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The Burning Girls

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I just love C.J. Tudor.

The Burning Girls is fab, The twists and turns will keep you at the edge of your seat and reading long into the night............if you dare!

Thank you to Netgalley, publisher and author for an advanced copy. It did not disappoint!

5/5 stars

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One thing’s for sure, "The Burning Girls" is very generous when it comes to its offering of twists. From the off, even the identity of our lead character teaches us not to make assumptions about, well, pretty much anything.

There’s so much to sink your teeth into in this cautionary tale of concealing your past, particularly how this could shape your future. The character building and the perfectly timed reveals of their less promising features is first-class, and no one flies under the radar.

While this may not be my favourite of Ms Tudor’s books, once again her gift for projecting suspense and terror enticed me back to the pages I just had to keep on turning.

Every time a new loose string appears the ‘everyday’ bleeds into something far more sinister, and it certainly kept me on my toes. Particularly love the ending – it all played out brilliantly.

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Das neue Buch von C. J. Tudor hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Die alleinerziehende Jack zieht mit Ihrer Tochter Flo in ein kleiner englisches Dorf um dort die Stelle als Vicarin anzunehmen. In der Vergangenheit sind immerwieder eigenartige Dinge vorgefallen und auch Jack und Flo kommen nicht ungeschoren davon. Nichts ist wie es scheint.

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. Good page turner which will have you gripped to the end, great storyline and great characters. I really enjoyed it C J Tudor is one of my favourite authors.

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I enjoyed this book. The gripping story kept me reading late into the night, and the characters are well-written and interesting. I didn't like the "spooky stuff" but it didn't really detract from the story. Definitely I book I will recommend.

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Oooh I love C.J. Tudor, she is just so good at delivering creepy, tense, psychological thrillers. The Burning Girls is a fantastic read, I loved the element of the story dealing with The Sussex Martyrs, it was a great way of linking several events together over a long period of time.
I lost count of the amount of twists and turns in this book, some I worked out but many I didn’t. The last few chapters were breath-taking and so well executed. There are so many times when you feel that Jack has worked everything out but then something else comes along and pulls the rug out from under her and she’s in danger again.
The Burning Girls looks at the importance of stories, we have the Sussex Martyrs running throughout and then each character has created their own stories and as a reader we have to work out how far they have deviated from the truth. We are all capable of spinning our own narrative and we all have our own reasons for doing so.
CJ Tudor builds up the atmosphere beautifully, the book is full of graveyards, ancient chapels and crypts, deserted woods and derelict abandoned houses. It is a very creepy read but entirely realistic and believable.

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Ms Tudor has completely outdone herself with The Burning Girls. I was really impressed by her first novel, The Chalk Man but this is even better. It is a complete tour-de-force with a dark, twisty, satisfying plot, wonderful characters and genuine, sleep-with-the-lights-on chilling horror throughout and I can’t wait for it to be released into the wild and reach the best-sellers list.

How can I describe the feel of the novel to people who haven’t encountered Ms Tudor’s storytelling before? To me The Burning Girls has tantalising elements of classic rural Agatha Christie murder mystery skilfully blended with the very best Stephen King type horror and even a hint of The Wicker Man in there somewhere. Words fail me - it certainly kept me up late reading for several nights in a row and I am now wishing the experience wasn’t over. It is the best British thriller I have read for years.

Many thanks to Penguin Michael Joseph UK, to Ms Tudor and to NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this terrific book.

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A gripping, enjoyable roller coaster of a ride with just enough supernatural spookiness and gore to keep me hooked. Great setting, characters and storyline, I loved it! C J Tudor's books just keep getting better and better. Looking forward to the next!

Many thanks Netgalley for the opportunity to read this before publication.

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City based Reverend, Jack Brooks, has been assigned a new posting in the little hamlet of Chapel Croft in Sussex. It’s a temporary posting, and not exactly a welcome one, especially for 15 year old daughter Flo. Flo definitely isn’t happy at finding herself at the back end of nowhere after living in the bustling city of Nottingham, especially as it means leaving all her friends behind.

Neither of them are happy actually, the chapel is a dump, and the house dilapidated, but serving the church has to come first.

They soon discover that Chapel Croft has a strange tradition called the Burning Girls, which commemorates local martyrs who were burned at the stake in the 16th century. It all gets very creepy after that!

In a community full of secrets, C J Tudor ever so slowly builds up the tension, to create a dark, creepy but thrilling mystery. Jack Brooks is a fantastic protagonist, not at all how you’d expect a Vicar to behave, and it adds a level of amusement to the proceedings. The plot was great too - twig dolls, eerie visions, strange goings on, and even stranger locals. A very compelling read!

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This is such a good read! I'm a huge fan of Stephen King and the comparisons between him and this author do live up to the hype. So Chapel Croft is your typical twee village steeped in history and that usually means there are secrets tucked away. When Rev Jack Brooks and teenage daughter Flo arrive to take over from the recently deceased priest it becomes very clear (when it's too late) that the full story behind his demise hasn't been disclosed. The late priest had discovered things that the village didn't want known - for good reason. How did two girls disappear 30 years ago and why wasn't the investigation into their disappearance followed up? Throughout the course of novel we discover what happened to them and it's relevance to the strange goings on in chapel Croft today. This is a fast paced, well characterised psychological horror story. Tudor perfectly creates the atmosphere of a village - steeped in superstition - which time forgot. I especially enjoyed the relationship between Jack and teenager Flo. Other characters in the book are particularly well developed - pay attention because no one is quite who they seem... This will make a perfect wintry read.

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Absolutely brilliant book. I was engrossed from beginning to end.
The characters were well written, Jack been a refreshing change from the norm, and it packed a nice twist which was revealed at the end, I didn’t see it coming.
The setting was succinctly eerie and fit well with the ominous and sometimes cozy plot.
I will definitely read more from this writer!

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A gripping thriller with an unexpected ending. When vicar Jack Brookes annoys her local bishop, she gets banished from Nottingham to the country parish of Chapel Croft. Her teenage daughter, Flo, is not impressed. Jack is quite a character: she smokes Rizlas and has a painful history, including a neglectful childhood and a murderous brother, whom she hopes never to see again. Chapel Croft is far from the peaceful village it seems, with a sinister history and a few characters you wouldn't want to meet on a dark night, The Burning Girls of the title are two young 17th century martyrs who appear to people to warn them of impending danger. A strong story with touches of humour to alleviate the dark theme of death and retribution.

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This was going to be a four star review and then that ending happened, what a corker. Jack Brookes is the new vicar in the village and has inherited a creepy chapel, two missing teenage girls from years ago and someone who thinks she needs an exorcism kit. Together with her daughter Flo, whose getting distracted by a possible new boyfriend, can she discover what secrets the village of Chapel Croft is hiding.

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A book I was so interested in reading and I'm so glad I was pick to get the ARC!! It was just fantastic. Tudor does it again and again it's just crazy and the more she goes the less we see the King inspiration, it's still there, but she truly seem to get her first voice the more he write. The plot and twist and her truly likeable are just the way she made us feel so much emotion has we read her! If you love thriller read this book and discover C. J. Tudor if you haven't already!

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Reverend Jack Brooks is "moved" from a troubled city centre parish to a small village with a past coming back to haunt it. This is CJ Tudor at her best. I completely devoured this fabulous book. It hooked me right from the start and I could not put it down. Excellent plot lines, gripping twists and chills a plenty. Can't wait for the next one.

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Thanks to Net Galley for an ARC
Having loved The Chalk Man I was disappointed with Annie Thorne. The blurb people can read themselves and is not necessary to repeat here. This book, however the author is absolutely back on form. Hooked from the first word I really enjoyed this book. Extremely well crafted the plot drew you in making you yearn to know how it was all going to end. I really connected with the characters who were well drawn and fully fleshed out. I found myself really rooting for Jack and Flo. There is a dark undertone of religious abuse but nothing too graphic. The lies we tell, the relationships that are damaged by the past, small village mentality- it's all there.
An absolutely stonking good read.

Publisher- please remove American spellings

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Another great offering from C J Tudor, shades of Stephen King. Some really good characters that take the story along at a fast pace. Lots of twists and turns and red herrings. The conclusion unravels everything beautifully and ends on a high. Compelling Story!

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The Burning Girls is the story of the quirky Revd, Jack (Jacqueline) Brooks, and her teenage daughter, Flo, who are posted to Chapel Croft until a new priest is found. But it’s not the quiet idyll Jack has been led to believe.

When a blank-faced girl shows up covered in blood and an apparition appears in the church, Jack can’t stop feeling a wedge of unease. Especially if an upside-down cross scored into the paintwork of her car — and a flickering light bobbing about in the chapel late at night — are anything to go by. Rural church life didn’t do much for Reverend Fletcher, whether or not he was wrestling with personal issues. I enjoyed the way Jack acquaints herself with folklore — two girls Abigail and Maggie burnt at the stake with six other martyrs in the sixteenth century — and the way she sees similarities in the apparitions. There are too many people in this village with too many demons, especially when Jack’s are about to make themselves known. Tudor has remarkable skill at making memorable characters that stick with you for days afterwards. You worry about them; their safety, their strengths, their weaknesses and their entire emotional arc.

Living inside Flo’s point of view is harrowing at times. Not happy at leaving her school in Nottingham and her friends, she tries to ease into life in this sleepy town with its dark secrets, but nightmares of The Burning Girls continues to plague her. A keen photographer, she takes pictures of higgledy-piggledy headstones which brings her face to face with a burning girl. But when she develops the film, there is no such image. The portrayal of her time at the new school probes the evil side of human nature, and this, weaved through the story, makes for an un-put-downable read. It’s an out of the frying pan into the fire story, which covers a startling amount of emotional territory. With C J Tudor’s witty and engaging writing style, it’s no surprise she’s one of the best authors in her genre.

Thank you to Netgalley, Penguin Michael Joseph UK and author C.J. Tudor for the privilege of reading an advance copy of this book.

#Theburninggirls #netgalley

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I have enjoyed all of CJ Tudors books
But think this is my favourite
Brilliantly written, great plot, plenty of storylines to keep you hooked
Spooky, creepy and unpredictable
Completely unique
and the twists OMG
Just read it

Thank you netgalley, CJ Tudor and Penguin Michael Joseph UK for allowing me to read and review this book

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The Burning Girls is C.J. Tudor's best yet!

Having read and enjoyed Tudor's previous books, it felt to me like this is the novel where she fully embraces her own style over and above paying homage to writers who inspire her. The references to horror books and films are still there, and fun to spot, and serve to illustrate the character's interests rather than feeling cliched but there was a stronger sense of originality.

I won't say anything detailed about the plot, this is one where it really pays to go in blind and let the narrative unravel, feel the tension build, and enjoy the twists.

Two things in relation to characters though; firstly, there is a killer who is deliciously unhinged and capable of inflicting extreme terror, and secondly, I loved the main character who is refreshingly flawed and morally dubious.

I found the mother-daughter relationship realistic and relatable, the village setting provides the claustrophobia of generations of families knowing each other's business, and the supernatural element is suitably creepy.

Perfect for spooky season and those long dark nights!

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