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Friends With Benefits

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This book was a rom-com with a lot of substance! I fell in love with the three main characters, and even with it’s fair share of “JUST TELL EACH OTHER HOW YOU FRIGGIN’ FEEL!” moments, I was hooked all the way through the story. It never got boring and I never stopped rooting for my faves to get together. Loved it!

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This book was perfect. When I requested it on Netgalley, I had just expected a fluffy romance, but this was so much more than that. To really point out how unprepared for this I was, I thought this was a second chance romance, so I spent quite a bit of the book thinking that Daryl and Lexi would get back together. Thankfully, they didn’t!

In any contemporary, you really need a handful of characters that are loveable. They all have to be memorable, and they all have to have a distinct personality. Lisa Swift did an amazing job of that! I absolutely loved Lexi as a character, and Theo is right up there with her. Telling the story from alternating perspectives was definitely a smart choice, because it really allowed me to connect with every character.

Although I shelved this as a romance, the romance isn’t even the reason I loved this so much. No, it was the relationship between Connor and Lexi. I loved how, even though she wasn’t his mother, they had such a close bond. It was touching, and I’d read another three hundred pages about them alone. Even better was the relationship Connor developed with Theo! I loved watching him develop a family, and how they all dealt with their own unique problems.

I stayed up late reading this, so I apologize if this review isn’t the most coherent. What I’m trying to say, is that I loved this book, and if you like contemporaries, you should read this.

Thanks to Netgalley and Lisa Swift for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review!

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"Friends With Benefits", by Lisa Swift, is based on single mom Lexie and her step-son Connor. Despite their close relationship, Connor is now a teenager and needs another man to talk things over with. Enter Theo, Lexie's best friend and business partner. As Theo begins to help Lexie, they start to develop feelings for each other. What begin as a friends with benefits relationship quickly turns in to something much deeper.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This book was both beautiful, heartbreaking, and inspiring. Lexie Whittle has been dealt a rough hand, and yet she keeps playing the game – never backing down from the challenges her soon-to-be ex-husband enjoys throwing at her. But no matter how challenging or dark her life has become over the past few years, two things have remained wonderful: her stepson, Connor, and her best friend, Theo.

This book warmed my heart and kept me wanting more. I wanted to know what else Lexie would be thrown. I wanted to see how she overcame it. And I wanted to see her and Theo happy and together. Definitely one worth adding to the TBR stack for 2021!

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There is way more to this book that what initially meets the eye! It covers some sensitive subjects such as single parents, mental health and sexual orientation. I love the way that Theo and Lexie handle the complexity of a teenager. I read it in one day and thoroughly enjoyed it! That much so, I would have loved an epilogue!

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A friends to lovers romance for Lexie and Theo, but when she has to make a choice, will Lexi choose Theo or her step-son? A great read and I liked the sound of the cafe they run.

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*3.75 stars.
Well written and I loved all the character developments that happen throughout. It dragged on a little bit at some points of the book but overall a cute romance and enjoyable read. Especially loved the relationship between Lexi and her stepson.

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A romantic story of love finding it's way through a complexity of family dynamics.

A widower remarries, but they separate and start the divorce process.

The stepson is closer to his stepmother than his estranged father.

The godfather develops a truly committed deep loving with the stepmother.

With a happy ever after ending in this romance with a marriage, commitment and a baby to look forward to together for future happiness.

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This book was a lovely surprise. As a daughter of a single mother, it was lovely to see such a strong woman like Lexi and her love for Connor. It was a lovely surprise about seeing not only Lexi’s romance development but also Connors, with realising he is also bi and going through this. It was lovely the way his family helped and support him. I liked the story with Theo and his family, would love to have seen even more into this.

Ultimately I really enjoyed this book and felt it was a very quick and easy read.

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
The first half of the book was really good and I liked Theo and Lexie together as well as their relationship with Connor. For me it started to go downhill with the return of Daryl. He's super sleazy from the start and just suddenly wants to have a relationship with his son. Lexie should have been way more suspicious of this change of heart and have an honest conversation with Daryl about what was going to happen. Daryl was given WAY too many chances. He has been an absolutely terrible dad for almost ten years. At the least he was neglectful if not borderline emotionally abusive. I don't understand why everyone was pushing Connor to forgive him so quickly. Daryl very quickly proves himself to be an asshole and manages to be absolutely biphobic/Homophobic, kidnaps his own child against his will, accuses Lexie of brainwashing and improper sexual behavior (after touching her against her will) and attempts to blackmail her. I know there were also the legal issues to consider but Daryl should under no circumstances be allowed in Connor's life. He had a million second chances and blew them, it is absolutely incomprehensible why anyone would forgive him.
The first half was pretty good as I said, which is why the book still gets three stars but the whole Daryl thing ruined it for me.

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There was only one other book I have read this year that took my heart and it twisted it the way this one did - and it was MAGNIFICENT!!!

The book got off to a slower start but then it picked up and kept going until the last page turned over.
The characters were lovable and relatable. Connor with self discovery, Theo and Lexie with discovering each other, they just became this little wholesome family. Sure, they had their issues as well, but you learn something from it, right? I think these guys did. They had a lot of growth, both as individuals and together.
Connor was written the best, I found. I love that after his "self discovery" he didn't just jump face first into it, I love that he was giving himself that time to figure out what it means, and where to go from here.
On a side note, I never wanted to punch anyone as hard as I want to knock Daryl's teeth out.
My heart legit threw up during his Big hissy fit. He uses his child as a weapon against Lexie. Not only that but when he got his chance with Connor again, the first thing he does is break it? I mean, Connor had a point there.
I hate(d) him so much.
The thing I did find a bit unrealistic was the big turnaround point at the end, the big a-ha. Someone like Daryl, with the mindset that he had would not be that easy to convince. Not in that short amount of time.

The Plot is in the alternate POV of Lexie, Theo and Connor - but mainly Lexie. I never found myself confused by it, in fact, in this case, I loved it because I found it was filling the information in that we may have missed with someone else.

This book made me giggle, made me cry and most importantly, filled my heart with a TON of joy, and it is one that I am 100% going to buy when it gets released. I am also going to look into Swift's other work. If her other books are like this as well, I will be a long standing fan of hers.

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for gifting me this book in exchange for an honest Review.

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Hmmm... This was a little surprising and different! I was expecting to read a romantic, sexy comedy but this book’s genre is women’s fiction: stepmother who catches second chance at love with new blooming friendship turns into a sexy, intense relationship and her teenage son who discovers his sexuality, suffering from growing pains,losing his mother and dealing with lack of interest of his own father

This was quite different emotional dysfunctional family story meets friends to lovers romance with steamy love making scenes.

We’re introduced so many amazing characters. Lexie is an adorable, tough, smart heroine whose dreamy life completely changed after her husband left to work overseas and their perfect marriage gets over. Now she stays with her teenage son Connor. They already formed an intimate bond. Lexie sees him as her own son and Connor is true sweet pie! You want to hug him tight, soothing him down.

Daryl’s absence ( the bastard husband who left our gorgeous, sweetheart heroine) is vacated by Theo Blake who is former colleague of Daryl ( even his name is irritating) and The Godfather of Connor. He and Lexie starts getting closer, starting a friends with sexy benefits relationship.

But the bastard decides to return back for good which brings out more angst, tears and heartbreaks into the equation. Poor Lexie has to make Sophie’s choice: she should choose between Theo who is not only her boy toy but love of her life and Connor who is like her own son.

It was different, sexy, emotional, riveting women’s fiction reading. I loved both POVs and conclusion of the story. Normally I was expecting an entertaining romcom which made me a little disappointed but I still enjoyed this reading with the connectable, well crafted characters so I’m rounding up 3.5 stars to 4 motherhood, steamy, high chemistry, poignant, intense stars!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Hera Books for sharing this digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest opinions.

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This was a wonderful read for me. I particularly love the dual plotlines for Lexi and Theo's relationship as well as young Connor's coming-of-age story. It's a heartwarming story that tugs on your heart strings but there were still some funny parts that made me smile. You just can't help but love Connor's character and his unwavering loyalty towards his family. While it wasn't my favourite book of the year, I certainly wouldn't hesitate to recommend this to my friends and family.

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I was a little surprised of where some of the characters storylines Lead..Lexie is a Saint to take on anorther man's child to these length... Clearly conner and Lexie relationships is build on trust and respect... Thoe proves to be the better man in may way compared to Daz. Daz takes things to a whole new level and proves that adults can act like child. The story had alot of depth and angles.

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This was a fun and enjoyable rom-com. It has relatable and likeable characters which cements your enjoyment of the book. The relationships and roles that play out are fully imaginable and have many layers.

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A lovely story with likeable characters and many fascinating relationships. I loved the complex interplay of the parental roles and the son’s personal struggles with his own identity and how it was influenced by his father. I was expecting a light, fun read and it is certainly fun - but there is a lot more substance here than you might expect.

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This book was so lovely to read. Lexie is such a lovely stepmom to Connor and I really liked the way this story was constructed.

I thought Lexie was a well rounded protagonist that you really rooted for and I enjoyed the way the story unfolded. I thought the author did a lovely job of developing the story and I really enjoyed the ending.

Thanks for sharing!

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Another easy to read novel from one of my favourite authors. Families can be complicated and this one certainly is as Lexie single-handedly brings up the troubled teenage son of her soon to be ex husband, while slowly falling for a man she has always only seen as a business partner and friend. When the ex returns from working abroad, wanting his son (and Lexie) back, things turn decidedly nasty, especially when he discovers the secrets Lexie has been keeping from him. Can plenty of talking, common sense, friendship and love save the day? A story of relationships, why they break, and how to rebuild them.

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4.5/5 I really, really liked this one. It filled my heart, made me cry a little and it was lots of fun.

We follow a found family situation. Lexi has raised her stepson, Connor, pretty much on her own. Connor's godfather, Theo, steps in as a fatherly figure more and more and the three of them make a pretty cute family. We get each of their POVs, among which I particularly liked following Connor's perspective.

The love between stepmother and son is palpable and it makes my heart ache. Lexi loves her son to bits, and is such a great parent to him. Connor is such a sweetheart and he's protective of his stepmother. He's experiencing a turmoil of emotions: he's discovering his sexuality, dealing with his absent father and dead mother and he's starting to become a young adult. I also adored how present Theo was in Connor's life, ginving him advice and a father figure.

We also see the relationship between Lexi and Theo unfold quite organically. They go from business partners and friends to lovers, and of course feelings arise. FYI, the story is very PG-13. I didn't buy the romance 100% but it was still fun.

It's important to point out this story leans more to the women's fiction genre than romance, since the romantic aspect is only one aspect of it and in my opinion takes a backseat to the family storyline.

Overall, this is an extremely heartearming story of a found family and I would really recommend it!

Thanks to Netgalley and Hera Books for providing me with this ARC.

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‘Friends With Benefits’ is a friends-to-lovers with ex-drama and child related complications. But it’s more than that. A lot more. And that I think is the whole and soul of my problem with hanging in with this story.

There is so much going on. SO. Much. I consider myself a pretty sophisticated reader but I was genuinely having difficulty keeping track of who was where and when. In fact, it seemed as though the subplot with Connor (the teenaged son) overtook and overwhelmed whatever relationship story was going on between Lexie and Theo as the friends-to-lovers part of this book. Their whole coming together kind of snuck up on me and didn’t have the punch I was expecting. The drama involving the ex Daryl was really shoe-horned into an already jam-packed tale and unfortunately that contributed to putting the book down and walking away from it. I wasn’t steadily turning pages to find out what happened. Even the tick-all-the-boxes satisfying ending didn’t stay with me.

The other issue I had - and this may be a personal thing - but, I found the book to be almost hyper-English in its references. Don’t get me wrong: I do love (and understand) books with those sorts of setting elements. However, in this particular book it was distracting with the ‘spag bol’ thrown in for spaghetti bolognese, and every character interaction cosying up to a Corrie Street kind of turned me off.

Thank you to Hera Books and NetGalley for providing a copy for my honest review

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