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The House Guest

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As always I can commend and admire anyone with the talent to write a novel and get it published. This book started out very well, and it was a slowly brewing page turner. Somewhere along the way, it became "skim the pages to get to the end" book. The story seemed like so many others in its premise. I don't want to give away the main plot, because others may enjoy reading it. My library will buy it, because it will appear to a particular kind of light reading patrons. I require a little less predictability to really enjoy and recommend a book. I did finish it, and usually I do not when I lose interest.

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Woah. Scarey, chilling, amazing, tense, thrilling. What more is there to say. Make this your next read

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Another fast paced thriller from Mark Edwards.

The main characters are built up well and ensures you are invested in them for the long haul.

When a new character is introduced it is done in a way that adds to the suspense and keeps you reading.

Read if you like a good crime thriller.

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Another great book from Mark and fortunately I was able to read this in advance of its official release date. I finished it within a day; it was so easy to read and drew me in so I couldn’t sleep without knowing the ending. I loved how all the characters were somehow connected and didn’t expect the story to go the way it did, but it was so addictive! I also liked the link between this book and another, but will let you figure out that one!

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Mark Edwards is on a roll currently with his writing! The House Guest has everything that a psychological thriller should have; lots of suspense and some truly shady characters! Believable ordinary characters put in extraordinary situations is Mark's forte and his latest book does not disappoint! It is fast paced story with some excellent twists and turns which keep you guessing right up until the end. I managed to read this book over a few days as I so wanted to find out what happened! Thank you NetGalley so much for allowing me the opportunity to read this book early. I'm just sad that I don't have a Mark Edwards' book to take away on holiday with me this year! I'm certainly looking forward to helping Mark celebrate it's release with one of his legendary Facebook parties though!! Pre order today is my advice.

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I do enjoy Mark Edwards' style of writing. The House Guest took me a wee while to get into though - who in their right mind lets someone stay who only says they know the owners of the house that you're looking after while they're away? However, that minor niggle aside, I was soon swept into the story. I'm not sure how Mark manages to write so many novels and yet still make them both feel different and so like him at the same time. If you like Mark Edwards' previous books you'll like this one. If you've never read one of his books, what are you waiting for?

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Mark is such a good writer and I have read quite a few of his books, none of his books are the same its amazing how he comes up with these ideas so I enjoyed every minute of this book, it was exciting all the way through and I found it difficult to put down, the storyline keeps you on your toes all the way through you will not be disappointed, when you read the first Chapter hopefully it will have you gripped as it did me.

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Adam and Ruth are house sitting for a couple they met on a cruise. Ruth is an actress and Adam is an aspiring writer.
The night is cold and rainy. A knock at the door reveals a young blonde woman. She says she's a friend of the owners and has come to visit. Her name is Eden. Unbeknownst to Adan and Ruth this is the night that what they know of their lives will forever be changed.
A remarkable read. Engrossing to the very end. And the ending is definitely a killer!
Great characters and a storyline to die for!

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I loved this book, it was so gripping from beginning to end.
To start with I did think that Adam needed to grow a backbone but continuing throughout the book he grew on me.
I did think that on a number of occasions that I had got the characters and situation sussed out in my head but then the who direction of the story changed, it got me thinking again to the change and had me questioning several different people and theories.
It was a great read and definitely one I would read again.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publishing house, and the author for allowing me an electronic copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I liked this. Solid 4/5 stars.
So a couple comes from their home in England and stays at an acquaintances home in New York. A couple they met only once while on a cruise. The New Yorkers are on a new-age retreat in the SW US and is out of touch. Then a strange but very friendly girl shows up on the porch during a rain storm claiming to have known the New York couple and took a chance and just showed up to surprise them only to find the English couple there. The English woman is a beautiful up-and-coming actress. The actress disappears and her boyfriend is left to look for her. With the help of another stranger - a man who has been watching the house.
That's where my review ends because to tell anymore would be to give it away. And I want you to be as surprised as I was. So I thought initially, the wet strange woman was an old lover of either the English man or the New York man. I. Was. Wrong.
I will be looking to see if the author has written any other books that I might like.

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Wow! Creepy doesn't even begin to describe this! I absolutely love Mark's books, they always contain an element of "what if" - making me look behind me when I hear footsteps behind me or the doorbell rings. This one was no exception. Absolute page turner and the book took directions I didn't expect. Brilliant.

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I've read a few of Mark Edwards's books before and they often have a common theme--the idea that you're not as safe at home as you might think. This book kind of has the same vibe, but writ large. Because not only is it not actually Ruth and Adam's home, but it's also not their city (or country). It gives the whole thing an uneasy energy, as the characters try to navigate something they don't understand in a foreign place. All in all, I don't think it was my favorite book by Edwards, but it was a fast, compelling read.

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A bit slow in the beginning and then more than a bit unbelievable as it went forward. However, I did read the entire book and I did want to know what happened. In the end the author ties up the book by bringing all the answers together in a dialogue between the main characters. The author also left it open to have a second book thereby making this a series. I like Mark Edwards writing and will read some of his other novels. I was give an copy of this book by Netgalley.

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I adore Mark Edwards writing! Every book I’ve read I’ve loved. There is always a slightly creepy edge to his books whether it’s a hint of paranormal or a dark thriller.

This one was no exception and as always I thoroughly enjoyed it. From the start with gripping chapters which continues throughout, there was hints of action too which was great and the dark theme throughout has an element of a blockbuster movie to it!

To see this on screen would be fantastic as it’s definitely worthy of it! I love the pace and the intrigued that’s instilled early on in the book. I was suspicious of one character but was way off! As always Mark Edwards slaps that suspicion away and your left with your jaw on the floor!

Absolutely fantastic one again!

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Once again another marvellous mark Edward's book. After being introduced to him through netgalley and reading 'Here To Stay' and being completely hooked from the beginning to the end I couldnt pass up the opportunity to read this one.

This book was just as compelling and thought provoking as the last one I read. The scary thing with Mark's books is that they are very real things that you can imagine happening. And things that probably do happen under the radar. They arent radical thoughts that you know would never happen. I think this is what makes his books even scarier but all the harder to put down.

I will look forward to my next installment from Mark in the very near future.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4 enjoyable stars

Like many other readers, I started reading this without knowing the blurb; when Mark Edwards brings out a new book, I have to read it!

Mark never disappoints - easy to read writing style, short snappy chapters, a few twists and turns.

The premise has been done before but in this book you never know who to trust or what will happen next.

Yes it gets a bit silly at the end, it felt a tad rushed in the finale however I recommend you read this book.

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I love The authors previous books so was excited to read this and was not disappointed. There are loads of twists and turns which keeps you guessing and makes the story really exciting and could not put it down. The characters are introduced really well and are likeable. Would highly recommend

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When two people from England open the door to see a young woman drenched with rain and invite her in, they have no idea that their lives are about to change. The young woman insists she's friends with the couple they are house sitting for, they have no reason to suspect that this isn't true. After only a week the lives of all three will forever change.

This started out good. I would say the first 30% of the book were the best. After that, the story took off in a direction that isn't my cup of tea, to say it nicely. Without giving anything away, it was just a subject that doesn't interest me. It went down hill from there and became too over the top for me.

*Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Adam and Ruth are homesitting for a wealthy couple that they met a few months ago on a cruise.
A week before the couple is about to return, a young woman knocks on the door, claiming she is the homeowners' friend. She is drenched with rain and seems harmless, so Adam and Ruth don't think twice about inviting her in.
Little do they know that this was a terrible mistake.

When I saw The House Guest was available to request on NetGalley, I jumped at the opportunity blindly, without even reading the blurb.
Mark Edwards is an author you simply can't go wrong with, and this book was no exception. He delivered another gripping, unputdownable page-turner.
The story, told from Adam's perspective, takes us on a suspenseful and thrilling ride.
Mark Edwards knows how to keep the tension, and his stories never fail to keep you hooked. I read this book in one sitting.
However, I was hesitating between 4 and 5 stars.
My only reservation is that, like his previous novels, this one didn't grab me by the throat from the very first page, and some aspects felt a little far-fetched. I also had a feeling that the story was lacking something, but I can't put my finger on what it was. Overall, it was a highly gripping and fast-paced book that is bound to keep you madly turning the pages.
I highly recommend it to anyone, and if you haven't read anything by Mark Edwards yet, I urge you to check him out, you won't be disappointed.

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The House Guest by Mark Edwards was a captivating and page turning story. Adam and Ruth are a British couple house sitting for friends they met on a cruise, Mona and Jack. Ruth is an up and coming actress, rehearsing for a Broadway gig and Adam is a unpublished writer. They are a few days into their stay when young Eden knocks on the door, claiming to be a friend of Mona and Jack's and hoping to surprise them. Ruth and Adam realize that when Eden learns her friends are not home, she has no where to stay. Mona and Jack are without phones on their retreat, but Eden seems to have knowledge about Jack and Mona, so she seems legitimate. Eden is a welcome addition to the house, and after a few nights, she treats Ruth and Adam to take out dinner and a tequila night. Adam wakes up the next day, sicker than he's ever been, and with no memory of the night. He assumes Ruth has gone to rehearsal and Eden is simply not home. After hours goes by and Ruth doesn't return, Adam begins to ask around. Soon, he realizes that Eden is not a friend, and had a reason to find and take Ruth. Adam, with the help of a man claiming to be the father of another girl taken by Eden, and Wanda, an expert on cults, the three have to figure out where these women keep disappearing to.

This book was amazing. The cult aspect was the cherry on top, as I was very interested in NXIVM. Edwards' writing is gripping, and easy to follow but does not lack detail. All my questions were answered by the end of the book, and the ending was great. Thanks to NetGalley for the chance to read and review.

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