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A Favor for a Favor

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Member Reviews

5 yummy pineapple and olive pizzas! This story was absolutely brilliant! I loved every hilarious second of it and I want more Bishop and Stevie!

I loved how these two started off! Their disdain for one another made it all the more hilarious but I also loved it because when they start to get to know one another it’s through their interactions with the ones they love that they truly saw who the other person was! Stevie got to see that Bishops broody nature came from him being his brother’s protector! He loved his brother and wanted nothing more than for him to be healthy and happy! Bishop got to see how smart and caring Stevie was but he also saw she loved in the shadows and he wanted to bring her beauty to the light! Together they challenged one another and helped the other succeed! Through their bargain they both learned to open up to love now if only everyone else could be on board!

Stevie and Bishop were hilarious and witty and as always we get to see some of our hilarious faves as well as meeting some new amazing characters I hope we see more of!

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This is the second book in the All in Series. Stevie moves to Seattle and her life changes when she finds out her boyfriend is cheating on her. Her brother, RJ from A Lie for a Lie, let’s her use his condo. Bishop is one of RJ’s hockey teammates and lives across the hall from the condo. This was a fun, entertaining read. I loved the banter between Stevie and Bishop but also the relationship that develops. In addition we get a bit more of the characters from the previous book (not necessary to read prior, but will make it even more enjoyable) Definitely recommend this book.

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After her relationship with her ex implodes and she is left without a place to live Stevie accepts an offer from her older brother to stay in his apartment for a bit. She is not too keen on taking handouts from her famous hockey playing brother, but at this point she doesn't really have another option, especially with her new job starting. But nothing could have prepared her for the sexy new neighbor she discovers living across the hall...

From the moment she moves in across the hall, Bishop finds himself intrigued by his new neighbor, she's feisty, gorgeous and a temptation he does not need... especially when he finds out she is his captains little sister. She has forbidden written all over her... but for some reason that little fact just keeps slipping his mind!

A Favor for a Favor is a tantalizing slow burn romance that will have you at it's mercy from beginning to end! Nothing says forbidden like your teammates little sister, and as much as Bishop knows he shouldn't want Stevie he just can't help himself. Watching these two lovebirds fight the ever present temptation between them was torturous at times, I just wanted them to give in and let nature take it's course... but their reservations about love just seem to keep getting in the way. This was such a fun story to devour, it had bits of humor to bring smiles, emotion to squeeze the heart, and of course the good stuff to curl the toes!! Another stellar tale from Ms. Hunting, I highly recommend you get your hands on this one... it's bound to leave your heart happy!

I requested an advanced copy of this title from the publisher, via NetGalley, and I am voluntarily leaving my honest and unbiased opinion.

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4 stars
Another hit from Helena Hunting! Loved this book and this series! Enemies to lovers book that was comical and fun!!!

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Helena is the Queen of RomCom and did not disappoint! I absolutely adore her quirky characters! I’ve had a top fave (Vi) but I do believe Stevie has taken the cake! I LOVED LOVED the banter between Bishop and Stevie, it was a LOL type of chaos I think everyone will enjoy! 5 star top read!

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From the first chapter of Stevie &Bishops story I was hooked. This was such a great read as an early copy from Netgalley. As always Helena hunting will get your hooked in all her stories with all the feels! Everyone needs to read this series! This is a great series to start an I love how she incorporated other characters from her pucked series. Make sure to get this when it comes available.

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The description of this book doesn't do it justice. The situations in A Favor for a Favor are nothing new nor is the temperamental hockey player and the feisty therapist who happens to be next door but this author brings their differences together in a very enjoyable read.

Bishop is a lot to handle. He's moody and a bit of a jerk but I also found him to be very sweet and will do anything for his family or close friends. There were several times that I found myself smiling while reading what he did or said.
Stevie is now on her own and needs to prove to herself that she's good enough. I liked that she was forestry and a bit bossy. demanding but also likeable.
These two build up a friendship while trying to contain their lust for each other. The chemistry was off the characters. I loved how the author kept it simmering for the entire book.
The couple finally gets it together but not before a bit of a blow up. I was team Shippy all the way!
Although we are only on book 2 of this series I can't wait to what else is in store for this Seattle Hockey team

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OHMIGAWD. Bishop and Stevie DO NOT start out on the right foot. He thinks she's some sort of homewrecking puck bunny and she thinks he's an exhibitionist jerk. To be fair, the exhibitionist part isn't entirely wrong, but everything else pretty much is.

To say that Stevie was having a bad day when she and Bishop first met would be an understatement. She managed to have a front row seat to her (now ex-)boyfriend banging someone who wasn't her ON HER BIRTHDAY. That's seriously awful. I mean, it would be awful no matter what, but on a person's birthday is just THE WORST. Throw in a new neighbor who is just terrible to her on their first meeting and you can see how things started out wrong.

Bishop is kind of in a class of his own, as it is. He kind of has a low-key beef with Stevie's brother for stealing the captainship of the team out from under him and he's not the most sociable person on the best of days. He immediately jumps to all the wrong conclusions about Stevie and it takes a while to untangle his thinking and realize she's not homewrecker he thought she was.

Plus, you know, it's even more complicated because he has a thing for her and he doesn't want to have a thing for her because she's his low-key rival's little sister and THAT'S sort of a recipe for disaster unto itself.

Anywho. Neighbors who poke and rile one another while trying to pretend it's for reasons other than the steam and heat between them. GOOD STUFF!

(Also, Stevie's ex is a jerrrrrrrrkface. So yuck. So very, very yuck.)

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LOVE. LOVE. FREAKING LOVE this book. I woke my husband up from laughing, being the good husband he is, he just said I love it when you laugh then went right back to sleep. Gahhh, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this book. It's FUNNY, SWOONY, and SEXY. I was smiling and blushing throughout the entire book. A Favor for A Favor will go down as one of my favorites from Helena, and that's saying something.

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A FAVOR FOR A FAVOR is book two in All in series, a hockey romance that can be read as standalone.

In this installment, we follow heroine Stevie, who we know from book one as the sister of a leading male character, and Bishop a hockey player who is playing with heroine's brother in the NHL team.
It is a slow burn romance, where these two are friends firsts after clearing mistaken identity from the beginning of this book. AfterBishop gets injured Stevie offers to help him as she is a physiotherapist.

I liked the banter and chemistry between our leading couple. Their little pranks are very entertaining. The pace of the story is good and makes it easy to keep up. It is also a story that will keep your attention.
In my opinion, it is better than book one. Also, I am interested in reading more about some of the side characters especially Kingston. I hope he gets his book.

I loved how their relationship progressed from hate at first sight to friendship to falling in love.
This book is very funny. With some important subjects in it as well.
I especially apricated that we see diabetes representation. Something that is very important and rarely saw in novels I have read so far.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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GAH. This book was EVERYTHING! A Favor for a Favor is even better than A Lie for a Lie.

My toddler went to bed early, and I intended to do the same. Hahaha. Joke was on me because I didn't put this book down until I was done. I devoured A Favor for a Favor, and now I want to go back for a nice slow re-read.

Stevie and Bishop were the absolute best. Snark, assholery and banter thrown in with chemistry, sexual tension and a slow burn romance? Yes, PLEASE. So, so good.

In other words, you'll want to read this book.

***I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy generously provided by the publisher via NetGalley.***

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After reading A Lie For A Lie, I knew I needed to read A Favor for a Favor. I liked the little glimpses we saw of Stevie in the first book and the fact that I'd get to see more of Lainey, RJ, Kody, Alex, and Violet made me want to read this book so much more. I love Violet and she always says something that has me laughing out loud. It was nice to see Alex as a coach and I can't wait to see more of that. This book cracked me up. I laughed out loud numerous times and enjoyed this book way more than even I could have imagined. I started this book with the intention of putting it down and coming back to it. But I could never find a good stopping place until I finished. This was read in one sitting and I regret nothing.

Stevie and Bishop's antics from the beginning were hilarious. I really enjoyed that and when they finally started actually talking and Bishop found out that Stevie was RJ's sister and not her side piece, it got even more interesting. They were amazing together and the sexual tension between them added to this book. It was a slow burn in the worse kind of way. I liked Nolan, Bishop's brother. He had some funny line and it was hard to dislike him. It was nice seeing Kody some more. That's one cute kid. I liked the little we got of Lainey and Violet and Stevie's new friends she met at the clinic she was working at. We got a lot of RJ and Alex in this book since Bishop was on the team with them. The way RJ was acting brought up memories of how everything went down with Alex and Miller in regards to the other dating their sister. It was a little irritating that RJ really thought he had a say in what Stevie did and who she dated but I kind of understood his motives. It was annoying how he and Bishop went at it and they just could not get along because of the animosity they had from playing against each other all those years. In the end, I liked how it worked out between the two of them. It was realistic and it only really happened after RJ and Stevie finally had a heart to heart.

That leads me to my thoughts about the main characters. I loved them but that doesn't mean I do not have things to say about them. Stevie was a spitfire and she did not let anyone walk over her. She left her boyfriend the moment she walked in on him having sex with another woman on her birthday. The night she meets Bishop is actually a bad night for her and a lot of things pile on to make it one of the worst and Bishop didn't help with his insensitive remarks and being a douche. But the thing I didn't like about Stevie is the fact that she did not put her ex in his place. She works with him and she keeps using excuses not to tell him to F off. I just wanted her to tell him off like she told Bishop off many times. And then her insistence to stay out of the spotlight was annoying. I didn't like how she handled all that with Bishop but I liked how she owned it in the end and worked it out with her brother. I loved Bishop even though he was a big a*hole and was socially awkward and brutally honest. But as you got to know him better it was clear it wasn't coming from a bad place and he was a good guy. He just did not know how to not say what was on his mind and how to be tactful about it. The two of them were perfect together and I loved how this story played out. It was amazing.

I loved this book so much and I cannot wait to read the next one!

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I don’t know if I like traditionally published Helena Hunting anymore. I did love the first few books in the Shacking Up series. I haven’t been fully satisfied with one of her books since Pucked Love. I hate that I keep reading new books of hers that don’t leave me satisfied. It really irks me.

I will say I enjoyed this book more than the first book in this series. I liked the hero and his chapters. It’s not that I hated the heroine, but it was usually during her chapters that I got annoyed. There is a little more humor in this book than the first one. It’s not Pucked series good. I’m hopeful that each book in this series will be better than the last.

I voluntarily read an early copy.

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I think Bishop seriously despises clothes, “are you still here?” The door swings open. “And still in your damn underwear. Where the hell are your pants?” The man tends to be a tad bit overdramatic, “because you’re half-undressed in my tub, and I’m a guy, and apparently my ***k is a effing sadist. It honestly feels like my balls are on fire right now. A semi has literally never been this painful.” At least the man is honest, “I’m going to ruin the eff out of this dress, so I feel it’s only fair that I replace it.” I grind against her..." I actually enjoyed this book so much more than the first one I adored Bishop.

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The heroine Stevie is the younger sister of RJ, who is the hero in the first book of the All In series. She is left without a place to stay after an incident, and luckily her brother RJ has an empty penthouse where she can reside for as long as she wants. She meets her broody arrogant but very sexy neighbor Bishop the first day and things start off on the wrong foot. He is a member of Seattle’s NHL expansion team, of which Stevie's brother RJ is the new captain of. He assumes she is RJ's mistress and treats her not so nice, and he doesn't like RJ in the first place, so he is being extra about it. I really enjoyed their first meeting, because it also showed that Stevie isn't a woman you can treat like that and get away with it. There was definitely a strong attraction between them, but Bishop's attitude hinders from anything happening. After an injury Stevie offers to help him with rehabilitation and he accepts because he wants to get on the ice as soon as possible.

I enjoyed seeing both of them lower their guards and get the know each other. The pacing of their friendship/relationship was slow and steady, and I really liked that. Besides the growth in their relationship, I also liked seeing their personal development throughout the book. Both are dealing with some stuff and I was happy that those things were highlighted as well. I especially enjoyed the sibling love between Stevie and RJ, and Bishop and his brother Nolan. The side characters were great as well, and I am especially intrigued by Bishop's friend and teammate Kingston. I want to know more about him, and I really hope he will get his own book. A Favor for a Favor is a light and fun contemporary romance. The banter between Bishop and Stevie was great, and I think they make a great couple. I can't wait to read more books in this series.

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4.5 Stars

Stevie just moved to Seattle - she's a physical therapist fresh out of college. She's also fresh out of boyfriends. She caught her ex cheating - on her birthday, and unfortunately he's working at her new clinic too!

Stevie is staying in her big brother's penthouse. (Rook from the first book just moved into a family home with his wife and baby son.)

Stevie's new next door neighbor is the cherry on top of her crappy life at the moment!

He's running around in his underwear all day long insulting her and looking all hot and sexy doing it.

Bishop is playing for the same hockey team Stevie's brother is playing for - but they're not really friends - at all. Bishop hasn't really found his place on the team yet. And now his thoughts are more on his sexy new neighbor instead of on the game! Plus he's worried about his sick brother / roommate Nolan. PLUS - he's about to be off the ice for weeks, due to a groin injury .... enter physical therapist neighbor Stevie ...


What will happen with Stevie & Bishop?



Another adorable and funny and sparky and sexy Helena Hunting romance!

I just adored Stevie and Bishop - or Shippy - as his brother calls him! LOL!

Stevie and Bishop kind of hate each other on sight. But in Bishop's case, it could be excused, he thought she was a puck bunny trying to break into Rook's apartment!

Their 'courtship' is so hilariously adorable for the reader. I just loved watching them fight and flirt and argue!

Amazing Rom-Com!

Of course we have some not-so-funny problems too - like brother Nolan's disease and Shippy's injury and Stevie's idiot ex and how Stevie's brother kinda hates Bishop.

I felt that Stevie's behavior regarding the whole having-a-famous-brother/boyfriend thing is a bit exaggerated and silly and immature. Ok - it made her highschool time horrible, but still, she's a grown up now and I think she's just too weird about that whole thing. That bothered me a bit, especially toward the end - but at least we don't have this extreme ridiculous over the top misunderstanding or fight or whatever other books love to have! ☺

I still really loved reading it.

Also - Pucked Violet is in it a few short times - in all her unfiltered glory! LOL!☺

► A FAVOR FOR A FAVOR was such an adorable + hilarious Hockey Romance!!! I loved it!! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Shippy - he'll be sold out in no time - and this one is MINE!

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*5 Stars*

ARC kindly received in exchange for an honest review.

This has fast become one of my favourite series. I'm loving getting to know these characters and also getting glimpses of our faves from the Pucked series (which I still really to need to finish btw, shame on me!).

Stevie and Bishop have the most awkward and aggravating meeting, and then many of their interactions for a while after that are all based off of that initial run in, and assumptions about one another. I really loved when they finally found out who the other person actually was, and then started to get to know one another.

Stevie has a lot of personal things going on, and her own insecurities have added to that, and I think Helena wrote this really well. To live your whole life with a famous brother has to take it's toll, and it was great to have a character such as Stevie, and to see her wanting to come out from under that shadow, not being a character to use her brothers fame and fortune to get her ahead.

Bishop also has some personal things going on, mostly to do with his brother (who I would totally love a book for, even though by the end we get some details about his personal life). I actually really liked Bishop, as much be has a gruff and at times rude kind of personality. Underneath all that he's a sweetie in his own way, and definitely a fantastic character.

Cannot wait for more from this series, another fabulous read from Helena Hunting.

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When I joined Seattle’s NHL expansion team, I thought it was the start of something great. But nothing ever goes the way you expect. Take my introduction to my new neighbor. She came rolling in on the hot mess express at midnight, making a racket while she tried to get into my team captain’s apartment. Did I mention that he’s married to a woman who definitely was not her?

Imagine my surprise when I end up with an injury that has me out of the game for weeks, and she’s the one to offer to help me. I should probably add that she’s not the captain’s mistress. She’s his sexy, pastel-haired younger sister.

So we come up with an arrangement: she rehabs me so that I can get back on the ice sooner, and she can add a professional athlete that isn’t her brother to her client list. Seems simple enough. As long as I can keep my hands to myself and my hormones in check.

This book was super fun and interesting that I didin't want to put it down.

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This just wasn't for me. I started the book and I was immediately annoyed at the characters, which isn't a good way to start. Bishop was just a no in general and I have to admit I prefer Stevie as a side character.

I can see why someone else would enjoy this type of story, and I'd suggest giving it a try if the summary interests you, but it was not something for me.

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Hilarious from the meet-cute! Helena Hunting never fails to have MCs that I genuinely would want to be friends with. I endured high school and college with my stick up his butt brother, but never had to deal with the consequences of his decisions like Stevie had to with R.J., I would just claimed I was adopted.
Bishop has his own load of baggage to deal with, but the antics are too awesome to not enjoy. Every romance reader is going to fall in love with Helena if they haven't already with the All In series.

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