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Catching Him

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3.9 stars

I am not sure what I was expecting when I started this book. I have always admired this author from afar but despite her books being on my TBR had never really taken the plunge when it came to reading her work. However, this blurb drew me in. The first meet between the characters because of her cat made me laugh. I was hoping that it would continue throughout the story. However, it didn't. There was just something missing there.

I am not sure what it was missing but it felt too perfect despite great characters and adorable animals. There was little to no angst in this story. It was sugary sweet. That being said, it still makes me want to move this author up on my TBR as I can definitely see why she is so popular.

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First I love Aurora's words. Leah is sweet smart and a great aunt. Tyler is a caring and protective man. They are neighbors. Tyler makes Leah feel safe and wanted. His mom makes him feel bad about moving away. Tyler doesn't deserve to feel bad about moving away. Tyler loves how Leah cares about people and wants to see the good in everyone. Leah is optimistic and impulsive. Leah catches something beautiful when she catches the guy next doo. This is great start to a new series.

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Enjoyed this romance between Leah and Tyler - the best bit being that they didn't play games and communicated with each other. They both seemed lovely people - the only thing I was wondering about was how they got to their 30s without finding someone before! I could really see them being happy together in the long term. Such a relief not to read about a ton of drama and angst which leaves you wondering how the couple will actually get on when they're not high on adrenaline from traumatic events.

There was a little bit of a mystery element, but tbh it was pretty obvious whodunit.

A nice, undemanding romance. I'll add this review to Amazon once it's released.

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This is a book to read when you want a down home, feel good romance to read.

Tyler and Leah could be called love at first sight even though they don’t describe themselves that way. Their relationship was very easy, very little drama...I mean there is some it is a ARR book. LOL

This is just a book that makes you feel good and realize there are relationships that can be easy. There are relationships where you truly enjoy every minute with your other half. My husband and myself remind me some of Tyler and Leah. The 8-10 hours away from each other everyday sucks. We love spending time together and hate any trips that take us away from each other because we don’t want to ever sleep away from each other.

This book had me all smiles and laughs! This is a new world she is creating and I’m interested to see how it progresses.

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I loved this book and can’t wait for more in this new series! Funny h and awesome alpha H, just what I expect from this author!!

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This is a fun read, and if you're a fan of Aurora Rose Reynolds already (or Penny Wylder, Tessa Bailey, etc.) you'll love this!

I love neighbor-turned-romance books, and this didn't disappoint!

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This book is amazing. However, I do think it was missing some something. Maybe because no one was kidnapped or there wasn't more sassy banter between the H & h in the beginning. It had more of insta love feel to it more than her other books.

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i did like this book a lot. It started really funny but it did lose the humour a bit from the middle onward. It was a nice love story starting from friends and turning into lovers.
I absolutely loved the dog and how he got attached to the heroine so fast. The cat's antics were so funny in the beginning and I would have loved to see her a bit more in the rest of the book and not just being told that she likes to hide.
I was not a fan of the "accidents" and I could see who the "bad" guy was from the beginning. I feel like it was just there for the sake of having something bad happening to them and it did not bring anything to the story. However, it was not bad by any means.
One thing I would change is equal dual perspectives, I think the guy only had a few chapters and I would have enjoyed reading from his point of view more, especially in the beginning.
Overall, I enjoyed this book a lot, but then again, I enjoy everything Aurora Rose Reynolds writes.

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I knew the first time I read Until November that I would read every installment that followed!!! Well I am thrilled to say that after about 2 chapters into Catching Him, I was positive that I will absolutely be 1-clicking every book that follows in series!!

Catching Him is an addictive novel that centers around Leah and Tyler. Right off the bat, I loved Leah and was excited to see what was in store for her! If you love Aurora Rose Reynolds like I do, you know she’s has mastered the art of writing the alpha male and Tyler is the perfect example of alpha-awesomeness!! The storyline was sassy and steamy, but as per usual with Aurora there is a lot of feels built in! Catching Him is a 4.5 star read that had me swooning!! This is such a fantastic way to start off a series and I’m super excited to read ALL of the future installments in the How to Catch an Alpha series!

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Tyler's possessiveness isn't really subtle, “Whatever. As long as you’re not seeing him again, I don’t give a eff what your reasons are.” I loved this book, I fell in love witj Tyler he was just all about his girl.

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One thing I really like about ARR is that she writes insta-love that's not just about the love, and Catching Him is a great start to a new series.

A light, easy read loaded with swoon and tons of really sweet moments, this book reminded me of all the reasons I love this author. It wasn't perfect. There were times that I definitely wanted to throttle Tyler and Leah had a few book throwing moments, but there was enough alpha male goodness to give me butterflies and keep the pages turning. I'm really looking forward to finding out where this series goes next.

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This is the first book in the series and it will be interesting to see how it will develop

So Leah and Tyler did not have the most normal of introductions, what with him pointing a gun at her after she had broken into his house (via an open window) to capture her escaped cat... but it set the tone for the book!!

I enjoyed this book, with the humour and enough drama to keep it interesting!

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Catching Him by Aurora Rose Reynolds has me all kinds of excited for this new series of hers!

Told in a duel Pov, Leah and Tyler are neighbors who have an addictive, hilarious, passionate, amazing journey to their HEA.

They are easy to love individually and together. Leah is the heroine who you would love to be or have as your best friend. Tyler is the alpha who you love to love-considerate, strong, hot and all man.

There are no games or miscommunications to make you want to throw your device over. This relationship is mature and so enjoyable. Add in secondary characters who are equally lovable and this is the new series to love.

I can't wait for more! Until then, I' Il continue to reread this beauty!

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If you want a real alpha male, look no more. Aurora writes them as an art, difficult to copy. I love this author's books and this one was no exception. The characters are easily lovable and impossible to not care about and the story makes you want to find out more about the secondary characters. I really hope Aurora writes about the rest of them so we ca find out what happens to the lovely baker and the nice boss. Always an author to go back to whenever you need some light story and a great hero.

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I swear Aurora Rose Reynolds just keeps getting better and better when bringing the BOOM factor to her romance novels. She is one of my all time favorite authors when it comes to Over the Top Alpha Heroes!! They are the perfect mix of Alpha possessive and men with a heart of gold <3

Catching Him is the first book in ARR’s newest series….How To Catch An Alpha. I think this series is off to an AMAZING start. I absolutely loved this book. I had a smile on my face all the way through. This was a fairly quick read and one that would be perfect for the beach. It was such a sweet and swoony romance, but she added a touch of suspense to keep you turning the page.

This book is a standalone novel that is told primarily from Leah’s POV but we do get a couple chapters from Tyler’s. I thought the flow and pace of the story worked well. Normally ARR does the insta-love connection in her books, but this one was a little slower, not much, but a little…lol :) I liked that Leah and Tyler start out as friends, at least in Leah’s eyes, not so much in Tyler’s, and then it grew from there.

As you can guess this story follows Leah and Tyler. Leah is a single woman who lives alone with her cat Mouse and works in a salon with her mom and grandma. So when her cat Mouse gets out and runs next door she goes after him thinking the house is abandoned. Little did she know she would get caught by the new guy who just moved in….Tyler. Tyler is a single man who just moved into town and lives with his dog Bruce. He works in construction. When he spies his new neighbor sneaking into his house he is instantly interested. I loved the connection between Tyler and Leah. These two had some very funny moments, especially when it involved their fur babies, Mouse and Bruce. I think I love when authors put adorable pets in their stories just as much as when they put adorable kids in the book. This story actually had both.

Do you have an author that when they release a book you don’t even need to know what it’s about, you just know it will be fantastic and you go in blind because they never let you down. Well ARR is that author for me. I never have to read a blurb of her books, because I know I am going to get an Alpha Hero and a sassy heroine and a love story that will make me swoon and smile. I will read anything she writes!!!

If you haven’t read an ARR book and love an Alpha Hero and a story that has interesting storylines and off the charts chemistry….then you need to read one of her books. Catching Him is the perfect place to start your journey with this amazing author!!! Add this book to your TBR list NOW!!!

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ARR has always been one of my favorite authors. And this new series is so sweet and fun to read. I was captivated from the first to the very last page. It was so sweet, I think I have a tooth ache ;)

Leah is living her best life being single. She has a job that she loves, she’s close to her family. She’s over playing games with guys that don’t know what they want. And she has a cat who is an escape artist.

Tyler has just moved from Tennessee, wanting to get away from his overbearing mother. When his friend offers him a job he takes it. While he’s fixing up his house Leah literally falls through his window. She was trying to catch her cat. But as soon as these two meet the sparks fly and the sexual tension is felt.

We follow these two while they fall in love. They have to deal with every day crap and there is also a mystery to solve. This read is so sweet and with a Hero who knows what he wants.

Highly recommended.

*I was given a free advanced copy of this book by NetGalley in exchange for my honest and voluntary review. All thoughts and opens are those of my own.*

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Catching Him, Keeping Him, Never Letting Him Go!!!

If you are looking for a lusciously light read with a strong, independent, animal loving heroine and her protective, strong, swoon-worthy alpha neighbour then THIS BOOK IS THE ONE FOR YOU!!!

Leah doesn't meet Tyler in the most conventional way having chased her cat through her neighbours window while in her underwear! She's mortified to discover that the house she thought was empty is in fact occupied by the very large and attractive man pointing a gun at her. Embarrassed and offended when he laughs at her craziness, she does her best to avoid her hot new neighbour and admire his looks from afar while trying to navigate life and the dating world, something she has little interest in having been messed around in the past......After another pet breakout Leah and Tyler start to develop a friendship and it's not long before Tyler and his dog are integrating themselves into her daily routine and making her realise that love and marriage could be a possibility in her future! But not everyone wants them to be together! Will Leah win over Tyler's family and can they discover who is causing them trouble before they go too far?

This is a thoroughly enjoyable read with likeable, relatable characters, a nice easygoing storyline and a good pace. I loved Leah and Tyler's explosive chemistry and that Tyler was prepared to go all in from the get go! I would highly recommend if you enjoy a low-angst, fast-burn, small town romance.
I haven't actually read many books by ARR but I will most definitely be remedying that situation very soon!!!
A huge thanks to NetGalley and Montlake for the opportunity to read this book.

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I’ve never read a book by Aurora Rose Reynolds, and I can happily say that Catching Him was the perfect first book I’ve read of hers. I absolutely LOVED this book! It was sweet, funny, swoon worthy, with a tiny bit of drama. It was the perfect romance novel I was looking for. I can’t even begin to explain what Tyler did to my heartstrings. Even though the book was told mostly from Leah’s POV, Tyler stole the book for me. Who doesn’t love a gorgeous boy next door with his southern charm and his absolute adoration for the woman he can’t stop thinking about? I can’t say enough how much I LOVED this book. It put me in the perfect mood & I’m going to be smiling all day because this book just did it for me!

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<I>Thank you NetGalley and Montlake Romance for granting my request for an ARC of this book. The review below is entirely my own opinion.</I>

I loved this book! It’s one of my favorites that I’ve read this year bec it has all the elements that I love in a good romance book.

The heroine is spunky, sweet, knows what she wants, is hardworking and is close to her family. The hero is alpha yummy with a very confident attitude but is still quite the gentleman. Their pets are cute and endearing. The secondary characters aren’t distracting and there aren’t so many of them that you get lost with who’s who.

There’s some angst, very little actually, but I thought it was dealt with in a very straightforward way which I totally appreciated. Let’s just say that I didn’t have any urge to throw my Kindle at the wall during any point in my reading this story. LOL

In a nutshell, it’s a light, entertaining read with a whole lot of feels. Their romance developed nicely and smoothly. No insta-lust here, but it sure has heat.

If you’re a fan of ARR’s books, I think you’ll be totally happy with this couple and their love story.

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Aurora has done it AGAIN!
I always swoon over the hero in every single book of ARR and want them for myself. Leah and Tyler are PERFECT! Both amazing people by themselves but together such an amazing pair! I don’t want to give too much away, but Tyler being the dreamy swoon boat that he is, taking the time to get Leah to know him and realize he isn’t going anywhere before making his move is exactly what our girl needed! There of course is some drama with someone from Leah’s past but with Tyler and Leah together nothing can really stand in their way. They complement each other beautifully and the story was just so great and I was smiling the entire way through.THANK YOU, ARR!

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