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Little Girls Sleeping (Detective Katie Scott Book 1)

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This is a new to me author and I’ll certainly be looking to read more from her as this was a great read.

Katie Scott has just returned from serving in Afghanistan. She decides to work in admin at her uncles a sheriffs office.

Katie is drawn to a cold case of a missing girl Chelsea. She doesn’t realise the can of worms she’s about to open.

I thought this was a great read that had me on the edge of my seat. I’m glad to say I dint guess who the killer was so that’s a big positive.

I’ll certainly be reading more from this author in the future. Highly recommend this read.

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This is the first book in the Detective Katie Scott series by international award-winning crime writer and criminologist Jennifer Chase, and boy does it start with an almighty bang. Ms Chase holds a bachelor's degree in police forensics and a master's degree in criminology & criminal justice which all lend authenticity and realism to the story; you can just tell that she knows the ins and outs of criminal investigation. Protagonist Katie is an intriguing character who I hope we will learn more about as the series progresses as she has a very interesting backstory. Having recently returned home from Afghanistan she is now on the case of a brutal serial killer who is murdering young girls in the local area.

It was, however, a tad predictable in parts and the killer isn't as difficult to figure out as I would've liked. There is never a dull moment with plenty of action though and the story moves at a rapid-fire pace. Katie's canine partner, Cisco, is such a fantastic part of the plot which animal lovers are sure to love with the fierce loyalty she shows towards her owner. What pushed it from a three star read to a four star was the strength of the writing, characterisation and because the parts that discussed police procedure were based firmly in reality. Certainly a promising start to the series. I look forward to the follow-up. Many thanks to Bookouture for an ARC.

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# Little Girls Speaking #
Wow what a absolutely amazing fantastic read. I was hooked almost as soon as I started this book. I am still trying to pick my chin off the floor. I loved it from page one and couldn’t read the pages quick enough. I did not see the end coming. I can’t wait for this authors new book. You will regret it if you do not read. Awesome

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It's my first book from the author and I totally enjoyed it. A good police procedural story and a great start to a new series. We got an interesting main character, Katie, with her interesting back story. Something that I hope will be delved deeper into on the next books. The story is promising though I feel like in some places it's lacking some elements. For instance, the killer's back story. Figuring out the culprit isn't that hard either, so I wasn't surprised come reveal time. Still, I find it a good read overall. Will definitely watch out for the next one.

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Little Girls Sleeping by Jennifer Chase... wow! What a fantastic start to what I hope will be a great new series. Katie Scott is a great character and I can see a lot of development of her character to come. And with her partner Cisco, the dog what is not to like! This story didn't not let up and you have to remember to breathe whilst reading it - the pace is quick and so much is going on all the time. I am a fan and will be back for book 2 for sure.

Katie Scott has returned home to Pine Valley, California after serving in Afghanistan. She comes home suffering terrible PTSD and anxiety and isn't really sure what she is going to do with her life. Her uncle is the town Sheriff so she goes to help out in the admIn area to keep her busy for a while. She comes across a cold case of a missing girl and spurred on by memories of her friend going missing from a summer camp 2o years earlier, she starts looking into the case. The further she digs the more she finds that this is not the only missing girl. And then she finds the makeshift graveyard and her life is suddenly in danger again, can she find this killer before more girls are taken.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for my advanced copy of this book to read. All opinions are my own and are in no way biased

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Pine Valley, California has a deep dark secret. Katie Scott, newly back from serving in Afghanistan and at loose ends, finds herself working for her uncle the Sheriff. She starts investigating the disappearance of Chelsea because it reminds her of the similar disappearance of her childhood friend Jenny. Regular readers of the genre know this is going to lead her to a surprising bad guy. Chase has set this series up with a character in Katie who could be better drawn - lots of potential in the slim backstory. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A thriller that would be a diverting travel read.

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What a fantastic debut
Completely gripping, engaging characters
Plenty of twists and an unexpected ending
What more can you ask for in a crime thriller.

Thank you netgalley, Jennifer Chase and Bookouture for allowing me to read and review this book.

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What a page turner, I read this book in one sitting THERE WAS NO WAY I WAS PUTTING THIS BOOK DOWN!!!!! In places I was literally holding my breath, sat on the edge of my seat and tapping my kindle like a demented wood pecker I HAD TO KNOW!!!!! As for the explosive ending WOW definitely not what or who I was expecting. A new author for me and and the start of a new series. I can't wait to read more about Katie and her canine partner Cisco. I am a very happy reader!!!!! An easy five stars and so Highly Recommended.
I would like to thank the author, Bookouture and Netgalley for the ARC in return for giving an honest review.

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The author wrote a thriller that started with a bang and just kept going! The twists kept coming, so I couldn't put it down. I cannot wait to read more from this author!

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What a book. I was hooked just from the cover and description. Thankfully I was not disappointed. This is a fast paced read. Easy to read. Your on the edge of your seat wondering which way it’s heading. Fantastic read

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A really good start to a new series. Katie is a war veteran, recruited to help the local sheriff department find a missing girl in a cold case.This is a good solid read, well written and moving at a fast pace. I would like to have seen just a bit more personality of the characters. The added presence of Cisco the German Shepherd was a huge plus for me! Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC. Looking forward to the next in the series. reviews on Goodreads and Facebook.

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I received Little Girls Sleeping by Jennifer Chase as an ARC from NetGalley. This is the first book in the Katie Scott series. Katie has recently been discharged from the army and is doing admin work for her uncle who is the sheriff. She becomes interested in the case of a missing girl an decides to do some investigating on her own. The twists and turns of this case kept me intrigued and there were surprises along the way. I enjoyed this book and I'm looking forward to the next installment.

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Well, I do like to read a good police thriller and am always on the look out for a good series to follow and Little Girls Sleeping, the first book in the Katie Scott series by Jennifer Chase, makes a very promising start.

In the book we are introduced to Katie Scott, former Sacramento Police officer and, more recently, soldier, she has just returned from duty in Afghanistan and is about to restart her life in her former home town of Pine Valley. Suffering from anxiety and post traumatic stress, she takes a job working in the admin department of the Sheriff's office to tide her over, alongside her Uncle, the Town's Sheriff. Whilst there she comes across a file for a cold case regarding the disappearance of Chelsea Compton, a young girl who vanished on her way home some four years earlier. Intrigued by the case, Katie decides to do a little digging of her own, determined to find out what happened to Chelsea, setting in motion a series of events which could prove deadly.

I really enjoyed this book and getting to know a bit more about Katie. She is a strong and determined young woman, but not infallible, succumbing on occasion to bouts of anxiety which are almost paralysing. She is also stubborn and perhaps a little too independent, which sees her at risk quite often. I did love the way in which her partnership with Deputy McGaven developed, from being something strained and forced due to circumstance, to a proper trusting friendship. And despite some initial opposition to her appointment as a Detective, Katie soon wins a lot of people over with her tenacity as I am sure she will readers too.

The story is quite compelling with scenes shown form the perspective of the killer as well as following the investigation. You don't quite know who it is, and there are a few suspects thrown at you to keep you guessing throughout. Their motives are ... well, in the killers mind quite virtuous, but in truth quite chilling, and using both the killers perspective and the police investigation to bring out the truth is quite effective.

There is a lot of forensic detail in this book, all of which is drawn from the author's own interest and experience and it works really well. I think that, forensically speaking of course, Forensic Supervisor Blackburn will pique readers interests as he is quite an enigmatic character, if a man of very few words. There is a clear chemistry between him and Katie, even if things are a little complicated due to the reappearance of a former love in her life too, firefighter in waiting, Chad. I can't help feeling this is an interesting love triangle in the making here and I'm intrigued to see which way it plays out.

The sense of place you get from the book is great and the author really put me at the heart of the action. I could feel the dense forest surrounding me, the paradoxically claustrophobic nature of the great outdoors, the trees enshrouding Katie as she strove to find out what happened to Chelsea. It added a layer of tension and suspense to the piece that worked really well.

For me the real star of this book though, the greatest heart throb and the one guaranteed to get readers all excited, is Cisco. He's no ordinary fella. Excellent tracker, loyal to a fault, boundless energy and the most luxurious hair. I mean, who can possibly resist a German Shepherd? Loved him.

Full of twists and turns, some breath-taking action and moments that will have you on the edge of your seat. If this is book one, I'm looking forward to seeing what more is to come. A really enjoyable read.

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My first book by this author and I loved it for different reasons. Allow me to explain.

First of all I was very pleased that the writer created a story that gave me a creepy feeling throughout the whole book. That's the way I like to feel when reading a thriller. So ten out of 10 here.

I really liked Katie. I admired her strenght and was touched by the relationship between her and her dog. I felt the love, trust and faithfullness they shared. I am an avid dog lover and that why the author gets a perfect score here was well.

Last but not least, I love police prodecurals and the author really shows us that she knows what she is talking about. Not very often you see on tv or in books that the forsensic crimonologists also take paper bags with them to put certain samples in found at the crime scene. :) It's always a joy reading a thriller with a focus on this department. I find this extremely interesting and that why I have to give the highest score once again.

In my opinion this was a very good start of a new series and the author has gained a big fan. 5 stars.

Thank you, Jennifer Chase, Bookouture and Netgalley.

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"Little Girls Sleeping" (Detective Katie Scott Book 1) by Jennifer Chase. It is a great beginning to a new series, the description of this book is what made me want to read it . I haven't read a thriller in awhile and I am glad I chose to give this a try.

The Protagonist Katie is well developed, likeable and her uncle, aunt and Chad, a childhood friend were all likeable side characters. Templeton is a jerk as he tries to undermine Katie throughout the story.

I found that the beginning was slow but half way through I couldn’t put the book down as I wanted to know who the killer was. The description of the setting and crime scenes are strong and really drew me in. The ending was shocking and totally unexpected.

Highly recommended. A fabulous first book for an author I will definitely follow in the future.

I requested and received an Advance Reader Copy of this book from Kensington and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my OWN.

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(3.5) This is first in a series. This is also a first time author for me. The synopsis for the book reeled me. No fast judgements here. Hear me out. I love thrillers, strong women,veterans and deployed. This had it all. Since this is book one some groundwork had to be laid out. This has some growing pains, some disconnect, but the premise is solid. As the series continues I am confident we will see Katie grow and work on cold cases. I guessed wrong in who it was. I like when I am wrong😀. I feel the red herrings could have been played out a little more, but all in all a satisfactory read, one that i did in a day and will definitely be looking for book 2. Thankyou NetGalley, bookouture, Jennifer Chase for the Arc. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Returned army veteran Katie is looking forward to an easier, safer life working in the archives of the local police station, where her Uncle just happens to be Sheriff, however her plans go awry when a cold case catches her eye. An eight year old girl disappeared , and despite some initial leads was never found. This strikes a chord with Katie, reminding her of a friend who was murdered years ago, and she decides to do some investigating of her own, pissing off several of the local detectives along the way. When her hard work pays off and she makes a gruesome discovery, the hunt begins for a serial killer.
I really wanted to like this book, and overall I would say it is perfectly okay, but that's it, fine but nothing special or memorable. The idea of Katie, returning to civilian life after being deployed abroad, is an interesting one, and while the author does touch on it throughout the book, I wouldn't have minded a little more attention to this aspect of the character as it makes her stand out from others in the genre, but unfortunately the development of the character is lacking. The writing is a little clunky and the book feels disjointed, it certainly didn't flow easily. I also found the ending of the book a little unsatisfying, it felt far too convenient , almost as if the author could not figure out a better way to tie up the ending.
I read and reviewed an ARC courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher, all opinions are my own.

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I wasn't sure about this book at first, having never read anything by this author I didn't know what to expect. When I got into it it was really quite good. I liked Katie as a character, and the other characters were all pretty likeable too....Katie is conflicted after coming out of the army having been a police officer before that so she ends up head first in drama when she lands from the plane. She is feisty and loveable, she is determined and a great lead for a book. I wasn't overly surprised at the ending - I had guessed it was someone else doing the killings but I didn't feel shocked. I enjoyed the book overall, slme bits felt a bit slow but other bits made up for that.

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I liked Katie Scott's character and will definitely be reading more in the future. I liked that she wasn't going to back down, that her actions really aligned with her character portrayal. I feel like the mystery and suspense could've been ratcheted it up a bit but as this is just the beginning for Katie, I actually didn't mind.

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3 1\2 stars
The author Jennifer Chase create a police procedural story readers are able to enjoy from beginning to the end. The story is told from Kaite Point of View. The story will be well paced and than something happens not sure how to explain it other than a scene must have been written and put in later one because it suddenly comes to a stop. Once again the story starts to have a great pace and again it has another odd stop.

While it is a good read it isn't perfect but worth a summer read to get away from the crazy of kids and life.

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher Brookouture Advance Copy of Jennifer Chase LIttle Girls Sleeping.

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