Member Reviews

This is a great story set in James Towne, Virginia. Xander is a widowed father to a young boy Oceanus. Selah and her family live in town. There are many trials as the settlers work to live on Indian land. Unfortunately some of the settlers are unkind and cruel to the Indians and the Africans.

It is a very engaging story and gave me a picture of what it might have been like in those days.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own.

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“Tidewater Bride” by Laura Frantz whisks the reader to a far off time when our nation was not even a glimmer in the eyes of the settlers. Based on true to life historical persons, the characters of Alexander Renick and Selah Hopewell are extremely well developed, and the reader can easily make out the colonial Virginia landscape with increasing detail through their eyes. He is a widower in a bold new world, while she is the woman for whom no man was ever quite good enough. We all learned the story of John Rolphe (the basis for Alexander Renick) and Pocahontas when we were in school, but we were never taught of his life after her passing. How sweet and refreshing it is to read about his second shot at love. The historical details the author provides will ensure that the reader, while entertained and moved, will also be better informed about the practices, lives, and struggles of 17th century settlers.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and was not required to write a favorable review. All opinions are my own.

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This was such an elevated & interesting story set in 1634 Jamestown, Virginia Colony. What a ride getting to understand colonial life with the settlers, many different native tribes & "peace children", government & abuse of power, tobacco brides which I had never heard of, & more! I really enjoyed it.

“True Word!” His eyes opened at the sound of a youthful voice hailing him by his Powhatan name. “Wingapo!” Xander called out the customary greeting.

"Tis my duty as your father to pursue the subject, Daughter. Pray to that end.”
“I should rather marry for love than the price of tobacco,” Selah returned quietly.

I appreciate the ARC & lovely zippered pouch I received from the author and publisher.
All opinions are my own without compensation or expectation.

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Amazon (waiting for 1/5), Goodreads, Blog, CBD, Barnes and Noble, BooksAMillion, Google Play Books, Pinterest, IG, Kobo (waiting for 1/5)

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This beautifully written story knocks on your heart, enters and stays until long after the last pages are read!
"I will not give you what you are yet unsure of, thus forming a bond between us that might well break." Laura Frantz is the brilliant master of engaging her characters in patience, heart wrenching circumstances, cat and mouse games full of uncertainty and denial, to bring them together full circle in love, faith and hope.

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Tidewater Bride by Laura Frantz is full of everything readers have come to expect from Frantz’s rich historical sagas - careful historical detail, rich scenery, tender romance and a tiny sprinkle of suspense. This latest novel reminisces of the romance between John Rolfe and Pocahontas and explores the tense relationship between the English and the Natives to America and provides a unique look into life in Jamestown in the early settling time of the new world. Xander’s and Selah’s romance is unique in that their courtship is more a strong undercurrent, than an outright whirlwind, which is a welcome change from typical romance novels. Overall, I would highly recommend!

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An absorbing read full of historical drama! Set in 1634, James Towne, Virginia Colony, when colonial America was just beginning to take hold.
This author's careful research shows in the details of the story, with characters based on real people who spring to life from the page. It was easy to get a sense of their day to day lives, full of hard work and the tension still present between the Natives, settlers, and the colonial government.
"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also . . .”
The main characters grew in depth as they faced hardship and difficult choices, growing stronger in their faith and more open in their relationship. Their romance is one that starts out rocky, uncertain and touchy, but grows into something amazing. Seriously, Xander is one for the swoonworthy hero hall of fame. His faith is inspiring too. He encourages Selah to trust and lean on God as they face serious trials. The prayers are heartfelt, full of emotion at times. There are some hard subjects touched on, especially associated with slavery, but they are handled sensitively.
Highly recommend for historical fiction fans!

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I have read every book by Laura Frantz and have enjoyed every single one. She continues her excellent tradition with her next book, Tidewater Bride. Like its predecessors, the author highlights the primitive conditions and harsh environments the early colonists endured. It fascinates me how they survived to build this country.

Tidewater Bride is set in a time when men severely outnumbered women. To help combat the problem, potential brides are brought over from England and the men pay in tobacco for a chance at wooing a young woman. The women are allowed to choose their husbands from among the men and so ensure the future of the colony. The main character, Selah Hopewell, is a young woman of good standing in the community, and is very pretty. The townspeople and even the new brides can't understand why Selah isn't married. But Selah is happy living at home with her family and helping her father in their store.
As time progresses, Selah admits to herself that she has feelings for local tobacco grower, Xander Renick. He is widowed with a young son and totally committed to his plantation. He is an upstanding citizen who refuses to buy slaves to run his property.
I don't want to spoil the book for others, but many things happen in this small community of James Towne. There is tension with Native Americans, dangerous characters in the town, and tragedy that strikes this brave band trying to carve a life in the New World.

I recommend fans of Laura Frantz or Historical Fiction to read this book!

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I was asked to review another book and wanted to share my review here! Its a book that will be released soon. It is called Tidewater Bride by Laura Frantz. She is one of my favorite authors. Her genre is Christian historical fiction, and I have read and love many of her books. She does it again with a story set in the early 1600s in James Towne, Virginia when our country was still a fledgling, and governed by England, and Ms Franz so colorfully paints an amazing picture of that time in history through this story.. The main character is Xander a strong Christian man who has learned the secret of producing the very coveted Oronco tobacco that was in high demand during that era, and he has many indentured workers on his land, but he refuses to bring any slaves to work for him. The indentured servants work for a certain amount of time, and then in return, they get land of their own when their service is complete. Xander does not believe God wants anyone to be owned!

Also, In this story, we met the Hopewell family who includes Ustis & Candace, an married daughter, Selah age 18, and her brother Shay, age 15. Ustis and his daughter Selah run the mercantile in James Towne and have made it successful. Shay helps out as well, but dreams of one day living with the Natural (Indians). Selah is busy in her dads store, but she has her eye on a certain tobacco farmer, but you have to read the story to see how that goes!

The Natural tribe in the story is the Powatan Indians. Xander married the chiefs daughter when he was young, and they had a son Oceanus. His wife ends up passing away, and the story is about the time after that. He and Selah are attracted to each other but there are many obstacles in the way. They both must trust the Lord to see what He has for them either together or apart (don't want to spoil anything).

The story tells about the tobacco brides as they were called who were brought to England to marry the many indentured men who outnumbered the women greatly! We also learn about the Powatan Indians, and what life was like for them. We get a glimpse of how the settlers and the naturals interacted with each other which was both positive and negative. But I love how Ms Franz looks at both sides in her story. We meet a young Powatan princess named Watseka, age 6, who I am sure will warm your heart, and who becomes fast friends with Xander's son Oceanus who is 4 years old. This is a story that I could hardly put down! The life of the early settlers to this country was hard to say the least, and although fiction, the historical facts are accurate, so we learn about what life was like back then. In this story, you will find romance, action, struggle, hard toil, kidnapping, jealousy, storms, fire, death, but also love, working together, joy, celebration, importance of family, and trying to trust the Lord through each day, and you will see God come and work in amazing ways, helping those He loves, and helping those who love Him back, and even those who don't love Him back. I loved this story and give it a 5 out of 5 stars! It will be released on January 5th. Please consider taking time to read it, and I totally believe you will enjoy it!! Thank you all!!!

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The writer Laura Frantz returns with a novel that weaves together romance, history, swords and characters of great weight.
The story takes place in Virginia in the seventeenth century and is inspired by the life of John Rolfe after the death of Pocahontas.
Selah and Xander, the main characters, are people focused on their jobs, family dynamics and relationships within the community. However, they will have to stop and look around to allow hope and a new beginning to flourish.
Topics such as equality and love for human beings regardless of their origin, are the key to this story.
I have enjoyed this novel and would recommend that it be translated into Spanish.
Thanks to Revell Publishing and Netgalley for the copy. All opinions expressed are my own.

La escritora Laura Frantz vuelve con una novela que entreteje romance, historia, espadas y personajes de gran peso.
La historia se desarrolla en Virginia en el siglo diecisiete y está inspirada en la vida de John Rolfe después de la muerte de Pocahontas.
Selah y Xander los personajes principales, son personas enfocadas en sus trabajos, en la dinámica familiar y las relaciones dentro de la comunidad. Sin embargo, tendrán que parar y observar a su alrededor para permitir que la esperanza y un nuevo comienzo florezca.
Temas como la igualdad y el amor por los seres humanos sin importar su origen, son la clave de esta historia.
He disfrutado esta novela y recomendaría que fuera traducida al español.
Gracias a Revell Publishing y a Netgalley por la copia. Todas las opiniones expresadas son solo mias.

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This was a well written and interesting read. Although I found it a little slow in places I found it a pleasant read.

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This beautiful novel is basically the fictionalized story of John Rolfe's next wife, after Pocahontas. Names are changed to Xander and Matachanna in this book, but the idea is there. I absolutely love this time in history when America wasn't even a nation yet. It makes me realize how strong my ancestors were and how much they went through to start this country. Cold winters, hot summers, crops burning, relationships with the natives, and so much more. I love how this love story develops with cautious characters and you see so much in their heads before anything is said out loud. It felt more realistic than so many romance novels I've read. There's a lot of history woven throughout this beautifully flowing novel. With gentle quiet moments and scary tragedy the book rises and lowers as if you were standing in the tidewaters yourself.

And in case you're wondering, yep, Frantz has a Scotsman in this novel too. :I think every book of hers I"ve read (more than five of them) has someone Scottish and I"m totally ok with that.

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I like this author, and this book doesn’t disappoint, and loved the historical aspect. This is how our country began with these brave souls.
Our country at this time belonged to England, people their put up money for the settlements, and in return they earned on their investment, in the form of crops. We are with the people that are sending the crops back to the mother country, namely her tobacco. Thus we have farmers requiring brides paying with tobacco.
How we get from the beginning of this book to the end will keep you page turning. There is some sweet romance, kidnapping, and perhaps murder. We see this all pulled together, and when the story concludes I actually wanted more!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Revell, and was not required to give a positive review.

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Laura Frantz has once again produced another remarkable book taking the reader on a compelling, faith-filled journey, fraught with danger, mystery and of course, a little romance.

Tidewater Bride captures the hardships of James Towne, Virginia, in 1634. Frantz is a master of historical fiction, and she triumphs once again with vivid descriptions of the setting and the era that bring her words to life.

I was immediately intrigued by the premise of this book and the cover. Selah Hopewell is a fiercely independent young woman, set in her ways. She has no desire to marry even as she tends to the newly arrived tobacco brides who are all seeking husbands and a fresh start in the new world.

Xander Renick is the most eligible bachelor in James Towne, but he is not looking for a bride. How fortunate that Selah is not looking for a husband! I loved how this couple finally came together. More importantly, I loved how faith and waiting on God were instrumental in so many elements of their lives.

Fans will be delighted to learn which historical characters this story is based on. I only wish this was a series, for I would dearly love to see these characters again. I highly recommend this book!

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Historical readers are in for a treat with Tidewater Bride!
4.5 stars!

Being a Virginian and well acquainted with Jamestown I looked forward to Tidewater Bride with a lot of anticipation. The first portion of the story centers on life in the 1600's colony. A life that was hard both physically and politically speaking. Frantz's historical research is the best, bar none.

Selah Hopewell and Alexander Renick's love story really starts to bloom amid all those interesting historical facts. I loved their story, though it was overflowing with danger and suspense!

Alexander Renick's character was based on John Rolfe and his first wife's character based on Pocahontas. Frantz used the lovely Rolfe quote when describing Alexander's love for his bride Mattachanna, so beautiful!:

"It is she to whom my heart and best thoughts are and have been a long time so entangled, and enthralled in so intricate a labyrinth that I could not unwind myself thereout."

A favorite quote of Frantz's in the descriptive poetic style that is uniquely her own:

"The river bore the moon's full reflection mightily, the smooth sheen of water more gold than black. A multitude of stars blinked nearly as bright. A true lover's moon."

I highly recommend Tidewater Bride! I appreciate a copy being made available by Revell through Netgalley for review. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.

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Laura Frantz is on my to be read list no matter what the book is about. Tidewater Bride is easily one of my favorite of her books. Her storytelling is wonderful and she easily transports you to the time period. The love story is done very well without having to force anything. I love the way she writes. This is a must read. You will not be disappointed!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Tidewater Bride
by Laura Frantz
You Like Them
Christian | Historical Fiction | Romance
Pub Date 05 Jan 2021 | Archive Date 13 Feb 2021

This is an excellent inspirational novel. My patrons will be asking for it. If you enjoy historical fiction in colonial times I recommend this book for you. Thanks to Revell and NetGalley for the ARC.

5 star

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The author does a fantastic job of capturing the setting and leaving the reader with a full understanding of the brutal nature of the time as well as what people are always capable of doing. However, the actual story felt lacking and I found myself less interested as the book continued.

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A tantalizing, gripping tale from Laura Frantz! Tidewater Bride had me hooked from the beginning, being impeccably researched and depicted.

I absolutely adored Selah and Xander. I felt what they felt, saw what they saw, and experienced what they experienced through Frantz’s flawless storytelling. I appreciate that their story does not simply end in marriage or declarations of love, but that the reader sees their lives in various stages, since the story after a story is just as captivating. Frantz unravels a web of suspense and intrigue delectably, and I just adore her storytelling abilities.

Tidewater Bride is my new favorite story of Frantz’s. It is romantic, inspirational, and absolutely enthralling. Fans of historical stories will certainly not want to miss this extraordinary tale of life, loss, and love in 17th-century Virginia.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This book is a fun exploration into the lives of Virginia Colony's women. Selah is the towns matchmaker, but she has no interest in finding her own husband. Until she meets Xander Relnick. This was a great historical fiction that kept me entertained while also teaching a lot about life in the colonies. I would recommend this to anyone who likes historical fiction!

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Author Laura Frantz is a master at crafting 18th century inspirational historical romance. Now she can add penning stories set in the 17th century to her already talented repertoire with the release of Tidewater Bride, set in Jamestown, Virginia in 1634. This book has it all: an uplifting spiritual message of faith, hope and trust, a fount of historical information, wonderful characters, intriguing plot, and a slow-building, sweet romance that will make you sigh.

Ms. Frantz’ meticulous research and use of period appropriate terminology drew me right in, making me feel like I was looking through a window into the 17th century. The heroine Selah Hopewell and her family were such endearing characters, as were hero and tobacco lord Xander Renick and his aunt. Two children, Oceanus and Watseka, added much interest to the story as well. Tidewater Bride gives readers background and insight into interpersonal relations between the English settlers and the Native American Powatans. This novel was beautifully written and contained elements of joy, heartache, fear, faith, love, and danger as well as intriguing plot twists to keep the reader guessing. I highly recommend this book for readers who love inspiring tales of romance steeped in historical detail and drama!

I received an advanced reader copy from NetGalley and the publisher and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed here are my own.

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