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All Roads Lead to You

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I’ve really enjoyed the Stay series by Jennifer Probst and All Roads Lead to You just hit me in the feels for multiple reasons!

We’ve met Harper Bishop in the first book The Start of Something New and I’ve really been intrigued by her. She is the youngest sister in the Bishop family, and she is a veterinarian. And what I really love most about the Stay series are the animals! Hei Hei and Charlie are my faves, and of course, Captain Hoof! Probst does a good job integrating animals in her books! My other faves are Robert and Pinky in her Searching For series.

I’m also a sucker for a hero with an accent and Aidan has an Irish accent (I mean, I can just imagine his accent right now, which is why I am planning to listen to the audiobook version). Not only that, I am a fan of the broody ones!

The romantic between Aidan and Harper was a bit of a slow start and had the will they/won’t they thing going on. Of course, both of them only wanted to remain friends while they were working together. The sparks were flying between them, though and they couldn’t help it.

While there were emotional scenes in All Roads Lead to You, I also ended up giggling in certain scenes. Most often when the animals were present! Probst really knows how to add pet in books (YES, I said this again – see above).

I haven’t checked Probst’s website yet, but I am hoping that Chloe will get her HEA! I’m even okay that it will be a novella!

While I wanted to love this book as much as the other two books in the series, there was something missing that I can’t seem to put a finger on. I think the an audio “reread” is in order for this book because it’s a dual narration and I really need the accents to get me really into a story.

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3.75 stars--ALL ROADS LEAD TO YOU is the third instalment in Jennifer Probst’s contemporary adult STAY erotic, romance series. This is rescue farm owner Harper Bishop, and Irish horse trainer Aidan O’ Connor’s story line. ALL ROADS LEAD TO YOU can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information form the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Harper and Aidan) ALL ROADS LEAD TO YOU follows horse trainer, Irishman Aidan O’Connor as he looks for his next challenge. Having left Ireland under mysterious circumstance, Aidan finds himself in New York’s Hudson Valley, at the Bishop family B&B, where his future is about to change. Enter animal rescuer and rehabber Harper Bishop, and the woman with whom Aidan will fall in love. What ensues is the professional and romantic relationship between Aidan and Harper, and the potential fall –out as neither one is looking for a permanent relationship beyond the present.

Harper Bishop struggles with Phoenix, a difficult horse whose abusive past has left him skittish and broken. Meeting Aidan O’Connor finds Harper reconsidering Phoenix’s future, as well as her own future with the man with whom she will fall in love. As Aidan begins training Phoenix for a run at the Derby, Harper begins to let down the walls surrounding her heart.

The relationship between Aidan and Harper is one of immediate attraction but neither one is in a place for romance or love. Aidan has been burned by his former partner, and lover; and Harper’s past doesn’t allow her to trust the ministrations of a man who is only in America for a limited time. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate, without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are reintroduced to Harper’s sister and B&B owner Ophelia Bishop and Kyle Kimpton (A Brand New Ending#2), Ethan Bishop and his wife Mia: f summer ranch hands Chloe, and newcomer Owen; Aidan’s former business partner Colin Flynn, as well as a assortment of townsfolk and busybodies.

ALL ROADS LEAD TO YOU is a story of family, friendship, struggle and promise. The premise is engaging and entertaining: the romance is seductive and captivating: the characters are energetic, cautious and hopeful.

Copy supplied by Netgalley for review





B&N (Sandy_thereadingcafe) posted

CHAPTERS/INDIGO (Sandy_At_the_Reading_Cafe) posted

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Perfect summer reading, heartwarming, emotional, fun and engaging romance filled with witty banter, reluctant charters, undeniable passion and exciting chemistry..... was a great read from beginning to end and so hard to put down. Really love this series and all the hard not to love charters in it! Loved this journey!

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I loved the book. There wasn't any big conflict in the book but that worked for me. I am not a animal person so I wasn't sure how I will feel about ALL the animals in the book but the author wrote them as characters with their own personality so it worked.
I liked how the relationship developed with both of them making a conscious choice of getting into it and being committed to not let it impact their professional relationship. It felt very mature and grown-up.
I loved how they talked about everything to each other.

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All Roads Lead to You is the third stand-alone novel in the Stay series by Jennifer Probst. Harper is a familiar person to those who have read the previous books and Aidan is a brand new addition from Ireland. Harper works with the rest of her family in a B&B and with her brother, they take care of the horses and arrange riding activities for the guests of the B&B. Aidan used to train horses for races but after a fall out with his ex-business partner, he decided to take a breather and find himself once again. His journey takes him to America and leads him to the B&B Harper's family owns and that's how their story begins. Harper and Aiden didn't have the best beginning, but Aiden is insistent as Harper is stubborn and he forced his way into her stables, which brought them closer.

There a lot of animals present in this story and they almost stole the spotlight! Harper has a cat, a lot of dogs, the horses and of course there is Hei Hei who is the official mascot of the series. Another guy joins the team later on and I loved him almost the most. Hei Hei is da bomb, no questions asked, but the other little guy was pure gold. Honestly, they are reason enough for me to recommend the book.

Aidan's reluctance to admit the whole truth from the beginning was understandable at first, but as the story was going on, it became irritating because I had a feeling that it was going to be the reason of the conflict. At least Harper made me happy with the ways she was reacting.

Overall, the book was great! I liked the main characters despite Aidan's hesitation to reveal the truth and I loved the animals that had a strong presence in the book. The couples from the previous books also appear and it was fun to have them since they had some funny dialogs and I love having past main characters appear because I can catch up to them.

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Great read. The author wrote a story that was interesting and moved at a pace that kept me engaged. The characters were easy to invest in.

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This is the first book I have read from Jennifer Probst and it certainly won't be my last. After meeting Jennifer and her lovely husband at some signings in this last year I was looking forward to reading one of her books.

This is the last instalment in the Stay Series and Harper's story. It can be read as a standalone but like me, once you have read this one you will want to go back and read the other two books.

I loved Harper and Aiden. The chemistry between them was electric and I simply loved the slow burn between them. They took their time being together after denying their chemistry at first, they knew once they had one taste it would it could possible break them as one touch would never be enough. They both have so much fear which is getting in the way.

Once I started this book I was hooked. Jennifer made me laugh with the wit in this book. The animals honestly had me in fits, especially Hei Hei and the Captain. Aiden made me swoon lots.

I finished this book with a huge smile on my face. It was a nice sweet romance.

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I have really enjoyed this series so far. Each book was a prime example of Jennifer's writing ability and the way she is skilled at writing swoon worthy romance.

It pains me to say that this one (to me) doesn't live up to the rest of the series. It read really slow for me. I liked the premise of the book but the horse training, shows, etc took away from the romance and relationship. I think, with all of that, it was why the chemistry didn't show till maybe the last part of the book. I need it from the beginning to get invested in the main characters relationship.

I liked Aiden and Harper but together I had trouble getting behind them. Harper was a little harder and angry/bitter than her siblings. They were stubborn but still had a lot of heart. She never seemed to have the same heart as they did. She needed to loosen up a bit. I like my women strong in my romance books but she was too strong to a point that it kinda killed the chemistry.

Besides this one being probably more of a "me not you thing." I can see people enjoying this one but it just didn't click for me. I love Jennifer's work. Her Marriage To A Billion series. I reread that one maybe once a year. The first one in that series, The Marriage Bargain, is one I consider the gold standard for my favorite trope (Arranged Marriage/Fake Relationship). I look forward to her next book, this one just was a miss for me.

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All Roads Lead to You is the third book in Jennifer Probst's Stay series. This book follows Harper, a rescue farm owner and the last single Bishop sibling, and Aidan O'Connor, a horse trainer on vacation after a disagreement with his business partner.

We met Harper and many of the secondary characters in the first two books. We also met Phoenix, a thoroughbred horse seemingly made for racing. This story follows Harper, Aidan, and Phoenix's journeys. It was definitely moving and I thought it was much more emotional than the first two books. All of the books in this series have been beautifully written and All Roads Lead to You is no exception. If you haven't picked up this series, definitely do!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Aidan O’Connor has arrived in New York from Ireland, to seek refuge from a career that has gone so horribly wrong. He was making a name for himself as a horse trainer in Ireland when he was betrayed in the worst way by people that he loved and trusted. A couple of weeks staying in a quaint little inn on a farm is just what he needs to reset and decide his next move. Maybe he can begin again in the USA.

Harper Bishop’s family farm is her solace. In particular she loves taking in rescue animals and rehabilitating them - giving them the love and attention they had been missing. She also likes to name them after Disney characters like her dogs, Bagheera and Baloo, her cat Figaro and her chicken Hei hei. One of her rescue passions is horses and she recently acquired one at an auction that she feels has real potential to be a racehorse - Phoenix.

Phoenix was not in a good way when he arrived in her stables but will lots of love and time his conditioning has improved and she feels like he was born to run. There is just something about this shy, skittish horse that has her dreaming of big things in his future. When Aidan meets Harper she is very stand offish with him, as she is with most men. When he also sees the potential in Phoenix, Harper begins to believe that her dream for him might come true.

Aidan wasn’t looking for work when he arrived on this farm but something about Phoenix has him very excited and his gut tells him not to ignore his intuition about this magnificent creature. In the back of his mind he also sees this as an opportunity to redeem himself and show the people who lost faith in him that he is a talented trainer. One day he will return home a champion with his pick of the jobs he chooses - okay he is getting a bit ahead of himself now…

As Aidan and Harper begin to work together on getting Phoenix prepared to race a bond forms between them. Harper’s passion for rescuing animals is rubbing off on him, that’s how a goat dressed in a chicken suit called Captain Hoof joins the farm as the latest addition :-) Things between Aidan and Harper have shifted into something more than either of them expected and they not only spend their days shovelling hay but their nights rolling in the hay - I mean tangled sheets.

Phoenix begins to prove himself to have all the potential they knew he had and more but alongside this is a lot of publicity and offers that Aidan was not expecting. His time in the US is coming to an end anyway, he only planned on it being a short term thing. Harper knew that and is prepared to let him go - even if she doesn’t want him to leave. However, she would never want to hold him back from his dreams of success in his homeland. What about what she wants though? Is the grass really greener in Ireland?

I learnt so much about horses reading this story. I enjoyed the way the relationship between Harper and Aidan evolved slowly. I adored all the lovely animals in this book too :)

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What’s it about- Harper owns a farm where she rescues abused animals. Aidan, a horse trainer, is taking a break from his life in Ireland and staying at Harper’s family’s B&B when he sees Phoenix, one of Harper’s rescue horses, and wants to train him.

Rating- 9/10
POV- dual third person
HEA/HFN- yes
Funny parts- yes
Sad parts- some
Love triangle- no
Insta-love- no
Cheating- no
Super insecure character- yes
Trigger warning- none
Realistic scale- 3/5
Pick this up if- you want something sweet with an Irish hero. You like reserved heroines who is smart, strong and independent. You want to read about a lot of cute rescue animals (the baby goat in the chicken costume was my favourite). You want something easy to read and cute. You want a small town romance.
Don’t pick this up if- you’re not looking for something character driven. You’re opposed to horse racing. You don’t like unlikeable main characters. You don’t like third person POV.

Pages- 329

Audiobook- 10h 43m
Narrators- Amy Landon and Stephen Graybill

It’s the third book in the series but it can be read as a stand-alone.

I got this arc from NetGalley but all opinions are my own.

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Ok, I will be honest, the first part of this book just seemed to drag on and on for me. I mean, not bad enough to not finish or anything but I thought I had just a so-so book on my hands. Then I hit about the half way mark and oh boy did things turn around. We got horse racing, a goat dressed in a chicken costume named Captain Hoof and two people who started being real with each other. It was nice to see the chemistry come alive for Harper and Aidan and watching them slowly heal from past hurts. Overall I really enjoyed this book.

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This is my first ARC from Ms. Jennifer Probst but not my read. I have some of her paperbacks in my shelf. I got this ARC from NetGalley. The Marriage Bargain and The Marriage Trap were two of my fave books of hers.

This is the story of Aidan and Harper. He is an Irish horse trainer and she runs a farm that rescues and shelters abused animals... and they developed a relationship because of their love for animals... and so on.

I don't know if it's just me but I wasn't really able to connect with the story at the beginning. It took me about 3 days to finally finish the book and usually when I get excited and connect with a story I'd devour it within a day. I always love a good build-up towards a swoon-worthy love-story but I think it took much time for the characters to evolve? I don't know... For me, it only picked up around the middle.

The writing was good—of course, duh... but the pacing was much slower than I would've preferred. Maybe this book wasn't just for me.

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This was a bittersweet book to read because it’s the last book of a wonderful series....or is it? I hope Jennifer Probst continues this series because it’s one that will bring tears to your eyes- either from
laughing at the witty comebacks and animal antics or crying because of tough decisions and heartaches.
The story follows Harper- a strong, confident, witty female who knows how to take charge and speak her mind. Aiden is a headstrong Irish man who has a heart the size of Texas. Their love story, while predicting, was a pleasure to watch unfold. I hope this isn’t the end of the Stay series because the Bishop sisters and their significant others’ lives are fun to be a part of!

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Wow - I was so excited to get my hands on Harper's book and then we met Aiden and I became even more excited! I absolutely fell in love with Harper and Aidan's story from beginning to end. Its perfect in every way set in the most wonderful backdrop of horse racing - what a great way to fall in love for these fantastic characters.

Harper Bishop loves her life - she has her family but more importantly, she has her animals. Running an animal rescue on her family's farmer is rewarding and when Phoenix a horse that needs her love she knows she has also found a true winner. Now she just needs someone to train him. Enter the dashing Aidan with his Irish accent and good looks she knows that she needs to stay far away from him but when she realizes that Aiden loves animals just as much as she does Harper doesn't know if she can keep up her walls and maybe she really doesn't want to.

Aidan O'Connor came over to American to prove to himself and Ireland that he is a winner. Running from his past he just needs to find the right opportunity and really the right horse to give him that. When he comes upon the Bishop farm and sees Phoenix for the first time he knows he has found his opportunity - but its Phoenix's owner that really has turned Aidan's head. Together can they build a winning run for the Triple Crown and keep their hearts intact?

Jennifer Probst is so good at telling stories about complicated characters and wonderful locations. Harper has always been a mystery since we first met her and once we learn more about her we get to see why. I also love Ms. Probst's writing style - the third person can be a challenge for the writer and the reader and she does it flawlessly. We get to see some old friends from the previous books and meet some new "characters" both 2 and 4 legged which is beyond fun but make no mistake this is Harper and Aidan's book through and through.

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So amazing! I'm a big fan of Jennifer Probst and she's done a brilliant job on this one. Great details on horse racing, animal rehabilitation and Ireland. I loved the ending to this trilogy. She brought all characters together and made them shine! Really looking forward to the next release she puts out.

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I received a copy of All Roads Lead to You by Jennifer Probst from NetGalley to enjoy and review. And enjoy I did!!! I’ve loved each book of the Stay series, this being the third. It’s not necessary to have read the previous two, although you will want to! It was fun to reconnect with previous characters while watching the relationship grow between Aiden and Harper. From Phoenix the abused rescue thoroughbred to Captain Hoof the chicken suit wearing rescued goat, this story was a delight. A heartwarming page-turner I highly recommend!

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I have loved this series from the first book. This is Harper's book and I think she found her perfect match in Aiden. It takes them awhile to give a go but they find it in the end. This book has a lot of information about horses and racing. Which is not my normal type of reading but with Jennifer's type of writing that part of the story isn't a hindrance to the story. I do fall more in love with Phoenix in this story and wait until you meet Captain Hoof. This book has all the feels you are looking for. You will fall in love all over again with the inn and animals. You will root on Phoenix. You will also root for Harper and Aiden to get it right. It is wonderful to see all the siblings get this happily ever after.

*I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.*

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I have absolutely loved this series by Jennifer Probst and yet each book can be read as a standalone. I’m glad I read each one, and I may have said this after reading each book, but I swear, this book was the best! I loved Harper and Aidan, but more importantly i loved the story of Phoenix, the abused horse who carries the plot and Captain Hoof, an abused goat. This book centers on Harper running the farm for abused animals and this was portrayed beautifully. A fully complete storyline that was wonderfully told. I loved all three books, and frankly would love to live more in this world!

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All Roads Lead to You is a journey your heart won't soon forget! Harper and Aidan are two very hard-headed characters that have built up walls around their hearts. The animals are often scene-stealers, and will run off with your heart as well. They're the perfect buffer between the characters and very well portrayed.

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