Cover Image: My Best Friend’s Royal Wedding

My Best Friend’s Royal Wedding

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Royal romance and enemies to lovers are two of my favorite tropes. I mean who doesn’t dream of becoming a princess? I enjoyed most of this story, but it did drag in some parts which took a little away from my overall enjoyment.

Khara, a cocktail waitress in Las Vegas, gets the chance of a lifetime when her best friend, Phoenix asks her to be her bridesmaid in her royal wedding. Adam, the best man, is a wealthy and arrogant royal from a small European country. Khara and Adam are polar opposites but their friends’ wedding brings them together.

Overall, this was a cute story. My one big complaint was that there were parts of the story that slowed the pace. It definitely reminded me of a Hallmark movie with a little more steam and ended up being a quick read for me. If you like anything to do with royals, I would definitely give this one a try!

I appreciate Netgalley and the publisher for the gifted copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thoroughly enjoyable read. Background set and khara leaves her home town of Vegas to be bridesmaid to her friend in a small European principality. Characters from the entitled class abound but do not dent kharas down to earth attitude. Adam entitled, arrogant and bored, is not used to the word no. An uneasy friendship begins and helps both of them to develop and see different perspectives.
Family history plays a part on both sides. You are routing for a happy ending that leaves you hoping right till the end.
I will be looking for follow up books for the believable and likeable supporting characters.

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My Best Friend's Royal Wedding is just a cute, light-hearted, quick read that is fun and enjoyable. Enemies-to-lovers romance is my favorite trope in a rom-com, so I definitely enjoyed that aspect of this book. You can read through this one super quickly and it will give you all the feels :)

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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I am all about royal wedding fiction or non-fiction, so i thought this would be the perfect book for me. Khara best friend is marrying a prince and she is the maid of honor.
While this should of been my perfect book, just perfectly light and fluffy for me it was a bit of a dud. I found both Khara and Adam non-fulfilling. I also wish I knew this was a spinoff novel before reading. I think if I had read the original series it would helped me with the context of the world.
I enjoyed the writing and the pacing but the charters just killed it for me. would read more from this author

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This is a good read for anyone who enjoys the romance genre, however be warned that our male protagonist is quite difficult to warm to. I'm not sure if it was just me, but I just couldn't connect with him at all and struggled to see him as a likeable character. Khara on the other hand was an engaging character who saved the book for me. A fun read that will make you smile.

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As much as it was predictable and cheesy, I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear by the final scene. This romance book features everything desired for a quick contemporary romantic novel: fast-paced dialogue, intriguing dual perspectives, a fish-out-of-water scenario in a regal environment, an enemies to lovers trope, and of course, a HEA. The book features very detailed language that you feel like you are there, living out your own inner royal fantasties alongside Khara and Phoenix.

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Perfect rom-con movie!

Las Vegas waitress Khara Thomas is going to Europe to be the maid of honor at her best friend’s official wedding because his family doesn’t know they were already married in Las Vegas. Khara is paired with best man Adam Hatton who doesn’t realize that Khara has already met in him Vegas and thought he was a jerk but Adam helps Khara with everything so she doesn’t embarrass herself in front of everyone.

My Best Friend’s Royal Wedding is the follow on for Waking up in Vegas but is a stand-alone read. All the books in The Princes of Westerwald series are fun to read about the brothers and now the author adds a story about Adam finally falling in love for the first time while he is making a decision about his future.

My Best Friend’s Royal Wedding would make a perfect rom-con movie!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a very fun read! The perfect hate to love royal romance, the main characters have such good chemistry that made me fly through this book.

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There is something magical about reading about a made up European country and having two characters fall in love always makes me happy. This was a fun little romance novel that yes was a little romance, but it involves royal weddings and castles, so that is to be expected.

I really enjoyed the character of Khara, but sadly I didn't really love Adam, his change of heart seemed to take so long to happen and then it all happened at once. I also wish that more had happened early on instead of most of the action taking place right at the end.

Overall this is a cute, fluffy romance that took me away from my current thoughts and brought me to the land of castles, crown jewels, and more types of cutlery than I could ever name.

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I really enjoyed this book! It was a perfect, rom-com like story about two very, very different people falling in love and all the struggles that come with it. I wasn’t a huge fan of the ending, but the story itself was funny and cute enough to make up for it.

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Her best friend was marrying a member of royalty. She was a waitress in Las Vegas. The groom’s best friend was taxed with showing her around. Does he remember they had met before not under the best circumstances? He is struggling with an important decision. These two make an interesting pair.

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I thought this was a cute story about Khara, a Vegas waitress, and Adam, heir to a small European country. Adam does not remember meeting Khara in Vegas, but Khara sure remembers his rude demeanor. When they meet again for a royal wedding, all bets are off ...

I liked the varying points-of-views in the story, which made me appreciate Adam more. However, I found the writing a bit unbelievable, and the story itself a bit over the top. Overall, a cute and fun Hallmark-eque read.

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A fun, light-hearted romance between the best man and maid of honor at a royal wedding. Adam seems like a rich snob but in actuality he's really just bored with his life and grieving for the loss of two people close to him. Khara is a cocktail waitress in Vegas who's overwhelmed by all that comes with being the maid of honor at a royal wedding. Sparks fly between the two of them though of course they fight it. I really enjoyed it.

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Talk about boring. The cover sucked me in along with the blurb. A RomCom about a royal wedding featuring a soon-to-be prince and a waitress. What could be terrible about that??

Narrator: Everything is terrible.

Firstly the characters. Both Khara and Adam are not interesting or nice people. At least Adam owns up to his snobby manwhore ways, but Khara is just a Judgy McJudgerson. The chip on her shoulder is HUGE. Girl, you got an all-expenses paid trip to Europe to be the ONLY bridesmaid in a royal wedding: live it up and have some fun. WHY SO SERIOUS?

Secondly, the lack of chemistry. I never understood why Adam or Khara liked/loved each other, or lusted to be honest. It all felt flat.

Thirdly, the formatting made it hard to focus. Now this could be an ARC edition issue, but regardless it affected the joy of reading.

I didn’t intend this to be a middle school essay, but here we are. In conclusion, while the setting and history included was interesting, not much else was. Sorely disappointed and feel like I need to watch a good RomCom to cleanse my soul.

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If you like romances about down-on-her luck American meeting a prince from some obscure, tiny European country, then this novel is for you. In fact, there are two obscure countries with princes falling for Americans as casino cocktail waitress, Khara, travels to Europe for her best friend’s wedding to a prince. The prince’s best man is Adam, the potential heir to another, even smaller obscure European country.

The problem is that Adam starts out as a rather unlikeable character. He’s proud of his reputation for sleeping with as many women as possible one time and then not going back for seconds. But because he’s rich and handsome, and now has to decide if he wants to become the heir to his family’s royal inheritance, women are willing to throw themselves at him. Except Khara. She has too much self respect and self-preservation to fall for such an arrogant, selfish guy who just wants to use women and leave them.

I guess we’re supposed to feel more for Adam because we have his interior monologues about how unsure he is of himself and feels he’s unworthy of respect. But I found him tedious and think Khara was much too good for him.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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I received this book complimentary from NetGalley but all opinions are my own.
Khara was sweet and Adam too. I didn’t see the negatives to their relationship as true negatives which I suppose they ultimately didn’t either but I didn’t like how long it took them to actually get there, in page numbers I mean. I liked their chemistry though and I thought it was an interesting storyline.

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It’s extremely rare for me not to finish a book when I’ve received an ARC, but... the farther I got into this, the more apparent it became that things were not going to turn around. As I sit here, I struggle to think of something that I particularly liked about the book. The characters are both difficult to connect to - Khara is self-described “trailer park trash” who makes a lot of assumptions and has a seriously judgmental attitude, while Adam is an unabashed “poor little rich boy” who is determined to turn Khara’s “no” into a “yes.” Paired with the very internalized writing style, and I began disconnecting almost from page one. When I read a book, I either have to really like the characters or really like the writing, so when I can’t connect to either it becomes a serious problem. While I appreciated receiving an ARC via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review, this one just did not work for me.

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I love the rom-com trend in romance. I love the royalty trope. I did not love this book. It was fine. I thought there were parts that were good and if I was just looking for a romance novel to read and quickly, then this would have fit the bill. But when you are reading, hoping to add to a library collection, and trying to see if a book will appeal to lots of readers, your standards are different...

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This was a little cheesy in my opinion. Didn’t really love the characters. Felt pretty cliche. It was a quick read though.

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Cute, fluffy romance read. Great chick-litl type book. Enjoyed Romy Sommer's voice! I could see this being made into a movie.

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