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Arc provided by NetGalley. This is a paranormal middle school ya book. I enjoyed the book but I thought the story line could move at a faster pace. It’s surprisingly dark. I wasn’t expecting that. . Anna is a high schooler, who has lost her mother and her father is a hoarder. She is having social problems because her daughter is a ghost hunter( he removes spirits from objects) and he has a hoarding problem that explains a into the yard and his car. She has a group of friends and a boyfriend. The other kids pick on her to no end. She lost her mother when an evil spirit possessed her. Things to start to get worse when she abandons her friends, who have alway been around for bad boyfriend Craig.
She begins to get support from her dads new assurance Genevieve. Anna starts researching more and uncovers some evil spirits at work.

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Review: 4/5 stars
The Ghost Hunter's Daughter is a Teen Horror aimed primarily at 15-16 year olds. That being said, I did really enjoy this. It's nice to have a simple easy read sometimes that doesn't require a huge amount of focus to understand what's happening and who's who. What I particularly loved about the book is that there isn't a long drawn out buildup at the beginning. From the first page we are thrown straight in to the paranormal goodness. Our protagonist is a teenage girl who's Father is a Ghost Hunter by profession and we see that she is drawn in to that world with him from a young age. What I found particularly appealing was that the protagonist wasn't a Miss Goody Two Shoes, supermodel protege who is perfect at everything in life. Whenever I read teen/YA my inner teenage frizzy haired, spotty, geeky girl is driven bonkers by the 'chosen one' type trope or the girl that is so good at everything and is incredibly beautiful but just doesn't realise it. So our protagonist being a realistic 'normal' girl who is bullied, has a bit of a crappy life, has real emotions, and makes mistakes is greatly appreciated. Personally, I think we need more of this type of main character in our teen/YA books to teach our kids that they don't have to be perfect to succeed!
Several times in the books we get snippets of text where we gain insights into other characters' thoughts and emotions and I really enjoyed this format to give a more rounded view of the events.
There are trigger warnings for suicide, sexual abuse, mental illness, bullying and self harm but personally I feel that they are quite mild, age appropriate and well written.

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For someone who spent most of her teenage years obsessed with CW’s <i>Supernatural</i>, <i>The Ghost Hunter’s Daughter</i> was just too good to pass up on. I love the supernatural and I’m always interested to see how authors play with the existing lore, so I was only too eager to start this book. My interest sadly dwindled about a third of a way through, but then came back somewhat for the climax. Perhaps I would have loved this book more if I had still been that Supernatural obsessed teen, though on the whole I did find the book enjoyable.

Anna Fagan is only all too familiar with the spiritual and supernatural, what with her dad being a professional ghost hunter and her mother having been killed in a demonic possession. The easiest part is dealing with the mischievous spirits around her house; it’s all the other stuff that makes her life a living hell. Her dad’s a hoarder, her mother’s dead, her classmates bully her, her few friendships seem to be falling apart, her crush doesn’t seem to like her back, and on top of that she is plagued by strange headaches, violent thoughts, and nightmares. Could these be caused by the solar flares that she keeps hearing about on the news? And is it just her, or do other people seem to affected too? Anna will have to face her figurative and literal demons in order to get to the bottom of things and figure out what is really going on
While I enjoyed the premise of the book, its execution was not wholly for me. It’s pretty fast-faced, but the actual plot takes a little while to properly set in, and some of the peripheral episodes felt a little unnecessary and too drawn-out (e.g. the Izzy plot line added absolutely nothing for me and just made me feel uncomfortable). Although the book is aimed at (older) teens, the plot features some quite dark themes such as suicidal thoughts, self-harming, self-loathing, and sexual assault. Although much of the characters’ behavior – sometimes overly sexual and violent – can partly be put down to very legitimate plot reasons, it still made me feel a little uneasy at times. The characters additionally just fell a little flat for me. I didn’t particularly care for Anna and I’m not entirely sure if that’s just because the author is very good at describing a hormonal, rebellious teen dealing with some bad juju or because Anna was just not a very likable character, but whichever the case, I certainly rolled my eyes at her quite a bit. Most of the other characters, such as Anna’s dad and her friends, suffer from the same problem, namely that they are not all that compelling to me to begin with and on top of that are affected by some of the spooky plot elements, which makes them even less likable. Although there is thus largely a reason why the characters behave the way they do, I still struggled to look past this. The issue is somewhat resolved by the end of the book, but did diminish my interest a little, as my enjoyment of a book strongly depends on how I feel about the main characters, which in this case wasn’t all that great.
The supernatural elements that are sprinkled through the book and underlie the plot are actually quite good. It’s not just your run-of-the-mill spirits and demons and TV-exorcisms and the author definitely gives her own spin on things. Although not entirely for me, it definitely veers into some darker and more gritty territory – think a little bit more <i>American Horror Story</i> than <i>Supernatural</i> – which I had not expected. Kudos for this as it certainly added to the spook-factor of the book and made it stand out from the other horror/supernatural stuff that I have read.

Overall, The Ghost Hunter’s Daughter is a solid, quick, and easy read, though perhaps not for the faint of heart, and not entirely for me. The book mostly does what it says on the tin and certainly delivers on its supernatural elements. This being the author’s debut novel, I’m curious to see what she will do next.

Rating: <b>3 stars</b>

<i>I was provided with a copy of The Ghost Hunter's Daughter through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

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This could have been so good but I just could not gel with this book. The premise sounded super interesting and it had the potential to be really good but it just wasn't there. The main character did not seem too believable or interesting and this is where I generally stopped caring with the book as i did not want to continue with a character I did not care about.

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Thrilling story, great plot and characters that keep you guessing right til the end. Great for fans of this genre. Really enjoyable.

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I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really wish I had paid a bit more attention to the trigger warnings on this book. The Ghost Hunter’s Daughter while amazing, was also incredibly triggering for me for many reasons (i.e Pedophilia, bullies, suicide, sucide idealization, self harm, etc..) I actually had to step away from reading on several different occasions just to calm myself down. Nevertheless, I decided to power through and finish the book.

The story follows a 16 year old Anna who sees creatures from another world. This tends to complicate her highschool career quite a bit. After her mother’s demonic episode leading to her suicide, Anna has a really hard time coping. She is bullied because of her father’s career as a ghost hunter and taunted by the nickname “goblin girl.”

Anna starts being haunted by nightmares, violent thoughts, etc. She knows that something supernatural must be at play and she must harness her connection to the source to uncover the truth.

Overall, it was a great read It was super dark and at times very heavy, but I love Caroline Flarity’s confidence in her writing. She wasn’t afraid to tackle uncomfortable subjects. I do recommend this book but I will say please heed the trigger warnings.

A personal thank you to NetGalley, East Side Press Publishing, and Caroline Flarity for allowing me to review this book.

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At 59 years of age I am far from being a "young adult", but if the subject matter interests me I do enjoy the YA read here and there. The Ghost Hunter's Daughter checked all the boxes for me. At the age of eight Anna's mother death was caused by demonic possession Anna lives with her widower father Jack, who clears possessed objects for a living in a house full of "his things". Living with a hoarder. Anna has to navigate narrow passages between piles of dusty newpapers, and boxes of haunted objects and she also has to deal with the occasional Shadow Person and ever annoying Trickster. Life outside of the home she's known as "Ghoul Girl", so life isn't any easier beyond the dusty clutter.

I appreciate that the author does not write with stereotypes. The adults are written with realism, they are not all written as fools to be made fun of. The teens are human and real. Anna wasn't a precocious, smart mouthed miniature adult like you see on sit-coms these days. She was written to act, talk and behave like the age her character meant to be. This book is not all about ghosts and goblins. I think that more than anything it's really about growing up, learning who you are and finding your strength. This is a great book for a young girl trying to do just that and if the ghostly aspects draw them to the title, even better. #netgalley #AGhostHunter'sDaughter

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3.5 stars. The blurb had me intrigued because Supernatural and Mean girls together? Yes!
I had some trouble with the pacing of the book and our main heroine. But overall it was very enjoyable and I would recommend it as a Halloween read, because it has the right creepy atmosphere.

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This book wasn’t what I was expecting – from the cover (and what a cover! That was enough to draw my attention to the book all on its own) I was expecting a gentle teen horror novel with a chain rattling ghost or two. I was delighted instead to be reading about some horrendously nasty hauntings and horrors of human behaviour, the fact that the main characters were teenagers didn’t mean the author pulled any punches.

Anna’s dad is a ghost hunter and the local oddball, and not shy about the fact so things are understandably difficult for her at home and at school. He’s been getting increasingly withdrawn since the death of her mother and she’s trying her best to survive her high school experience with the help her two best friends.

Things in town start getting weird, with some genuinely unsettling hauntings and behaviours and Anna steps up to deal with the paranormal problems all her loved ones now face.

I loved the author’s writing style, this is a coming of age story with a twist and I easily connected with each and every one of the characters.

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The title is what grabbed me! And the cover is pretty darn good. I love anything paranormal in YA and this story did not disappoint. The beginning dragged a bit, but hold out because it really picks up and drags you in!

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I love love love love love a great paranormal mystery. This book had everything that a young adult would want in a book. A spooky fast-paced page-turner that any paranormal mystery lover will enjoy.

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Sixteen-year-old Anna sees things from another world, the spiritual world, a skill that isn’t exactly useful in high school. It’s bad enough that her mother, possessed by a demon, took her own life when Anna was a child, a loss she remains tortured by. Now her father makes his living “clearing” haunted objects, and Anna’s job as his assistant makes her a social misfit. Most kids in her suburban New Jersey town refer to her just as “Goblin Girl.” Only Freddy and Dor remain loyal friends. But Anna’s so focused on her own problems, she’s missed that her connection with Freddy is moving beyond the friend zone and that Dor is in crisis. As junior year approaches, a rare solar storm lights up the night skies and the citizens of Bloomtown begin to act strangely: Anna’s teachers lash out, her best friends withdraw, and the school bullies go from mean to murderous. When Anna realizes she can harness this evil power, she sets out to save Bloomtown and the only family she has left.
But to do so, she must keep her own increasingly dark urges at bay.
Trigger warnings - suicide (while possessed), suicide ideation, mental illness (hoarding) and self-harm, pet death, a ghost that was assaulted as a child "bride" during her life, predatory and/or abusive adults in positions of power.

I loved this book!,. This was a fun YA paranormal book and as a fan of the paranormal and everything ghostly, this book really appealed to me when I read the blurb and I was over the moon when I got approved for a E-ARC. The book did not disappoint, the book does get darker throughout and it was a shock at first with it being a YA book but I loved the darker side of it and made the book more interesting for me and I read this book in one day I loved it that much.
This book is definitely one to read if you don’t get triggered by the thing stated and you have a love for ghosts and the paranormal. This is one to definitely read in October and one I will be rereading at Halloween.
I gave this book 4.5 stars

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Really like the way the author takes you thru a cluster of different emotions with a very interesting plot.
Perfect for YA readers.

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This is a great tale for fans of the paranormal. It follows Anna a young teenage girl struggling to cope with the reality of being the towns version of The Addams family. She battles with beings from other realms as well as having the typical teenage dilemmas. The story has great twists and turns and is a real page turner!

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Fun little young adult book involving the spiritual world I really enjoyed. At times I felt frustrated with the protagonist, but I'm also past the age of the follies of youth. Very satisfying ending and the author did a great job on the suspense.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I really enjoyed "The Ghost Hunter's Daughter". I've always been partial to books about ghosts and spooks and such. This book is about about Anna a sixteen year old girl. Her father is the town's freak, a ghostbuster of sorts who can get rid of the spook's who are haunting objects. Anna's mother died when she was younger after being possessed by a demon. This makes Anna a bit of an outcast at school and the kids there call her "Goblin Girl". I thought the book was really interesting and had a good mix of pace, action and character development. The book also goes a little deeper than many similar YA books. The town seems like it is going crazy. Everyone is acting strangely or even more strangely than usual. People are violent. Some are suicidal or turning to self harm. What is happening? Anna, her two best friends, and her dad and his new business assistant Geneva find themselves in the thick of things. Geneva has a new invention that shows evil or ghostly beings or items. Together they begin to unravel the mysteries of the town. The book deals with some topics such as self harm, thoughts of suicide, death, murder, teen bullies and teen exploitation. There are some teachers doing some pervy things. None of these items get involved or too deep. The book does show the good in people and the ability to overcome the negative forces at play in the town. Although this appears to be a stand alone there is enough material here for the author to choose to make more books about Anna and company.

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Thank you to the publisher and the author for the opportunity to read and review this book!

For a YA novel, this book sure gave off all the creepy vibes!!! I got to the point where I couldn't read it home alone at night and instead waited until the safe hours of daylight to brave this story of demons and ghosts and tricksters!!! Just thinking of a Trickster tugging the covers off me while I sleep and playing with my hair gave me the heebie jeebies!!!

All in all this wasn't one of the greats, but it sure was fun and kept me entertained throughout the whole story. There were so many emotions, from fear, to sadness, to flirtation that it never really lulled at any point. I felt like it was really easy to follow as well, making it a fun and light read. I wasn't expecting it to be so freaky though! Which in turn was actually a really fun aspect of the book. I liked that it wasn't just a little boo here and there but lived up to the name of the Ghost Hunter's Daughter and all that comes with that title. Although it would have been fun with a little more ghost hunting, I think that the story had a satisfying arc that took you from beginning to end of Anna's journey to discover who she is and where she belongs in this big scary world.

Thankfully there is a happily ever after to look forward to that leaves you with a good happy feeling in the end. I feel like most scary stories always leave you a little unsettled, but that's not the case here and I was grateful for that. I was also grateful that there was some resolution to poor Anna losing her dog. That's one of the saddest things in books with animals is when one of them dies or gets hurt, I can't handle it, but this book deals with the entire situation well and you don't feel that unyielding grief that comes with animals being harmed.

I think that this book definitely will have a certain niche of readers, I know a few of my reading buddies who would not be interested for the mere fact that there is so much about demons, but if that's not something that bothers you, then this is a fun read, especially around Halloween when the ghosts and ghools are out to play!

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The Ghost Hunter's Daughter by Caroline Flarity is a book I requested from NetGalley and the review is voluntary. Wow, this book had me right away and held my interest to the end! I had to read it in one sitting! The story is just what the title says, but more! The girl has had an abnormal life growing up with cursed objects, "tricksters", and demons. One of those demons changed her life. Lots of great paranormal activity and creepy stuff, teen problems, suspense, and friendship. I hope there will be a series out of this! This is going in my favorite folder! So much great supernatural stuff in one book! Yes!

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This is the perfect read for anyone who loves PLL and Supernatural. It’s dark, it’s challenge but it’s oh so brilliant.

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Anna Fagan is the daughter of a ghost hunter and hoarder. She's lost her mother at the hands of a demon and is bullied at school. The town seems to be going down the tubes fast as people start acting angry and violent. Has the demon that killed her mother returned or is it something much worse and can Anna find the courage to do what has to be done to save the town and those she loves?

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