Member Reviews

I adore this series and this 8th instalment kept up the standard I’ve come to expect from Angie Fox.

I’m never quite sure whether to categorise this series as Fantasy or Crime, I guess it’s really a bit of both, and i think it would be enjoyed by readers of both genres. As this is Wyrd and Wonder month I’m claiming it in the name of Fantasy for now.

This time Verity is on a personal mission to help Frankie her accidentally bound ghost find out who it was who shot him all those years ago in the hope that the knowledge would finally let him free himself from Verity’s property.

This leads Verity, Frankie and Verity’s policeman boyfriend Ellis to Mint Julep House an old asylum currently being turned into a ‘haunted house experience’ by it’s new living owner.

Haunted is exactly what Mint Julep is, home to ghostly asylum patients and their remaining ghostly medical practitioners Nurse Claymore and Doctor Anderson.

Also in ghostly residence is a high security ghost prison, housing Scalieri the mob boss who knows the identity of Frankie’s killer – but he’s using the information as a bargaining chip.

With Frankie and Verity disagreeing on whether or not to bargain with Scalieri, a storm closes in on the manor cutting the power and flooding the bridge that is the only way off the property. It’s annoying for all concerned until Mint Juleps owner is found dead and then it gets scary.

Trapped in the creepy building with a killer on the loose the Mint Julep Murders is far more nerve wracking and tense than the other books in this series which I’ve always found very light. That’s not to say this is a bad book – it was brilliant but took me by surprise a little.

I love the relationship between Frankie and Verity and Verity’s growing confidence in herself as a person and as a ghost hunter. If you’ve not tried this series yet I highly recommend it. You can jump in at any point or go start at the beginning.

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Full disclosure when I requested this book I had no idea it was number eight in a series but I felt as I was able to pick up on the characters and story line fairly easily. I've been reading some fairly heavy and serious reading lately and I wanted something lighter that felt like a guilty pleasure to sink my teeth into. I am so glad I chose this one. It was fun and lighthearted and featured a fun story with a mystery to boot. This is a fun read if you are looking for a lighthearted adventure of sorts.

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I voluntarily offered to review this book with no obligations and my opinions are honest!
It was a great book !
Verity has another murder to solve.
This time, Frank is the one dragging Verity along.
Loved the characters + the storytelling !
It has all the ingredients that you need for a great book!
I can't wait for the next book in this series.

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Thank you to the publisher and author for this copy through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. I love all of Angie Fox's books. This series is the best ghost haunting stories with plenty of mystery, suspense and of course you can't forget the humor. Definitely a fun read.

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The Mint Julep Murders by Angie Fox is one of the best ghost haunting stories I've read. There's plenty of humor, mystery, suspense, and chills to keep readers like myself, entertained. I felt the horror, fear, and hope the characters created or felt. It was an interesting combination. A young woman is an ameatur sleuth with a friendly ghost gangster stuck to her property. Her boyfriend is a police officer who has helped her solve cases and sometimes rescue her from life threatening situations. Then, there's her pet skunk that gets into everything. This novel has everything from humor to suspense. The pages leapt to life as the words flew by. The scenes were fast-paced. I can't find anything bad about this story. Angie Fox is a talented writer. Overall, I highly recommend her latest novel , The Mint Julep Murders.

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I have read and enjoyed the books in this series. Sometimes they were a bit silly and difficult to believe, but, overall, they were good reads and, along with that, humorous reads for me. Thus, I jumped at the chance to read the latest book in the series, The Mint Julep Murders. Like the others in the series, this book covers the travels and tribulations of Verity and her ghost and once-a-time mobster Frankie. The pair is off to a long-ago closed hospital for mentally ill individuals, now filled with ghosts (!), where Frankie wants to talk to one of the resident ghosts to see if what he can learn about who finally shot the fatal shot that led to Frankie’s death. Verity drives them there, also bringing along her boyfriend, a law enforcement detective. Once there, all sorts of strange things happen, involving this trio, the new owner of the place who is hoping to turn the place into a full-time horror house for tourists, two ghost-hunters who happen to be in the house, a tourist guest couple with secrets of their own, and lots of ghosts.

I realize the author was trying to make the story interesting and funny, but this story went beyond the beyond. Things started happening that were totally unbelievable and way beyond making sense. Verity seamlessly moved between the ghost/spirit world and the real world, touching base and discussing events with ghosts and, moments later, with living persons. In short, the story degenerated into one crazy story, with what I suspect the author meant as red herrings, thrown in to make the story more interesting, but most of which only turned me off more and became more and more difficult to believe. I like humorous, paranormal books, but I found this one a turn-off because it went way too far. If you liked the other books in the series, you may like this one. Who knows?! You may find it a real good read, unlike me. I received this from NetGalley to read and review.

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We get a lot more interaction between Verity and Ellis in this one and it's great. The asylum setting and having the story take place solely in one place and time makes it even better. This one is full of tension and twists. I didn't see that ending coming. I want more of these characters and stories.

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Another great book by Angie fox! Her books are always so consistent with me! I really enjoy these characters! I love their voices and I literally dreamt I had a pet skunk. I adore verity and Ellis and want MORE! Frankie the German is a hoot and all the characters really bring sugarland to life!

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The Mint Julep Murders is such a fun read! I was entertained, amused, a little spooked, and kept guessing throughout.

The plot is reminiscent of a locked-room mystery, except this is a locked asylum. I love that the author took on the weighty topic of women committed to asylums, while maintaining the lighthearted tone of this series. I felt for these women, but I didn't become tangled in misery.

The characters are all well developed, with a bit of quirkiness and the kind of appeal that makes you want to hang out and get to know them.

This is the eighth in the series, but it reads perfectly as a stand-alone. Angie Fox does a great job of weaving in just enough of Verity's and Frankie's backstories to ensure readers understand their characters.

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I really enjoyed this cozy mystery. I have not read this series. But the plot as well as the description of it being a stand alone novel enticed me to read it. It was a really good story, creepy in parts and always interesting. I will definitely go back and start the series in order, this was a fun read.
Thank you Netgalley and publisher for granting me this read.

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I have followed The Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries from book 1. This book was approached a little differently to most of the previous books in the series. For one, this one was not set in Sugarland, which also meant that Verity didn't have to deal with Ellis's awful family. However, the asylum setting was also a little creepier than the often more quaint southern settings that support the main story (ie Verity's home, the library etc). We also missed out on some cute Lucy the Skunk action. But I liked the change of pace as it felt like it might lead to some changes (perhaps particularly for Frankie).

As usual, Angie Fox wrote a strong and compelling story about Verity, Ellis and Frankie.

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a smart cozy, character driven and very different plot. The ending did surprise me
Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for this arc in return for an honest review

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Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) provided by the Author and Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an fair and honest review.

I have really enjoyed the other books in this series. This one - no so much. It was darker and missing the humor of the previous books. Most of the plot was Verity interacting with nasty ghost types in an insane asylum. It wasn't fun this time around.

Frankie, Southern girl Verity Long's ghost housemate, has tracked down mob boss Scalieri who knows the identify of the gangster who shot and killed Frankie. Verity will do just about anything to free Frankie from her property because she feels responsible for grounding him there. Now they are on the way to a haunted insane asylum called Mint Julep Manor. Believe me, nothing good is going to come of this.

Scalieri isn't the only nasty ghost there and what he wants from Verity and Frankie, Verity just isn't going to do. But there are other ghosts she wants to help and one very powerful one that wants to stop her and will stop at nothing, even murder. 3 1/2-Stars

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Who you gonna call?
The Mint Julep Murders is book eight in The Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries series and was published on April 25, 2019. This was the first book that I have read in this series.

Normally I wouldn’t think that paranormal activity and cozies would pair well together. But then again what is natural about paranormal activity? I can now thank the main character, Verity, for officially introducing me to paranormal cozy mysteries.

Lets see what cannot be seen...
Our introduction to this strange world steadily builds from the start. Fortunately, I was able to jump right in and catch up on the history of Verity to establish what her goal is and why there is a ghost named Frankie puffing cigarettes and riding shotgun. Frankie really is a gangster because I can’t imagine meeting a ghost more hardcore than he.

Having watched more than my fair share of mafia flicks I would peg Frankie as more of the muscle than the brains behind any operation. Even death won’t keep the mob ties away and we find ourselves headed to a good old fashioned asylum for the criminally insane so that Frankie can tie up some loose ends and move on to whatever criminal activities he has on his agenda this next fiscal quarter.

There’s money in haunting
Apparently touring allegedly haunted vacant asylums for the criminally insane is big business. Not sure if it is as lucrative as the businesses Tony Soprano engaged in but it certainly must be as aggravating if the clientele is as annoying as the ones currently visiting The Mint Julep Manor.

Not that the owner of The Mint Julep Manor, Barbara, is exactly a barrel of fun. She reminds me of Elsa Mars from American Horror story singing “Life on Mars” as she eagerly invites her customers to empty their pockets and experience the ghost freak show.

The customer is always right...
There are some shows you just cannot just walk away from. All of the characters learn that lesson the hard way as the doors are slammed on them by forces unseen leaving them trapped in a place full of murderers with nothing to lose. The supernatural elements quickly begin to work against them offering nothing more than torrential rain, a swelling creek and an actual murdered body along the way.

It should come as no surprise when this cake is topped off with a cherry when those so eager to visit the old insane asylum are literally trapped inside. Yes, they have the pleasure of being locked away like criminals by the ghosts that they came to spy on. That is when the fun begins with Verity determined to help everyone out, including her ghost who is no longer exactly happy to be there, while figuring out a way to uncover the killer.

Case closed...
I actually liked this book a great deal and would give it three and a half stars stars. Verity has noble intentions and has a very interesting set of talents for communicating with ghosts while thinking on her feet. Frankie offers comic relief even if it is a touch cold- pardon the pun. The other characters, with the exception of her police officer boyfriend, all have something to gain and ulterior motives that lead them to The Mint Julep Manor.

The one thing I struggled with was some of the repetitiveness in the action sequences when the book started to pick up speed. Otherwise I appreciated the surprises and twists along the way- I love a good mystery that unfolds with multiple stories and answers to seek within.

I would recommend this to anyone interested in a ghost cozy. I would not be opposed to reading more of the series particularly around Halloween.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with this book to review in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The Mint Julep Murders by Angie Fox is the eighth tale in The Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries. Verity Long, Ellis Wydell and Frankie are on a road trip to the closed Pikesville Sanitorium aka Mint Julep Manor about an hour outside Sugarland, Tennessee. Verity would rather hang out on her front porch, but she promised to find a way to set Frankie free and a ghostly inmate may have the key. Bruno Scalieri, a criminally insane & murderous psychopath, claims to have information regarding Frankie’s death, but he wants a favor in return. Verity had to get special permission from Inspector De Clercq to visit Bruno and consent from the current owner, Barbara Slater. Barbara is eager for Verity to confirm that Mint Julep Manor is haunted and to provide her with stories to share with guests on her Halloween Tour plus with journalists. The last ghost hunter ran out of the house screaming. Unfortunately, the visit turns deadly and they find themselves stuck inside the asylum with no electricity and a torrential rain storm raging outside. Will Verity make it back home to Lucy, her pet skunk, or will she find herself a permanent inmate of Mint Julep Manor?

The Mint Julep Murders may be the eighth story in The Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries, but it can be read as a standalone. Verity’s background and Frankie’s is included for new readers. The Mint Julep Murders is not as light as the previous books. It is darker and more intense (they are in an insane asylum). Angie Fox’s conversational writing style makes for a pleasurable reading experience. The story grabbed me right away and I kept reading to find out what would happen next. Verity, Ellis and Frankie know to be cautious, but this is beyond what they expected. This trip really opens Ellis’s eyes to the dangers of Verity’s job. The decrepit asylum was the perfect setting for this creepy whodunit. Add in an odd assortment of humans, unique spirits, creepy treatment rooms, strange noises and chill breezes. Verity, with her positive outlook on life, manages to put an upbeat spin on their situation. She is so sweet with her Southern manners and tries to befriend every being she encounters. Verity has a new gingham bag that sounds adorable. Lucy is not with Verity on this adventure, but she is mentioned. The lucky skunk is staying with Melody, Verity’s sister, and gets to visit the library for Take Your Pet to Work Day. The murder has Verity and Ellis wondering which of their companions could have committed the crime. Verity questions the ghostly inhabitants of the asylum. Levi with his room of books was my favorite. Two college ghost hunters have invented a ghost translator app (very clever of them) which leads to some humorous moments. Frankie adds levity with his witty retorts. At one point Frankie exclaims “shoot me now” and Verity replies “I would, but somebody beat me to it”. I loved the ending and I cannot wait to find out what Verity and Frankie get into next time. Come along with Verity, Frankie and Ellis on their latest spooky and chilling escapade in The Mint Julep Murders.

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I have read & loved all the books in this series & The Mint Julep Murders was another great read. I always enjoy the antics Verity & Frankie get into & I love the romance between Verity & Ellis.

This book wasn't quite as lighthearted as past books in the series but the author did an awesome job as always creating an entertaining story line.

I think my only complaint of The Mint Julep Murders was there was barely any mention of Lucy- Verity's pet skunk. I missed reading about her!!

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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This series is so good and so funny! I have loved every single book. While I don't think you have to read all of them to enjoy this one, what would you not want to because they are all so good! Verity is a blast and the ghosts usually always provide some lighthearted fun! Highly recommend!

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Two mysteries in one! Fans of the series will finally get an answer to a character’s past while those new to the series will still be able to enjoy it as a stand-alone story.

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I debated between 4 and 5 stars but ended up with 5 because i really enjoyed the book even if it was much darker and more morbid than the other books in the series. Glad i read it during the day- the asylum, the murders and the ghosts were not for the faint of heart! I don't think this one qualifies as a cozy mystery and hopefully the writer will lighten it up in the next book. I look forward to Frankie trying to make sense of what he learned about the murder as well as Verity and Ellis working out his issue about her occupation- i have no doubt that they will. All in all an enjoyable and fast read, and i had absolutely no idea who the murderer was until the very end.

*this review is published on Amazon under user name penrph

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Locked inside a haunted Asylum with a powerful ghost. They discovered a dead body and they need to figure out who committed the murder or else remain locked in the Asylum or worst off end up dead. By far one of the scariest book in this series. The descriptions of the asylum and the ghost haunting make you feel like you are there with Verity Long. This series keeps getting better with each book. This is book 8 in the series but you can read as a stand alone.

I loved this book and highly recommend this cozy paranormal mystery. If you have never read Angie Fox you are missing this wonder author in your life. Do yourself a favor and add to your reading pile.

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