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In Case You Missed It

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This was an enjoyable read, prefect for the summer and some escapism. It had me laughing a lot at times and a fun book

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Thanks to netgalley for the chance to read this book.

Another good book from Lyndsey Kelk.
When Ros returns home after 3 years in the states her life is on a downward spiral. She gets home to find her room is a shed at the bottom of the garden. She buys a new phone and texts every contact from her cloud ending up with some weird responses. She eventually turns her life around. A great book of love, friends and reunions.

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Despite being a huge psychological and crime thriller fan; every now and then some chic lit needs to be thrown into the mix and Lindsey kelk is the perfect author to lose yourself in

This book did not disappoint and I was laughing out loud one minute and ugly crying the next

The characters were characterises extremely well and this is a true comedy book needed to be read by all chic lit lovers

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I've read only a few novels by Lindsey Kelk but I have really enjoyed them so I was looking forward to getting stuck into this one. The cover is simple and doesn't give anything away but the bright colours really make it stand out and it looks so pretty! Also, wasn't sure on the title of the novel but again as I mentioned before I couldn't wait to read it!

This one was absolutely brilliant. I love Lindsey's easy humour, her novels are so easy and enjoyable to read and I felt like I flew through the pages. Laughing at Ros' attempts at romance and the adventures she has with her friends. There are some real laugh-out-loud moments in this book, such as a certain sushi situation that took place between Ros' parents. I also loved Ros' mum, she seemed like such a fun character! All of the characters I liked really. I kind of knew what was going to happen throughout, but there were other moments that I had no clue what was going to happen and the end result made me laugh!

This novel is set in London, with main character Ros who has just moved back from Washington where she has just lost her job. Since she has moved back in with her parents, everything doesn't seem the same as before. She feels her friends have moved on with their lives, her mum and dad have even got a romantic spark that wasn't there before. So, when Patrick comes back into her life, it seemed like all her dreams had come true - as Patrick was the one who got away and Ros believes she's still madly in love with him. But, everything isn't the same as before and Ros learns the hard way that everything happens for a reason and the past is the past for a reason.

It's a great, lighthearted novel. I loved all of Ros' friends, her parents, the easy humour. It was just a really lovely read. Thank you to the publisher for a chance to read an advance copy of this novel via Netgalley, which I have reviewed honestly.

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This book tells the story of Ros, a thirty something who moves back home to the UK after moving to America for her dream job. Upon her return she realises that things aren't quite the same and her friends seem to have grown up and moved on from the cheap drinks and late nights to hipster wine bars and home by 11. After she finally gets her new UK phone sorted she sends a blanket text to all the contacts (from the last cloud backup) with her new number. This means some unexpected people get back in touch, mainly her former work colleague and an ex. 

The work colleague seems to be a blessing with the offer of a job and the opportunity to re-connect with her ex seems too good to be true for Ros.

The book follows quite a standard story line with the final outcome being quite predictable but the characters in this book really make it stand out. From the self-doubt and internal struggles Ros faces, to the depth of the side characters who you can imagine seeing sitting together in any 'trendy' bar in a city and each bring an alternative to the story! One of my favourite side characters is John as he is the bar man you know that you are your pals have swooned over on a night out! 

This book is the perfect romantic comedy (with a lot of the comedy, although so cringe, coming from Ros' parents who feature quite heavily!) but also tackles some more serious issues. I also love the diverse range of characters within the book, written in a way that doesn't seem 'token'.

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This was my first book by Lindsey Kelk and definitely won't be the last. A very pleasant surprise, this book is definitely a feel good read which will stay with you after you read it. It was hilarious at some points and I found myself smiling as I was turning the pages.

A must read for the summer!

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This was my first time reading something by Lindsey Kelk and it was so enjoyable! It was such a lovely, sometimes laugh out loud, feel good read. Ros is such a loveable character, along with her wonderful friends and adorable parents. It’s your typical feel good Rom-Com that sometimes we just need to help switch off and have a good chuckle to ourselves! I will certainly be reading more from Lindsey. Thank you Netgalley & HarperCollins UK.

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When Ros returns home after 3 years abroad she finds her life very quickly turned upside down starting with the fact that her new bedroom is actually a shed! Her first job is to get a new phone but when she mistakenly sends her new number to all she starts to receive texts from people she hasn't spoken to in years, including her ex and she soon finds herself living the life she had left behind.

Slowly Ros starts to realise that whilst she is living the same life as three years ago, her friends have all started to grow up and move on to the next phase in their life, now she has to decide to stay living in the past or move on with new guy John.

I really loved the relationship between John and Ros, I liked the banter between them and found them relatable.

This book was a fun read, and one I didn't want to put down. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants an enjoyable read

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I've read quite a few Lindsey Kelk books but I think this one is my new favourite! I loved the character of Ros and really enjoyed reading about her struggle to try and pick up where she left off after returning from working abroad. Ros returns to the UK hoping life will be the same as it was when she left, but soon realises that life, and her friends, have all moved on without her.

Ros is such a relatable character and her humour is hilarious! Parts of this book literally had me laughing out loud, particulary at Ros' parents and their rekindled romance! I loved that they moved her old room into the shed and all the 90s references had me pining for my old Groovy Chick bedding (clearly the best bedding ever!). There's also an incident with a lions head that's particularly memorable!

Ros has a great, diverse group of friends that all had different perspectives to add to the story and worked well with her slightly crazy family dynamics! The ex-boyfriend/new love interest plot was entertaining, and it's very hard not to route for the lovely hot barman to win!

I absolutely loved this book and was sad when it came to an end. It's the perfect read for anyone feeling nostalgic for their early twenties (or for their my little ponys!). Definitely a feel good read.

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I love all of Lindsey’s previous books, and wanted to love this one too.
I did enjoy it for the most part but just felt something was missing. Ros felt quite whiney and ungrateful and every other sentence seems to be aiming for anecdotal or funny-girl-you-can-relate-to. Sometimes it felt too try-hard and I couldn’t relax into the reading experience.

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I've only read one Lindsey Kelk book before but this had a very similar feel to it. I really enjoy stories about how relationships progress throughout life as people reach different life stages.
I think it was obvious in this book what was going to happen within the love story but sometimes you just need a story that you don't need to think too deeply about. I'm glad I read it but I'm not sure it's a book that I'll remember in a few months time.

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After being away from home for a while, it’s easy to forget that life doesn’t just stand still while you are gone - something the main character in Lindsey Kelk’s new book struggles with.
In Case You Missed It is a wonderfully warm, lively and funny tale which I could totally relate to.
Main character Ros, who returns to her parents’ house in the UK after three years in the US is joined by an eclectic, likeable cast for a story full of humour, brilliant friendship and important life lessons.
Lindsey perfectly captured the bewildering change in dynamics with family and friends when you come back after a period away. While not quite moved into a shed, my parents turned my bedroom into an ensuite what felt like the second I moved out (still bitter more than 20 years later? Me?) so I definitely understood where Ros was coming from. Don’t worry, they couldn’t get rid of me that easily; I moved back into my brother’s room (he wasn’t living there by then). 
I very much enjoyed the romance and the contrasting characters. There was no mystery as to where the plot was heading but that’s ok. In unpredictable times, especially, it’s nice to know from that start that everything will work out ok in the end. 
This was the first time I have read a book by Lindsey but I was delighted to find she has an extensive back catalogue for me to dip into.

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A well written book showing humour, empathy and escapades. Genuinely funny which made me laugh chuckle and even laugh out loud sometimes. A young woman, having spent 3 years in America, comes home, skint and welcomed home by her family but not welcome at the same time. She longs for the past but is viewing it through rose tinted specs. I love this book, quirky story. It is a brilliant read

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Lindsey Kelk really does deliver on all those descriptions applied to romantic comedy. Hilarious, laugh out loud, devastatingly witty – she hits them all. I have not yet read a book of hers I haven’t loved and In Case You Missed It is another example of her delivering the perfect romcom. It has a truly relatable heroine in Ros, a hero you quite want to bring home yourself, the coterie of well-defined and always amusing friends, the hideous boyfriend from her past, and beautifully described well-meaning but slightly cringy parents.
There is not a page that does not make me giggle and she manages to write comic scene after comic scene whilst developing a fabulous plot and proper romance along the way. Absolutely faultless.

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I love Lindsey Kelk books.
They never disappoint and ‘in case you missed it’ didn’t either.
A funny light hearted easy read, with great fun characters.
Brilliant to escape in.
Loved it

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Lindsey Kelk is one of my favourite authors and one that I always want to read.

This book is about Ros who has just returned home after 3 years living in the USA. On her return she begins to pick up where she was when she left, however as the story progresses is living in the past always the right thing to do?

I loved all the characters in the book, it was great to see Ros and friends and how close their friends were. There were lots of fun moments and times where Ros's antics would leave a smile on your face. The story had a great pace and I quickly sucked into it, wanting to keep reading and find out happen's with Ross and friends.

Overall a perfect fun read, perfect for reading in the garden sunshine.

Thank you Netgalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for this review.

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Ros returns home after 3 years away. Her parents have built her a shed in the garden to live in, and have disturbingly, rekindled their sexual relationship. Her friends are all still there but life has moved on for them all. A group text results in Ros meeting the love of her life, Patrick, once more. Will their romance be rekindled? Funny, with laugh out loud moments, well written and thoroughly enjoyable.

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I was abit late to the party with Lindsey's 'I Heart' series, but as soon as I finally got stuck in to them, I was hooked, so when In Case You Missed It was announced, I knew I couldn't miss out on it! Lindsey really does know how to write the wittiest and most humorous of conversations, you'd be crazy not to laugh out loud.

The character's were so unique and wonderful, I adored absolutely everybody in their own individual ways. I also loved how relatable our main character, Ros was. The way her and her friends spoke to one another, it's the type of friendship I have/want with my friends. I really loved the dynamics between Ros and John as well - it had me smiling continuously throughout.

A fantastic read and a great distraction from the crazy world we find ourselves in - if you're in need of a good smile and laugh, this is the book!

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This is one of my favourite books that I have read this year. I love the friendship between Ros and Sumi. The characters felt real and truthful. The setting of John's bar makes for a perfect place for Ros to meet her friends and work out what direction she wants her life to take. Lots of lovely moments in the book: dark disco, Ros's shed, Patrick Parker and her mum and dad's renewal vows. A perfect read with plenty of laugh out loud moments. I would highly recommend this book. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for letting me review this book.

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I loved all the 'I ❤️' books and was sad to see them finish, so wondered how I would like this new book. I need not have worried! An enjoyable laugh out loud read, mixed with a few tears along the way. A strong story of Ros coming home to the UK after 3 years in America, to find her parents not relishing her living at home again, so putting her in a refurbished leaky she'd at the bottom of their garden. She lands a job quickly, although not really what she wants. The group of close friends she left behind are thrilled to see her, but have all moved on to a certain extend, and have a new addition to the group, a local bar owner called John. When she gets a new phone, she sends her number to All her contacts, including her unpopular ex Patrick, who broke her heart and is hated by her friends. Can a leopard change their spots? A really great book, loved it from start to finish........

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