Member Reviews

I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher, via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

After discovering her boyfriend - now ex-boyfriend - had been cheating on her, and getting revenge, Charlie finds herself in community service and on athletic probation when video is released of her keying ‘cheating scumbag’ into his car. While doing her community service at Marlowe Junction’s Helping Hands, she meets Jackson, who loves basketball as much as she does. The problem? Jackson is the arch nemesis of Preston, Charlie's brother, and spending any time with him, let alone falling for him will ruin her relationship with Preston. Keeping it a secret is becoming more of a struggle, and this modern day Romeo and Juliet is bound to turn out badly.

I really enjoyed this book. Now, I know absolutely nothing about basketball, and don't really care to learn anything, but this book spoke about it in a way that anyone could like it. Charlie was a fantastic main character, and though her actions had landed her in hot water, it was understandable why she did it, and she really did repent for her actions through her charity work. Meeting Jackson really helped her grow, though her secret keeping was something that I wanted to shake her for at times. I understood it, but still, it lead to what might've been unnecessary drama. Jackson was sweet, and his and Charlie's relationship was definitely cute and just what I wanted when I read it. All in all, a nice and fluffy contemporary romance.

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It took me a little while to get into Courtside Crush, I found the MC a little abrasive but once I pushed through I started to quite enjoy this book.

Charlie has landed herself in a community service program after vandalising her ex boyfriends car; not her smartest move but it allowed her to meet Jackson, an absolute sweetheart who bought out the best in her.

Jackson turns out to be Charlie's brothers biggest basketball rival, they're competitive and despise each other so the friendship/romance remains forbidden.

I enjoyed the storyline, the romance and the secondary characters; each were written well. Courtside Crush was a fun, quick read but it did feel rushed and despite not 'loving' Charlie at the beginning she did grow on me, I felt sorry for her predicament; her ex was horrible!

Overall, I enjoyed this book but I didn't love it.

Thank you to the publisher via Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review Courtside Crush.

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This book was cute! It was a little short, but it was light and fun.

I did think it lacked some depth and it was a bit too short for me to connect with the characters. Still, if you're looking for a light, fun, YA romance, this is your book.

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Charlie caught her boyfriend cheating on her and keyed his car for revenge. Except she got caught and now has to do community service if she wants to stay at her school. And she wants to. So she starts it and it might not be as bad as she thought it would be thanks to the very good looking guy she gets to hang out with. What's even better is that he knows his basketball just as well as she does. Except he turns out to be her brother's enemy.

I read this while travelling and it was the perfect travel read. Short, light and pretty fun. But it lacked depth and it was a bit too short for me to connect with the characters. Also, most of the plot revolved about a very simple problem. I had trouble connecting with the main characters, she was just making bad decisions after bad decisions. Still, if you're looking for a light, fun, YA romance, this is your book...

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Cute, but the ending was annoying because instead of diving a little deeper, it skimmed the surface.

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I enjoyed this book. It was a quick and easy read, which should never be underestimated. The characters were believable and the issues faced realistic for high school students.

I received an ARC from the lublisher through netgalley.

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*I received a free copy of this ebook from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

Courtside Crush was a cute book—fast and easy to read without a lot of heavy subject matter. You know how it’s going to end, but this isn’t exactly the type of book you read for suspense and unsure endings, so it’s fine.

At times, the characters and their actions felt somewhat juvenile (like when Charlie told Daria she had decided to tell Jacksons he'd be his girlfriend--it reminded me of, oh, elementary school rather than high school). But perhaps I thought that because I'm not exactly the target audience. I understand that the author wrote this book as a Romeo & Juliet-style sports rivalry YA romance, but it's hard for me to imagine that the rivalry between Jackson and Preston was so bitter that the events of this book played out the way they did. Still, it was fun to read.

Charlie (17) was not particularly likable when the book started. She came across as a selfish brat, to be honest. Yes, her boyfriend kissed another girl. Okay, she keyed his car. I'm not condoning that decision, but what really bothered me is that she expected to move on without any repercussions, especially after other stupid things she had done the other years of high school (starting food fights, cutting cheerleaders' hair, etc.). She honestly believed that she was being unjustly punished for her actions, and that's what really bothered me about her. Fortunately she seemed to grow up a bit by the end of the book, or at least get over herself.

Other characters of note: Jackson (17) appeared to be an overall good guy, and I liked that. From his interactions with Charlie, it appeared that he didn't have the same feelings about the basketball rivalry as her brother. His behavior towards Charlie at the Halloween party further showed his good nature. Preston (17) alternated between being a good brother and being a self-absorbed idiot. The fact that he truly viewed Brooks as his enemy, to the point that he shunned his own sister, didn't endear him to me. However, in all other matters, he was protective and supportive of her. And at least he wised up by the end. Anderson was just a dirtbag, and he lacked much depth of character. Perhaps I just lucked out in my high school experience, but I couldn't picture any teenager retaliating as he did.

Totally random side thought here, but the author must like -on names. JacksON, PrestON, AndersON, GraysON. I should have been keeping track while I read--those are the ones I can think of. Hehe.

Note: I can't recall anything bad.

Parent's Perspective: None of my kids is at an age when they're interested in reading contemporary YA romances, but there's nothing that would prevent me from giving them the green light on this book once they were old enough to be interest. For my sons, that would probably be never (they're more into Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, The Hobbit, etc.). For my daughter, that would probably be 12 or so. Again, there's nothing content wise that would make me hesitate--no bad language, sex, or violence. It would be worth talking about bullying, blackmail, and keeping secrets, as each of those is present in the book. It's also important to note accountably for personal decisions.

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Cute, and ultimately a bucket of fun.
While I wasn't massively impressed by this book, it was fast-paced and definitely the contemporary I needed between all of the other things I'd been reading.
I loved that there was the community service part of this novel, but I wished there had been more! Also, if the main character is so obsessed by basketball, why don't we really see her playing it? And what's with the whole-school slut-shaming thing? How is that not talked about more except for the 'tragedy part' of the book. It's not solved, and the school tolerates this? Ummmm, what.
Plus, Jackson had no depth! MAH BOY. WHY. He is simply the empty slot that needs to be filled in a relationship, but where are HIS problems? His life story? He just gets lumped with everyone else's problems as if they're his own and I CAN'T. He became a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, which is kind of messed up because NO ONE should be one.
ALAS, I still enjoyed this book bc I love those cutesy feels, but AGH.

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Courtside Crush by Kayla Tirrell is the 1st book in the Varsity Girlfriends series, and a enjoyable book. This book is a modern retelling of Romeo and Juliet. I love the people and situations in this book, and watching the characters grow. I found this book to be a quick read, and recommend it to all readers who enjoy a YA sweet romance.

I was given a copy of this book for a fair and honest review.

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'Courtside Crush' is a novel about a girl who falls in love with her brother's biggest basketball rival. Lots of fuss about nothing is the best summary that comes to my mind. Charlie (Charlotte) is secretly dating Jackson and all of the book is focused on the fact that she hides this information mainly from her beloved brother. It would be great if there were some twists in the plot but no. That would be it. Reading this book is rather dissatisfying mostly because Charlie makes a fool of herself just because she wants to keep the secret, the secret that could be easily shared with her family, but then there would be no book. If you are bored and you like sappy love stories this one is for you. If not, stay away.

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Well, that was absolutely adorable! This is my first read from this author and will not be my last! I didn’t anticipate how much I would enjoy this one. I couldn’t put the book down. This is the first book in a new series. It’s a young adult story centered around high school basketball, with both main characters playing the sport.

The writing was great. The pacing was perfect. The characters were all well developed. Jackson was so sweet and I adored him. Charlie was a completely unexpected character. She was not bad but not quite good either. While she came off with a really strong personality in the beginning, she definitely got weaker over the course of the novel, and I was pretty unimpressed at her decisions in regards to the ex-boyfriend. I won’t spoil anything, but you’ll know what I’m scene I’m talking about when you read it. I did enjoy all the Romeo and Juliet references. I liked the final scene but wish there was just a tiny bit more of a conclusion for Charlie and Jackson.

Overall, I really liked this one, and am looking forward to the next book in the series.

* ARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

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Courtside Crush was such a light and sweet romance read. I absolutely loved Jackson! Charlotte (Charlie) was also a wonderful character although she frustrated me at times. I thought she made things harder on herself by the choices she made. I even enjoyed the side characters. There was a little drama, betrayal and blackmailing but when you have a group of high school teens something is bound to happen. However, there were also sweet and heartfelt moments. I loved the relationship Charlie had with her brother Preston and her best friend Daria. I enjoyed this story a lot and I look forward to reading Varsity Girlfriends which is the next book in this series. This book leaves me wanting to check out previous books from this author. I will definitely be recommending this book to family and friends looking for a great romance read and it's also a book I think my daughter would enjoy. This is also a story that can be enjoyed more than once.

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