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The Honest Art Dictionary

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Whether you know nothing about art or have a masters in art history, there's something for you in this book. Despite the title, this isn't a dictionary in the traditional sense. It includes entries about traditional art terms and mediums, as well as modern lingo that may be unfamiliar to old-school aficianadoes.

The timelines and graphics make it appealing and easy to digest, and the authors' writing style is sometime laugh out loud funny.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC! I purchased a copy for my library.

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This was a really fun way to delve into art history again. I enjoyed it in college and have always had an interest in it, so being able to pick up something that was fun and easily digestible was great. I felt like it was a well-rounded and conversational approach to art history, which can definitely be a lot to digest otherwise.

More visuals could have been beneficial, especially if this is something people are pick up as an intro or first learning tool. Not everyone will have the same point of reference and having some clearer visuals of art being referenced would make things even easier to interpret.

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Great resource for artists and art fans! Honest is the right word, this is a lovely book to dip in and out of and to have at hand.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for letting me access an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Everything you ever wanted to know about art but were too embarrassed to ask! Well, maybe not everything. This is a dictionary, not a textbook or catalog of images. But if you're trying to wrap your head around artistic concepts and/or cramming for a test, the Art History Babes are your BFFs. They explain concepts in informal, easy-to-understand bites, without making you feel foolish or hopelessly unhip for not knowing. A fun little gift for a student taking Intro to Art or anyone broadening their horizons.

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to review a temporary digital ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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This is absolutely one of the best books I read this year, and due to its genre, it is a timeless one. There is something for everyone in this book, independent of your level of knowledge, as long as you are interested in art. It will allow you to understand the artworks you see in museums, certain techniques / art movements, or simply help you out, when you are drawn into a pretentious conversation at an exhibition opening. I also enjoyed this dictionary even more, thanks to its humorous, yet informative tone; instead of a strictly academic one.

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For the most part, I really enjoyed this book. It's a great resource for those who enjoy art but don't have a lot of knowledge about it; it explains the terms in a conversational way, making it more fun to learn about different aspects of art (though admittedly, some bits still went into artier-than-thou territory). The book covers a lot of material, and leaves the reader with a well-rounded and fairly balanced knowledge of art through the ages. What's lacking, however, is visual context. There are some original to this text illustrations throughout the book that sort of give some context to a few terms, but not much. The publisher really should've sprung for actual examples of the art discussed in this book- it would've made this book so much better! The text is good, the authors did well making it accessible to non-experts, so this book is still a worthwhile purchase, but readers should be prepared to do a lot of googling.

#TheHonestArtDictionary #NetGalley

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That danged netgalley shelf...The book elaborates on different art materials, styles and their history from time immemorial to the present time. Not bad.

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This is one of the best Art Dictionary read in a while. Not only do you get the proper information, but it's also delivered in a super fun and entertaining way. Definitely honest!

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I had never heard of The Art History Babes and their podcast before, but as an amateur art appreciator I wanted to see if their book would educate me.

First off, the landscape format of the ebook as viewed on the NetGalley app and on my ereader app was difficult to navigate. The purple-colored text was a challenge to read especially for people with astigmatism like me because the edges of the letters tend to blur. No actual images of the artwork or art movement described were given, so the reader needs to be ready to Google search.

They did manage to include a wide variety of subjects, from Abstract Expressionism to Zine, and I learned things I did not know or encounter before. The descriptions read as I imagine The AH Babes would sound on their show, that is, like approachable hipsters (I did listen to part of an episode). A good enough book, but not one I would buy for my shelf. 2.5 of 5 stars.

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I'm not usually too keen on technical books that reduce a field to "babes", but this book is long overdue and wonderfully accessible. I'm a big fan of anything that removes pretentious barriers.

Some of the narrative persona was a bit stretched and OTT, but overall I could get past it.

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Yes, the art world is elitist and alienating. For years as a writer and editor in media, I have received press releases that seem written with the express purpose of being dense. As if making art accessible threatens the gallerists and artists and museums, as if appealing to more people dilutes the purpose, as if being esoteric is the only way to maintain the sanctity of true "art". Well, that's nonsense. And this book is fantastic. It's so good that I want to buy a copy because an ebook isn't enough. It breaks down jargon, tells strange anecdotes from art history, and simplifies terms with humor and modern-day metaphors. All of it beautifully illustrated.
If you have even a passing curiosity about art of any kind, I'd recommend this book.

Thank you Netgalley and The Quarto Group for the review copy.

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As a casual enjoyer of art, this book seems to be perfect for me. I did do an art appreciation class way back in college but my knowledge of it doesn't go far beyond that. The Honest Art Dictionary is filled with entries that bring the subject to life with both knowledge and wit. While it's a basic book, its breadth is wide enough to include many of the topics relevant in art today. I found this to be a delight to read and it would be great if books on other subjects took a similar approach.

Overall I give this 4 solid stars.

Thank you to Netgalley and Quarto Publishing for sharing an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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My thanks to Quarto Publishing Group White Lion for a temporary digital review edition via NetGalley of ‘The Honest Art Dictionary: a Jovial Trip Through Art Jargon’ by The Art History Babes.

This was the first time I have heard of The Art History Babes collective and from the Introduction I was drawn in by their playful personalities. I loved their approach to the subject and intend to seek out their podcast.

I studied art history at university so was familiar with many of the words here in formal terms and enjoyed the quips and anecdotes provided by the AHBs. Still there were others that were new to me.

It is illustrated with a number of composite images by Carmen Casado that showcase various terms found in the dictionary. These are included in the pictures’ captions along with their page numbers.

This proved an accessible, informative, and enjoyable reference work and I hope to add its hardback edition to my personal art history library in the near future.

I feel that ‘The Honest Art Dictionary’ will appeal to students of art history and for those interested in the subject. It is also a reference work suitable for inclusion in school and public libraries.

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As the nonfiction selector for my library, I lay eyes on such a wide variety of books that sometimes it makes my head spin. Many of them aren't to my personal taste, and even if they are, obviously I'm not making purchasing decisions based on my own opinions. But sometimes I come across a text that I actually enjoy and that I think would be a good addition to our library's collection. The Honest Art Dictionary is both hip and useful, a rare combination. I think it will get good use for those who want to tiptoe into the world of art and art history.

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So. Much. Fun. I fell in love with art history five years ago in your basic Introduction to Art History course at university. Little did I know, that when my professor spoke of Newgrange and then Neoimpressionism I would find a sector of history to love so passionately. It became my minor and I spent hours researching and reading about art for my own enjoyment. Reading this book brings me back to those moments early on in my degree when I was just an over-eager undergrad wanting to take in everything presented to me. I'll admit first off that I don't really listen to the Art History Babes podcast (or podcasts in general), but their enthusiasm and passion for art history is something I can relate to immensely, as well as the intense desire to share it with as many people as possible (often much to their chagrin), and prove just how cool art and its history can be.

While this is a dictionary, by no means is it the boring type often avoided, with dry entries and definitions upon definitions upon definitions (sorry Oxford English, I love you anyway). Of course it still functions as a dictionary, but it is much more fun. Reading about art by the Art History Babes is like being read to by your cool best friend, or a sophisticated yet edgy older sister who tells you all the hot goss happening in the high school hallways. She holds nothing back and you're left feeling giddy like you have a secret. I think chiaroscuro and fresco are fascinating already, but they make it fascinating for everybody. It's not just Old Masters and Pointillism that get defined, either - things like zine, yarn bomb, and meme all have entries as well. I especially like the illustrations in which they combine various entries into stylistic images that are fun and modern, but still
get the point across. Mix things like diptychs and Romanesque with only the coolest pop culture references, and you'll get a dictionary way more rad than Johann Joachim Winckelmann could ever dream of. They aren't afraid to call out art and art history's racist, sexist, classist colonial past, and we love. them. for. it. This is cool. Art is cool. I am OBSESSED with this book and want it for my coffee table immediately.

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The choice of font color has made the reading difficult. The authors may be chagrined by this choice when they look back later. The topic idea for the book is a good one.

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The Art History Babes provide feisty, fierce, and fun definitions of art history terms, ranging from Abstract Expression to Zine. They make quick work of cumbersome concepts and heavy ideas in this newly essential What You Need to Know Guide to Art History. This book would be a lifesaver for someone struggling with a required humanities class and will be a delight to people already swimming in Art History waters. In a conversational and enthusiastic tone, the AHB's will have you clued in to art movements, trends, and notable artworks. They fearlessly taken on current aspects of the art world, such as the Art Bro and Museum Fatigue. Best of all, they will remind you of why art is worth studying and will possibly have you proclaiming your love for stepped-platform architecture too.

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The title describes itself perfectly. This book is essentially a dictionary of art terms but its so much more than than as well. Through your idea of a dictionary out of your head because this is not that. Don't anticipate a boring dictionary filled with art jargon at every corner where you're already asleep by page 2.

I did not know anything about this when I receive it and I'm glad, it only made me love it more. It is authored by the folks at the Art History Babes Podcast. Don't know who they are? Don't worry you don't need to. But will you want to know more about then? Absolutely.

I would describe this as a dictionary with some personality, maybe some sass. I would say I'm pretty familiar with a lot of art term but even I learned quite a but from this. I would recommend it to everyone, despite thier knowledge level. I would HIGHLY recommend it with someone who is curious about art. I think this book make it approachable but most important makes it fun. Each definition is simplified to its core elements and then expanded upon by providing some fantastic examples and even some pop cultural reference. It essentially bridges the gap for the average consumer and actually make relatable.

Something I did not expect while reading this was how much this would make me laugh. The authors personality is laced into every word and gosh aren't they hilarious. I will definitely be checking out their podcast after this.

This book was also so pleasant to the eye. The timeline in the beginning is presented in such a aesthetic way. It is also filled with some very illustrations to help conceptualize some of the art words.

I would also like to personally thank the authors for finally getting me to understand what camp mean.

I highly, highly recommend this book!

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The Honest Art History Dictionary is as approachable as it is fun. As an Art History novice, I appreciated that this book avoided highly academic language and made an attempt to really engage the reader directly. This text touches on many, if not all, of the major movements throughout Art History, while also providing helpful context and examples within the definitions. There is also a helpful timeline at the front of the book which provides further context for readers. This book makes no effort to dive into any subject deeply, and only really provides the basics, although it does give enough information for a motivated reader to continue learning about certain topics on their own time and research. While I'm not sure how helpful this is for someone with existing training in Art History, as someone simply interested in learning more, I found this book thoroughly enjoyable!

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The colloquial tone welcomes readers new to art history, and it is refreshing. However, the material feels a bit heavy-handed at times. The entries are organized only alphabetically, without contextual information for the reader to make connections between all the different terms presented. The illustrations could have been used to convey some data or to present examples of the actual art term being described. For someone completely new to the art world, it might be a helpful starting point.

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