Member Reviews

#Shiver #NetGalley
An ok read. This is an ok book for me. I loved it's plot but the execution is not good enough to make me engaged in the story.
Thanks to NetGalley and Headline for giving me an advanced copy.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC.

Five friends are invited to a re union in the French Mountains ten years after they all spent the winter there snowboarding. There should have been seven but the events of ten years earlier left one of the group missing presumed dead and one paralysed for life.

Not long after arriving they realise that they have been invited by someone that isn't in the group. Just who has gathered them on the mountains in the middle of the closed season and what are their motives?

Switching between the events of ten years ago and the present day a brilliant back and forth guessing game builds up to a nerve wracking ending.

I really enjoyed this but the constant snow boarding terms began to grate on me. Just personal choice and I suppose if you like boarding and know what it means you'll love it.

Recommended read.

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My thoughts about this brilliantly written gripping debut thriller,was outstanding. Allie Reynolds’s Shiver had me gripped from the start till the end. A well written gripping debut thriller, that really gives you chills. Author Allie Reynolds, not only she writes a hardhiting story, she also does justice to the characters, which are well written. Debut Author Allie Reynolds writing, is truly remarkable.what I loved about the story was, shiver is told in 2 different time periods, that has a lockroom mystery twist to it. I loved when the five friends are invited for a reunion, and the dark secrets of the past, gets revealed, was nail biting. As for the characters, they were brilliantly well written, my favourite were Curtis and Milla, which I thought were just incredible. A well written lockroom mystery thriller, that has dark secrets, that will truly give you shivers down your spine. Highly Recommended. I would like to say thank you to Author Allie Reynolds, Publishers and Netgalley, for giving me a chance to read and review, this outstanding debut thriller that is truly remarkable and electrifying. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐💥💥💥💥💥

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Five friends have been invited back to the French Alp Resort where they used to be professional and semi-professional snow boarders ten years before. The events of that winter are embedded in their minds and Milla drops everything to go to the reunion because she believes Curtis has invited her.

As soon as they arrive, they realise something is seriously wrong and they find themselves trapped in the resort with no way out. They have been lured there and the first ‘game’ they play shows that all of them have something to hide.

The story is told in two timelines; the present day and ten years ago when there was fierce snowboarding competition between Milla and Saskia who was borderline psychotic.

I thoroughly enjoyed the detail about snowboarding and the competition between those on the slopes and how this manifested itself. There are many twists and turns and nobody is totally innocent. Cleverly plotted and kept me interested from start to finish.

Thank you to NetGally, Headline and Allie Reynolds for my ARC of ‘Shiver’ in return for my honest review.

Excellent read and highly recommended.

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This is a story of five competitive snowboarders who get stranded on top of a mountain, there are lies, betrayals and secrets and someone out for revenge, but who is guilty? You have the added bonus of learning about the world of competitive snowboarding which I liked and found interesting, I have tried snowboarding in the past and liked it. The book is full of suspense and suspicion, you never really know who is telling the truth or not. It felt claustrophobic and intense up there and I am in doubt that it would of been. I have been reading about the author Allie and have learnt that she use to compete as a snowboarder and also has spent quite a few winters in different places that has mountains. I always love the fact that the authors have actually spent time doing things that are written into their books, it makes it feel more special, they are speaking from experiences.

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#Shiver #NetGalley
Milla is invited to a reunion in the French Alps resort that saw the peak of her snowboarding career, she drops everything to go. While she would rather forget the events of that winter, the invitation comes from Curtis, the one person she can't seem to let go.
The five friends haven't seen each other for ten years, since the disappearance of the beautiful and enigmatic Saskia. But when an icebreaker game turns menacing, they realise they don't know who has really gathered them there and how far they will go to find the truth.
I love the concept of this book. A good read.
Thanks to NetGalley and Headline for giving me an advanced copy.

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3,5 Stars

10 years ago Milla was part of the semi-professional snowboarding scene. Back then, she trained with a few friends in the French Alps. But professional ambition, personal friction and jealousy led to an accident and the disappearance of a person. Now the remaining five former friends are invited to a lodge in exactly this area. But it is out of season and there is no one else there, not even staff. However, strange things are happening and the friends soon think they are not alone.

The story is about snowboarders and so there is a lot of talk about this sport. I found it interesting because it is a sport that I did not have on my radar. It even animated me to watch videos about it on YouTube. The story is similar to a locked-room crime thriller. Each of the five friends has something to hide and feels guilty about it. The story grabbed me pretty quickly. It is told in two time lines, today and 10 years ago, both of which are written from Milla's point of view. Both levels are entertaining in their own way, although I was more interested in the story from 10 years ago, especially at the beginning. This time line follows a classic narrative style, while the events in the present are more like American horror films, in which nothing really makes sense and every character behaves illogically. I can very well imagine this book as a film adaptation in this style.

This was an easy read. You have to be prepared for the amount of information about snowboarding and a bunch of unlikable characters. None of the people are particularly nice or profound. I found especially Milla very weak as a character. It is also a mystery to me how one of the characters from the past with their behaviour, which includes clear sociopathic traits, was tolerated for so long. A clear negative point for me is the author's writing style. I found it imprecise and simple; her characters are all flat and stereotypical. The whole book could also pass as a young adult book, as there is a lot of talking about (on both time levels because the characters did not seem to be more matured today) who has slept with whom or likes to sleep with. But it was so easy to read and the unusual setting kept me interested all the time.

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This book was a slow burner to begin with, but it still had me hooked from the beginning.

There was no major action/unraveling until about half way through! It spent a lot of time building suspense

There was a very quick unravelling at the end and a very satisfying ending.

I particularly liked the two timelines and the mini cliff-hangers that came with them.

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I thought this was a great debut and I expect it'll do really well when it's published early next year. It's a hugely atmospheric and intriguing story, and I loved the wintry setting. The perfect book to get lost in on chilly winter nights. The cover artwork is brilliant too.

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A fast-paced action-packed thriller that had me glued to the pages. Set in the French Alps, 5 friends get more than they bargained for. A well written debut.

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I loved this! I loved the ski resort setting - beautifully terrifying already but then out-of-season made it even more chilling. As well as the vivid descriptions of the alpine environment, the author created so much atmosphere with her writing that it almost felt real. I felt the fear, isolation, silence and sense of dread - continually looking over my shoulder - as if I was there. I enjoyed the dual-time narrative that seamlessly weaved the past with the present. I loved the present because that's where the suspense and action was but I also loved the past and the fascinating insight into a professional sport; the training, the competitions, the rivalries, etc. The alternating timelines really helped develop the five characters too - all of whom I loved for their drive, fearlessness, confidence and camaraderie (although underneath it's clear that none of them trust each other). The only bit I didn't like was the prologue because up until that point I especially loved main character Milla.

Most of all, though, I loved the fast pace, action packed plot, and highly addictive nature of this whodunnit. I couldn't put it down. I also couldn't work it all out - some parts I did guess but there were so many layers it's unlikely you'd ever guess it all especially as the 'who' in whodunnit was genius. A brilliant debut and I can't wait for the next book from this author.

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This had me absolutely *hooked* from the get-go - and I couldn't believe that it was only Reynolds' debut novel.

Set at an isolated resort in the French Alps, the book begins with a group of people - former friends, who had been training there 10 years before - reuniting. They haven't seen each other since the disappearance of the beautiful and enigmatic Saskia.

But when an icebreaker game turns menacing, they realise they don't know who has really gathered them there and how far they will go to find the truth. And it isn't long until the secrets of the past come crashing down around them.

Shiver takes place in two timelines, with chapters alternating between the present day and their last visit to the resort 10 years ago, when Saska, Curtis, Milla, Dale, Heather and Brent were all at the start of their professional careers. The characters are all really, really well developed -- and, since each of them was harbouring their own deep dark secrets, it was impossible to tell who was really guilty until the big reveal (which was the *last* thing I would have ever expected).

Overall, it is a chilling and addictive whodunnit that will keep fans guessing until the final page.

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I enjoyed this book. 5 friends are invited to a reunion in the French Alps. All of them were young snowboarders 10 years ago, when one of their group, the beautiful Saskia, disappeared, presumed dead. When they arrive it soon becomes clear that someone is playing a sinister game with them. Things become ever more dangerous. Could Saskia have survived and be back to take her revenge? The story is told from the 2 time frames and has a nerve racking finale. My only criticism is that I found it to be too long and involved at times. Thanks to NetGalley for a preview copy.
Copied to Goodreads.

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Firstly a big thank you to headline for my copy to review on netgalley. This is a exciting debut coming in early 2021 and i can tell you now this will be big!

Set in the icy conditions in temperature and the ongoing rivalry between Milla and Saskia . Female competitiveness at its peak and who will win? This is tense and thrilling .

Written in alternate timelines this builds the atmosphere up as we lead to the truth. Unpredictable with twists and turns.

Who is telling the truth and who can be trusted? A reunion brings up many emotions good and bad but is that all that will be unburied..

Addictive and compelling this is a fantastic, fresh and exciting voice in thrillers.

I loved it and wish her every success with this release.

Published January 21st so get preordering if you like your books with a extra chill this winter.

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Like another reviewer this is my third book of snow-bound crime and avalanches I am becoming a snow expert after it all, in this one I learnt something of snowbaording techniques although the name leave me wondering what exactly the techniques involve as the names give nothing away. However as a book involving snowboarding this might appeal to a certain section of readers.
The crime element of the book did seem to drag somewhat and my heart sank several times when I could see how many more hours to read before the end. I felt that there was too much creeping about in the accomodation and not enough to really cement it into a real crime story.
However I did enjoy it and I am sure it will be a success.
I loved the snowbound life, not too sure about crevasses though!

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I loved this book. I tore through it so quickly because I just had to know what happened.
I'm a sucker for any friends reunited, dredging up the past story and this did not disappoint. It was a perfectly, tense thriller and I enjoyed every page.

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This was a very good, creepy thriller and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It kept me guessing right till the end about the killer's identity and what had happened to Saskia.
Excellent winter reading, when a nice sinister book like this is just what you need.

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An interesting and enticing premise by the new novelist, Ms. Reynolds. Unfortunately so hot off the heel of having read The Chalet by Catherine Cooper it was too similar a novel to encounter - while Cooper really gave a sense of the class divides and wealth structures in skiing holidays, Reynolds excels at painting the competitive world of snowboarding as you would expect from a former professional
Well paced film and handles the dual narrative effectively, a bit better than Cooper's which tailed off when the reveal was shown to us

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I really found the characters extremely dislikable and could not continue with the story. My heart needs to be in it to continue. Sorry x

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This was just brilliant.
When Milla is invited to a get-together for old friends, little does she know that not it's not going to be a reunion to enjoy!
The perfect mix of thriller, suspense, and with a little relationship thrown in for good mix.
The idea of being stranded in an isolated ski resort building, with someone who is baying for blood was fab. A whodunnit that kept me guessing almost to the end. Well written, emotional, characters who I loved and loathed in equal measure. Brilliant.
Thanks to Netgalley and Allie Reynolds for the chance to read and review this great book.

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