Member Reviews

In a few words: predictable, meh, and too simple.

I have nothing against a simple story, and think sometimes the simple tales often make the most impact, but this one left me feeling wanting. It was the same old story of spurned girl trying for a fresh start and a boy who couldn't get over the heavy expectations of an overbearing parent. Even the addition of a cute dog didn't help, and it was a predictable meet-cute.

I will say this, though: the author has potential. She has a strong voice, and a good way with words; she just needs to branch out with some new ideas for plots.

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Curl up with some hot cocoa and enjoy. Wrapped up for Christmas, a story about a girl named Angie, who after having her heart broken goes home. She takes a job in a mall and meets a guy, who maybe her Mr. Right but, there are bumps to overcome. You will, as I have, enjoy reading how this happens and how the heart heals.

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This is the perfect Christmas, feel-good story. It has great characters, well-written story, second chances, friendship, family, some angst and romance. What else could you want in a Christmas story. This is one that would definitely be a hit on the Hallmark Channel. The author said she wrote it as an ode to all the Hallmark movies out there, and she was right on.

I loved Angie. She had gone through so much, but was still upbeat, smiling, and wanting to help others. She seemed to have a tough time being alone, as she mentions that when she has a break up it doesn’t take her long to find another guy, but this time, she wants to take her time and just be friends. Nick has problems of his own, including a big family issue that causes him, his mother and his brother a lot of pain. I was not impressed with his father at all. I did like Angie’s mom and nonna trying to get her and Nick together, they were quite sweet and amusing.

Overall, this is a wonderful Christmas story. It had just the right amount of angst, a few issues of trust, some fun, lots of romance and second chances. There was a sprinkling of good deeds with Angie trying to raise money for the homeless shelter and some great friendships. If you enjoy the “Magic of Christmas” in a holiday romance, then this book is for you. And don’t you just love that cover!

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My first book by Katlyn Duncan and not my last.
A wonderful Christmas romance.
Loved the characters, storyline and especially the romance.
Thanks to HQ Digital and NetGalley for advance copy for my honest opinion.

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This festive read really captures the essence of the holiday season - being a good neighbour and being kind to each other. Angie has had a difficult few years but has returned back to her childhood home and appreciates the community she finds there. Family love and looking out for those who are weaker seems to be part of her make-up and she finds real satisfaction from helping others.

I enjoyed Nick's story and his relationship with his brother's family. It shows you what sort of person he is. The main characters are all likeable and sympathetic. Angie's friends and family are all an entertaining bunch and I smiled at her family as they were curious as to what was going on in her life. It felt so true to life. It is a relaxing and comforting read which makes you smile- a real page turner..

Thanks to the author for a copy of the book.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read this ARC! I enjoyed the quick, light read and Christmas feel. There seemed to be a lot of telling versus showing (could just be my taste), though overall it hit the feel-good notes I was looking for.

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Katlyn Duncan has written a festive feel-good story bursting with holiday cheer! The entire time I was reading this I was thinking to myself, this is like reading a Hallmark movie. So it was no surprise to find out after I was finished that Katlyn is a big fan of the Hallmark Christmas movies and wrote this with them in mind. This was definitely a cozy up in a warm blanket with some hot chocolate and Christmas music in the background kind of read.

Angie has returned home to Connecticut after a bad breakup that also lead to the loss of her job in California. This was not how Angie had planned on spending the Christmas holidays, but it is nice to be home enveloped in the warmth of her family and friends. Determined to start over Angie finds herself a new job and perhaps even a new love interest. But is it too soon? Nick is a great guy handsome and kind, but what is he hiding? A dash of drama, a peppering of secrets, a sprinkling of romance, and a generous dose of holiday cheer. Angie was a great character, I loved her heart, her family, and her friends. The connection between Angie and Nick was so sweet, The romance happened a bit speedily, But the Christmas season is short. This is an absolute must read for anyone who is a fan of a feel good festive Christmas story!

This book in three emojis: 🎁 ❤️ 🎄

*** Big thanks to HQ Digital for my copy of this book ***

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Wrapped Up for Christmas is a well written Christmas romance. I enjoyed the plot and the setting., as well as the believable characters. Romance readers will enjoy this book. Thanks to the publisher for my advance ebook. This is my unbiased review.

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4☆ A Warm and Cosy, Feel Good Read, With A Sprinkle of Festive Romance!

Wrapped Up for Christmas is a warm and Cosy, Feel Good Read, festive romance.

Angie is having a pretty tough time.
No one wants to be jobless and heartbroken around Christmas time and that's exactly how Angie finds herself.

Having no other option she moves back home and it just so happens that her old job in the mall has become available.
Not really ideal but she takes what she can get. After all a change might be just what she needs.

Especially when she jumps into the mysteriously handsome Nick!
He appears to tick all the right boxes, charming, Witty, handsome, kind, but why is he holding back?
The chemistry is clearly there between the two.
Could things start to be looking up again for Angie or is it all too soon?

Wrapped Up for Christmas is a heart warming story about Second Chances, Romance, Secrets, Letting go and Moving On.
The Characters are a wonderful strong mix and I loved watching Angie and Nick blossom.
Oh and have I mentioned just how much I Adore the book cover! It really is a festive cover, that I couldn't resist!

So if you are looking for a warm, cosy, light hearted Romance that's full of Festive cheer, then you will adore this book.
So grab a steaming hot drink, a cosy blanket, snuggle up and Enjoy!

Thank you to Rachel Random Resources for this copy which I reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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I loved the overall Christmas feel of this novel with the decorations, trees and festive food leaping off the page but it was the shopping mall which resonated with me most. In my student days, my first job was working in a mall at Christmas and I loved it – the atmosphere, people watching and helping shoppers with their retail experience. Katlyn Duncan has captured the essence of that perfectly as Angie returns to the mall she once worked. She is a character I could relate too and Nick along with his dog, Charlie makes a good love interest. Their chemistry meant I was more than happy to have a duvet day to continue reading to discover how family feuds and trust issues played out.

It is heart-warming, reminded me of the important things about the festive season – love, charity and goodwill – and more importantly, gave me the tingle of anticipation that soon it will be time to decorate my own tree.


Oh yes. It is entertaining, heart-warming and pure escapism allowing you time away from soggy days and gear up for the Christmas period which is on its way.

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Baby it's cold outside so stay in, snuggle under the duvet and grab yourself a copy of this wonderfully heartwarming novel.

Working in California and having a wealthy and gorgeous boyfriend was all Angie needed in her life, until the day it all fell apart.  Moving back home with limited funds, Angie reconnects with her old life and meets Nick who seems too good to be true.  Nick himself has secrets.  can they find happiness together or will their pasts get in the way?

This is just the perfect novel to get lost into if you are looking for a pick - me - up or just something to make you feel all warm inside.  Being set around the Christmas period adds an additional warmth to the story and provides the perfect backdrop to the developing romance.  

Nick and Angie are just delightful and charming characters.  Angie is really down and my heart just went out to her straight away.  Nick is a kind and gently character who hides a secret and a broken heart.  They make such a fabulous couple. 

 This is simply a brilliant romance story that will leave you with a little bit more spring in your step.

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Cute dog? CHECK.

Strong female lead? CHECK.

Ideal person to tickle the main characters fancy? CHECK.

Heartwarming and full of festive cheer? DOUBLE CHECK!

You know the TV channel that’s dedicated to Christmas movies? ‘Wrapped Up For Christmas’ needs to be put on there! It screamed ‘Hallmark’ movie to me after the first couple of chapters!

Angie has had to reboot her life after things went disastrously wrong. She would have preferred not to move back into her family home, but due to the lack of funds and employment, it was the only option Angie had. With her best friend, Reese, being close to popping, the thought of leaving home yet again filled Angie with dread. Could she really make a new life in the place that she was so desperate to leave?

The romantic elements to this story were absolutely spot on, if somewhat frustrating at times! I just wanted to bang the heads of Angie and her love interest! Seriously! Communication clearly wasnt their strong point at all. Despite that, I was rooting for both of their happiness and had everything crossed that they crossed find themselves on the paths that they needed to be on.

As for the festive cheer, Katlyn Duncan sprinkled it throughout the book like snowflakes. It wasn’t too much, nor was it too little, in fact it was just right.

I adored Reese’s character and ended up laughing out loud at her antics involving her stomach – oh I remember it well!

‘Wrapped Up For Christmas’ is a book version of the candy cane – significant, festive, and the ideal thing to get you feeling christmassy. I thoroughly enjoyed following Angie’s journey; it really is a cushty, snugfest of a Christmas treat.

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Oh how I love to grab my kindle, a blanket and a hot drink and curl up on the sofa and dive into festive stories bursting at the seams with snow, santa and selfless endeavours and this book had it all. From the opening moments I was pulled into the story by the easy flowing writing and warm welcome waiting for me. The narrative wrapped me up in a winter wonderland of what Christmas should be all about and I fell in love with the tale that came alive before my eyes.

Angie was a gorgeous character at the heart of this stunning story. Her work ethic and ability to get back up after each and every knock was inspiring. But her true shinning quality was her selfless acts towards others who need an extra hand of kindness during the holiday season. Her festive project, set up to raise money for the shelter, really touched on what Christmas should be all about..... selfless acts of kindness to help those who are in need.

Now I can't mention Angie without discussing the dreamboat, otherwise known as Nick, can I? His family struggles wove their way throughout the narrative as yet another keen reminder of what is important at this time of year and really hit home on where our main focus should be. His storyline was moving to say the least and I was willing the family on to put aside their differences and find an element of peace, love and understanding......what can I say I'm a sucker for a happy ending and it is Christmas after all!

Wrapped Up For Christmas did exactly what it said on the wrapped me up in a great big festive hug with a story that had me hooked from the very start. Sometimes we all need a little reminder of what is important in life and this story delivered that in spades.

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It's only the beginning of October, but the Christmas stories are popping up like mushrooms. I have to admit I am not really a big fan of the festive season, but I can truely enjoy a few books about it.

Often this time of the year is about money and forced feelings. Not in this book, though. The author treats us to a story where the essence of this period should be about : love. If does not matter whether it's between friends, partners or family but this emotion is what should be in the center.

It's not always easy but when the feeling is strong enough and you are willing to go for it, there is no sea too deep or a mountain too high. 

If you are in for a dose of happy ever after, this is a story you will enjoy. 4 stars.

Thank you, Katlyn Duncan and Rachel's Random Resources.

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What a lovely Christmas book ... just oozing Christmas spirit and oodles of feel-good factor.

Angie has spent the last few years living in the warmth of California; she expected to be there for this festive season too, but then finds herself out of a job, a relationship and a home all within the space of a week. She heads home to her mother in New England, determined to keep her chin up and move on with her life. With no-one rushing to hire her for her talents over the holiday season, she picks up a job at the local mall, and finds herself frequently bumping into a man she first met in an embarrassing situation and can't deny there is an attraction - but she is determined not to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire . . .

So many people head home for Christmas each year with hopes in their hearts for a peaceful time with their families and this novel capitalises on that. It's a really good read encompassing all the good things of the season: happiness, sparkle, festive food - albeit with an Italian flavour - family, romance, and a healthy dose of Christmas spirit! Beautifully written, with plenty of ups and downs to keep interest, this flows really well and is an easy and enjoyable read - and one I immersed myself in. I do love a Christmas romance, and this one fits the bill perfectly. A well-penned novel which will appeal to all those who like to bury themselves in Christmas reads at this - or any other - time  of year, and well worth the four stars I'm happy to give it.

My thanks to publishers HQ Digital for my copy via NetGalley and to Rachel's Random Resources for my spot in this Blog Tour. All given opinions are strictly honest and entirely my own.

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I cannot put into words just how much I enjoyed this holiday romance. I want it whipped up into a movie and stuck on the Christmas channel in time for me to slip into some PJ’s, heat up some hot chocolate, curl up and get those festive fuzzy feelings.

When I read a festive romance, I want that warm, love and happiness vibe and Wrapped up for Christmas fully delivered. This story is everything that I wished it to be.

The story opens with Angie heading home after a nasty break up that meant losing everything. Well finding everything really, because an unfaithful ex is no loss!

I just loved this story, the atmosphere, the love and romance. Everything that I wanted when I saw the cover and read the synopsis was delivered, beautifully packaged.

The author was inspired by Hallmark and that is reflected in the overall feeling of this. As someone who is obsessed with the Hallmark style Christmas movies and the day that the channels turn into Christmas channels, it feels like Katlyn Duncan’s Wrapped Up For Christmas was aimed straight at my heart.

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It is that time of the year again when all the christmas books begin to arrive. Wrapped up for Christmas is a wonderfully written story about mending a broken heart. It has all the hallmarks of a typical christmas story. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and it has really got me in the christmas spirit. It is definatley a must read during the christmas season.

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Have you ever read a book and you're like....GAH! I love it! The cover, the story, this is SO for me...except for this one little thing. Yeah, SO me. Case in point, today's featured title.

Let me say this again...I LOVED IT...
Nick was charming without being overly so. Angie was a sweetheart, yet not over the top. Together, they were a potential match made in heaven. From the initial meet cute to their sparkage, the casual encounters to their meaning filled glances, you couldn't help but root for them despite a few glaringly obvious similarities between this and her last relationship. The friends were great, the family not necessarily as much, but the community involvement and charitable work were very much in line with the spirit of the season. I was full on heart involved with the story and when push came to shove, I'm glad they were each made of stronger stuff than they appeared because that ending was SO up in the air.

...except for one little thing.
That one little thing I mentioned, was kind of a combo. Although I loved the story, I did kind of feel like there was one (or two) many would-they-wouldn't-they obstacles to their relationship...and those very same situations were a tad predictable. I mean, the moment someone needs help cleaning lipstick off their face from someone other than themselves, you know that's gonna come full circle at some point. Just sayin.

All in all though, I enjoyed my time between the pages. It's a sweet and clean Romance perfect for those wishing to indulge in a little holiday spirit sans alcohol or calendar page infusion. Oh and Nick, you're totally right...Charlie is SO worth holding out for the right one. ;)

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Now that it is October its full blown festive book season and boy this had a fair whack of it. Angie - is going through a rough time having to leave her dreams in California after her boyfriend/boss kind of forgot to inform her that he was kind of taken. Its been a pretty rubbish time for Angie and been surrounded by a bustling family can be great, she still wants to focus on herself and get some space.

However, with the help of her life long best friend she soon sets about helping her and Angie ends up working in a job she did as a teenager - i mean, its not ideal but it will tide her over for Christmas. There is some positives to been in the mall - the handsome man she keeps bumping into, Nick.

Know - let me tell you, i loved Nick from the minute we met him - as a reader i adored him, i felt he was flawed and didnt always think his actions through but you could just tell he had a warm loving spirit inside him and i mean if all else - he has a wondrous dog *shrug*

Angie likewise has her issues but again - i loved getting to know her. I had preconceptions from the beginning but as we spend time with her i found her cautious, sweet and loving. This book as a sprinkling of christmas magic, romance, cross wires & delicious hot chocolate. It is one to get you ready for the most wonderful time of the year.

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A perfect Christmas read, heartwarming and with a lovely plot.
I loved the strong and well written characters, the engrossing and entertaining plot and the Christmas atmosphere.
it's the first work I read by this author and won't surely be the last.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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