Member Reviews

I received an copy of this arc from NetGalley for an honest review. I love that there is a book about this as I find birdwatching to be therapeutic as well. I honestly skimmed this mostly, but it's a great addition to any self-help section.

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Self indulgent and preachy with no real substance. Also full of fake facts and unreal observations. I can honestly say this is one of the worst books i have ever read. Sorry.

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Bird Therapy is the tale of two journeys. Firstly, it is a journey from addiction and depression to a healthy life with the help of bird watching. Secondly, it is a journey of discovery in which Joe Harkness seeks to understand that recovery and place it into a broader context. This book is a combination of; personal narrative, psychological study, and journalistic endeavour. It seeks to explore the role of bird watching in a person’s mental well-being. It is an engaging read.

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Thanks to Unbound and NetGalley for the Advance Review Copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is a really interesting book to me. Like many people I have struggled with my mental health and engaging with the natural world is one of the few strategies I have found to help me. I've also held a lifelong fascination and interest in birds so my interest was definitely piqued when I saw a book exploring both facets of this.

The book is part memoir, part exploration of the author's own navigation through mental health issues but also manages to talk a lot about birds which to be honest is what attracted me to the book. I don't really engage well with self-help type stuff but this book managed to explore an interesting perspective on one person's experience without being too preachy.

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Lovely book about how birdwatching can improve mental health.
A well written book that will appeal to all. Birdwatchers can be a difficult bunch to get along with but this book shows you just need to find the right ones. No superiority shown here.

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The introduction by Chris Packham certainly pulls no punches as he writes about his own struggles with mental health. He also speaks highly of the author Joe Harkness, as will any one who takes the time to read this book.

In it the author describes his own breakdown and how he reconnected with his love of birdwatching to increase his wellbeing and help him with his own life. He bases the book around the New Economics Forum’s 5 ways to wellbing - to connect, to take notice, to give, to keep learning, and to be active. All of these can be achieved through birdwatching as Harkness explains. Indeed being outdoors and enjoying it is one of life's greatest pleasures. Personally I happily spend time each day watching the birds on the feeders in the garden. It may not be a large variety, but as Harkness says when you get an unusual visitor it provides that extra bit of joy. For me the sighting of a robin or a wagtail is a treat, as both are only seen occasionally and normally only in the winter months when their regular sources of food supply are diminished.

His enthusiasm and passion for birds and the countryside in general really comes through loud and clear in his writing. If there is one drawback in the book is that of some illustrations of some of the birds mentioned. I know it is not a birds field guide, however for the casual bird watcher it could help ignite their passion further.

The author never preaches about what you need to do to help with mental well being, rather he provides his and other peoples' experiences.

Mental health is one of the last taboos and if this book can not only help people, but get people to talk anout their state of mind and feelings then this is a big step. Bird therapy can be enjoyed by anyone and it works, ticking all five of boxes in the aforementioned ways to wellbeing.

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I requested this book because of the local connection - I live in Norwich and went to UEA, with lots of talented and creative people. I think I'm just slightly older than Joe though, so our paths didn't cross in a uni environment.
Bird Therapy is quite raw and there were points where the directness was a bit of a surprise - this is part of what Joe stands for though, he's really open with his anxiety and suicide attempt, and it's something that I think is important to get used to talking about so we can recognise and support each other.

He's so passionate about birds and the landscape that it's easy to be drawn in - I found myself watching birds and wildlife when I went out for runs, and actually still do that a month or so after I read the book. I have no idea what they are though so I can appreciate them only at face value!

I really recommend this as something different to try to focus on - for people struggling with mental health issues, stresses or anything like that, as Joe's journey is so inspiring.

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What a lovely addition to the nature writing genre. After a serious illness and resultant mental health problems I too started spending more time in nature, walking and birdwatching- so much of what Joe writes resonates with me.
I've not become as dedicated to birding as Joe, all nature interests me but being Norfolk based I understand the locations described and the thrill of living in such a diverse county.

I hope to follow some of Joe's tips and hope that both of our recoveries continue.

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3.5 Could birds be the answer? Although this is set in the UK and the mental health statistics are grim, in the USA they are just as bad. So many people suffer from anxiety or depression, or both that something really needs to be done. Yet, while there are some effective medications, many don't have access to them or can't afford them. It is inexcusable.

The author, candidly honest, tells of the nightmare his life has become, struggling with mental illness, to the point where he tried to take his own life. As many do who have become utterly hopeless.
Bird watching, literally saved his life. It provided time outside of mind, healing nature and a consistency to his days. As he saw and listed birds, some rare, some common he found his mental anguish lightening.

Maybe bird watching is not be for all, but finding something to immerse oneself in, may be helpful. I don't suffer from a mental obstacle but I do have some heavy duty physical ones, and have found that nature provides me with the piece of mind to deal with my difficulties. The other day I saw a commorant on our river, sitting on the log and sunning himself. So peaceful!

ARC from Netgalley.

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4.5 stars

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! As a lover of birds and birdwatching and also someone that suffers from anxiety, this book was made for me!
Joe Harkness spoke seamlessly about his journey with birdwatching and how it has helped his mental health. His stories of specific bird sightings were so detailed that I almost thought I had been there myself. I also suffer from chronic illness and am currently unable to go out birdwatching and so the stories and the details of the birds were even more lovely to read as I have a yearning to be out there seeing them.
Mental health is so important and I have long thought of how vital nature and the outdoors is to my mental health. Joe looks into this really well and without too much data but using real opinions on the subject.
I hope this book inspires more people to get out into nature and feel its calming ways.

I knocked half a star as I thought the book could have done with some more illustrations, especially for those reading the book that do not know birds that well but want to learn more.

Please note that I was given a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Bird Therapy is a beautiful reminder to slow down, look up from your various screens, and notice the world around you. If birds aren't your big thing, fine. Look up anyway and notice something else that nature has to offer. See, listen and smell the world and feel gratitude for all of these wonderful gifts. Depression sucks all the color out of one's world and fills it with ugly noise. Birds, animals and the natural world can give you your colors again you just have to let them in. I requested Bird Therapy to see if I might want to buy a copy for my husband, who is an avid bird watcher. I do think he'll enjoy it, but I also think anyone would benefit from reading this. I take it as gentle reminder to go outside and let nature quiet the noise in my head.

#netgalley #BirdTherapy

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I don't see a way to download this book to Adobe Digital Editions. That is what I read my review copies on with this computer.
I would like to review the title as I live in Ireland and watch birds. If there is a way to get a Netgalley Pdf or to e-mail me a copy ARC please let me know.
Apologies that I have to give a rating when I have not read the book. There isn't any other way provided for me to contact you and I have to give a rating or it won't go. I can't give a top rating if i have not read the book.

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Bird Therapy by Joe Harkness is an open and honest look at Harkness' journey with debilitating mental health issues and his path towards healing. While medication and therapy did help, he found that nothing was more profound in his recovery than his connection with nature, in particular, the impact of birdwatching.

The healing power of nature is something that is well documented but often ignored in place of more traditional treatment. I admired that Harkness was able to share his powerful experience without taking away from the beneficial inclusion of both medication and therapy. Many times when I have read about more "natural" treatment ideas, pharmaceutical drugs, in particular, are often frowned upon.

As someone who takes medication for anxiety and also uses many other more "natural" options, I appreciate this open-minded approach. There isn't a one size fits all answer, and I was very impressed that Harkness was able to share his viewpoint without shunning other ones that can be very helpful in their own right.

Bird Therapy approaches birdwatching in a relatable and youthful manner and takes away the stereotypical idea that is is only for people in their "retirement" years. Harkness shares his journey with his reconnection with nature and how it helped his mindfulness practices, and his passion for the avian world is infectious.

Thank you to NetGalley and Unbound for an advanced copy of this book.

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This is a great book! I suffer from depression myself and it gave me
some great insights on how to manage that dark depression with the
outside. and nature influence. I do watch birds I can't get to online by
webcam. But through this book, I realize I need more.

Thank you, NetGalley, the writer, and publisher for letting me read
this important book.

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This book is all about how birdwatching can help with mental illness and with generally gaining an increased sense of wellbeing, improving your health etc. I have always enjoyed garden birdwatching and this lovely little book has inspired to find a local "patch" and to become more mindful when watching the garden birds and wild birds. Highly recommended.

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This is such an important and insightful book about the healing power of nature. The author writes so honestly about his and others’ mental health problems and the ongoing coping strategy of immersing oneself in nature. Sheer joy pours out of the descriptions of his connections with birds both on “his patch” and further afield which is delightful to read. The extensive research around bird therapy as well as the wealth of bird knowledge it contains means this book should be read and appreciated by all. Give it a go, absorb some of the well-birding tips and it will undoubtedly change your life.

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Loved this book! for many reasons- i am a twitcher, and have suffered with mental illness. The book is uplifting, well written and very honest I would highly recommend it for people interested in the beneficial effects of engaging with nature to improve mental health and wellbeing.

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Joe Harkness has written a charming and unusual book on the delights of bird-watching. He covers the many aspects of his enjoyment of the activity, but specifically and openly recounts how watching birds helped his recovery from a breakdown.
He describes how the delight of being immersed in nature and the concentration required to spot and identify birds helped to calm his mind.
After each chapter on a different aspect of bird-watching, he thoughtfully provides a list of hard-earned tips with guidance for others, some for those suffering from similar issues and others for anyone interested in birds. These include tips for listening to birdsong, for making the activity more mindful rather than a box-ticking exercise and for connecting to other people through bird-watching.
A very interesting and comprehensive insight, not just into the range of ways that birdwatching can be enjoyed, but also into how it can improve mental health. It is a wonderful guide to the enjoyment of nature and its healing powers

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I was curious to read an advanced reviewer copy of this book because it seemed highly relevant to me. I was diagnosed with anxiety, OCD, and depression 10+ years ago and although my mental illness is generally managed, I have periods where the symptoms are debilitating. In particular, the loss of a close aunt sent me into a deep depression and observing birds was one of the few activities that made me feel connected not just to her but life in general.

I found the beginning of the book interesting but personally lost steam from there. Given the degree to which this was marketed as 'groundbreaking' I had been hoping for more scientific validation that was included. To his credit, the author does caveat that the research he did was not rigorous but I found myself wanting more of an understanding of bird watching vs. other kinds of more traditional therapy.

And then for whatever reason with the chapters that followed I just couldn't seem to get into the book. Given this book was the product of crowd funding it clearly resonates with people, but I unfortunately was not one of them.

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Nature is amazing. It has a power that almost all other entities lack; Joe Harkness knows this first-hand as nature, and particularly his affinity with birds, has helped him navigate around all-consuming mental health issues such as OCD, depression and generalised anxiety disorder. After suffering a nervous breakdown in 2013 he was eager to try different coping strategies outside of what the doctor recommended. It was then he discovered his love of birdwatching. I must admit that I feel great joy from watching the huge numbers of birds, of all different species, potter around my garden, eating the nuts and seeds we leave out, and bathing or taking a drink in the three birdbath's we have around our property, so I can definitely see the way this would be helpful to calm people and relieve stress.

The healing power of nature and its ability to transform a persons wellbeing is well documented but has largely been ignored in favour of drugs and traditional therapy sessions. We all need less time in front of screens and to try to go back to nature as much as possible. The book begins with Harkness at rock bottom but slowly builds to an inspiring conclusion where he is in a much better place mentally. It is really the author's emotional ode of appreciation to the natural world for all it has carried him through in recent times. Bird Therapy approaches birdwatching in a youthful, invigorating manner and wipes away the old idea that twitchers are all elderly folks in pack-a-macs. Each chapter documents his journey towards being a bird watcher and at the close of each chapter, he imparts useful hints and tips for those who wish to join the twitching fraternity too.

Those who enjoy the natural world or are looking for different ways to increase mindfulness will appreciate Bird Therapy. This comes very warmly recommended. Many thanks to Unbound for an ARC.

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