Cover Image: The Incredible Nellie Bly

The Incredible Nellie Bly

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Thank you to the publisher for giving me a free copy of this comic in exchange for an honest review.

I quite enjoyed this. I think the story had a lot of potential but failed in the execution of it all. i thought the story got quite dull even though I should actually be intrigued at the time of reading this. Also it didn't help with the fact that the text was really hard to read after I downloaded the copy it was pretty blurry and ruined the flow of reading.

I liked the art style but I can't rate a book high purely on the art style the book has to have a good story too. I found it lacking in aspects hence the sad rating. Hope to see a better copy from this author in the future

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This book had such an interesting subject, I find it hard to believe that I'm giving it only 3 stars. I wanted to love it. I do truly hope that in the full release, the font gets changed. I ended up reading this graphic novel on my tablet to see if that would help readability (because it was close to impossible on my Kindle), but there were still a good amount of panels that I just couldn't make out. It really shouldn't be that difficult to decipher font.

I also don't think the manner in which Nellie Bly was presented really worked. I didn't really care about Miriam, and found myself wishing I could get more stories about Nellie's journey around the world, or her time in the asylum, or her lost love, or pretty much everything else. She has such a rich story; to cut it with a fictional character just seemed like we were taken away from Nellie.

The artwork was fantastic, and I can only imaging what it would look like in full colour. It is clear the research is there, but I just wanted more....and to be able to read more of what was there!

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Im pretty new to comic books, so wheni saw this book offered on Netgalley, i jumped at the opportunity to request it. Unfortunately as other readers have also mentioned, it was impossible for me to read this book due to the low quality of the text. I read the preface and got a gist of who Nellie Bly was, wish I could read the book as well. Based on the illustrations and the preface I can tell this is an informative book.

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This sounds like it will be a great graphic novel when it’s published. It was almost impossible for me to read the word bubbles, so I can really only speak to the illustrations. There was a note that they will be in color in the finished book, which is definitely preferable. I thought the illustrations were well done and I really wish I could have read the text! The story of Nellie Bly’s life sounds fascinating, and I like how it’s being told through a different perspective. I gave this book four stars based on the illustrations, and the forward and notes that describe a bit more about what this book will entail. It’s hard to give it a fair review without being able to read the word bubbles though.

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Thanks for this ARC from Netgalley and the publisher for my honest review.

I was so happy to receive this e-ARC which I sent a request for to the publisher because I wanted to discover who was Nellie Bly. Instead of reading a large long biography, I could learn about this great figure with this graphic novel. The problem was that I could not read the text in the bubbles or outside like the in the newspapers also, the second half of the pages were cut so I could not see even the images. I'm sorry but I have to put this book in the DNF section because I could not carry on with this bad quality.

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History meets lovely image and graphic novel panel in this book, with all its detailed illustrations and narrative unfolding. The Incredible Nelly Bly is a wonderful reading experience.

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An excellent read so well written so fascinating I learned so much about Nellie Bly a strong feminist woman.Graphic art was so well done.a book I will be recommending.#netgalley #abramsbooks

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Reviewed as a result of NetGalley. As other readers of the advanced edition have said, the graphic images for text were sometimes too difficult to read so some nuance might have been lost (lost 1 star rating for that). Also, I regret not being able to see the colors to be used in the final edition. The illustrations themselves were lovely with good attention to period dress.
The story is timely, the read coming for me just after the death of RGB—another female rights icon. I had only known about the round-the-world trip and not all her other journalistic accomplishments.

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Excellent book, the artwork style is grand - and it is very easy to discern between secondary characters (which I don't always find is the case case in graphic novels). I imagine it'll be even more impressive in full color. Awesome to read a good story about an amazing woman.

A sidenote: the arc quality here is terrible - for me, it was nearly impossible to read the small text in either the epub or the kindle versions.

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As mentioned in the other reviews, the digital ARC was often unreadable. What was readable was engaging and worthwhile. I am eager to pick up a published copy of the book, so I can truly read and experience the numerous pieces I know I missed out on.

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I wanted to like this a lot but in the end I was unable to read the full story as the copy of the ARC was so poor. I did a few papers of Bly growing up and I so really wanted a graphic text of her history. Maybe I’ll check this out when it’s published but for now I’m just bummed I was unable to enjoy it at all.

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Thank you to Abrams ComicArts for sending me this ARC!

I was excited to start reading this graphic novel. Usually I don't pick up biographies so this was a good alternative to learn about a very important woman in history, I read another review saying that this book will be in color, and I can't wait to see how it comes out! I really liked the interesting and unique approach of writing this graphic novel. It's written as Nellie telling about her experiences through her eyes. I feel like a lot of graphic novel biographies just tell the story, but Nellie got to narrate her own in this. My one complaint, and this isn't about the story, it's more the publishing companies downfall, was that this ARC was incredibly hard to read. It was very pixelated and I certainly had a hard time reading it. Other than that, I would recommend it for anyone looking to learn a little history on this trend setting woman!

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eARC rating: 2*
Guestimated actual Graphic Novel rating: 4*

Firstly, I would like to comment that the text of this graphic novel did not translate well <i>at all</i> from the colourful pages that will be published, to the copied and pixelated b&w pages of the ARC. As such, I'm pretty sure I missed important information that was typed into newspaper articles, parts and full speach bubbles and in general, plot points in regards to Nellie Bly's jourrney. This severly impacted my ability to read this ARC which is why my rating is only a guess.

Second; I am so excited to see that ACTUAL full colour graphic novel that will be released next year. Nellie Bly is so important to American and Journalism's history and I can't wait to reread this and find out everything that I actually missed. Because I know I have missed information sadly.

The art style, was slightly pixelated, however the general style of it was beautiful and again - I'm sure that colour will add <i>so much<i> to how amazing this graphic novel will be to read physically.

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I always like picking up these graphic novels which teach me about inspiring people or historical events I don’t know (enough) about. So when I saw this on Netgalley I immediatly requested it.

Nellie Bly truly was an Awesome woman, ‘even’ by today’s standard, let alone in the 19th century. She was one of the first female investigative journalists, got herself locked up in an asylum to write about the horrible treatment (which lead to extra funding), traveled around the world in 72 days, and did so much more… an inspiring story about a talented woman who fought for her goals no matter what other people said.

The story is told as an interview, letting Nellie tell her own story. This in itself I liked, but at times I found the interviewer too present (I just didn’t care for her and any panel dedicated to her life I felt was wasted… I want Nellie’s story). The art is very nice, even in the uncoloured version I received. The font though, was atrocious. At least the e-version I have was impossible to read. It became such a chore to decipher what was written I gave up on this book about halfway through. Such a shame…

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It was extremely difficult to read the text in this eARC but I loved the artwork and the idea of a graphic novel about this very interesting and inspiring woman. I look forward to getting my hands on a legible version.

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A delightful visual biography of Nellie Bly.

For the sake of the graphic novel format, the author has simplified Bly’s work as a pioneering investigative journalist and her brave work reporting on asylum conditions from the inside for Ten Days in a Madhouse.

Fortunately, the author chose and condensed wisely, so Bly’s story doesn’t lose much from the distillation of detail and gains much in the lovely accompanying visuals.

The art is both visually pleasing and evocative of the era, and it pairs well with the text too. I would love to see more of this ilk from Cimino.

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While I love reading about Nellie Bly and the idea of a graphic novel recounting her story sounded fantastic, I was terribly disappointed by the digital ARC. I couldn’t read the text and the images were very pixelated.

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I was really excited to read this book, especially after reading the foreword content; however, the main text of the book is hazy and unreadable in the digital ARC provided. I am looking forward to picking this back up once it is published.

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I am unable to review this graphic novel as the text is illegible. I have tried reading through all available formats however the text is too blurry to decipher. The illustrations are well done and I imagine they would look better when rendered in full colour as the finished copy is meant to be.
I hope an updated improved copy with legible text can be made available for review purposes.

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**I received and voluntarily read an e-ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.**

The panels were nicely drawn. I like the color choices.
Unfortunately, the choice of font and font colors made the text impossible to read at times.
Overall, 2/5 due to Nellie Bly being an awesome subject choice for a graphic novel.

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