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A Gift for Dying

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this brilliant captivating book

where to start...tortured and mutilated bodies are turning up
kassie seems to have some connection to them...

her gift is seeing their deaths just before they die...nobody believes that she is trying to help the victims not even adam who she feels might be able to help her but with all his training can he really put that on hold and believe that someone can look into your eyes and see your death...

tragedy strikes and boy does it go fast after that...

this book i could not put down...gripping and disturbing but a page turner, there are some shocks in store but well worth a read

another author to add to my growing list of authors to keep a look out for

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I didn't enjoy this standalone from MJ Arlidge as much as his books from Helen Grace series, but possibly it was because I generally don't like stories with elements of paranormal. However, A Gift For Dying was still a fast-paced and compelling read and I will definitely buy his next book, wether it's a standalone or the next Helen Grace novel.

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Being a huge fan of the Helen Grace series I was intrigued what the author could do with this subject matter. A stand alone murder mystery with touches of the supernatural. Not my usual genre, I am glad to say that I was more than pleasantly surprised. I devoured this book in one sitting and had me reading late into the night. I have read so many thrillers but this one is different, tapping the pages of my kindle faster and faster. Holding my breath and at times shouting at this book. Yes you read this right. Be warned this author does not hold back on blood and gore. My type of book I loved it and so highly recommended.
I would like to thank the author, Penguin U K and Michael Joseph and Netgalley for the advanced copy in return for giving an honest review.

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I found this a little tricky to get into but when I did I really enjoyed it. I'm not a great believer in supernatural powers but it wasn't an issue as the book was so entertaining. I really felt Kassie's frustration in knowing what was happening but being powerless to affect the outcome however I did find it a little jarring that her mother just chose to abandon her so totally. The ending was fantastic however, I'm so glad the author didn't pull any punches.

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Having previously read and enjoyed the DI Helen Grace series of novels, I was intrigued by how this stand alone would stack up. I certainly wasn’t disappointed. From the first page you are thrown straight into action and totally immersed in the plot. With a serial killer on the loose and a teenager who has a terrible gift you are certainly on a rollercoaster throughout the book. Gripping, fast paced and all around brilliant. I’d rate this book 4.5 stars. Thank you to NetGalley, Penguin UK Michael Joseph and the author for the chance to review.

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A gift for dying is a faced paced read that kept me turning the pages - exactly what you want from a good book! I would recommend this book to friends and will look out for more from this author.

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This is a standalone crime thriller from MJ Arlidge, dark and intense, set in a Chicago beset by the horrors of a serial killer running rampant, targeting those residing in supposedly safe areas of the city. The first victim is the young assistant state's attorney, Jacob Jones, whose fiancee is away. 15 year old Kassandra 'Kassie' Wotjcek, a troubled loner, skipping school where she feels like a fish out of water, burdened by the kind of gift that is more of a horror story. She avoids making eye contact with anyone if she can possibly get away with this, she can see more than she should, she sees what should be impossible, she sees when a person will die and how they will die. Kassie is pushed into a scenario where on the train she looks into Jones's eyes, and she sees his imminent death coming in the most desperately brutal and gruesome of ways. Kassie wants to warn him, but her actions has Jones wanting to get away from what seems like a unhinged crazy girl, only for his dismembered body to be found in the boot of his car by Chicago PD.

The high profile murder of a assistant state's attorney brings huge pressure, both political and media, on Detective Gabrielle Grey, leading the murder investigation. She and her team that includes Detective Jane Miller, hone in on Kassie as a possible suspect for the killing. Adam Brandt is a forensic psychologist is in a good place, he has a beautiful home and his artist wife, Faith, is close to giving birth to their much wanted first child after years of disappointment. Adam is called in to interview Kassie and get to the bottom of what lies behind her odd behaviours and actions. Kassie lets down her guard and tells him of her terrible abilities. Adam does not believe what she describes as being possible, so is Kassie hallucinating and experiencing mental health issues? Feeling a deep sense of compassion for her, he does want to help her. Whilst Adam has his doubts, Faith is more willing to entertain the idea that Kassie is speaking the truth. As the deranged psychopathic killer continues to murder, Kassie is the recurrent thread that the police see in their investigations, they are certain she is playing a part in the killings. As Adam finds himself oscillating between doubt and belief over Kassie, he finds his life unraveling in ways that he could never have forseen.

MJ Arlidge showcases his trademark elements of darkness present in his crime fiction in this standalone book. It is a bleak and atmospheric story, with hugely compelling central protagonist in the courageous and brave Kassie, a girl whose mother abandons her and the only person she is close to is her grandmother suffering from dementia. Adam is the very human psychologist who eventually begins to connect Kassie in his desire to help her and he gets caught up in her attempts to stop the killer. There is not much in the way of light and hope in this novel, but it is compulsive reading. There were times when I thought VI Warshawski, Paretsky's Chicago PI, would turn up to take care of and save Kassie, but no such luck! I know many readers will not like the supernatural aspects of this brilliant piece of crime fiction, so this is recommended to those who are more accepting of this in the storyline. Many thanks to Penguin Michael Joseph for an ARC.

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I’d like to thank Penguin UK/Michael Joseph and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘A Gift For Dying’ by M J Arlidge in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

By looking into peoples’ eyes fifteen-year-old Kassie can see when and how they’re going to die. Following her collision with Jacob Jones on a busy street Kassie knows something is going to happen to him and chases after him to warn him, but when his mutilated body is found the following day Detective Gabrielle Grey of the Chicago Police Department asks Forensic Psychologist Adam Brandt to see Kassie as she either has a terrible gift or is lying about her involvement. But Adam has never before met anyone quite like Kassie and doesn’t realise what effect she’s going to have on his personal life.

‘A Gift For Dying’ is a fast-paced and spine-chilling thriller with a gruesome plot, completely different to the Helen Grace series of which I’m an avid reader. I was totally gripped from page one, through each twist and turn, trying to guess the identity of the killer but unable to, until I reached the climax which was shocking, totally unexpected and left me with tears in my eyes. Thank you for yet another fantastic thriller.

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As a huge fan of this author's Helen Grace series, I was intrigued to read this stand alone novel. Adam is a well renowned psychologist who comes into contact with troubled teenager Kassie who is implicated in a series of gruesome killings which she claims to foresee.

This book was quite different - more of a mystery - it is a genre I am not really into , but it was really well written and kept me interested to the end.

With thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a review copy.

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What a fantastic way to begin a loving bookish relationship with MJ Arlidge's work but with his first stand alone thriller, 'A gift for dying', the book quite literally blew my socks off! I heard someone comment the other day that thrillers are all the same, WRONG in this case! A Gift for Dying has not only murder but a spiritual element in the shape of (name) who has the ability to see the death of an individual. The tagline is:
"She heard their screams, she felt their fear, now she's their only hope..."

Teamed up with a psychologist, Adam, Kassie, a 15 year old, races against time to help save the victims of some masked evil. This edge of your seat read will leave you dry mouthed, as you read it with your chin on the floor. Not only is the storyline different, but it's bloody brilliant! MJ Arlidge has written a type of thriller that will pass you through a kaleidoscope of emotions, including buckets of sympathy for our female protagonist Kassie due to her strained relationship with her *insert curse word* of a mother, as well as heart racing fear of the developing gruesome storyline. Arlidge does not hold back on the sadistic killings; blood, gore or violence included, which is always a plus for me.

The storyline is written from various points of view, including Adam and his wife Faith, but it's not forced or difficult to follow. The whole narrative flows perfectly without getting the reader in a confused reading frenzy; it's then finished neatly with a bow. If you're in the market for a thrilling read that is filled to the brim with everything murderous, suspicious and unpredictable, choose this read! Be warned though, this is a book that you're not going to want to put down until the last page, and if you're anything like me, I inhaled in within a 48 hour period!

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# A girft For The Dying #Netgalley
OMG, wow what can I say about MJ Arlidgr SUPERB :::One of the best authors around over the last few years. Absolutely brilliant twist galore. So so different from the Helen Grace series which by the way I am a total addicted too. Set in Amireca for a start in Chicago, about a 15?year old girl who can see in their eyes their imminent murder. Obviously not every person is going to get murded however she does try to warn them, yet No one believes her. After the first murder she’s put in touch with a ,psychologists by the name of Adam who also does not believe her,. He does try to help her with different mental health issues, it just goes against any logical explanation that some one can predict what’s going happen prior to it happening Adam tried to help her. Yet his wife faith feels different about things like that and she encourages Adam to help her. The deviation that’s to follow is totally beyond words with out giving spoilers away. I genuinely can not do that. I personally think it would really spoil this novel I really do. It’s one of those books once you start to read you can not put down. It’s beyond awesome, brilliant doesn’t cover it phenomenal my and I do mean may be neare to the word I am looking for. I am a absolutely gob smackec with this book, it’s the first book I have had from MiJ Arlidgr from Netgalley, being honest it was on a wish list and I genuinely can not thank you enough for granting my wish.. Just so different from previous novels yet just as gripping. At first I genuinely wasn’t sure if I was going to enjoy it quite , as much as the Helen Grace series to be honest, because I do have to say Helen Grace is my absolute favourite series, However how wrong was I, so far apart but just as enjoyable in a very very different way a totally different genre of book although.Personally I could go on and on and on. Last but not least a massive thank you to MJ Arlidgr for granting me the wish book, also for many hours of fantastic reading can’t wait for your next book

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Being a D I Helen Grace fan I didn't hesitate to request this stand alone novel. M J Arlidge excels at this genre, no holds barred regarding blood, gore and violence. I admit though, it's a bit disconcerting to find such horrific scenes entertaining. The end though predicted, was still surprising. Again, the author never fails to come up with the goods, and ties things up nicely, so I never feel short changed. M J Arlidge delivers again, but I will be eagerly awaiting D I Helen Grace's return.

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Our heroine, a troubled teenager has our sympathy from page one but her errors of judgement make you want to slap her. This book has a natural pace that never slackens from first to last page. Some crazy and irrational concepts that fight reality but keep you reading, and isn't that why you read in the first place? As an Arlidge fan this was way outside his normal style and pace but l;ike the rest of his work it zings along. A psycho drama that lapses into horror it is difficult to pigeonhole. And even if the end is designed in one cannot beleive it will happen until the last full stop is in sight. I thoroughly enjoyed the trip.

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I have thoroughly enjoyed M.J. Arlidge’s Helen Grace series so I was excited to receive this stand alone novel by the same author via NetGalley.
Adam Brandt is a psychologist who is called to consult on Kassie, a 15 year old who Is displaying some mental health issues after bumping into a man in the street. She has been taken into custody by the police who have contacted Adam.
Kassie claims she can see people’s deaths when she looks into their eyes and that the man she has collided with will be murdered by a sadistic killer that evening.
Adam does not really believe her but is intrigued and is keen to help and treat her. As the story progresses Adam and his wife Faith are sucked into Kassie’s life and somewhat disconcertingly, her perdictions seem to be coming true. A serial killer is on the loose in Chicago and Kassie appears to be able to see his victims.
This is a pacy and exciting story that I whizzed through in the space of a couple of days. The setting for this book was Chicago, a departure for this author who normally sets his books in southern England but it was well researched and described so that I got a feel for the city. In fact, having visited Chicago a few years ago, I was impressed by the level of detail in the novel.
I loved the character of Kassie who was a normal but vulnerable teenager as well as an inciteful person who really was cursed with a gift that she had no control over and which ultimately made her old beyond her years.
This is a great read which sucked me in right from the beginning and I highly recommend it to all psychological thriller fans.

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I would like to thank Netgalley and Penguin UK - Michael Joseph for an advance copy of A Gift for Dying, a stand alone thriller set in Chicago.

When 15 year old Kassie Wojcek is arrested for harassing federal prosecutor, Jacob Jones, forensic psychologist Adam Brandt is asked to assess her. Kassie claims that she was trying to warn Jacob that he was about to die because she had seen it on his face when she looked at him. Adam thinks she’s delusional but then Jacob is murdered and he’s not the last, all foretold by Kassie. This knowledge leads the police to suspect she’s involved in the killings and Adam to question his judgement.

I thoroughly enjoyed A Gift for Dying which is a roller coaster of a read with some amazing twists. If the reader is prepared to overlook the unlikelihood of Kassie’s gift and some coincidences it is a treat of a novel which will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. It is clever with a well conceived and executed plot which always seems to be moving forward with momentum but there is no guessing where it will go because every time the reader gets used to a certain set of circumstances the author throws in another twist. More than once I felt my jaw dropping as the author drops another bombshell. I think the plotting is a tour de force in every way except the premise of Kassie’s gift which I found difficult to swallow. Of course without it there would be no novel so I just accepted it and moved on. I’m glad I did as it’s an exciting read.

The novel is told from various perspectives, notably Kassie, Adam, Detective Gabrielle Grey and the occasional glimpse of the unnamed killer. Initially it seems fragmentary but as it progresses and the pace picks up it seems like a good thing, giving the reader a broader perspective on events.

I don’t think characterisation is Mr Arlidge’s main strength but it’s not particularly important in a plot driven thriller to have nuanced protagonists as all they need to be is credible enough to sustain the plot. Kassie is a troubled teenager, struggling to deal with her gift and Adam is the caring professional who gets caught up in her life and watches his own disintegrate.

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As a massive fan of the Helen Grace series, I was so excited to read this book. Have to confess, I was a bit disappointed, a bit overlong and lacked the character development of other books. However, will still look forward to the next book from MJ Arlidge as I am still a massive fan!!

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This was a clever twist on the 'vulnerable youth who knows too much vs the disbelieving police' story. Kassie is the troubled teen in this book, with the disturbing 'gift' of being able to foretell a person's time and means of death simply by looking in their eyes. Adam is the psychotherapist with the huge heart who wants to help her when she is linked to a shocking murder and subsequent kills, but has troubles of his own to come to terms with and he struggles to believe that Kassie can do what she claims to be able to. From the outset it seems unlikely that their rocky relationship is going to end well, but there are plenty of twists and a hideous murderer to catch before the shocking conclusion. It is such a gripping adventure that pulled the rug from under my feet on a few occasions, and I raced to the end desperate to discover if Kassie's prediction would come true or whether there would be a happy ending.

My thanks go to the publishers and Net Galley for the advanced copy in return for an honest review.

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I am a big fan of the Helen Grace series and when I saw a new book from M. J. Arlidge, I had to check it out. M. J. Arlidge always writes quality and I was weary at first at a standalone novel. But I needn’t have worried. Although it’s in a different style, this is another gripping novel from the author.
15-year-old Kassie is a troubled teenager. She has been given a gift. She can look in people’s eyes and know when they are going to die. She plays truant from school and even her mother has given up on her. She is the main suspect in a series of Gruesome murders and after her first meeting with the police. She is sent to see a psychologist Adam Brandt. Adam’s life is good. He has a great job; a beautiful wife and his wife is expecting a baby.
After Kassie tells him about her ‘gift’ he follows her and gets personally involved and is in two minds whether he believes her or not. The police don’t believe Kassie and they go on a hunt to find the killer, with more bodies turning up on the way and Adams life slowly falls apart.
This is another fast-paced story, with great characters from Arlidge with lots of twists and turns and a few red herrings thrown in. It is quite grisly too. But will keep you on your toes right up to the end.
Thank you Penguin Michael Joseph and NetGalley for a copy of this book.

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I love M J Arlidge books and was looking forward to reading this even though it wasn’t a DI Helen Grace book which I am a big fan of. I liked the storyline which was a good fast paced thriller which gripped me from the first page and i didn’t want to put it down hence I read it in two sittings.It was also quite a dark story with hardly any light hearted moments in it and even though I had guessed how it would end that didn’t take away my enjoyment of the book. I would recommend this book to readers who like the psychological thriller genre.

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I am a fan of M.J Arlidge, but just did not like this book at all unfortunately.

I understand it is fiction, but has to be slightly believable and have characters you can empathise with for a book to hold interest.

Kassie has a psychic ability to see when people are going to die, there is no explanation of when this started happening, if it happened before or has just appeared. People don't believe her and she gets in trouble with the police for stalking, and trying to warn people which is then misconstrued and she end up as a suspect.

She has to see a psychiatrist, Adam, who starts off not believing her but then gets drawn in. Sadly this relationship, I thought was very far fetched, she turned up on his doorstep, she stayed with him and his wife, it just wouldn't happen.

I thought Kassie came across badly, was hysterical to be honest, wasn't keen on the character at all, Adam came across as weak and easily led, police appeared incompetent. the serial killer barely appeared until near the end apart from the killings, minimal cat and mouse, it was all about Kassie and being believed.

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