Member Reviews

This book had a fun premise but I couldn’t get into it as much as I thought I would. I was disappointed, 3 stars.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Not my usual type of book to read. I tried, but I just couldn’t get into it.

It started out fine, but then started to drag and I had a hard time reading it.

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Loved this read! Couldn't put it down and decided to read it all in one sitting, definatly did not disapoint! Thankyou author!

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This was just not the book for me -- from the premise and title I had high hopes, but this was just not one I connected with.

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This book felt extremely slow and I had a hard time getting into it. While I was incredibly interested in the premise, I feel that this was another case of poor execution. I won't have an issue in the future, though, trying this author once again.

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This book wasn't really that interesting for me. I found it difficult to get into. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for letting me review this book.

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Honestly, I struggled with this one, which is why I put it to the side a quarter of the way through, waited a month and came back to it. I got through, but that's not really what it should be, right? These characters, though interesting, simply did not reel me in. I didn't care enough about their story to make me want to skip lunch, delay bedtime and so on, to keep reading.

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Unfortunately this was not for me, difficult to get in to and so couldn’t warm to the characters. The plot lacked depth and was not easy to follow

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Unfortunately, this one just wasn’t for me. I found the plot to be quite bland. Also, the characters and their relationships were underdeveloped. I thought the writing was pretty good and covered some really heavy topics gracefully. I just think not enough happened and by the end I was not invested in the story or characters at all and had to force myself to finish it.

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Unfortunately this book was archived before I was able to read it so I can’t give a review at this time.

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I’m quite late leaving my review for this book. I’m usually a quick reader and leave reviews promptly, but this book challenged me. It took several attempts to get going.

I struggled to engage with this book and noted it was only at 43% that I felt slightly invested. I could have quite happily stopped reading it.

The author’s writing style didn’t suit me, this is a purely personal feeling and I appreciate it’s my problem! Conversations seemed to drag on for pages. There was so much padding of the author describing why the characters said the things they said, or their inner monologues every time something happened. It became tiresome and really difficult to read.

The storyline was...interesting. Being completely honest, if the book blurb outlined the fact that there’s a paranormal element to the story I would have run a mile! It was mildly entertaining though and the fantasist in me quite liked the idea of a ghost having your back.

I felt confused frequently through the book. Nate was the love of her life, but she barely spoke to him prior to the ‘10-days’ period. She longed for Ed ever since he jilted her on their wedding day 6 years ago...but she suddenly realised during one conversation with him that they probably never loved each other?? The main character, Belle, was so self absorbed it was impossible to connect with her. I felt sorry for Nate.

I hate leaving negative reviews. I think that if ghosts and surreal romance books are your thing you would love this book. It just wasn’t for me.

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for my advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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This story is definitely a little odd and weirdly written but has some truly lol moments and would make for a great park, beach, or poolside read.

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I received a copy of this book to review for my my honest opinion from NetGalley

How to lose an Ex in Ten Days was interesting. I thought it had great potential and I could see Netflix picking it up.

Belle was left at the church on her wedding day, her husband to be Ed just left with out a word. Six years go by and Belle is living with her sister and best friend Tessa. They are in the middle of planning her sister Rosie’s wedding. Belle is working as a reporter crushing on a coworker Nate. All seems normal until Ed shows up out of know where. Ed starts to cause all kinds of chaos right off the bat and Belle is getting more and more irritated.

At Rosie’s and Leo’s joint bachelor/ bachelorette party Bella finds out that Ed died that day he left her at the church. Oh that’s the case how is Ed here now?! You got that right, he’s a ghost. I almost stopped the book right there I thought seriously this is going to go down hill fast.

Although I thought the story could of use a little more from Belle and ghostly Ed I thought it was cute and showed you can move on and left go from a rough patch. Minus the ex coming back to haunt you.

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Six years after being left at the alter, Belle hasn't really gained much from her life. She is still, to put it frankly, merely existing. Just as she takes the first steps in to dating again, she spots a familiar face, and then reality strikes hard as she realises it is in fact her ex Ed.
From this point on, Belle tries her best to remove Ed from her thoughts, and with her sisters wedding taking place in 10 days time, she really has to get herself together.

This is a light hearted, easy to read rom-com. The story is filled with humour and drama. The characters are intriguing and detailed, and the secondary characters help to shape the story too.
An enjoyable read.

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I went into this book in the wrong frame of mind. It was my mistake but I was expecting a light rom-com story. This is not.

I liked that this book has dual perspective from the two main characters. It handles some important topics, not just sex, and it seems to have been covered well. It was well written and easy to read despite the topic. It wasn’t heavy or tough to read. I liked this but didn’t love it.

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Unfortunately this book wasn't for me and I had to DNF, however I am extremely grateful for the opportunity and believe that when put in the right hands, this book will be loved and appreciated by the right person.

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Looking for something to make you laugh, melt your heart and make you smile for a while, then read How to Lose an EX in 10 days, it’s a guaranteed sensational read, trust me. I loved this so much, I don’t think I’ve laughed so much in ages but at the same time willed people together, charming and fun, absolutely wonderful writing and characters. Pick up this book and you’ll be sad when it ends, but the only time you’ll be sad. Brilliant

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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How To Lose an Ex in 10 days was quiet interesting in way that I'm not used to. It's not necessarily a bad thing but I will list the why I didn't particularly like it.

After being left at the alter, our heroine hasn't fully recovered even six years later. She doesn't date, has no passion for virtually anything in her life. But she can't help find herself falling for someone who she'll never make move toward.

But when a handsome co-worker asks her out. The dare goes well but that all changes as soon as her past comes knocking. With things left up in air, she has decisions to make, who and what to tell or keep secret.

You might think this is a classic romance novel but it's not. The twist really threw me into a bad mood. I love that Lottie decided to try something different with this story line. But there are a few things that I couldn't get past.

First there the deal with her co-worker. After revealing information that took a turn for the worst. There were characters that grated on my nerves to the point of wanting to DNF the book but I didn't.

Overall the book isn't written horribly. It's set on dealing with forgiving and dealing with matters instead of burying them, and finally getting to move on.

ARC generously provided by Netgalley and One More Chapter.

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This book was not for me. I skimmed through it and left it, I couldn’t remember anything that happened. Nothing about this book drew me in or kept me interested.

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I found this book ok but hard to connect with the characters. I still enjoyed the book and read it super fast as I always wanted to know more! I would definitely read more from this author in the future but this book just wasn't for me.

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