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The Shadow Man

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This book is brutal and dark. An American profiler lends her knowledge to capturing a kidnapper and killer that some aren't even sure is the same person. This book reads like an episode of Criminal Minds down to the explanation of the profile and the multiple narration between the police, the victims, and the criminal. You have to suspend your belief a little, especially at the end, but it is a fast and exciting ride.

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This is definitely the creepiest thriller that I have read so far this year!

American forensic psychologist, Connie and Detective Baarda from the Met Ops Team are called by the Edinburgh based Police Scotland team to assist them in investigating the disappearance of Elspeth Dunwoody. Very soon the challenge increases following the disappearances of two more people: Twelve-year-old Meggie and a disabled man, Xavier.

Meanwhile, Elspeth, Meggie and Xavier are locked in a flat. They don’t know where they are, and they don’t know why they’re there. They only know that the shadow man has taken them, and he won’t let them go.

Desperate to escape, the three of them must find a way out of their living hell, even if it means uncovering a very dark truth.

Because the shadow man isn’t a nightmare. He’s all too real.

The entire plot is filled with horror and it is engaging right from the first page. The book is so well structured that you are able to follow the investigation. At the same time, you know what’s going on in the crazy head of the ‘Shadow Man’ as well read the actions and experience the terror and helplessness of the three captives.

The main characters Connie and Baarda were excellent, both of them complimented each perfectly which made for an excellent partnership. I really do hope they come together again in the future. The ending was so intense and exciting, but also satisfying.

Overall, a fast-paced thriller which will send shivers down your spine! Highly Recommended!

Thank You NetGalley and Avon Books UK for this ARC!

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I was a bit unsure on this at first...I have been absolutely gripped from chapter one onwards with the Callanach series and so when this didn’t grab me straightaway I was a bit put off. I wasn’t sure about Connie at first either but I’m so pleased I stuck with it as the last 2/3 of the book really ramped the pace up and I felt I got to know Connie better. I will definitely read more if there is a follow up. Thanks to Avon, Netgalley and the author for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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😱 what a book!! This is a creepy thriller that quite honestly scared the hell out of me! I can see me recommending it to everyone. The Shadow Man is a mystery thriller which follows Connie a forensic psychologist and Detective Baarda who are hunting down a kidnapper who has killed and also taken a woman, a 12 year old girl and a disabled man. They are trying to hunt him down before he kills again. We also follow the perspective of the killer and the victims which made the story so enthralling. I don’t want to get into too much detail as I don’t want to spoil it but I can see this being a super popular thriller. I liked it even more than the Whisper Man. Even more than The Silent Patient. It is honestly the best thriller I have read in a while and it will stay with me for a long time! I hope this becomes a massive hit because it deserves too. Oh also the audiobook is brilliant. The two narrators really brought it to life. Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for allowing me to read this arc in return for a honest review

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Elspeth, Meggy and Xavier are locked in a flat. They don't know where they are and they don't know why they're there. They only know that the shadow man has taken them and won't let them go. Desperatee to escae, the three of them must find a way out of their living hell.

This is quite a dark read that's complex and compelling. It's chilling and creepy from the beginning. Forensic psychologist Conniw Woodwine and Detective Brodie Baarda are assisting the police with the disappearance of Elspeth Dunwoody. They are looking for a serial killer. The story is disturbing in places and it freaked me out a couple of times. I liked the authors style in writing this book.The oace is steady in this gripping read. Definetly not for the faint hearted.

I would like to thank #NetGalley, #AvonBooksUK and the author #HelenFields for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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OMG if you read this book in bed, you will be sleeping with the light on for the rest of the night. Well, that is if you can sleep. I am always waiting for the dip of intensity when the opening has been so powerful, but it never happened. The story kept the edgy and unpredictable urgency through every chapter and every page.

It is a stand-alone read, but I hope it becomes a series. The core characters have a uniqueness about them and sparks mischief that made me want to punch the air. So yes, there are some lighter moments in the story and times that made my heart race in a good way.

The story has characters that have complex pasts, so unusual connections are made between them, and dangerous lines crossed that made me step back in awe, just to remember that I needed to breathe. The story centres around abductions that have no pattern.

An American forensic psychologist, Connie Woolwine, has been brought in to partner DI Brodie Baarda, to hunt this man down. She has a unique way of connecting to victims and killers that gave me shivers. At this point, I must say, that another star of this book was pathologist Alisa Lambert, who could quite easily have her own series of books. A fabulous character.

Set in Scotland, this is a beauty to lose yourself in and occupy every brain cell you have. Just when you think that this book has peaked it takes a massive leap to a new mind-numbing height. A nerve-racking, mouth open ending! Highly recommended read. Stunning.

I wish to thank Net Galley and the publisher for an e-copy of this book which I have reviewed honestly.

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I was excited to read this as a fan of the ‘Perfect’ series, and it didn’t disappoint. It worked well as a standalone novel, with some familiar characters from the Edinburgh police popping up, as well as reference to a bad guy from the last Perfect novel too.

I liked having a female lead this time around, Connie was a great, decisive and strong woman, which can be rare in these types of books. However, as a forensic psychologist and profiler, Connie does nothing to dispel the common misconception that psychologists are mind readers. Some of her ‘methods’ are totally bonkers and it’s hard to believe that any professional person would ever behave that way. But it’s a book, and it added some drama and interest so I’ll let it go!

I read this within a couple of days and was gripped throughout. The story was written to raise many many questions, all of which were answered in the final chapters. Definitely recommend.

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The plot of this story felt like it was lifted directly from a Criminal Minds episode and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all!

Firstly I think what made this book for me was the impressive and formidable Dr Connie Woolwine. She was just fantastic and is up there with some of my favourite characters. Connie is an American forensic psychologist who is there to help profile the abductor and the parts where she dissected the behaviours were definitely the best. I’ve always found the process of criminal profiling interesting, hence why I enjoy programmes like Criminal Minds, therefore getting to hear how Connie did this and came up with these conclusions really appealed to me.

Alongside the investigation there are also chapters from the kidnappers point of view. His thoughts are muddled, he has erratic behaviour and it really gets the reader trying to profile him themselves. I was coming up with all sorts of reasons why he was behaving the way he was.

We are also given details about the three victims as they try to adapt to their new surroundings and find a way out. You could feel the darkness and desperation that they felt seeping from the pages.

Overall this was a brilliantly written crime thriller with a satisfying ending that I thoroughly enjoyed. Definitely one to add to your wishlist!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Helen Fields and Avon Books UK for the free e-book in exchange for an honest review.

I was concerned at the beginning of this novel because it's a bit unlike Field's normal writing style, but you quickly get immersed into the story. I really enjoyed the main characters and the fact that it wasn't just a detective solving the mystery here. This novel gave us a good look into the workings of a forensic psychologist and you don't see that done in this way very often. The book does seem long, but every part is necessary in setting up the ending. Overall, I really enjoyed and I'm hoping for another novel with these main characters.

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5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Wow! This book has to be in my top 10 of most disturbing and creepy books I’ve read. I am not normally a fan of books that focus a lot on investigations but for some reason I wasn’t bothered by it in this one. The detective (Baarda) and the profiler (Connie) were likable characters and I grew to enjoy how the chapters switched back and forth between their investigation and then to the actual story of what was going on with the crazy and disturbing main character, Fergus! I don’t even want to go into detail about what he did because I don’t want to give any spoilers. I will say that my favorite character was Meggy. She was the spunkiest and toughest little 12 year old. This book really creeped me out many times but it was one that was definitely hard to put down because you just want to keep reading to find out how it it’s going to end. And the ending did not disappoint at all. Yes, there were some pretty far fetched things that happened but in my opinion that’s kind of expected in a thriller like this. I highly recommend picking up a copy on its upcoming pub date (February 4th).

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

To see my other reviews check out my Goodreads and Instagram pages:
*Cherihy808 (Goodreads)
*bookworm_traveler808 (Instagram)

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The Shadow Man by Helen Fields is a unique thriller.

Elspeth is taken and locked in a flat. Then, Meggie is taken and joins her. They both are trying to figure out how to escape. The man that took them brings them food and spends time with them. He calls Elspeth his wife and Meggie his daughter. They don’t know when he will visit or where he goes when he leaves. Then Xavier is brought into the flat. The man calls Xavier his brother. Elspeth, Meggie, and Xavier are trying to figure out how to escape without getting caught. Connie, a forensic psychologist, and DI Brodie Baarda are trying to find Elspeth, Meggie and Xavier before it’s too late. They are trying to find a connection between the missing people to discover his motives. Will they find Elspeth, Meggie, and Xavier in time? Will Elspeth, Meggie and Xavier escape?

The Shadow Man is an interesting and unique thriller. Elspeth, Meggie, and Xavier are stuck in a flat together. The man that took them calls them his family. Everyone reacts differently to being held captive. I found it interesting seeing how the different characters tried to escape and how they reacted to their captor. They all found different ways to survive. The man that took them, “the shadow man”, is struggling with mental health. Parts of the story are told from his perspective which was interesting. There were some parts of The Shadow Man that I found confusing but everything was revealed by the end of the book. Connie is a very interesting character and brings so much depth to the story. The end was very intense and stressful in a good way. The ending was definitely my favorite part of the book.

Thank you Avon Books UK, Harper Audio, and NetGalley for The Shadow Man.

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A brilliant book that I thoroughly enjoyed.
This is a stand-alone book but I’m hoping it may be the start of a new series....
Connie is a forensic psychologist and has been asked to help out a team in Edinburgh. A woman has been taken and they need her help in finding her.
Connie is paired up with Detective Inspector Baarda and they make a great team. Connie is American and Baarda is very English so some of their conversations are very funny.
Helen Fields is great at getting you to connect with the characters and I felt like I wanted to get to know them more.
At the beginning we get an insight into the kidnapper’s mind and as the book goes on we learn more about him.
It seems an impossible task to find him as there are no clues but soon Connie spots something and this key part of his personality helps them get closer to catching him.
I really enjoyed this book and hope to find out what Connie and Baarda get up to next.
Thanks to Avon Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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Scary, creepy and atmospheric ,not a book for those of a nervous disposition. But for lovers of this genre this book should hit the spot. No spoilers from me but this is original and well thought out book. Well worth a read.

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Thank you to NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

The story centres around DCI Baarda who is on secondment at Police Scotland from the Met Police. He’s been drafted in as the daughter-in-law of a well known local resident has gone missing. He is joined by Connie, who is American and has been drafted in as a psychologist to help with the case. They are struggling to get any leads, when a 12 year old girl goes missing. They are treated separately, but Connie is sure the two cases are linked. During this, more bad stuff happens that have the police confused, and unable to know if anything is linked at all.

The characters were great, and I enjoyed the opposite personalities between Baarda and Connie, and they really bounced off each other. The other characters were also really well thought out.

Overall I loved this book, and would happily recommend to all.

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He collects his victims. But he doesn’t keep them safe.

This story, set in Scotland, starts with an accidental murder, it wasn't meant to be like that and it means he now needs to look again. The Shadow Man is collecting his victims but the police have no idea why, so they bring in US profiler Connie Woolwine to work alongside DI Baarda, between them they are determined to work out his reasons and to rescue Elspeth, Meggy and Xavier, the three victims currently locked in his flat, before it's too late.

The Shadow Man hits you with dread right from the start, the plot is a slow burner but so imaginative and sinister, the stuff that nightmares are made of! The story is beautifully crafted and very descriptive in parts, with the author delivering creepiness by the bucketload, and what a cracking ending! I loved the relationship that was building between Connie and Baarda, and hope to see more of this duo in future books. This is the first standalone by this author and the first book of hers that I've read, even though I have all her others on my kindle, I'll now be bumping those up my list. If you like an edge of your seat thriller that keeps you guessing, then this one is for you.

I'd like to thank Avon Books and Netgalley for the approval, I will post my review on Goodreads now and Amazon on publication day.

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Helen Fields certainly knows how to write a gripping thriller! The shadow man was a highly addictive read for me. Ive liked a select few characters from the famous Callanach series but I decided to give this book a try. Im surprised I liked this book better than the Callanach series! The characters feel real & relatable. I loved the complex characters & the relationships between them. I loved Connie & Baarda as the main characters & Fergus made for an interesting antagonist! Overbeck was a familiar face in the mix. The plot was unlike any other I've read. I always appreciate a book that teaches me something new. I liked to see way Connie made her deductions, her work & the life she lives. Seeing her work was interesting to say the least. I seriously hope this becomes the foundation for a new series! I'm glad I read this.

Thank you NetGalley, Avon Books & Helen Fields for an arc!

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The Shadow Man watches you and he waits. If he thinks you are right, he will take you and add you to his collection. Elspeth, Meggie and Xavier were taken and their lives depend on them escaping the Shadow Man’s clutches. It’s up to a psychologist and a detective to save them before it’s too late.

The book has two of the creepiest opening chapters I’ve come across - a grave that has been dug up once more ready for the next corpse and a man who is hiding behind a curtain, watching a woman sleep in the minutes before he plans to steal her away.

However the spine chilling, skin crawling tension wasn’t sustained for much longer than that and by 35% the pace had slowed so much I was tempted to stop and abandon the book. I read something else and then came back to revisit “The Shadow Man”, having heard the ending was great.

I struggled with quite a few elements of the book. Of the six main characters, only the Shadow Man and the Connie the profiler felt robust and fully formed. The characters taken by the Shadow Man and the detective felt two dimensional and a means to an end rather than characters I was attached to and rooting for.

I struggled with some aspects of the Shadow Man himself too - how he is described both in his appearance and in his own narrative is at odds with his actions - we are told he is a man who is extremely ill and gaunt but he is able to overpower people with ease and though we get an explanation later for this, it doesn’t seem credible.

Both the beginning and the end of the book is fast paced, chilling and compulsive reading. I thought both Connie’s backstory and the Shadow Man’s motives were very clever. I would definitely give those elements of the plot four stars. Unfortunately, the rest of the book was disappointing.

Thank you to the author , Netgalley and Avon for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I really didn’t know what to make of this book most of the time. At times I loved it and at other times I felt it was dragging. I feel like there were entire scenes that could have been cut and it wouldn’t have made a difference. However it has a very unique plot that includes a psychological syndrome I’ve never heard of before. I had to look it up to make sure it was real. I love when a book includes things that I’ve never come across before. It makes for a notable reading experience. I found Corinne to be funny and relatable most of the time. There is this one part where she did something so weird and I was literally like “WTF?” But otherwise she was entertaining to read about. I also loved her take no bullshit attitude. And the ending was amazing. So dark and exciting. Also how creepy is this cover?! It’s what immediately drew me to the book. Final rating is 3.5 stars rounded up.

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The ending will shock you!

The entire read is sinister, dark, chilling and oh so compulsive in its reading matter.

I don’t know quite what I was expecting but this delivered much more creepiness than I anticipated.

I had the book from netgalley, then I downloaded the book to listen to. The voices, oh man, those voices. Especially Shadow Mans voice.

A twisted son of a gun.

If you like chilling dark sinister reads, just look no further, it’s all right here within this book.

This author has done a good job on me!
I shivered and goosebumps in many places.

I think it’s the narrators voices that added to this too.

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Thank you, NetGalley/Avon Books UK for this arc in exchange for an honest review!

This is my first novel from this author! The first paragraphs in this novel were truly terrifying: a woman sleeps peacefully while a stranger watches her from inside her own bedroom. The Shadow Man wants victims, but, he wants them alive. He's sick in mind and body and this is not a book for the fainthearted.
The 3 captives are a wife, a 12 year old and a man in a wheelchair. Trying to find the Shadow Man are a forensic psychologist and a DI and the book takes you from one perspective to another.

I loved Connie every step of the way. She was feisty, sarcastic and the cheeky come backs and statistics she came out with were funny. Her and Baarda worked well together and I loved their friendship and partnership. The plot line was an interesting one, but found it too much of a slow burner and not enough action or dialogue. I preferred certain chapters as they flowed better and wasn’t as much descriptions in them. Hope Connie comes back in another book.

A character-driven novel that’ll leave a chill. If you’re faint-hearted this book may not be the book for you. I loved the chase of trying to track down the kidnapper and the missing persons but it at times it could be a tad slow.

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