Member Reviews

This was a brilliant read. As soon as I started reading this book I just knew I was going to love it. Highly recommended

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Even though this book is like many other ones, I did enjoy it and I did enjoy the twist - the process of elimination had given me the answer a bit before the culprit showed their hand, but nevertheless I thought it well done and well written.

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Suzy and husband Mike seem to have the perfect marriage, she owns a deli and Mike has taken early retirement from the police as he injured his leg in a car crash. He is a stay at home dad to their 2 children Ruby and Jake. The perfect life anyone could wish for . Then Suzy’s mother dies and her world starts to change, weird things begin happening and she suddenly feels as though someone is following her. Strange reminders of her past start to appear, will all her secrets be revealed.?

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I really enjoyed this book. Maybe not the most twisty of books and quite a slow burner but the pace moved quickly enough to keep me interested.

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Suzy and husband Mike seem to have the perfect marriage, she owns a deli and Mike has taken early retirement from the police as he injured his leg in a car crash. He is a stay at home dad to their 2 children Ruby and Jake. The perfect life anyone could wish for . Then Suzy’s mother dies and her world starts to change, weird things begin happening and she suddenly feels as though someone is following her. Strange reminders of her past start to appear, will all her secrets be revealed.?
This is the first novel I have read from Cath weeks and it was a thrilling read. Roller coaster ride of emotions that had me gripped from the start. Highly recommend this as it’s a great read.

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Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.

After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.

I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.

Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

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I really enjoyed this book and found it gripping. Great twist towards the end too. I'm definitely looking forward to reading from the author in the future!

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This is the first book that I have read by Cath Weeks and I thoroughly enjoyed. I was hooked from page one and totally immersed into Suzy's world, I can taste the almond croissants as I type!

Suzy seems to have it all, the perfect husband, two adorable children and her own deli but not everything is as it seems. Suzy has a secret from her past that no one is aware of and the details of it being revealed slowly shatter her bubble. It was really difficult to watch Suzy struggle with the thought that she was being stalked and no-one quite believing her putting it down to the stresses and strains of being a working mum.

Excellent plot and I will definitely read more from this author.

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Thanks to netgalley for the ARC of this thrilling read. The book is full of twists and turns,secrets around every corner. Recommended.

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The Wife's Shadow is a novel about grief, marriage and family. A happily married woman and business owner, grieving for her late mother, realises she is being stalked by an unknown person whilst haunted by her childhood. Trusting her husband and best friend, her fears escalate. This is a thought provoking read.

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Absolutely fantastic had me gripped!!! Loved it! Can't wait for more from.this author. Storyline was great, characters were easy to.connect with

Thank you for the advanced copy

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I wanted to like this book as it started so well, but not much really happened and it got a bit repetitive and boring towards the end

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This was a lovely, taut example of a domestic noir/psychological thriller. It builds up slowly, believably, and doesn't let up till the very end. (The end, since I've mentioned it, I found a bit of a disappointment. Just a bit. But not enough to put me off reading another by this author.) Broadly likeable narrator and a growing sense of foreboding. An enjoyable read.

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Bit of a slow burner this one but a good one!

I thought it was an good read even though many books are similar, Suzy has a little deli shop and Mike stays at home with the kids as he’s retired.
Everything seems peachy in their little world but then Suzies mum dies and things begin to unravel, strange things start happening and she starts to feel like someone is watching her and following her. It’s obvious she has a secret from her past but what is it??.

Read it and find out lol, highly enjoyable read, I didn’t guess who the baddie was and I thought the study was gripping even though it was kinda slow to be honest.

I haven’t read anything by the author before and will be looking out for more from Cath Weeks in the future!

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I really loved this book! On the face of it Suzy has a fabulous life which she has worked hard for. And just as she thinks its all sorted, things start unravelling. Her past soon catches up with her and she has no choice but to go back to the beginning and sort out her fears. Very well written book and a must read!

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Now and again I come across a book that totally takes me by surprise. I knew The Wife’s Shadow had already received some pretty good reviews but I wasn’t prepared for just how good this book was. The narrative starts off from the first-person perspective of Suzy, where we see her going to some kind of therapy. On the surface, Suzy has it all, cute kids, loving husband, good friends, nice home, growing business – but there’s something from her past that she’s kept secret from her husband, and now juxtaposed to her perfect life there is an ex-boyfriend and a stalker thrown into the mix.

The story starts off at a good pace, intriguing enough to hook you in but not overly so. The writing is good: characterisation and dialogue is real; sentence structure is varied with a good balance of showing and telling which gives just the right amount of pacing. But with such a twisty plot wow those pages soon start turning, and before you know it everything has gone on hold because you just can’t put this book down!

The Wife’s Shadow has twists galore and Suzy’s perfect life is not as it first seems. I did have my suspicion over one of the characters but was genuinely surprised at most of the twists. As a book-blogger I get to read some pretty amazing books but this one is right at the top of the pile. Another one that, as a new writer, I have really been able to learn from.

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After reading the blurb and other reviews I was expecting a really suspenseful, heart racing thriller. What I got was a bit of a damp squib. I didn't warm to the characters at all, the plot was weak and I guessed the outcome well before the end.

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The Wife’s Shadow was incredible! It kept me guessing all the way through, and if you want a thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat, this one definitely delivers.

The story opens with Suzy, who appears to have a perfect life. Incidents start occurring which make Suzy think of the father she had not seen since she was young and believed was dead. As the incidents increase, she thinks that she is being stalked, but her friends and family think it is merely a series of coincidences, until one night when she wakes to the stalker standing at the foot of her bed.

Suzy decides to find out more about her father. The stalking then culminates in a twist that I did not see coming.

This novel was brilliantly written by Cath Weeks and I especially liked the expert way she built the suspense of the story. I felt as though I was with Suzy experiencing every emotional incident. This was definitely a roller-coaster ride where every twist and turn brought another surprise.

I have not read Cath Weeks' debut novel, ‘Mother,’ but I will certainly be checking it out after enjoying “The Wife’s Shadow.”

Thanks to NetGalley, Little, Brown Book Group UK and the author, Cath Weeks for my complimentary copy of The Wife’s Shadow. My honest review is entirely voluntary.

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This was one of the slow burn thrillers. The story went thus, Suzy seemed to have everything, home, family, career. But all that came with a hidden past, she thought she had escaped it all... But something seemed to be following her...

My first book by author Cath Weeks, it took me a couple of tries to get into it. The initial part was slower than normal thrillers. The tension across the scenes took some time to build up, but there were definitely some unexpected twists which gave me a start. A gasp or two later, my heart settled, and I could finish the book.

A slow start but a great finish.

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Slightly slow but stick with it and you won’t regret it.. Suzy is happily married with 2 kids but things start unravelling around emotional drama with twists and turns

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