Member Reviews

I received an ARC of this book through NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased opinion.

After Belle Delphine's fiance Ed left her at the altar, she turned down the dream London magazine job she was supposed to start after their honeymoon and moved back home to Scotland where she works as a junior reporter for a newspaper. She has not dated anyone in the 6 years since Ed left her, but Belle's sister and best friend think she should take a chance on her cute coworker. Just as Belle starts to open up to the possibility of romance, Ed reappears. <spoiler>Now dead, Ed has been sent to deal with his unfinished business so he can move on.</spoiler? Will he help Belle find love with someone new or make her situation worse?

Reading the synopsis before reading the book, I didn't understand what the big plot twist would be. Reading the synopsis now, I feel like I should have known. If I had understood that <spoiler>this was a ghost story</spoiler>, I would have passed on reading it. None of the characters were particularly likeable; I felt like we didn't get to know Nate well enough to root for Belle to end up with him. This book was just OK. I would be willing to check out other books from the author as long as they don't have the supernatural twist.

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I loved the last book I read by this author but sadly I just couldn’t get into this one - for obvious reasons way too unbelievable, far too slow, and just wasn’t for me unfortunately. Well written, but just not for me.

A real shame, but won’t put me off looking for more by this author.

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This was funny and light, I enjoyed the novel. A bit predictable but the writing was good and I was genuinely interested in the characters and their story!

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Sorry miss Lucas it is not you it is me but me and this book we did not have chemistry
The chararacters are one dimensional and underdeveloped the plot is hiccuping a lot and it took me forever to finish this book
The banter and the indecision of the h are not credible
Sorry but for me this is not a rom com
2. Stars
How to Lose an Ex in Ten Days by Lottie Lucas. #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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Belle Delphine is a 26 years old journalist. 6 years ago she was left at the altar and the sad true is that she has never recovered. She hasn’t dated since – actually, since it happened, she’s been living in denial, going through the motions, living together with her older sister and her best friend Tess. However, lately, there is something happening – she might have been developing feelings to her co – worker Nate but, of course, she doesn’t dare to ask him on a date.
But then Nate ask her on a date! Could it be beginning of something new and fresh for Belle? Maybe it could but then an unexpected encounter completely turns her entire world upside down.

So till around approximately half of the book it was a steady, a bit dragging on, average read. And then THIS happened. And I really absolutely didn’t know what to do with this THIS. Because, you know, well, the synopsis MIGHT HAVE hinted at something but THIS was so huge and honestly, until now I still don’t know what to do with it. You know, it was not a bad book, it was just a… book, a chick – lit, light – hearted and then THIS happened, and it didn’t impress me, to be honest. I mean, I like a story with a bit of magic in it, in the right dosis of course, but this what I got in „How to Lose an Ex in Ten Days“, well… I’ll be honest with you – I wouldn’t request this book if I knew what it was about.

I am also not sure what does the title want to tell us. Why in ten days? It sounded so promising, I loved this title, and the synopsis was also brilliant, and I was expecting something so exceptionally humorous and uplifting, and it’s probably my lost expectations that hurt me so much. But back to the title – yes, I admit, I must have missed something about those ten days as I’ve been skim – reading this book. Eventually. I truly wanted to give this story 3 stars but it wouldn’t be fair as I think I’ve read half of it. I’m sorry.

I couldn’t so completely got into the story. I had a feeling it doesn’t know what it wants to be and what’s the most important thing in it. The main character, Belle, was one of the most indecisive characters ever and I couldn’t warm to her, couldn’t get into her head, and not knowing what makes the character tick makes the relationship between me – the reader, and the character not easy. The only character that had personality and was a bit outstanding compared to the rest was Belle’s friend, Tess.

The romance aspect also didn’t work for me because there was actually no romance aspect! I mean, how can you go offended and in a huff with a girl not telling you something about her past after one date? ONE DATE? I mean, really? How unsecure, patronising and chauvinistic are you, Nate? This whole problem seemed much too forced and unrealistic, which made the whole reading experience forced and unrealistic. Apologies if it sounds harsh but that’s the way I felt when reading the story. I didn’t buy the relationships and was not invested in them – and I mean both Belle’s relationships. We really don’t know why she has agreed to marry Ed – we are told there is a history between them but that’s all, and it’s not enough. There was no chemistry between her and Nate, no closeness and trust, it was only a bit of flirting, furtive looks and tons of misunderstandings. Hello?

Nevertheless, do not feel put out by the cynic that has written this review (moi. Yes). There was a lot of potential in the writing and I liked the writing style and maybe it’s a case of „it’s not you (book), it’s me“, maybe I’m just not the right audience for this story. However, I’ve seen many reviews telling the same as me, so maybe it could serve as a hint for the publisher, that letting us know in the synopsis what we’re getting into would be a much better move, would be doing this book a favour. However, I really appreciated the author writing about forgiveness and grief, about trusting yourself and moving on from past.

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I was very excited for this one but it didn't quite live up to the hype. The paranormal aspect took way too long to be introduced and I'm afraid that (for me, at least) the characters all just added up to a stressful situation. It was certainly a cute idea though and I could see some people definitely enjoying it.

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I was very excited to read this book and I must say I really enjoyed it but I must admit it was the the fluffy light read that I was quite expecting and that twist was.....well unexpected!

I think if you like movies like Just like heaven you will enjoy this one but if not I would steer clear.

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Oh, how I wanted this to be a good book. The premise seemed interesting and I looked forward to reading a funny and heart-warming adventure. But sadly, How to Lose an Ex in Ten Days missed the mark.

The protagonist, Belle, was abandoned at the alter by Ed, and is still plagued by her experience. She’s stuck in a job she’s bored with, and spends more of her working hours daydreaming over her co-worker, Nate. But then Ed returns with unresolved business and a unique twist.

I was very close to giving up on this story early on. It just did not hold my interest. And sadly, very little of the plot remains in my mind. A lot of the time, I felt myself waiting for something to happen, and the twist in the plot wasn’t a welcomed surprise. The romance is flat, and I didn’t connect with the characters. However, the heavier subjects like grief and loss paired with the author’s easy and warm writing style is a win for this book.

Overall, How to Lose an Ex in Ten Days isn’t the book for me. It seemed to be a fun and fluffy rom-com, but the twist didn’t work too well and the characters lacked likeable depth.

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How to Lose an Ex in Ten Days is....fine, but, in the end, not for me. I went into this expecting your classic contemporary romance (hello, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days), but it fell flat for me. I couldn't connect with the characters, and I just wasn't feeling the twist. Meh.

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Unfortunately I was not a big fan of this. It took me a long time to read because I was pretty bored and never really understood where the book was going until the end. I wasn’t a fan of any of the characters so didn’t find myself rooting for any of them. I think the story itself had potential but I didn’t really like the twist around the halfway point and the book ended up falling flat for me .

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This book was everything I needed at the moment. I have to admit I was not expecting to like it as much as I did. Such a light and easy read and the characters... I love them. Definitely recommend this one.

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This book was a conflicting 3.5/5 stars.
How to lose an ex in 10 days is a romantic comedy following the life of Belle Delphine, a journalist, and her journey to find love after being left at the altar. The story starts with Belle agreeing to ask out Nate, her co-worker, to try to move on, when her ex Ed mysteriously reappears after 6 years and starts invading every aspect of her life.

I absolutely loved the first half of the book! I thought that the characters were well developed, the storyline was cute and the big plot twist was well delivered (I really did not see it coming!). However, in the second half of the book, the supernatural aspect could have been better written as the story became really cringy and much more predictable. Frankly, I found the characters in the second half of the book to be petty for the most part and I was disappointed to say the least.
The only thing that kept me reading was Belle's family interactions, which were SO ENTERTAINING and fun to read! Belle’s mother always brings drama around her in hilarious ways as she tries to be in the spotlight and her grandmother… well she’s just a gem! The grandmother was my favourite character by far!

Overall, this book was very entertaining and engaging. It made me laugh out loud so many times! It was definitely a fun read despite the high level of cringe at the supernatural aspect. I would have given 4 stars+ if the second half was better written.

*An advanced reading copy was kindly sent by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.*

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Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
This was a quirky, chaotic romance with an equally turbulent protagonist determined to get rid of her ex fiance without her new interest knowing. While her mission to keep the return of the ex a secret is amusing at times it does become burdensome to the storyline. She is weighted by her fears and doubt making it almost impossible to believe she is ready to give her all to Nate. Ultimately she gets the guy at the end. Entertaining nonetheless.

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Sorry I didn’t enjoy this one I found the plot to be very bland. The writing wasn’t bad but I didn’t fall in love with any of the characters and didn’t find them interesting. Not for me I’m afraid!

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The title had me sucked in and I love a good rom com!

This was cute, fun and enjoyable to read. This would be the perfect summertime
Beach read with a glass of rose in hand.

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This book was the perfect escape. It was lovely and fun. It was my first book by this author and I will definitely be on the look out for more!!

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A fun read, although I found it quite slow to get started.

Belle was left at the altar by Ed years ago, and hasn't been able to move on. Now it seems like she will, gearing up to ask Nate on a date. But then Ed re-appears - why is he back and what does he want?

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The story focusses on Belle, a single girl living in Edinburgh who was jilted at the altar a number of years ago by Ed. Belle has a crush on her colleague Nate but Ed keeps popping up trying to ruin everything!
I enjoyed the start of the story but once it got to the “twist” I found it a bit slow and predictable.
Thank you for the opportunity to read this book.

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While I was initially intrigued at the book's paranormal twist, said twist overshadowed the main romance's development that I don't particularly believe in the book's ending.

I liked seeing Belle grow and finally face what happened years ago, but Nate felt like a useless character. We barely skimmed the surface with him, and to me, he wasn't necessary at all to the story, when there was so much focus on Ed and his hauntings. Nate reacting horribly to Belle's past made zero sense, especially when he and Belle had only gone on one date! Don't tell me he expected Belle to tell her entire life story during the first date!

A very disappointing read, especially when the blurb sounds so interesting.

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A light hearted enjoyable read. Belle is thinking of starting a new relationship when Ed, her ex who left her at the altar re enters her life.

Not a usual romance but I loved it. So different to anything I've read before. A story about moving on from our past relationships.

Thank you to Netgalley and Harper Collins for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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