Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book. It was a unique storyline full of twists and turns. Kept me hooked from the first page to the last. Loved the ending

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So many twists and turns! I didn't feel empathy with any of the characters. Not an enjoyable read. If it hadn't been for Carona isolation I would not have persevered with reading this book.

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Wow, a book full of twists and turns! Just when you know what’s coming another twist is thrown your way - right up to the very final paragraph! (No spoilers!!)

It tells the story of Lexi and her family who win the lottery jackpot of almost £18 million and, needless to say, life changes for them in many ways - but not necessarily in the ways you expect! With arguments surrounding a syndicate of friends, friendships and greed it is clear things will never be the same again for so many different reasons.

Told from the perspective of three different characters the story builds, giving you more and more clues along the way as to which direction you are heading in, twists thrown in at every angle to keep you guessing and, just when you think you’ve figured it out, throws you straight back off track again!. A few times I thought the story to be predictable but was thrown off the scent in numerous ways, right up until the very end, the writing style truly captivating you throughout!

This was the first book I have read by Adele Parks, although have heard of so many of her books over the years, and am not surprised this is her 20th book published. Safe to say I will be working my way through some of her back catalogue now after this!

Instagram: @somethingaboutbooks23

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This is such a whirlwind read. I loved it and found it so compelling. Just My Luck is about how a big lottery win changes the lives of Jake and Lexi, their children and their friends. I read it over a weekend and couldn’t put it down. Definitely my favourite Adele Parks novel so far! I enjoyed the many twists and turns, the fast-paced plot and the exploration of how money changes people. I always thought it would be fantastic to win the lottery - not any more!

Very highly recommended if you want to lose yourself in someone else’s world.

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Unpredictable, interesting and full of twists and turns.

Third is my first Adele Parks read and it won't be my last.

If you love books full of twists and turns then this is the book for you. I couldnt put it down, and when I did I couldn't stop talking about it with my husband which is a great thing throughout this lockdown. What would you spend £18m on? Who would you become?

Highly recommend, and cant wait to read more of Adele Parks books.

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This book is about the problems that can happen if you win the lottery – between friends and family. As relationships gradually fall apart, Lexi’s worst nightmares come true. Pain and betrayal come thick and fast. The book reaches an exciting climax and everything is tied up by the end, although leaving the reader thinking everything through again. A highly recommended read.

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This is a really good read. I have never read anything by Adele Parks before but I thought this was a terrific book. The story centres around three couples who met when they joined the world of parenthood and then a lottery win changes everything. The book makes you think about the way people respond to money, and that makes it a real eye opener. I guess we all feel it would be a dream come true but there are some pretty bad down sides as well.
I enjoyed the story and it kept me turning the pages. There were twists in the story and at some points it made you wonder why Lexi, the main character hadn’t just kicked her husband into touch.
I would highly recommend this book. Easy to read and entertaining.

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What would you do if as part of a syndicate of six you won £17.8 million?

What would you do with £17.8 million if you were part of a syndicate that the week before had broken up - because what were the chances of winning?

What if you were the one who still bought the ticket regardless?

Would life change?

Lexia and husband Jake have played the sames six numbers every week for fifteen years with their friends, Carla and Patrick and Jennifer and Fred. The six have formed a bond, a friendship, their children are all friends, saturday night dinners together,  their lives are seemingly entwined.

Until one Saturday when a rift starts and when Lexi and Jake find themselves the only winners of the £17.8 million.

Friendship and history should mean that they share it with the others.

Will the luck of Lexi and Jake hold out? Or will more people come along and try and claim what they think is rightfully theirs?

This is a book full of twists and turns which at times felt like I was watching events unfold in slow motion and I almost did not want to look as I could see where it was going. I was wrong on a number of occasions and the twists were certainly ones I was not expecting and I loved it! Of course it could have seemed obvious but the sign of a good writer to me is not to make it so. 

Adele Parks captures different parts of the characters and their reactions to instant wealth well, Jake spent so unashamedly and encouraged his children to do the same that it became boring. Lexi wants to maintain a sense of normality for everyone, her job means she knows that not everyone is now as lucky as her.

Emily their eldest child, so like her father than she wants it all but finds that it actually comes at a cost which does not involve money. Logan, her younger brother, enjoys it but like his mother, is quite happy with his friends and computer games and making sure those certainties don't change.

But it is the actions and reactions of those other four in the syndicate that start to show the differences that were perhaps always there in their friendship, that were never discussed, never mentioned. Jealousy takes many forms, of wealth, of status, of job, of home, of neighbourhood, of pretty much everything.

Every possible emotion is covered in this book through all or some of the characters and the author taps into your emotions as you waver between what you are told and what the truth really is. A great book to lose yourself in and to keep you reading long past lights out. 

The ending question is obvious - not what would you do with £17.8 million but how would you behave with £17.8 million? From this book the two answers are not mutually exclusive.

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This was a great story, a lesson in what not to do if you win the lottery. I found myself despising and emphasising with the characters in equal measure. Nice plot and worthy of a read. I enjoyed it.

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What would you do if you won £17.8m on the lottery? This is the question we are invited to ask ourselves as we read Adele Parks' novel about a family who life is transformed in just this way. This is a light, fast-paced story which explores the unexpected fall-out of an event which perhaps all of us dream of from time to time.

Parks is unrelenting in the unlikeability of her characters. Even the main character Lexi, who sees herself as 'normal' and 'down to earth' becomes increasingly hard to root for as the novel progresses. Perhaps this is all deliberate. It is hard to draw any conclusion from this book other than 'money corrupts'. But all of Parks' adults are beset by various character flaws, some more extreme than others. The reader cannot help but feel ultimately that the lottery win is merely a 'MacGuffin', a foil against which the many dark tendencies of humans, particularly in terms of their relationships with each, other can be probed and exposed.

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I couldn't put this book down! I really needed to know who lied and who was telling the truth. The lottery win ruined everything and three families fell apart. I was so upset to read the lengths Jake was prepared to go, and I immensely disliked everyone other than Lexi and Toma!!! A really great, if somewhat uncomfortable read.

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Yesterday consisted of reading Just My Luck by @adele_parks in one sitting (ending with a gin cocktail in the sun). The rave reviews for this were spot on, Parks hits the mark perfectly in this twisty family drama, with some brilliantly written loathsome characters to top it off. It's definitely one to pick up and devour this summer - it would be the ideal holiday read (if we're ever allowed to go in holidays again!). Thank you @netgalley for this arc copy, I loved it!

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So this is my first adele parks read. It intrigued me so i went for it. This is a story of 6 friends and a lottery win. The whole book is full of twists and turns that i wasnt expecting. Its a story of love, lies, fear and deceit. I think it centres on the question of can love really buy you happiness? Adele goes through all the emotions with this book. A very enjoyable read

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Lexi and Jake are happily married with two kids Emily and Logan. Lexi has a job that she loves and life is relatively good. They have longtime friends, Carla and Patrick and Jennifer and Fred, they all met when they were pregnant with their first children and still have regular get togethers.

They have all been part of a lottery syndicate for years playing the same numbers until one night they decide to call time on this, much to Lexi's disappointment and more so as she feels their friendship is also coming to an end.

Lexi, same as always, buys a ticket the next week and the numbers come up!!

What happens next is a tale of greed, jealousy, secrets and betrayal with families ripped apart. Certainly a tale of the grass not always being greener on the other side.

I liked the character of Lexi she seemed grounded and didn't let the money change the person she was, the others I didn't like but that's the whole point. Toma however was a wonderful character.

I definitely did not see the twist at the end!!

Thank you to Netgalley and HQ for the ARC.

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A sincere thank you to the publisher, author and Netgalley for providing me an ebook copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. This is not my usual genre, I’m more of a crime/thriller reader therefore am extremely pleased and grateful for opening up my mind to something totally different. 4 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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Lexi, Jake and some friends have done the lottery with the same numbers every week for years, but then one weekend there is a fallout. Lexi has always bought the ticket and continues to do so. The next weekend their numbers come up on jackpot, £18 million for Lexi and Jake. Soon a dispute between all the friends begin and then there are other subplots in the story which just keep you turning the pages until the very end.
I have read quite a few Adele Parks books in the past so I thought I’d give this one a go for a change of my usual genre. I wasn’t disappointed, it had an excellent plot with lots of twists and turns. I really enjoyed reading this.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher HQ for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Who’d have thought that money could corrupt so many people!! A good plot that keeps the pages turning - lots of twists and turns throughout right up to the last page. Jake’s spending sprees became a bit repetitive though and after everything Lexi had been through the ending was not what I was expecting. Having said that I did enjoy it & couldn’t put it down - read it in 2 days.

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Not Adele Parks' best in my humble opinion. That said, it did hold my attention for the most part. Some parts I found went on and on and I skipped a few paragraphs here and there - there was too much introspection at times. I was also bored with all the tales of Jake's spending. There was nothing uplifting about this story whatsoever. There was a chance of redemption at the end, but that was spoilt by what we discover about the main character. I found it bleak. None of the characters were endearing (although Logan was harmless). I had been rooting for Lexi, but my opinion on her changed at the end. I wasn't overly keen on Emily, the other narrator. Some of the twists I didn't see them coming, so a good read all in all, I just would have liked a different ending.

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A lottery win will change your life, but will it be for the better? When six friends play the lottery as a syndicate for fifteen years and never win, one weekend there is a disagreement and four of the friends decide not to play any more. The next weekend, Lexi and Jake's numbers win the lottery and they are 18 million pounds richer.
From there on in, the other friends insist they are owed a share, but that's not all the trouble Lexi and Jake have to face. There are lies and deceit, and worse to come. The book is full of twists and turns making it a really interesting read with a good twist at the end.

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Like many people, I always wondered how my life will change if I win the lottery and how other people will see and act around you after knowing you for a long time.
The story has many layers, some very suspenseful twists and turns that will make you wonder and want to read more and some that in my opinion are a bit predictable.
The dialogue and the way the author pictures each character are very well done, especially in showing a mix of personality with all of them and adding to the overall story.
For me personally, Toma was my favourite character, because of his way of coping with his grief and wanting more than anything else revenge for the list of his wife and child.

This story will be loved by many people.

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