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The Day I Disappeared

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Thank you NetGalley for this advanced copy. Parts of this were confusing and choppy for me but the plot kept me interested. Some really good secrets come to light at the end.

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The Day I Disappeared kept me intrigued from start to finish. I refused to stop reading until I finished the book, so I ended up reading it in one night. That said, the prologue/first chapter does kind of give the ending away. Reeds does do a great job with the red herrings and the ending wraps up nicely. It was a little obvious for me, but I was still at the edge of my seat waiting to see how it would conclude. I found some of the dialogue to not completely click, and I do wish some of the side characters had been fleshed out a little more.

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Interesting story and the plot moved along nicely. I did figure out who was taking the girls pretty early on in the book, but there were other twists that I didn't anticipate. It kept me entertained and wanting to read more.

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A sincere thank you to the publisher, author and Netgalley for providing me an ebook copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

It was the title that appealed me to read this book and I’m so glad it did. The book was so good; twisting and turning all the way through. One minute I think I knew what was going to happen and then, nope it twists again.

I genuinely cared for the characters especially Holly who I rooted for throughout!

The only thing that annoyed me slightly was the jumping back and forward but it did not detract from the book. 4 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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A quick semi-psychological thriller that can be described as a page turner. While the ending wrapped up just a bit too neatly, I still thoroughly enjoyed this book. A bit repetitive at times, and I wish we had delved in to some of the characters more (Sterling, Kitty), but overall I would recommend this book to those looking for a quick, entertaining read.

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This book really had the ability to be something good but it was very confusing, choppy, and just not my favorite. I liked the style of writing but not the way it all came together.

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I am surprised I liked this as much as I did because let us face it, there are many kidnapping books where one of the characters looks away and a child is taken in an instant and the rest of the book is going to be predictable. I honestly thought this book was going to follow that pattern especially in the few chapters. Glad I was wrong! This book has so many other twists and turns throughout and ends with a huge bang! You think you know but you don't, that I was keep reading thrillers; and this is definitely a thriller. This is not a learn from your tragic mistakes type of thriller. It is so much more.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and Brandi Reeds for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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thank you to @netgalley and @amazonpublishing and #LakeUnionPublishing for this electronic advance copy of The Day I Disappeared by Brandi Reeds. I enjoyed this mystery and it just may have been the jumpstart I needed to dive into all the thrillers on my TBR lists.
The story started out a bit slow, but I knew right away I was done with my DNF streak 😬 a fast-paced read that genuinely surprised me with more than one twist! 🌴🌴🌴 3.5/5

Holly was kidnapped when she was four years old and although she was returned untouched, she has no recollection of the 84 days she spent missing. Twenty years later, she's revisiting her trauma. Other little girls are missing and the man sitting in jail may be innocent. And what does Holly's mother have to do with all this?

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Holly was kidnapped when she was four. She was returned after 4 months. Now as a 25 year old, she still has holes in her memory from when she went missing.
The story is told by Holly and her mom, Cecily, who lies in a coma caused by an accident. Fragments of Holly's memories from 20 years ago start coming back. Add to that there is a similar case to her kidnapping and several others girls went missing, all while her kidnapper is still in prison.
She thinks maybe the wrong man is imprisoned for her kidnapping.
Cecily harbours her own secrets and wishes she could have handled her life better.
The twist in the end was a bit if a surprise for me. Immensely enjoyed this book. Again another first from the Author for me.

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The Day I Disappeared, whilst twined with the traditional ‘whodunnit’ theme, is laced with a gripping and haunting storyline. Unlike so many other thrillers, TDID could be real - so real and so chilling that as a parent, I felt the pain of Cecily and Holly’s all consuming need to find the truth. However, it is Brandi Rees’s exceptional writing that really breathes the life into her characters and then helps to draw these emotions out of the reader. I loved this. Thank you.

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The day i disappeared is a thriller I could not put down. I needed to know how this book ended, who was the culprit, who could Holly trust and who she couldn't. Whenever i though i had the right person ...BAM... it wasn't them. The story is about a young woman named Holly who was kidnapped for 3 months when she was 4 years old. The clincher is she does not remember ANYTHING about her abduction or the 3 months she was kept. Now her memories are emerging when a cop comes by asking questions about her time gone and how there have been more girls kidnapped and killed....she being the only one who was not. I will recommend to other thriller fans.

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When she was 4, Holly was kidnapped from the park she was playing in with her best friend and their mothers. 94 days later, she was inexplicably returned to the same spot, miraculously unharmed save for a missing tooth, an arrow shaped scar, and a memory wiped clean of the previous 3 months. Soon after, a local man is imprisoned for the crime, but questions still linger over Holly's mother, and whether her role in the crime was negligence or something more... 20 years later, and Holly is in turmoil. Her mother is in a coma after a mysterious accident, and another young girl has gone missing, the latest in a string of disappearances that all have eerie similarities to Holly's own case. After 2 decades of trying to move on, Holly is forced to finally question her own past - could it be that the wrong man is in prison after all? What really happened all those years ago? And how much does Holly's mother know...?

This is one of those books where you think you know exactly what's going to happen, but instead there are just so many twists and turns! Firstly, Holly is a bit of an unreliable narrator at times, suffering from blackouts and flashes of memories when drinking. I personally loved this element to the book as it made everything extra creepy and tense - is Holly really remembering things, or is it the demon drink making everything a little bit blurry?

I also thought a real strength was in Cecily's chapters. The book itself alternates between chapters from the POV of Holly and Cecily, with Holly's mainly in the present and Cecily's mainly in the past. This meant you got a slow reveal of information to do with Holly's kidnapping, and also got the really unique experience of getting the information from both Holly and her mum. This added again to the sense of an unreliable narrator, but this time in the form of Cecily. I personally veered wildly between thinking she was the mastermind behind it all, and thinking she was an innocent victim, and so her chapters definitely made for a thrilling ride!

Now I won't comment too much on the plot, as I hate to reveal spoilers. But I can honestly say this is one of the first thrillers in a long time where I was genuinely surprised by who the perpetrator ended up being! There's a few red herrings along the way, and the eventual resolution is a true jaw dropper. The ending itself is nice and neatly wrapped up, which I prefer in a thriller - I hate to be left with lingering questions!

All in all, I loved it! I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone and everyone, and I genuinely think it's one of the best thrillers I've read in a long time. I can't wait to Brandi Reeds comes up with next, and I will admit that I'm already looking to order her backlist!

Disclaimer - I was fortunate enough to receive an advance reading copy from NetGalley. This has not affected my review in any way, and all opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Net Galley and Lake Union Publishing (seriously, you can't go wrong with any of their books!) for an e-ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review. Holly was kidnapped as a four year old, but miraculously was brought back months later. She couldn't remember anything from the time she was missing, but she's happy to be able to grow up and live her own life. When other girls go missing, she's asked to try to remember and help. Her mom was in an auto accident and now in a coma. Their relationship was always strained, but now she realizes that her mom might be able to bring her some comfort, and lead her to answers. This book is well done, and I enjoyed it a great deal. It's not only a good suspense plot, but also delves into our relationships with family and friends we've known all our lives. This only wasn't a five because I had a bit of trouble keeping up with the characters and the beginning confused me (this likely won't be the case with you.)

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I came across this book on NetGalley and was instantly drawn in by the cover and its similarities with the ingenious ‘The Recovery of Rose Gold’ by Steph Wrobel. A quick read of the synopsis and I was desperate to get reading, so firstly a huge thanks to Lake Union Publishing for instantly approving my request!

Holly Gebhardt was kidnapped aged 5 in her local park and miraculously, 94 days later, she was returned unscathed spare for a missing tooth and an arrow-shaped scar on her forearm. Her negligent mother is scrutinised by the press, but it is Holly’s best friend, Kitten, whose testimony imprisons creepy Al for kidnapping.

But everything changes when twenty years later, a new lead has appeared which reopens her case. What happened to Holly during her abduction? Who knows more than they are letting on? How is her attacker still striking if he is serving life in prison?

With her mother in a coma and Kitten distracted by her recent engagement, it is up to Holly to find the truth about her own kidnapping in time to save innocent Skyler, the latest young girl kidnapped in the area. With a 94-day countdown ticking, time is really running out for both girls.

A gritty and fast-paced ‘who-dun-it’ thriller, ‘The Day I Disappeared’ is full of lies, deceit and accusation. Reeds’ expert manipulation poses everyone as a possible suspect, and who do you turn to when there is nobody left to trust?

A psychic, a missing tooth and blurred memory lapses all clarify and confuse the case in equal measure. Lots of red herrings to keep the reader on their toes until the very final pages!

Suspenseful and gripping, this book is set to be a bestseller with its publication in August 2020.

Thank you to the team at Lake Union Publishing for the ARC, I wish you all the best with the publication of this book in August 2020. This honest review has been given at the request of the publisher but all of the opinions given are my own.

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One of those books that has you suspecting everyone of being the creepy guy who kidnapped and returned Holly when she was four.
Twenty years later,the author has us eyeing the military boy next door with suspicion... And every other male in Hollys orbit.

Lots of red herrings here,but made for an interesting read.
I won't be the only one who guessed who it was or how fairly early on.... 
A little bit creepy in parts, it could be a great summer/beach read.

The cover however leaves a lot to be desired

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The Day I Disappeared
Brandi Reeds

The Day I Disappeared is a twisty
psychological thriller. I stayed up way past my bedtime because I had to know where this story was headed. Holly was kidnapped for 3 months when she was 4 years old.... she has no memory of where she was. Fast forward to the present and they are looking into Holly’s case because of more disappearances. The storyline moved at a nice pace making this a quick read for me. Brandi Reeds was very clever in throwing in clues that were confusing me and this thriller kept me guessing the whole time. I highly recommend if you like thrillers and will gladly read more by Brandi Reeds. Thank you so much to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an advanced readers’ copy for an exchange on an honest review.

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Well if that ain't a whodunnit... I don't know what is.

Holly was kidnapped at age 4 and three months later she turns up in the same place she disappeared from, with no memory of what happened. Though a man was convicted in correlation with the kidnapping, twenty years later, Holly is no longer so sure that the man behind bars is responsible. There have been a series of seemingly uncorrelated cases of young girls going missing, with new clues coming up that tear at Holly's memories... or lack thereof.

What a captivating story. The story line is well described, with a plot that twists and turns before your eyes. I was starting to piece together the whodunnit as it was all coming to fruition. However, Reeds keeps throwing figurative wrenches that kept me guessing right until the very end. I also found the story to be truly eerie at times, and had many senses of foreboding that I couldn't quite place. This, in my opinion, kept me reading because I wanted to get to the "bottom" of what would happen next.

I think what really kept me intrigued was Holly's partial memories that seemed to pop up frequently and were fleeting with little detail. Sometimes the way they were laid out or thrown into the story was confusing, because I wasn't entirely sure what was happening... but as the story progressed it became more clear that it was a memory that held a key to her past.

I found all the characters to be well-written and developed. All the characters introduced were relevant to the story, in my opinion.

All in all, an excellent read. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes a good mystery/suspense novel!

<i>I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher of this advanced digital copy for the opportunity to read this novel in exchange for an honest review!</i>

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This was a truly eerie psychological thriller. I felt a strong send of foreboding throughout and frequently left the book down as I was dreading what I would read next. A young Holly is abducted and returned to her parents three months later with no memory at all of the incident. She struggles to forget the ordeal and tries to get on with her life as best she can until a similar abduction takes place twenty years later and she called upon to assist in the investigation as another child's life is hanging in the balance. The premise of this story was a good one and the plot was very convincing but I did feel however that there were a few too many characters, so much so that I did become a little confused at times. Occasionally it was a little predictable also but that didn't detract from my enjoyment of the storyline. I did enjoy this book. I'm giving it 3 and a half stars.

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Holly was kidnapped over 20 years ago, when she was 4, and held for 94 days. Holly has never remembered what happened during the time she was gone and secure in the belief the guilty person was in prison she moved on with her life until the day the police question her again as another 10 girls have gone missing over the years.

This story is told in alternating perspectives from Holly and her mother, who is trapped in a coma). The book did have suspense but mostly in the last third or so. The twist ending I predicted and the misleading clues felt too obvious. Regardless I enjoyed this book a lot and will be seeking out more by this author!

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review -
When Holly was a baby she was kidnapped while playing in the park and days later returned to the same spot. She struggles to remember who took her, and what happened.
When 20 years later another child is taken the detective would like Holly to help. Holly's mother has secrets too.
Can Holly remember in time to help find the little child? And when all is said and done the shock of what happened is unbelievable!

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