Member Reviews

Any book based around books or a book shop is always a must read and this did not disappoint It was both clever and intriguing with many twists. I found the pacing a bit slow compared to other mystery thrillers I have read but for many this slow burn mystery will be perfect!. Another great book by Peter Swanson and I can't wait to see what he delivers next.
Thankyou to Netgalley for sending me an ARC of this book in return for an honest review.

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Years ago, Malcolm posted a piece on his blog called Eight Perfect Murders, where he listed 8 books containing crime fictions best murders. FBI agent Gwen Mulvey is investigating homicides that appear to be based on the books from the blog post. They work together to find the killer before he/she strikes again.

3.5/5 - This was a perfectly easy read, although for me it dipped a little when it developed an almost noir quality. I couldn't warm to the main character and that dulled it a little for me. I think I hyped it up too much in my brain which really didn't help. It also does have a loveable cat, which always helps any story in my opinion!

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This was right up my street!

The concept is not a new one but it is well executed here.

This book is well written and keeps you hooked, the characters are likeable and the story is engaging.

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A bookstore owner writes a blog entitled "Eight Perfect Murders" and references eight fictional murders written over the past century where he feels the murderer executed a clean and perfect murder. Fast forward eight years, and a murderer is on the loose killing his victims using the M.O.'s featured on the blog list. The FBI become involved and soon Malcolm, the bookstore owner is a definite suspect.

This book started off really well for me, it was fast moving, engaging and fluid. There are references to some brilliant literary tomes from over the years, BUT I felt that there were a few spoilers for these books, if you haven't already read them. Malcolm as a character was pretty bland and not someone I felt any interest in. Despite being a relatively short book, the story lost me somewhere around the 75% mark. I felt like the story was drifting a little and I struggled to pick it back up. I only did pick it back up to find out whodunnit.

Thank you for the opportunity to read it in exchange for my honest opinion.

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A second-hand book shop owner discovers a series of seemingly unrelated murders are relating back to his old blog post about the most perfect murders in fiction. A good read for mystery buffs with some clunky elements, but be warned, if you've not read the books he mentions, there are spoilers.

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This is an entertaining, partly sinister, novel about a Boston bookshop owner, Malcolm Kershaw, who specializes in crime and mystery novels. One day, he is approached by an FBI agent who wants to know if he can help with some mysterious murders - possibly ones that are based on a blog Malcolm wrote: ‘Eight Perfect Murders’.

Malcolm’s blog includes murders from books as diverse as ‘Strangers on a Train’ to ‘The Secret History’. Apparently, someone is carrying out murders to imitate the ones from the blog and Malcolm has something to do with it.

This is somewhat of a meta novel, involving crime-solving within a novel about a bookshop owner who has links to different people who are killed. Parts of it are implausible: surely, for example, the arrival of distinct cat Nero at the bookshop would raise questions, considering he went missing after Norman Chaney’s death, for which Malcolm is responsible?

I enjoyed this easy read and even though I had to suspend my disbelief quite often, it’s a good novel in the crime genre with conventions one would expect, although the ending is, perhaps, one of the biggest surprises of all.

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I heard that this was quite different from Peter Swanson usual novels, but I really loved Before She Knew Him so I thought I would give this one a try. I agree that it’s different however if you are a fan of classic mystery novels and “whodunits” you will most likely enjoy this one!

I must warn you that there are spoilers of classic mystery novels, so if you haven’t read them, you might want to read them before reading this one. I didn’t mind since I will mostly forget everything soon anyways lol but just be warned.

The story is narrated solely by Mal, therefore, we are only getting his version of the story. This initially made me suspicious, especially after he mentioned The murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie since we only have one version of the events. I usually really love difference POVs but I must say it really worked in this book.

Overall, this novel wasn’t a page-turner thriller, it was really a classic mystery setup, and the story was predictable in a sense, but you must absolutely read until the end. I was definitely surprised on how everything came together and ended. Great execution!

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Despite being thrilled to receive an ARC, I’m afraid, overall this is just an OK read for me.

It’s an exciting premise, especially for an avid reader, as it’s based in a bookstore, where a bookseller finds himself in the middle of an FBI investigation as he’s questioned about a blog he wrote years ago about ‘eight perfect murders’. There are references to some fabulous books and I had high hopes. However, unfortunately, I just found it plodding and slow and I really struggled to stay engaged.

I very much appreciate the opportunity to preview and thanks to NetGalley and the publishers.


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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and it’s quirky theme. Didn’t expect to enjoy it but soon became caught up in the twists and turns as the story developed. Definitely recommended to those who enjoy this genre.

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Swanson does it again! I’ve loved his books since I found his first one on a friend’s recommendation and the new installment of his work continues the trend of well developed characters and a nice, twisty story. Two thumbs up.

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Thank you to Netgalley for this advanced reader's copy in return for my honest review. Thrilling novel, absolutely loved it. Hooked from start to finish. If you love a good mystery this is definitely one to read.

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A clever and inventive mystery which is a particular treat for aficionadoes of the genre. I loved how we are slowly taken into the narrator's confidence and are led down false trails along the way. Very enjoyable.

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This was a good read, it also made me want to go out and read the perfect murders list! There were a few twists in the book which took me by surprise and it was definitely good enough to make me speed through it to the end.

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"Books are time travel. True readers all know this. But books don't just take you back to the time in which they were written, they can take you back to different versions of yourself"

When I first found out about this book I just knew that I was gonna love it, and I was right! It's the perfect read for all those classic mysteries fans. I was caught up in the story from page one, reading it in less than a day. It is a big puzzle where at first you think it impossible for all the pieces to fit, but when you reach the end the only thing left is a big bow to wrap it all up.

I found Malcolm a likable character. In the tradition of some of the most famous classic whodunits we soon find out that he is an unreliable narrator, and that maybe not everything is as straightforward as he is telling us. This made him such a more interesting character.

I just loved all the book references, specially cause most of those books were between my first reads of the genre when I was a teen so, as the quote above says, they took me back to a different version of myself.

Although the revealing of the killer was a bit anticlimatic, and I'm sure if you're a hardcore mystery fan probable you guessed who the culprit was, the journey there was so enjoyable that I didn't mind that one bit.

Perfect homage to the old-school crime novel that will appeal to all those classic murder mysteries fans.

Thanks to Netgalley and Faber & Faber for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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After hearing fantastic reviews about this book I requested an ARC through Netgalley which I was lucky enough to be sent. I’m so glad I was as I really enjoyed it. I was a bit underwhelmed at first but once the story started unfolding, wow.

Malcolm Kershaw is the part owner of Old Devils book store. Malcolm has always been a lover of the mystery thriller and when he took over the shop he wrote a list of 8 perfect unsolvable murders to get away with listed from some of the classics.

Now someone has this list and has started to kill people in line with the list. Why are they doing this ? Is it something to do with Malcolm? Just what is he hiding ? Then the layers start to unfold and the story really gets going. It took me a while to work out who it was as the secrets and red herrings come thick and fast until the fitting ending.

If you love a good mystery and suspense read this is definitely for you. Highly recommended.

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A good idea poorly executed.
The premise is great: a killer follows a "Perfect murders" list written by the main character but then throughout the story each book is described and the ending/twist revealed. The story is not particularly well constructed and to be honest the ending is completely over the top. The author has tried too hard on this occasion and i will definitely remember that book for for the wrong reasons.

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Here is a real treat for crime fiction aficionados, with its homage to the mystery crime classics such as 'Strangers on a Train' and ''Then There Were None'. Most devotees of the genre will be familiar with the titles quoted, either as novels or film adaptations, and much of the enjoyment of the plot centres around the way these fictional storylines inspire the copycat ‘perfect’ murders in the ingenious metafictional and unreliable narration.
I must confess I did not guess the identity of ‘Charlie’, the perpetrator of the crimes, and am now having to re-read the first section to find the clues I missed the first time around!
This is the first novel I have read by Peter Swanson and I will definitely be reading more.
Just one more thing (as Columbo would say) - why does the narrator only list eight perfect murders and not ten – which seems a more likely number for a list … just asking!

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I have mixed feelings about this book but on balance I did really enjoy it. My reservations stem mainly from the fact that it made me want to read some of the classic crime novels referenced, but I now feel as if I have too much of an idea of the plots so may not enjoy them as much. I was also quite disappointed that I worked out most (but not all) of the answer so early on in the book.

Having said all that, I did enjoy the characters and the bookshop setting and I will be working my way through the references texts that I haven't already read.

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If you love classic thrillers, you'll REALLY love this.

Taking inspiration from the classics, "Rules for Perfect Murders" sees a bookseller dragged into the investigation of a series of seemingly unconnected 'perfect' murders.

With the link apparently a blog post but no motive to be found, what's really going on?

Romping good fun.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC without obligation.

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The bewildered innocent drawn into a investigation by a rogue FBI agent, but at the pace of a Sunday repeat of Midsomer Murders, but how deeply is he really involved...

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