Member Reviews

At heart, a graphic novel about a gamer learning to love himself as he is and accepting that the relationship he thought was perfect had just run its course, Cheater Code is a super sweet and empowering read that takes the "graphic" very seriously.
Kennedy comes home one day to very graphically discover that his boyfriend has been cheating on him for a while instead of manning up and actually talking to him about their problems. In the middle of his heartbreak, a freak accident happens that flings Ken into his gaming console and the game worlds he so often found refuge in. So begins Ken's epically erotic journey of discovery and self-acceptance.
Kudos to the artists for making sure that all kinds of bodies (love Ken's little paunch) and mentalities are displayed and explored, as well as keeping the sex realistic and safe with discussions about lube, protection, and consent!
Great art and several laugh-out-loud moments keep the plot moving, while the "action" always fits the moment in the plot and leads to character development. Not an easy feat to accomplish but definitely one that's noted and appreciated.
Overall, Cheater Code is a fantastic graphic novel for mature readers that has a great message and lots of great jokes and visuals to enjoy.

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Wreck-It Ralph but with a different kind of wrecking.

After catching his boyfriend of six years cheating on him, Kennedy is devastated. Ken decides some
hand to gland combat is in order to take his mind of things. In comic book fashion, lightning strikes at just the right moment and Ken is trasported into his console.

His games are glitching and Ken needs the help of some of his favourite characters to navigate the different worlds, while having some nsfw fun along the way! Ken also comes to terms with the break-up and the characters he meets up with help him discover his self-worth.

This was a super fun and hot graphic novel, that's brilliantly written and has amazing artwork!

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This graphic novel took me by surprise! I was not expecting the full nudity straight from page 1-3! This story is definitely one you won't be forget that's for sure. I did appreciate the growth the main character had throughout the story but I honestly probably wont be picking this one up again.

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This was an advanced e-copy I got via Netgalley a while ago in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to them and the publishers!

Kennedy is stunned when he comes home to his partner Seth cheating on him - and doesn't take the resulting break up well. Seth admits being unhappy for some time, and so Ken throws himself back out there on dating app FUCKR for a hookup - except he gets ghosted.

Foxe has created a narrative where Ken is thrown into the world of several of his favourite games - featuring a lot of fun tropes and recognisable scenes for gamers. While there are a lot of sex scenes and one-liners on page, it's satisfying to see Ken start to become more confident in himself, and exploring his sexuality. I appreciated the focus on consent and mutual pleasure for participants, as well as Ken becoming more comfortable with his desires.

The real question is - how can Ken find his way home - and does he want to?

I enjoyed Daz' art style - there's so much expressiveness in Ken's face and reactions! I thought his design was quite cute, and liked the subtle gaming nods in the background. The humour and banter are fun, and I grew to really like Kennedy by the time we reached the final page.

A (non-glitchy) 3.5 stars from me.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

I really was in for a surprise when I read this. When I started it, I wasn’t aware of, well, anything, so it was a bit of a shock.

This graphic novel follows Kennedy, a boy who just broke up with his boyfriend because he found out he was cheating on him. After the breakup, Ken falls into a deep sleep to live a very... peculiar adventure.

Now, as I said, I went into it completely blind so I didn’t know the main theme of this story was video games. I’m personally not a fan of them so getting immersed into a story where the main character is technically in one, was a little heavy for me.

Other than that, the story was okay. It didn’t blow my mind but it was a fun comic to read. However, I didn’t like how the ending wrapped everything up too quickly and the main character happened to overcome his grieving just by the snap of his fingers. I still recommend it to anyone who’s comfortable with reading graphic novels with explicit content.

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I’ve never read a graphic novel before. But I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this story. There’s lessons of breakups and kindness and not judging people. It was actually emotional and yes, sexy.

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It was a "do not finish" but given an average rating so it does not affect the overall ratings and sales.

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When I first read this book I fell in love with it. The starting was a bit dramatic which I loved. I absolutely loved this. I read it about 5 times since I got it. The art work is absolutely beautiful. The story was funny and hot. Really erotic. It was a visual stimulation of pleasure. This really displayed LGBTQ community not only in the main characters but also the background characters. Great job.

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This is an absolutely delightful erotic comic. (Like, VERY NSFW. Dicks immediately.) A fun and playful take on having a slutty stage after a break-up. In Cheater Code we get to see Kennedy sleep his way through all his videogames, and in the process get his confidence back and motivation to become the sort of person he wants to be outside of his last relationship. Fun, sexy and very sweet!

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First reaction: Um, wow ok
Second reaction: this just keeps getting better and better.

I really enjoyed this read. The visuals were great. I loved the story. Even though it’s a graphic novel I was so connected with the main character. The journey he took was interesting and nothing felt forced or overly repetitive in the relationships he had with the other characters. The ending was just the best.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher/author for a chance to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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When they say erotic graphic novel, they aren't kidding! Very explicit, but also very endearing graphic novel about sex, love, trust, video games, and personal growth. The art style was cute cartoonish, and I liked the angle in using classic video games to help the protagonist learn and grow, and the idea of having sex with your favorite video game characters is weird but interesting too.

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This is a dirty, gay romance, erotica comic strip which is perfect for all grown-ups! You will not be able to put it done.

Cheater Code follows Kennedy, the main character, through a number of different video games when he is at a low point in life when he catches his boyfriend cheating on him. This causes Kennedy lots of upset throughout the erotica as Kennedy loved his ex-boyfriend and was devastated to see that he had been cheating on him. Kennedy then explores some of his favourite games where he engages in fun and exciting gay sexual activities with some of the characters and helps Kennedy get ready to start afresh.

This book is very unique compared to other books I have ready, the reason, to begin with, is that the entirety of the book is laid out as a comic strip and sadly we do not see many comic strip books for adults on the market. It makes adults remember the fun they use to have when reading comics in a fun and exciting manner. Furthermore, unlike some erotica, there is sex from the start and plenty of sex throughout. If you are an adult or grown-up who use to or still loves a comic then this book is perfect for you and it does not matter your sexual identity. This book may be about gay romance but it is suitable for gays and straights.

I loved Kennedy and the development of his character throughout the book as it shows how anyone can overcome a hard and sad event in life but it takes time and the plot of the story to some extent kept me guessing what would happen next although the sex part of the story could be provoked. My favourite part of the book has probably got to be when Kennedy goes on an adventure through his games which is truly a life-changing experience for him.

I love how this book has been written as a comic book which makes the reader remember the excitement they had as children from reading comics. Superheroes may no longer interest you but this erotic comic will certainly interest you. You get to see everything every step of the way which makes the reader feel fully involved. I really got to know the main character, Kennedy, in this book and I could really emphasise the pain he was going through at his break up and it is reassuring to the reader to see that he manages to start afresh. When I started reading this book I was so excited with the plot that I was unable to put the book down and was disappointed when I did have to leave the book. This I would say is quite a hard skill to make it hard for the reader to put the book down, but S.A. Foxe obviously has the skill and is a master writer of this book!

I do not have any criticisms of this book, and why would I if I could not put it down when reading. However, I would love to see a second series of this book in the comic style of both about Kennedy and his life now and about maybe a straight couple. The author would be able to experiment in a variety of ways with this book and still make it equally as sexy, exciting and hard to put down.

In summary, this is a great book ideal for adults and grown-ups of all ages and sexes. It makes you feel like you are a teenager with a new comic book once again and the illustrations are excellent and show you everything that is going on. This is a truly unique book compared to the majority of other books I have read; this is the only book for adults and grown-ups which I am aware of that is written in comic format. I am happy to give this book 4 stars for the excellent storyline and the format of the book.

I would like to say Thank you to both NetGalley and Limerence Press who gave me exclusive pre-publishing access to this excellent book in return for an honest book review.

This book is not for children, so be cautious if you have children around!

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So... I didn't really notice the part about this being Erotica, so page 1 was a bit of a shocker....

That being said, a gay gamer starring in an erotic graphic novel-genius! All-in-all I was surprised at the amount of heartwarming moments in this and it was nice to see Kennedy grow as character throughout.

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Cheater Code is the sweetest, sexiest, funniest, breakup graphic novel ever. The art is amazing. The game references are super funny and Orcs. Just Orcs. The story was had meaning and reminded the reader to live their truth. It was surprisingly deep for a book filled with 13 year old boy humor( my favorite). AND It's so hot, I think my computer short circuited.
#cheatercode #eroticgraphicnovel

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Erotica! Yesssss. I finally went into the Erotica category on NetGalley, and the pickings were slim, but I was very excited about this. Video game isekai? Porn with a plot? Furry cheetah guy? Oh yes, I was very excited. And I actually read it just now because I've had such a slump reviewing-- check out a few of my last reviews and you'll see I have been disappointed by a couple of reads from NG. I set aside a definite 30 minute minimum a day of reading, and I was tired of spending days reading books just to be disappointed and have to leave a serious, professional review about why I was disappointed because I believe every critical review should also strive to be helpful, etc.

It's exactly what I signed up for, but it gets tiring.

So I read THIS! I figured, hey, it's graphic novel erotica. Standards are different. It can be all porn and lack plot entirely. Let's go.

And I really liked it! I mean, I can't really think of what to critique about the book because I just liked everything about it. So now I'm going to write a lengthy happy review of all the things I liked.

Firstly, the art-- very cute, very distinctive. I particularly liked the simplicity of the lines and coloration; they gave a smooth feeling to the characters almost reminiscent of animation. The designs for the separate characters were also great, and not just because they fit cleanly into genre tropes without identifying specific franchises. Not to mention... so many bears... Fuck yeah bears.

Incredibly, I'm also going to praise the story of an erotic graphic novel. It was cute! It's nice to see sexual positivity; the book is exactly as advertised in this domain and the cheesiness factor was perfect. It's hard to balance sex scenes and plot, but Foxe managed that easily. Yes, seriously, I'm happier with the plot in this erotic graphic novel than in most of the books I've read recently.

Also, yes, let's discuss the actual sex scenes. They were CREATIVE. I've attempted sex scenes before (in writing, not real life-- I mean-- well--) and they're DIFFICULT. You write two and it's hard to stay original, let alone-- let me think. One, two, three, four... uncountable numbers of sex scenes. And yet Foxe came up with ways to make each unique! Outfits, partners, settings... toys I'd never heard of let alone seen... I really don't think there's much more you could ask for with this one.

Now, if I can be ranty and admonish some people. I noticed that a lot of the top comments are from people who rated the book lower because, somehow, they were not aware it was erotica. I will complain about misleading marketing all day and night (in fact, recently did so in my review of Odessa ), but at some point, you have to take that responsibility for misleading yourself. The cover of this is sexual to begin with (crotch shot? furry abs guy? several bears of the homosexual variety?), and the genre is listed as "Erotica"-- ONLY "Erotica"-- on NG. It should not appear in any other category. The first four words of the description (here and on NG): "An EROTIC graphic novel" (emphasis mine.)

It does absolutely bother me for reviews of this book to be tainted by people who had no interest in it. This is why I don't rate books I don't feel were intended for me to read (eg if I go into a book knowing it's not my genre and... it turns out not to be my genre.) The reviews section is for people who are considering the book, and as such are considering erotica as it is. "Oh whoops it was exactly what it advertised itself as; -2 stars because I cannot read" is not acceptable. Erotica is already a tiny and much-maligned genre, so please don't make it more difficult for authors who are already working in the niche.

And if you're a reader, please take a moment to go through the reviews and highlight the ones that were most helpful to you-- particularly the ones who explain why they give the star count they do (I happily liked some 3/4-star reviews here that were well-written) and that take a reasonable look at the book.

And, well, there we are. I personally really liked this book, and I expect to come back to it later. It's got a wonderful art style, a cute message, some body diversity, and the porny bits were very well done. It manages to combine a narrative with the sexy scenes in a way that doesn't undermine either, which is incredibly difficult. I came (!) in expecting to read some trashy nonsense, and I was very happily surprised.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The story is a heartwarming one! Watching Kennedy's emotional journey into loving and accepting parts of himself after a terrible breakup was sweet. I found myself caring for Kennedy a lot.

It definitely could have been better in terms of erotica. I rated this two stars as I find that this part of the novel was incredibly important. It sells itself a sexual story but in that aspect, the graphic novel didn't do anything new for me. Kennedy explored so many different universes and his sexual experiences could have been more innovative. However, I highly appreciate the fact that safe sex and consent is always kept in mind.

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When Kennedy finds his long time boyfriend cheating on him, he finds himself adrift, suddenly lonely, and struggling with selfworth.
But then he is transported into his videogames, and meets some really hot (and weird) guys who make him feel desirable again, all while he tries to get back to the real world.
This graphic novel was hot af. But it was also unexpectedly good. It's about love and healing, about learning to be an individual again after losing yourself to a bad relationship.
It was quite good!

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I really wasn't sure what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised. The graphics were good, the story was good, the erotica was just enough. Overall a good graphic novel.

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I received this eARC from Netgalley. All my opinions are my own unbiased views.


This is such a fun read! And I loved the concept too! Kenny, the protagonist, finds his boyfriend cheating on him and thus leading them to break up.

For me, one of the downfalls for graphic novels is the lack of character development, unless they're a part of a series. But Cheat(er) Code does this really well! Not only that, the art style is great too!

Once again, a huge thank you goes to Netgalley for allowing me a review copy!

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A huge thank you to NetGalley and Oni Press for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

I was so drawn to this title when I saw that it was a (homo)erotica graphic novel. As someone who have read graphic yaoi/BL manga/webtoons, I’ve come to enjoy these kinds of stories so upon reading the first page of Cheat(er) Code, I was not disappointed!

The synopsis was enough to intrigue me as we follow Kennedy who finds that his boyfriend of six years have been cheating on him and ends up sucked into the world of his video games mixed all together because of a glitch.

This story is every fan’s dream! It’s almost like having harem of your favorite fictional characters!

I loved and very much enjoyed how verrryyyy erotic this graphic novel was as well as realistic. The novel addressed topics of proper pre-intercourse preparation like douching and lube use. Our main character isn’t like those stereotypical fit characters that we usually see in books as Ken is not ripped since he has a gut and he also calls out someone for size-shaming him. I feel like this kind of representation is so so important.

The story overall was so much fun to read! I love all the other characters and the puns and banter they shared with Ken all throughout! I also loved the art style. The details especially of the video game world and the characters are so good! The expressions and different personalities added to how realistic it was. Besides video game world setting, everything else felt real. The relationships and the heartfelt conversations between the characters were genuine and helpful and I love that those experiences, no matter how odd, helped Kennedy move on from that part of him and find the closure he needed.

I love the diversity in terms of the body types and species in this. All the different sex positions and kinks featured were interesting as well.

Overall, I absolutely loved this, I had such a good laugh and I’m hoping to read more graphic novels like this! Definitely would recommend for those who enjoy stories like this!

This comes out on Nov. 24!

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