and re-read a sentence or two in a book to make sure that I understood what was going on properly, but I have never had to do it more than with this book!
I also don't think I have read a book with a more apt title!
Can't say much without possible spoilers, but if you like a book with some of those famous 'twists you won't see coming' that you actually won't see coming, this is for you!

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I definitely enjoyed this book and read it in a short time as the pace was very good and story was compelling.
My only criticism is not all the twists were unpredictable. Maybe it would have been better to have less but more surprising twists.
Other than that, it was a really good thriller, I'd still recommend it.
Thanks a lot to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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