Cover Image: Forest of Souls

Forest of Souls

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"Forest of Souls" by Lori M. Lee is a YA fantasy novel that follows the story of Sirscha, a young orphan girl who discovers she has magical abilities and must use them to protect her kingdom from an enemy threat.

Sirscha is a strong and likable protagonist who goes on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. The action scenes are also exciting and well-written, and the plot twists keep you engaged. However, the world-building could have been stronger, as the political and magical systems of the world are not fully explained. Additionally, some of the supporting characters could have been better developed as I couldn't find myself getting fully invested in their journey.

Overall, "Forest of Souls" is a fun read that will appeal to fans of YA fantasy. While it may not be an instant favorite, it's still worth a read if you're looking for an entertaining adventure story.

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I read this in a single sitting because I was so engrossed in the story and the characters (Theyen, in particular, is one of my favorites). In particular, I like the emphasis placed on female friendship and solidarity. At the conclusion of the book, I couldn't tear myself away from the fast-paced action. The creation of the world is decadent. Eagerly awaiting the next installment!

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Forest of Souls was one of my most anticipated reads of 2020. I liked how it was set in an Asian fictional setting and learn many of its history and culture. While I did get what I wished, I could not connect to its story. It was very slow moving and the plot was very thin. Still, I recommend this for fans of The Flame and the Mist, Shadow of the Fox, and Descendants of the Crane!

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A lush Asian inspired fantasy that has a wonderful friendship at the core of it. I loved the magic used in this novel, and the twists I didn't always see coming.

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I thought this book was good. I would not say it is my favorite book but it is somewhere in the middle. I liked the characters and the storyline but there just wasn't enough detail for me. I thought the book lacked on worldbuilding and character development. Again, I still thought it was a good book, it was just a little to YA for me.

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This was a fast-paced read with room for so much more. I absolutely love the cover, the dedication, and the overall premise. I especially appreciate that the main relationship is just Sirscha and Saengo's friendship, and I would have loved to see more interactions between the two. However, I would have liked to learn even more about the world and the other characters that inhabit it, so I am looking forward to picking up the sequel one day!

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This was an interesting story filled with some really awesome aspects, but it wasn't one that really 'caught' me? This was no fault of the author or the writing - both were good! But for some reason I just wasn't as excited while I was reading it. It could just be that I'm over the whole 'spy' thing for right now?

I did enjoy the magic system in this one and the romance as well! I think it just didn't hit me right - which could have been the time that I was reading it.

If you like YA fantasy with a touch of Naomi Novak - this is going to be a great book for you!

My rating: 3.2*

Thanks to NetGalley for this early review copy. All opinions are my own.

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Unfortunately, this did end up on the DNF shelf for me many months ago but I did read far enough into it that I felt I was able to give this a fair chance and have enough to mention why this didn't work for me. While I really enjoy the fast paced nature of this read I really struggled with the world building. I tried to stick it out for as long as I could hoping eventually it would be easier to understand/enjoy the world but it never really got better for me. However, I did really enjoy the writing style (world building aside) and would absolutely love to try reading another book from this author.

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I received an earc from NetGalley and the publisher but all opinions are my own after reading a finished copy.

I had high hopes for this book but was a little weary to read it after it first received mixed reviews following its release.

And unfortunately I was a little underwhelmed by it too. The intentions were there but the world and characters weren't fleshed out enough. At no point was I really engaging and invested in the story. I mostly picked the book up so I could finish it but not because I was so enthusiastic about it. The magic was great and the shamanism in this book was such a great idea. But the characters felts little too flat for me and I feel like we didn't really learn enough about the world and it's different countries and people.

I can't really pinpoint any bad issued with this book but it just felt overall a little boring at times. It was a really fast read but I felt like almost nothing happened.

I think there is great potential in the book and the writing and I'm curious to see what the author comes up with next.

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We meet Sirscha Ashwyn as she arrives at the home of her mentor Kendara. Sirscha is currently apprentice to the Queen’s shadow but she is just one of a few, maybe even many. To become the Queen’s spy, she must be able to prove that she is the best, that she is more than enough. She works hard but continues to feel deficient, especially as individuals like the officit leading the students to visit the prison for shamanborn and Jonyah Thao, her best friend Saengo’s cousin, continue to debase her because of her upbringing; Sirscha is an orphan, and orphans are of no value. Ultimately, it is the discovery of a rival for the coveted position that will lead to Saengo’s death, her subsequent resurrection, and the revelation that Sirscha is a lightwender, specifically a soulguide with the ability to guide souls to the afterlife or to bring them back to life. This will likely have reverberations for the kingdoms and ultimately results in Ronin, the Spider King, summoning both Sirscha and Saengo to Spinner’s End.

This is the first book of the Shamanborn trilogy. Sirscha Ashwyn is a character that many of us may be able to sympathize with because she is still seeking her place in the world and often feels like she is never enough. Lee fills the pages with lush descriptions of the world, immersing us into Sirscha's world but at times, because Sirscha is often going from place to place, we might not necessarily feel as connected to her and Evewyn as we should. It feels like we're still in the beginning stages of something that could be, will be great. I still very much enjoyed it and think it is worth the read. Lee writes well and I'm excited for the rest of the trilogy.

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I liked the world building in this book, the different characters really made the world come to life. I hope there is going to be a sequel

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Forest of Souls is an exciting fantasy packed with suspense. The main character Sirscha has gone through years of training to become a spy for the queen. Only a month away from graduation, Sircha's journey begins when she uncovers that she has a mysterious ability when she saves her friend by bringing her back to life. This novel is very plot-driven and filled with some interesting twists, especially towards the end.

It was really refreshing that there weren't any heavy romance elements, and I thought that Sirscha was a compelling protagonist.

I do wish that there was more worldbuilding and that some of the other side characters would have been better developed.

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I think the hardest part of starting a new series is getting into the characters and the plot. But I found myself truly intrigued from the start. So hard to do.

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Forest Of Souls by Lori M. Lee a fantasy YA inspired by the culture of Hmong shamanism. As the story unfolds we follow Sirscha, whose life is suddenly disrupted after an attack kills her friend Saengo, who Sirscha accidentally brings her back to life.She’s taken to the Spider King and is tasked to attempt to control the Dead Wood, a creepy forest full of the souls of the dead, but darker sinister forces are at play than she expected. 
Although it was well written, the book was definitely more plot driven than character driven. I felt that Sirscha didn’t have that much of an active role in the story. Sirscha’s story is one worth seeing and connecting to. Especially with how we often tie our own self-worth to other people. She thought her value as a person was based on what she could offer as a spy to the queen, or as a soul guide for the Spider King. But as he grows as a person through the read, by the end she is able to reflect and learn to be more of who she is, her worth and do things for herself. 
I appreciated the world building in the story. As well as how the author included the Hmong culture into the story. I was intrigued and loved understanding the magic system intertwined with the culture.
Although I felt the story dragged on quite a bit, the beginning was slow, and lacked character development. I did enjoy the the friendships and the characters journey in the read  as well ad the cliffhanger, it made me intrigued to see what will happen next

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"Everyone in the kingdom knows the queen fears the shamanborn. Sirscha has not had to think about this fear too much, focusing instead on training relentlessly in the hope she’ll be named the queen’s shadow. But after a reconnaissance mission ends in flames, Sirscha awakens with the glowing eyes and rare powers of a shaman. She is called to tame her abilities when the forest rises up intending to choke the world as she knows it."

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Sadly I felt like this book was extremely forgettable. It's not often I finish a book and as soon as I set it down I wonder what I just read about, and I have trouble remember some of the actual character and plot of the book I literally just read. I will not be picking up the sequel to this book...

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I sadly DNF''d this book halfway through. I think it does not sound fair to the book because the reason for DNFing seems to be very personal and is not due to the quality of the writing. There is so much good in this. This is a really good October read - it is very atmospheric and gives me a spooky vibe.

For me, this book was lacking worldbuilding. I find it surprising that so many people are talking positively about the worldbuilding because for me - I simply did not understand most of the world. I think this book definitely built a lot of atmosphere and I am wondering if people mixed that into the world building aspect.
I could not start to connect to the characters at all. I have struggle understanding all the things and places. There is a glossary in the beginning, which is 8 pages long. It is too much for me to drop it all in the beginning. If I am really into characters or a plot line, I am willing to put in the effort to learn the places, but here I just do not want to go back and forth to understand what it is that I am reading.

For some reason I am just not drawn into the story. I keep going between "I am starting to get into it" and "I just cannot start to care about anything/anyone". This book would have benefited (for me) to have a first book with a third of the characters and places to slowly build out this epic world and ease me into it. And that is coming from a person who enjoys reading epic worlds of huge proportions :(

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This was one of those books I was extremely hyped over. So there was a hesitance to pick it up. But I’m happy to say I finally did and it didn’t disappoint. The Forest of Souls is an amazing tale that leaves you utterly caught up in the world, the magic, and the characters.
We follow Sirscha Ashwyn as she is readying to become the new shadow of the queen. She has been training for this for years and she’s determined to be told that she will take over the rule and not one of the other apprentices. But when she follows one of her rivals to a tea house that ends up being ambushed everything changes. Not only does Sirscha awakens a magic she had no idea she possess, but she watches as her best friend is killed in front of her. But when she wakes up Saengo is alive. They become fugitives due to the fact Sirscha is a Shamanborn, which the queen has outlawed for years now. They are captured and told they are going to Ronin, the Spider King.
This story was so good. I loved the world that the author created for us. Though I admit it was a lot information to try and learn quickly, but once you figure it out, the story will wrap you up and leave you needing more. I loved Sirscha and Saengo’s relationship and their characters. I can’t wait to see more of them both and what will become of them and their strange circumstances. I loved how far these two character had become. The writing wasn’t dull for a second and leave you the reader utterly entangled in the story and needing to know what comes next to the point you listen to it at work just to find out (I would never! But I’m happy I did). I can’t wait for book two to see what happens next and to see if Sirscha can actually put a stop to the Dark Wood (SO CLOSE!) and the new enemy that has come back.

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This books cover is beautiful and thankfully the book was worthy of the beautiful cover. Strongly recommend!

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amazing read, great book would definitely recommend it to fantasy lovers. If you are already entranced by its synopsis, don't hesitate! get the book and read it. it wont disappoint :)

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