Cover Image: Spy x Family, Vol. 2

Spy x Family, Vol. 2

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The first volume of Spy x Family sold me on these characters, and the second volume only got me further invested as Twilight’s espionage plan grows into more chaos with his exceptional fake family.

The foray into the elite school is one of the best parts of the series, and the story only became more delightful as it spun out of control. I’m very excited to continue to the story in the next volume.

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Twilight is a master spy who has created a fake family to infiltrate an exclusive private school. Twilight’s daughter, a secret telepath, was sent to the private school so she can become friends with his target’s son. However, she has a big fight with the boy on the first day. This mission is much harder than Twilight expected.

This was another fun spy story in this series. This story jumped right into the action, since all of the characters were introduced in the first one. The story in this book seemed to have a faster pace than the first one, probably because the action began right on the first page.

Twilight’s daughter, Anya, was adorable. She can read people’s minds, but her parents don’t know that. Sometimes she would get overwhelmed by listening to her parents’ thoughts and their conflicting feelings. Though she had these complex thoughts, she was still just a little girl. When she got her new uniform she had to run around the park and show it off to everyone there. She was a sweet little character.

This is a great story. It ended with a cliffhanger, so I’m excited to see what happens next.

Thank you VIZ Media for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I am just loving this series. This volume focuses on finally getting into the school. But what follows is not as easy as it seems. The new characters and the new challenges that arise make this mission high stakes plus hilarious. I think the characters are really great and work together nice. Plus the bonus mission at the end was epic I loved it

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A farcical, over the top action story wrapped around a sweet found-family center. In the first volume, a super spy, a super assassin, and a telepathic child formed a family of convenience. The spy needs to complete a complex Macguffin of a mission involving infiltrating a prestigious private school, the assassin can stop socially standing out and prevent her coworkers and family from prying, and the child can find a home and not worry about being captured by the lab she escape from. No one but the child knows the others' identities. HIJINKS ENSUE!!!!!! In this volume there are FURTHER HIJINKS!!!!! And they are silly and exciting and fun. I think I can see where the storyline is going, but it's still a fun, secretly sweet, silly read.

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I was absolutely amused with the first volume of Spy x Family, and I immediately pounced on Vol. 2 when it became available. The story of this unique family continues as they struggle to adjust to the personalities of its family members. It is funny, but also heartwarming to see how they work together. I am looking forward to reading future volumes of this series. Vol. 2 proves that Vol. 1 wasn't a fluke; this is truly a unique and enjoyable series.

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Just can't help but love Loid, Yor and Anya together. They are funny, quirky and quick to solve their problems with violence. I loved the character growth in this volume and how they seemed more like a family. This was simply epic!

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Yet another amusing and action-packed installment of Spy x Family!  This has quickly become a favorite of mine and I'm only two volumes in so far.  That tells you something about how much fun this series has been so far.

The whole family - Loid, Yor, and Anya - is an accident waiting to happen.  Loid, aka Twlight, is a master spy.  Yor is an assassain.  And Anya?  She only looks sweet and innocent because the truth is, she can read your mind.  

Of the three, Anya's probably my favorite.  She's adorable and a bundle of energy, like any kid her age, despite not being anything like other kids.  Seeing things through her eyes and watching her trying to process the things mom and dad are doing and saying - without quite understanding that they're a spy and an assassain - is a delight.  She's so eager to make them  happy and proud, that she sometimes makes giant mistakes.  

Loid and Yor are a cute couple, even if they don't realize it yet.  Despite their differences and obvious dangers brought on by their careers, I think they'll eventually make great parents for Anya.  They play well off of each other and call me a hopeless romantic, but I'd love for the three of them to wind up as a real family in the end.  

I was excited to see Anya start at the Eden Academy in this volume and look forward to seeing how she manuevers her way through the social network of such a prestigious school in the coming volumes.  There is so much potential for hijinks and craziness - not just from Anya and her new friend, but Loid and Yor as well!  Is volume 3 here yet because I think I need more of this crazy Forger family!

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You gotta love the Forgers. I love Anya, she is cool. Loid is too of course but he doesn't have powers as she does!

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The title may be "family," but Anya's quickly becoming the star of the show. That does make sense, as a large part of Twilight's mission involves her getting him an in with his target, but more than that, Anya's attempts to live up to her dad's expectations while being a perfectly ordinary (yet psychic) little girl are delightful. The spy theme also allows the story to play with standard school manga tropes without them feeling stale, because as well as Twilight knows his own game, he's amazingly inept when it comes to understanding children and so has no idea that all on her ordinary own, Anya is getting him closer to his goal every day.

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A fantastic sequel I loved the humor and who doesn’t love a good spy book? Highly recommend this fun and engaging manga!

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I can't lie, Spy x Family is definitely one of my fave mangas series. It's cute, fun and an absolute delight. If this manga becomes an anime, I am totally watching every second of the show. It's great!

Anya's adorable nature, and her fake family and real friends going along with her goofy ideas is a real treat. Especially seeing the family grow and protect each other, and get into so much mischief. Plus, the dynamics of the school kids was fun and interesting to see. I think this series is gonna get so much more wild and amusing. The spy concept and missions mixed with the comedy is just killer good (pun intended).

This book is seriously fun and is turning to be one of the best manga series I've ever picked up. I highly recommend grabbing it for some action, laughs and chuckles.

Five out of five stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and VIZ Media for providing me a free copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.

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This series is so fun. It's an absolutely insane idea, but it works on every level. Can't wait for more!

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#SpyxFamilyVol2 #NetGalley
I really love this manga! Anya and Yor are so cute. I like how Twilight keeps thinking this is a "job" but you can see that he's compartmentalizing. Also how he keeps suspecting there is more than meets the eye with Anya but doesn't know what. Can't wait for Yor's brother to meet the family!

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Volume two shifted Spy X Family from promising to fulfilling. Loid, Yor, and Anya’s pseudo-family antics continue to entertain me – from Yor imagining a possible assassination attempt for the sake of Anya’s academic placement to Loid role-playing the hero for Anya’s playtime in a castle (which – thanks to the agency - they rented out for a superfluous amount). These moments solidify the trio’s charm, making me root for their mission success and gradual development as a family, despite their collective hesitation to commit.

Anya shines, as this is her entrance into the academy – flaunting her school uniform, coming to understand the social hierarchy, and getting bullied. Loid and Yor are great support in her new stage – the former devising plans for her to be in the upper echelon of the school and the latter teaching Anya wisdom of how to deal with threats; smiling to punching respectively.

This is also a point where we come to know Yor’s brother – a figure mentioned in passing on volume one now given limelight. His involvement amps up the stakes in terms of the relational dynamics with Yor, Loid, and Anya.

We also are treated with a stand-alone feature from the original jump publication – a familiar sight with the usual fun we have come to love and expect. Whether or not it is canon, the story is an engaging introduction/side story to this family.

Spy x Family has a lot to love – a loveable eccentric cast, thrilling concept, unique historical European setting, and refreshingly soft designs. Family certainly is whom you choose; the question is for how long? This is an inquiry that I look forward to every volume.

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Volume 2 is just as funny as the first, but we see the plot moving forward too! Also, is that a hint of a crush on Anya?! Twilight while trying to spy and do things to help his mission, also seems like an overprotective dad at times and I love it. I'm really looking forward to how things will go with Yor's brother meeting the family!!

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The Forger family return in Spy X Family Vol 2. Spy dad Loid, assassin mom Yor, and telepathic adopted daughter Anya return to prevent a world war from being started in Westalis. But first, they have to enroll Anya in the prestigious Eden Academy and have her befriend the evil politician’s son. Being a spy and a killer are so much easier jobs!

I really adored this twist of a domestic thriller. Since neither Loid nor Yor have been a parent, it has the humor of a fish-out-of-water tale too. Plus, once Anya gets into Eden, there is definitely a similarity to Hogwarts. If you feel like reading a zany spy thriller set in an exclusive school, pick up Spy X Family Vol 2. You won’t be disappointed. 5 stars and a favorite!

Thanks to VIZ Media and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Spy x Family from mangaka Tatsuya Endo has been my action-packed comedy escape since it debuted serialized in Shonen Jump. Now, Spy x Family Volume 2 is coming out in English from VIZ Media and if you haven’t picked up this story about a fake family made up of a spy, an assassin, and a telepath now is the time to jump in. Last volume, we saw Loid (code name Midnight) try to complete his mission by beginning a fake family. After adopting young telepathic Anya from an orphanage and marrying Yor, a shy woman with a murderous night job, the family attempted the first test of their mission: Get Anya into the prestigious private school. Putting their facade to the test, the volume ends with a disastrous admissions interview and uncertainty.

In Spy x Family Volume 2 we learn that the family’s admissions interview was the opposite of disastrous, mainly because of how well their love for each other showed through. After a short time on the waitlist, Anya has finally made it to school but instead of following her Papa’s request and befriending Damian, she follows her mom’s advice and sticks up to herself by punching the bratty kid instead. The rest of this volume’s story is focused on following Anya as she tries to make friends, be a good student, and make her Papa happy by apologizing to Damian.

The funniest parts of Spy x Family Volume 2 come from the Loid and Anya’s interactions. These are wholesome moments and when Loid uses his spy skills to infiltrate Eden Academy and keep reminding his daughter to apologize, it adds just the level of comedy that is both absurd and heartfelt. Additionally, Anya’s telepathy is used to great effect as she tries to read the minds around her to figure out how to act in situations and in the process opens herself up to everyone’s thoughts and feelings about her – including bullying.

But while the comedic elements shine in this volume, its the way that the family is bonding and connecting to each other that really makes this a manga worth reading. This is best shown by Loid taking the time to teach Anya. What begins as a necessary step to complete his mission morphs into father-daughter bonding. This volume is charming and funny in the beginning. That said, at the end of the last chapter offers up action and intrigue as Yor’s brother comes into the picture.

Spy x Family Volume 2 is a great series and Endo shows that he understands the fine balance between spy thriller, family comedy, and even a little rom-com. Each character’s personality shines through their dialogue and none of the comedic elements feel forced or ill-gotten. Additionally, now that Yor and Loid’s relationships are being put the test of passing her brother’s snooping, I’m hoping for at least a little bit of romance to come crashing in.

Overall, Spy x Family Volume 2 is a great second volume of the series and Endo does a lot of work to craft a light-hearted narrative with just enough action punch to make it dynamic and one of Jump’s stronger titles. This is translated through the dialogue but more importantly through the illustrations. In one panel, there are adorable chibi versions of characters and on the next page you see a detailed action panel. The duality of the book is why it succeeds and why you pre-order your copy now.

Spy x Family Volume 2 will be available from booksellers on September 1, 2020.

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Another fabulous instalment to this charming series, it is pleasing to see the Forger family grow closer in spite of their misunderstandings and secrets. I am looking forward to where the story takes me from here on.

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My love of this series from the first book continues on unabated into the second one. Cliffhanger-type ending, not a true cliffhanger, but enough to keep you foaming at the mouth for the next one. I LOVE the characters in this and Anya is just TOO DANG CUTE. I can't wait to see the drama with Yor's brother. And I am curious as to who the Thorn Princess is working for.

SO GOOD. 5, highly recommended, stars. Be warned, it is a tad violent, with one character being a secret spy and one being a secret killer and another one working for this world's version of the SS/secret police. So LOTS of secrets. SO GOOD. Highly recommended if you enjoy manga/comics and like something a little different.

My thanks to NetGalley and VIZ Media/VIZ Media LLC for an eARC copy of this book to read and review.

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The first volume took me by surprise with how much I truly enjoyed it, but the plotline and family dynamic was just too good. I'm happy to say that I found Volume 2 to be just as strong as the first. We see more of the plan that Twilight set into motion come to fruition and now we have even more hurdles to overcome, like school work and making friends!

There were so many little wholesome moments mixed in with the ridiculous that I was either smiling constantly or actually laughing out loud. If you haven't had a chance to check out volume one, I really recommend giving it a shot! I know I'll definitely pick up of a physical copy of this when it drops in September.

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