Member Reviews

This book was brilliant. Such a fun read. It really comforted me, that although this is a work of fiction, it's really ok to not have your life totally sorted by the time you're 30. A really sweet story, filled with strong relatable characters, occasional drama and genuine laugh out loud moments.

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A really well written, flowing book, excellent and accurately flowing, believable storyline. I really enjoyed reading this book (although not really my genre) I shall look forward to the next offering, would recommend this book and would be happy to buy for a present.

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This is the debut novel by the author.

I did struggle to finish this book and I did struggle with the concept of this book so I am only giving it 3 out of 5, I wish the author all the best with this book

With Thanks to Netgalley & Viking for the arc of this book in exchange for my honest review
Sharney Cat Uncat

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This has the most boring beginning ever. It’s also all in the present tense which I always find difficult. I read as much as I could tolerate then gave up.. can’t imagine how this came to be published.

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This is a fun read, if based on an implausible premise. So suspend disbelief, and just go with it. Follow Birdy Finch’s adventures to a luxury hotel in the Highlands of Scotland, where she attempts to pass herself off as a sommelier, despite having minimal knowledge of wine. There are inevitably fun and games along the way. Birdy is scatty, disorganised but eminently likeable - and real.
It is very well written, the pacing is good, and the characterisation is excellent, all the players are finely drawn, and very believable.
The scenic descriptions are wonderful, evocative of the real Highlands of Scotland, not the schmaltzy tartan and shortbread image as too often portrayed by authors who haven’t actually visited the region.
I loved the interplay between the various very different employees at the hotel, and of course Birdy aka Heather.
The depth of the friendship between Birdy and the real Heather, and the reason for their lifelong commitment to each other was subtly described. Their emotional attachment felt very authentic.
The will they/won’t they budding romance between Birdy and the chef James is deftly handled, keeping the reader guessing.
All in all, a most enjoyable book. Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my advance copy of this title.

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Thanks to Viking for gifting me an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

On the surface this seemed like a fluffy rom-com, but deep down this is so much more than that.

At the start I wasn't sure if I was going to like this - just could not get my head around Birdy impersonating her best friend who worked so hard to be an expert sommelier and sort of ruining her reputation? I felt myself getting really anxious for Birdy and all the lies she had to tell and the deeper she got into this job. I understand this was probably meant to be tongue in cheek and witty but I felt myself slowly disliking her as a character.

Some parts I did genuinely laugh out loud, though.

The second half of the book is where I started to like Birdy and could start to finally understand the choices she makes and why, especially when she started to knuckle down and 'find herself.'

LOVED the setting of Scotland, the descriptions of food and the sense of community as well. This was done so brilliantly. Overall, I enjoyed this, but it took a while for me to get into properly.

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This was a good, fun read and a nice bit of escapism in these difficult times when we can't easily pop off to Scotland to view the stunning scenery first hand.

A touch predictable in places, but this did not spoil a good story and there was a cast of likeable characters. Tasty sounding chef too!

As well as the story, I also learned more about the work of a sommelier - there is more to it than I first imagined!

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I loved this book!
the idea of taking over someone's summer job for a laugh seems a bit crazy but also a bit like a good idea to me and that is exactly what Birdy does!
When her friend Heather decides to go abroad with the man she is mistress to but wants more, Birdy decides (while in her cups) to take on Heathers summer job at a little hotel in the wilds of Scotland- as an award winning sommelier.
There are plenty of cringeworthy moments as Birdy stumbles her way through trying to pull off the role as a wine expert, lots of laugh out load moments and some real tenderness between Birdy and the other hotel workers as various secrets come to light.
Everything you would hope for in a fairly light-hearted romantic comedy!

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This was a very amusing and quirky book. I think it would appeal to readers who enjoyed the switch by Beth O'leary . It was a very engaging storyline and the characters were relatable and likeable. Once you start you won't want to put it down until you find out the outcome.
Elizabeth, otherwise known as "Birdy" takes on the persona of her Best friend Heather and takes off for the furthest parts of Scotland to work as a Somelier at a Highlands restaurant. Buddy knows next to nothing about fine wines and her blagging leads to some humorous moments that make you laugh out loud.
She meets James and they become friends with the feelings between them developing over the Summer period. . Everyone believes that she's Heather Jones , wine expert extraordinaire, what happens when they find out she's an imposter? Read it and find out!
I loved this book, it was heartwarming and humorous and definitely made me smile . It's feel good fiction at it's best. I thoroughly recommend if you want to escape from everything for a while, in an idyllic setting. You will be transported to the beautiful Scottish Highlands in the turn of a page! 5 stars

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The Summer Job, The hottest new debut of 2021 – WARNING: this is not your typical rom com, Lizzy Dent

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: Romance, General Fiction

I've read a few like this and found them great fun, and hey, with Covid dominating our thoughts fun and fluff is much needed.

I really didn't like Birdy at first, she seemed careless, selfish, and ready to possibly drop her best friend in it, to “borrow” the job for which she knows Heather has worked incredibly hard. Sommelier – Heather has spent years working at it, studying, building a steadfast reputation, and yet her supposed best friend is ready to risk her career, risk her losing all that?
Yes., Birdie is in a hole, but thinking she could just step into Heather's shoes was naïve to say the least, selfish in my eyes.

As the story moved on I did come to understand Birdie a little better, and see that she had a good heart, though I still felt she did a horrible thing to Heather.
There were funny moments, serious problems, heartbreaking sadness, and the, that was some of the best part, visualising that. One of the best parts, one that showcased Birdie's talents, was the big food/wine event she presided over. That was just perfect.

The romance. I expected more, and TBH its really just a potential romance for the most part of the book. I'm not sure I was wholly convinced either.

Its a fun read if you can get past the issues of betrayal of her friend, and of course risking the whole hotel's renovation that hinges like all businesses, on getting the money in.

Stars: Three, an OK read, made me laugh at times but I was irritated by Birdie's actions too much, with her lack of concern for others.

ARC supplied for review purposes by Netgalley and Publishers

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When I read the blurb for this book and also saw that it was being compared to The Flat Share, one of my favourite books of 2019, I was completely on board.
And I have to say, for me, The Summer Job was even better than The Flat Share.
Birdy Finch is such a great character and I adored how much personality and authenticity (even though she spends most of the book telling far from the truth) oozed from her.
She is easily one of my favourite female characters of late and I also found myself so invested in the lives of the accompanying characters.
Each of them was so well constructed and you could definitely imagine yourself at Loch Dorn encountering all of the characters.
I really loved the way that Lizzy Dent wrote this. Her writing style was right up my street.
When you start reading this you assume that you know exactly how it will end and it does end in a similar fashion but with enough twists and differences to totally make up for that.
The Summer Job was just such a great read. It was funny, romantic, emotional and perfect escapism.
I definitely can't wait to read more from Lizzy Dent in the future.
And if you enjoy reading the likes of Beth O' Leary and Lindsey Kelk, etc., you should seriously pick up The Summer Job!
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Elizabeth ‘Birdy’ Finch has had a run of temporary jobs and now her flatmate Heather is running off to Italy she needs to find somewhere else to stay. Heather is supposed to spend the summer working in Scotland as a sommelier and Birdy decides to go in her place. She’s trying her best to fumble her way through the job when she begins to develop feelings for the chef. Birdy soon realises she might have gone too far and people might get hurt.
I enjoyed Birdy as a protagonist, she was funny and self-deprecating but also someone who cared deeply for others. It was great to see her grow as a person and come to terms with her family and her past. The staff team at the restaurant were all really interesting and they felt like one dysfunctional family.
This book is pitched as a rom-com for fans of ‘The Flatshare’ and I would agree with this.This feels like the perfect summer beach read. It is light-hearted, fun story with an improbable plot but it also touches on deeper topics such as child neglect and explores what family means. Although she comes off as care-free and confident, Birdy has a really vulnerable side that she learns to deal with. Overall, this was an entertaining, quick read which I would recommend to fans of ‘The Love Square’ and ‘Beach Read’.

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This was a fun and surprising romantic comedy describing the free fall the protagonist is experiencing while pretending to be her friend and now knowing anything about the job at hand. The handsome love interest adds a layer of spiciness to this lovely story.

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A pure escapist novel which has been a great read during these bleak times. Birdy Finch decides on the spur of the moment to take her best friends job in a Scottish Highland hotel to escape her dull life in London but it doesn't turn out how she envisaged and she has to learn a lot about wine to pull it off. At the hotel Birdy meets an interesting range of characters who she comes to care about especially a good looking chef is beginning to come out of his shell and sees the best in Birdy.

A laugh out loud tale of finding the place where you belong.

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A bit ambivalent about this book. Birdy, or rather, Elizabeth Finch, takes a job which is originally meant for her best friend Heather. Not just any job, but that of a sommelier at a high end hotel in Scotland. She knows nothing about wine, or much else to be honest.
I found that I didnt like her, her attitude, her swearing, her lies. I know that they wwere supposedly the result of a traumatic childhood but.......
However, midway, things began to change, and as she took the job to heart she began to be a more rounded personality.
It was all a bit improbable really, but quite a light enjoyable read.
Thanks to NetGalley for a chance to read and review this book.

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Birdy Finch is happy flitting from place to place, no roots, no job, the only true consistent in her life is her childhood friend Heather, a world class sommelier who has taken a temporary contract for the summer leaving Birdy nowhere to stay. Heather’s plans change abruptly, and she asks her friend to contact the hotel to cancel her contract and to make her apologies. However, with Birdy’s partying taking over as usual she forgets her friend’s request and decides to use it to her advantage, surely, she can ‘wing’ being Heather for 3 months in the middle of nowhere and Heather being non-the-wiser? This is a very funny, sometimes cringeworthy tale of love, life and growing up? Great read.

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Birdy takes a job in a hotel that her friend didn't want to do but she doesn't know anything about being a sommelier and has to wing it. Ok book but didn't think all the swearing was necessary

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A lovely unexpected story set in Scotland. This book follows Birdy who often attends events as her best friend, sommelier Heather until she takes this too far and takes a job on her behalf. A book filled with great characters, mouthwatering food and superb scenery. Thank you netgalley.

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This easy-to-love story is one that deals with life-swap and mistaken identity themes in a slightly left-field way that's easy for anyone to empathise with, even if they haven't done anything as extreme as the heroine Birdy Finch, who finds herself impersonating her best friend Heather, a talented sommelier, at a struggling Scottish countryside hotel - although she doesn't know her Picpoul from her Lambrusco Bianco. While laugh-out-loud funny, this novel also explores the struggles of the two girls and how their bad choices stem from unresolved pain. Birdy's father was an alcoholic and her mother prioritised his needs over her daughter's, and Heather has an obsessive craving for love and sense of emptiness that starts to make sense towards the end of the book. Anyone who's ever worked in hospitality will understand the struggles and joys of the events which the author captures beautifully, and it just made me want to return to those food-and-wine-soaked nights - except maybe not as a waitress! Five Michelin stars to Lizzy Dent, and long may she keep serving up these books!

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Absolutely loved this book!! A lighthearted story about the perils of telling a fib and what happens when you try and get out of it. Really funny read. X

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