Member Reviews

Never give up and never lose hope! This book was all about following your dreams and I thought it was very inspiring. I liked the characters and the story and the way it all blended. This book is totally an escape from our world.

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I enjoyed this book which tells the story of family, friendship and I loved all the characters in this book.

I would give this book 3.5 out of 5 stars

With thanks to Netgalley & Boldwood Books for the arc of this book in exchange for this honest review .

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Jo Campbell has everything right in her life, she has shares in a thriving pub with her brother, she helps her Mum raises her young foster sister while her Dad is away, and helps a local aging shopkeeper run his shop. She has put heartbreak behind her and is concentrating on putting family behind her, but has a nagging voice in the back of her head telling her she wants more. Her passion is writing, but she is too scared to put her book out to publishers until her well-meaning friend takes matters into her own hands and gives her friend the shove she needs. This is a beautiful and engaging novel that looks at what really matters in life. Romance comes Jo's way but the main focus is on her achieving her dreams and without a man to help her do it! I really enjoyed this and found it a captivating read. I particularly enjoyed the relationship between her and her young foster sister and the focus on the theme of abandonment which was touched on sensitively.

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What a charming and refreshing read, I loved it! I needed something light and easy like this, and now I have a new-for-me author to follow! I loved loved the characters and the close-knit community and neighborhood. I could envision myself strolling down the lane with Clara and my “fancy” coffee and chatting with Harry and the others along the way. The author did such a great job depicting the tone and ambiance, I felt like I was watching a movie or series on TV, not reading a book! Something that really stood out to me was that I was thinking how impressed I was with the creation, development, and portrayal of the main character Jo, and when I read a few lines said by Jo and Ewan describing what writers should keep in mind when creating their characters, it made perfect sense. I had been thinking how consistent her personality was, the way she thinks, the little things she does and mannerisms she showed. The author nailed it! I fully appreciated that it wasn’t the usual storyline and it had a few unexpected twists in there. Great book!

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I thought that this was a good family romance.

The storyline was well developed and this was a book that was filled with feelings and understanding.

I thought that they were great characters that worked really well together too and I loved their interaction and getting to know more about them, their friendships and relationships as the book progressed.

It is 5 stars from me for this one, a well developed story - very highly recommended!

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Jo feels adrift. Her brother Noah, who she co-owns Ivy Lane with is getting married to Libby. Libby owns the book shop and is Jo’s good friend. Jo has written a book but is afraid that no one is going to like it. She eventually emails it to Libby who set things in motion for Jo. In the meantime Lorca the grandson of Harry, who is a shopkeeper on the Lane comes to town. Their meeting is a little rocky but they do start a friendship. I enjoyed this book. I loved the characters especially her younger sister Clara. There is a book before this about Libby buy this book can be read as a stand alone. Thank you to NetGalley, Boldwood Books and Freya Kennedy (author) for the E-ARC. This is my own opinion.

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This book gives you all the feels and leaves you all glowy on the inside. It’s lovely and a hug in a book. This is my second book by this author and I’ve loved them both.

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I read a lot of books from different genres. Occasionally, I come across a book that just feels good. This book was one of those books. It doesn't feel like a block buster read but I sure enjoyed it. It's a quick read that gives some good advice without being preachy. I enjoyed getting to know the characters, they were easy to like. I will read more books by this author.

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Thank you for the advanced copy. A feel good book that I devoured in one sitting. I love reading books like this in the afternoon so I can enjoy getting lost in the story. This was slightly predictable but nevertheless I enjoyed it.
I became attached to the characters and aspects of the story especially the sibling relationship which reminds me of my relationship with my younger sister.

Enjoyed and would recommend.

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A lovely feel good book celebrating friendship, love, family and self belief. The back story of Lorcan and Jo is heart breaking and I loved that they chose to confide in each other about it and felt that instant connection of friendship. The added twist of Ewan was very interesting and I felt it added a lot to the progression of the story and the building of Jos confidence and her and Lorcans relationship. I thought the sibling friendship she had with Clara was beautiful bd loved all scenes with them both in.
A very easy and beautiful read

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Josephine (“Jo”) Campbell is 29, and feels like everyone she knows is on the way to realizing their dreams except for her. She is still recovering from a bad relationship, and now is afraid of opening her heart again. Rejection is also uppermost in her mind with respect to submitting a book she has written for publication. She wants badly to try and publish it, but is too afraid no one will like it.

She works on her novel in the “writer’s nook” at the “Once Upon a Book” bookstore on Ivy Lane, which is where most of her life is centered. The proprietor of the store, Libby Quinn, is a close friend and the fiancee of her foster brother Noah. Jo and Noah co-own and operate the Ivy Inn on the lane. And they all help out Harry, the elderly owner of the sweet shop also on the lane. Harry is excited because his grandson Lorcan is coming to see him, but Jo, while she never met Lorcan, is convinced he must be a selfish prat because he never came to help care for Harry after his heart attack. Rather, the others in Ivy Lane took over his care.

Most of Jo’s non-working time is taken up with her foster sister Clara, only six, who adores Jo and provides a great deal of the love and gratification Jo is seeking. At least she knows Clara will always love her, unlike her previous boyfriend.

Two major changes come to Jo’s life however. One is that Libby secretly sends Jo’s manuscript to the famous (and handsome and single) author, Ewan McLachlan, who is coming to speak at her shop. Ewan makes the incredible offer to help and mentor Jo. The other is that Lorcan, who is good-looking, funny, and not at all what she thought he was, comes to town as well.

The elements are all in place for a plot that, while predictable, is nevertheless enjoyable to read.

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In Pursuit of Happiness by Freya Kennedy

Jo has written a novel and would love to have it published but is struggling to be brave and follow her dream. In this novel we follow Jo as she deals with the trials and tribulations of becoming a published author.

What a lovely story! I loved The Hopes and Dreams of Libby Quinn and couldn't wait to return to Ivy Lane. The characters and community are incredibly endearing so I couldn't wait to reconnect with them all (you don't need to have read Libby Quinn to read this one though - they are novels in their own right too). Very highly recommended and the perfect novel for these challenging times!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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A lovely read about love, family, community, taking risks and second chances. Warm, believable characters. I loved Jo’s relationship with her family and, in particular, with her little sister Clara who I adored. It was interesting to read about someone who dreams of being a published author and the trials, stress, doubt and hope that they go through to get a book written and out into the public domain - I’ve never read a book with this thread before. This book is perfect for fans of Trisha Ashley and I will be looking out for more books by Freya Kennedy.

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I haven't read Libby Quinn even though it's on my TBR pile on my Kindle.

This one and the main focus is Jo, who dreams of getting her book published although she is too worried to put the book out there.

I enjoyed this more that what I thought I was going to and makes you realise to follow your dreams and never give up on your Hope's.

A very pleasant read, good strong likeable characters and a great escape in these circumstances.

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A lovely story about finding and believing yourself and achieving your dreams. It was an uplifting story with fun characters. I especially liked that the way prologue and epilogue was written, very clever

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I received an advance copy of, In Pursuit of Happiness, by Freya Kennedy. Jo is in a rut, though she does not know it. Jo wants to push out of her comfort zone, make changes in her life. Live. This is a really good story, I loved the characters.

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Super cute chick lit book that will make you smile from the first page to the last. A great story with a happy ending.

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