Member Reviews

Aleja is growing up in Sevilla and loves to read. She loves nothing more than to read adventure stories and imagine she is an explorer out at sea. In her society girls never go to sea, so when she comes across a female pirate then her life takes a turn for the better and her dreams might be realised.
This is a very well written adventure story, which will appeal to both boys and girls. Not quite your traditional pirate story as it steps outside traditional gender roles, but Kuzniar makes this seem less important as the Captain of the ship chooses her crew for their talents and potential. Hopefully this book will help many a reader discover their own potential and seek their own future (though not pillaging the seas).
This is ultimately a story about friendship, magic and wonder.
Many thanks to Penguin Random House Children's UK and Netgalley for letting me read and review this book.

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After recently reading Demons of the Ocean (Vampirates 1), I was very much looking forward to this story expecting a rollicking good tale of swash-buckling pirates. A couple of the books I’ve read recently have left me a little disappointed and I so wanted to love this one after being tempted by its glorious cover and hearing good things about it on Twitter.

Having now read it, I can confirm that this has met all of my expectations and then some, being a fabulous story of magic, secret maps, sea monsters, sword-fighting and pretty much everything that a pirate story should be in my opinion.

Aleja, who lives at home with two older brothers, her father and grandmother, dreams of adventure – adventure which is denied her in the main because she is a girl. However, she is determined not to meekly stay at home but in our opening has sneaked out after bedtime to travel across the rooftops of her native Seville to gaze out at the ships visiting the port, inspired by the travel writings of British explorer, Thomas James. Not only do these writings fuel her thirst for adventure but she has also used them to teach herself English – a skill which comes into good use very quickly.

After ducking out of boring chores around the house, Aleja firstly overhears two men sneering at the thought of an all-female ship and then encounters two giggling girls before bumping into twin friends of one of her brothers who cruelly tease her over her precious books and yearning to be an explorer. Returning home upset, her grandmother suggests that she needs to abandon her dreams and be more like other girls in order to win friends – a compromise Aleja is not prepared to make.

Shortly after this, Aleja’s attention is grabbed by the arrival of a damaged ship, initially by its owl decoration and then by two women disembarking from it who speak in English. Piecing together the evidence with which she is presented, she concludes that the ship previously belonged to Thomas James and after discovering a hidden book of his, meets a woman from the ship. This woman takes a keen interest in the book and after Aleja accidentally becomes involved with some shady individuals counterfeiting coins, hides her on board the ship.

What Aleja believes will be a temporary arrangement starts to look like a more permanent one when on waking having fallen asleep, she finds herself at sea and unable to return home. This is just the start of a wonderful adventure on board a ship soaked in magic and filled with an all-female crew with whom Aleja feels an increasing affinity. Thomas James’s book points the captain of the ship towards something she is seeking and together with Aleja and the other pirates she pursues it across the sea and later the Sahara Desert leading them all into great peril and leaving the reader with many unanswered questions and the way open for several more adventures to come.

I loved Aleja – the way she was not prepared to compromise to fit in at home and her sense of curiosity that led her initially on board and then through further challenges as the story progressed. The supporting characters complement her well – I particularly loved Frances with her love of cake and petty larceny, and Malika who, like Aleja, is not prepared to settle for a life of stereotypical domestic bliss.

Piratical life, the locations in which this story is set and details such as descriptions of the pirates’ clothing are so skilfully written that I could very easily picture the action as I continued through the book, almost to the point of being able to feel the rocking of the ship. Together, these elements create a read which I found almost impossible to put down, staying in bed much later than I usually would in order to finish it before I got up, which is very unusual for me.

As I write this, I have been unable to find any details about a sequel or indeed this being the first in a series, which I suspect (and very much hope) it is. There are too many questions left unanswered, including a fairly large plot twist very close to the end for this to be a stand-alone read. Although the vast majority of the characters throughout are female, I would not class this as a ‘girly’ book – I am sure that it will be equally as popular with all readers and will be recommending it to anyone from my year 5 class upwards who loves adventure stories with a touch of magic.

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This is a gorgeous, lyrical, fantastical story. It is exciting and enthralling, a real swashbuckling joy of a read. Exactly the kind of book I would have loved as a kid.

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Set the sails, (wo)man the decks and get ready to sail on a fabulous pirate adventure unlike any other.

Meet Aleja who has an inner passion for adventure. Inner because her temperament means she's left out of the girls games, but not included in the boy because... well, she's not a boy.

I'll let you discover how she ends up on the Ship of Shadows, but do let me tell you this is a ship like no other. Full of magic, secrets, intrigue and most importantly a wonderful range of characters. All women. Each member of the crew is valued for HER unique skills and abilities, I love that. And Aleja - it's her passion for languages and her thirst for adventure that gets her noticed.

I adore how Kuzniar whisks us off on exciting adventures with the Ship of Shadows crew - Indiana Jones meets Peter Pan.

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I received a free digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This is the first book I have read through netgalley and I am so glad I picked this one!

Aleja (just like me) is a voracious reader desperate for stories of adventurous girls because what she wants most is to be an explorer! When the Ship of Shadows slides silently into port Aleja finds herself entangled with a crew of women who embody her wildest dreams; pirates of a magical ship on a secret quest! Sign me up.

I flew through this and I loved it. I was as excited as Aleja was to discover the secrets of the Ship of Shadows, to travel to far flung places, to befriend the enigmatic thief Frances and earn the respect of the Captain. There are chase scenes, sword fighting, monsters and magic! I loved Aleja's love of languages and how it was a valued talent not just a translation tool!

Only area for improvement was the beginning. I didn't get how everyone knew Aleja's secret desire, apparently exposed by an argument with her brother, Pablo, but how the bullies knew was unclear & the bullying seemed a little unfounded. Minor niggle.

All in all, this was a great read which I will definitely be recommending for anyone looking for a brilliant middle grade read for adventurous girls; specifically those (me!) who want to be bookish pirate-explorers!

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This pirate filled adventure story is gripping from the first page to the last. Here are three reasons I loved it:

1. I loved the magic in this story. The shadows, the unexpected rooms, everything was so wonderful. Young readers will adore this world and be desperate to visit. It's full of surprises and amazement, and felt like a story where anything could happen. There is so much more I want to know about Kuzniar's world and I'm already looking forward to book two.

2. The settings in The Ship of Shadows were rich and full of details. I'm not sure I could pick a favourite location because they were all so fantastic. They come to life with vivid descriptions, sights and smells, and I would have stepped into the pages if I could.

3. I couldn't possibly end this review without mentioning Kuzniar's brilliant band of pirates. They were all unique and exciting, and readers will be desperate to sign up to join Captain Quint's crew. I particularly loved Frances and her fondness for cake. Aleja's desire for adventure is also contagious. She's a brave, clever and resourceful protagonist.

I can't wait to discover what adventures this exciting explorers get up to in book two. The Ship of Shadows is not to be missed.

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The Ship of Shadows was a very sweet middle grade novel about pirates and friendship. I was really glad to get on board on this adventure, with all those amazing girls. I'd really recommend it to anyone!

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Mystery, intrigue, magic and a great seafaring adventure combine to make an exciting read with something to appeal to all readers. Aleja has a gift for languages and a memory for useful information, which she has gleaned from the books she so loves, and which fuel a thirst for exploration denied to her as a girl in historic Spain. A chance discovery, an accusation of theft, a hair-raising chase through the port of Seville and rescue by Captain Quint leads to a working voyage aboard a pirate ship, powered by magic and pursued by a cruel and dangerous catcher of shadows with a grudge against the crew.
A cast of strong female characters, each with her own unique talent and background, helps Aleja learn how to survive as a crew member, while she attempts to solve the mystery of a missing map and win the trust of the formidable captain. With the constant menace of Levasseur and sea-monsters and the unfolding mystery of the map setting the atmosphere, it is the developing friendships between Aleja and the younger crew members and the cabins that appear and disappear on the ship that provide the lighter moments in the novel. Given the opportunity she has always craved to explore and seek adventure, will Aleja choose a future with her new family on the ship of shadows, or return to her real-life, much loved family?
This is a gripping and exciting story with characters that linger in the memory.

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The Ship of Shadows is a fast-paced, feminist pirate adventure, packed with puzzles, magic and mystery. Storms in jars, lost cities, pirate hunters, monsters, and legends - this book has it all! It'll take you from Sevilla to Marrakech with a main character, Aleja, who is curious, smart, bold, and a born explorer. I loved following her journey and meeting the curious cast of characters on board the mysterious Ship of Shadows, which has plenty of secrets of its own! I also especially loved the sprinkling of Spanish, Arabic, and French throughout the book and the little pieces of culture from Spain and Morocco - tiny fragments to make your eyes light up at the thought of travelling the world. A gorgeous, gorgeous read. Can't wait for the next book!

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A magical, swashbuckling adventure awaits those who dare join the crew of The Ship of Shadows.

Aleja dreams of adventure and little does she know what lies ahead when she finds herself aboard this all girl pirate ship. Magic and adventure, puzzles and libraries, monsters and legends are all hidden amongst the pages of this exciting book.
I also really enjoyed Aleja’s journey on board as she discovered friendships and insights into the past lives of the crew. I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds next for Aleja.

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The Ship of Shadows has a fantastic premise - an all-female pirate ship on a treasure hunt! It's full of rich descriptions of far-off lands (though it is set geographically in our world, which surprised me!) and adventure. It does take quite a while to get into the meat of the book, as the main character doesn't even get onto the ship until nearly 25% of the way through, but once it does get going, it is very fast-paced, and the puzzles and chases will keep the pages turning.

I personally would have liked the magic to be a little more prominent, but then I think that about most middle grade adventure! This would be perfect for fans of Harriet Whitehorn's The Company of Eight, or Jasbinder Bilan's Asha and the Spirit Bird - swashbuckling and high stakes, with hints of magic. Four out of five stars.

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I decided to request this ARC due to following Maria (Mia) on Instagram for quite some time. Although this genre is not my normal pick for my fellow bookstagrammer I wanted to show my support! I. Was. Not.Disappointed!!

It was a lovey grilling tales about adventure, courage, friendship, trust all sprinkled with magic! I enjoyed my adventure with Aleja and the crew of The ship of shadows!

I am excited to get a physical copy of this to give to my young cousin to delve into!

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Aleja dreams of adventure while working in her Grandmother's kitchen in Seville, but as everyone always tells her - girls can't be explorers. But one day a mysterious ship sails into the harbour, crewed by women, and Aleja becomes a temporary crew member on the Ship of Shadows - a pirate ship full of secrets and magic. But Aleja has to earn Captain Quint's trust and respect before the true purpose of their voyage is revealed to her. Of course the author had me at 'pirate ship crewed by ruthless women', but this is also a lovely story of friendship, courage and empowerment. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will look out for more of Aleja's adventures.

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Aleja's life is spent in her family's tavern in Seville, where she longs for adventure. However, 'girls can't be explorers!'. Aleja's love of books is where she satisfies her thirst for adventure. She devours books like there is no tomorrow.
This is an action-packed story where girls and women dominate. In it you will encounter an infamous pirate ship with an all female crew, ghosts, shadows, an unspoken code and magic. I loved getting to know the characters in the book as they travel land and sea on their adventures. It is brilliantly written by Maria Kuzniar.
This is a book for everyone who has dreams and is determined to follow them, even though some people say they won't amount to anything. It shows that everyone has a part to play in making things happen - that we are all a small part of a bigger team.

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This was a big dose of escapism and I really enjoyed it. Vibrant, fast paced and full of exciting ideas. Looking forward to the next adventure.

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An excellent adventure that is sure to steal the hearts of many young readers. The cover is just as lovely as the story inside.

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A great tale of adventure and friendship set on the Ship of Shadows, and an all-female cast. Good fun

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This was the perfect escapist book and feels like it was plucked right from my dreams. A female-led pirate ship filled with magic and adventure - what could be better than that?

You’ll feel like you’ve travelled the world with Maria Kuzniar’s immersive writing and engaging characters.

Thrilling, exciting and intriguing and I can’t wait for the next instalment!

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This incredible adventure has everything! A crew of fierce female pirates, treasure to be found, magic and a journey to a lost city. Myths, legends, hopes, dreams, family and friendship and finally feeling as though you belong. I want to belong to the family on The Ship of Shadows.
The beginning of the story is every book lovers dream- a young girl, avid reader and lover of libraries. Aleja lives for her books and holds a huge amount of knowledge inside, not just ways to escape her room or the library but languages and legends, history and explorers. She is desperate to explore the world, but girls are not encouraged to explore. However, the arrival of a mysterious ship in Seville’s harbour, an accusation of theft and escape over the homes of the city give Aleja just the opportunity she has been dreaming of.
Welcome Aboard The Ship of Shadows! Not all is as it seems and the pirates life is hard work and at times dangerous. Spending hours in weapons training, attempting to crack codes from history and sleuthing around this magical ship keep Aleja from missing her family too much. Aleja has much to prove of herself to Captain Quint, especially if she wants the secrets to be shared with her.
The Ship of Shadows holds magic within, and secret rooms reveal themselves, jungles live in cabins and shadows of past pirates roam free. Aleja, friend Frances and other crew members work together to fight kraken, plunder treasure and traverse the desert in search for a piece of map. Legend has it that when the map is put back together, all the treasure in the world will be revealed. On their trail is a shadow catcher, Francois Levasseur, and he means to kill the Captain and crew for past battles lost.
The crew all have their talents and we’re specifically chosen by the Captain to be part of the crew. Frances is an expert theif, Malika is a weapons expert, Aada is the navigator, Griete an expert at mechanics. All work together in harmony and there is space for Aleja as a languages expert but she must make the hardest decision of her life. Does she stay on The Ship of Shadows and travel the world, adventuring and exploring or does she travel back to Spain to be reunited with her family?

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Introduction to the book
I first heard about this wonderous Middle-Grade adventure back in January when Mia (penned as Maria when writing), the lovely author, came to the Cassandra Clare influencer tea I was overseeing as one of our esteemed guests. I don’t know if you have seen her Instagram, but good god… that girl can take a gorgeous flat lay. We chatted a little throughout the event and when I eventually heard Mia talking to Cassie and Anna James about her upcoming pirate-filled debut, I knew I would have to be one of the first to read it. I waited with bated breath until just this week when the stunning orange cover popped up on my NetGalley. I rushed to request and was overjoyed that I had this fantastic book to keep me company and fill some of those long long hours of staying at home.

Without further ado…

First Impressions
The best place to start with this review has to be the cover. It is a thing of beauty:


I think Puffin has done a great job of telling the reader exactly what they’re in for with The Ship of Shadows. Even at the briefest glance, you can see the high seas, a pirate ship, it’s dastardly crew swinging and swashbuckling across the cover, and treasure! You might even spot one of my favourite characters on there. I’ll give you a clue, he has two huge eyes and feathery wings. The orange sunset of the cover transports you to a world of busy bazaars, stifling deserts filled with secrets and overwhelming heat, but then the wash of cold seawater cools you right down. After pouring over Karl James Mountford’s cover, I was ready to come aboard.

Without spoiling anything, this book is filled to the brim with kick-ass, swashbuckling, female pirates who, let’s just say, you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley; you’d be hogtied to the bottom of the nearest palm tree with your weapons missing, jewellery pinched (if Frances has anything to say about it), and your head scrambled from being hit in the back of the head with the butt of a pistol.

The crew of The Ship of Shadows are all so loveable and memorable as they each have their own unique skill and personality that they bring into the mix. Whether it’s linguistics, pickpocketing, navigation, weapons-mastery or even explosives, they each have their part to play aboard ship. My favourite of the bunch was probably Frances whom I promise you are all going to adore; she is funny, fiery, fierce but also lots of fun as she is often dripping with syrup and crumbs from the cakes she’s just wolfed down… all I can say is #Mood.

However, the real diamond amongst the rubies has to be our beloved protagonist, Aleja. I have to start by saying how much of a fan I am of her name; it rolls off the tongue like molasses and was a joy to say and read in my head every time it graced the page. I guarantee that this sharp, courageous, reliable and linguistically skilled bookworm will stay with you long after you read this book. From page one she takes you by the hand through markets, docks, libraries, caves, and even across the seven seas and you never want the journey to end. As someone who learned many languages in my teens, I found Aleja really relatable in a way that I thought, if I were a pirate, I’d have the same useful skills she does.

Plot Thoughts
The story needs no thorough review other than the fact that it is top-notch. Every chapter is wildly different from that which came before as you learn more and more about the world of The Ship of Shadows and all of the mystic and wonder that comes with it. There really is something for everyone including chase scenes, great battles with otherworldly creatures, parties, and many moments filled to the pirate’s cap with treasure. I don’t like to spoil plots so just trust me when I say, just hop aboard The Ship of Shadows, join their motley crew, and let Maria’s magic do the rest…

Overall Impressions
As a marketer in publishing, I come across and read heaps of middle-grade fiction. The majority of it is good – an enjoyable read to settle down to with a cuppa – but then you happen upon one of the greats, Malamander, Tilly and the Bookwanderers, Nevermoor and you find your hands stuck to your book, unable to let go until the final word. The Ship of Shadows is that calibre of story. I loved every moment of it and already can’t wait for the next in the series. I will finish this review by summing up my lasting impressions using my favourite line of this wondrous tale:

Even after just the first page, I “was already melting into a dream of warm libraries and ancient books and old ships.“


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