Member Reviews

This story is a page turner, but not in the usual sense, I wanted to know if they survived the terror that they ended up in.
Of a family of five, we follow two of them as they journey to survive the evil that is taking place in Germany during WWII. Two sister’s one seventeen and one four at the time they are placed in the Concentration Camp, and they are there because of a religion.
The author makes this read so very real, and the horrors of what happened during this time, linger.

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This one made me cry in several chapters. The faith the sisters displayed was awe inspiring. Together they could face anything but seperated, they had to trust that they could find each other again.

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Rachel and Mindel get caught while escaping to a nearby convent by the local German police and are sent to Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp. They get separated into different camps and will themselves to stay alive until they can be together again.

I really enjoyed this book! My heart went out to the sisters as they endured many hard things. This is a very well-written, emotional read and I couldn’t put it down! The sisters do all they can to find each other, but something always happens to keep them apart. Their hope to be reunited at the end of the war is the only thing that keeps them going. This book gives the reader details about what life was like in the camp. It mentions losses, living conditions, sicknesses, the stink in the air, and the work camp conditions. It reminded me of Ruta Sepetys' books. If you enjoy reading WWII historical fiction novels, you will enjoy this book! It is appropriate for teens/YA readers.

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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I received this through Net Galley and Bookouture for a chance to read this for a completely honest review. Not Without My Sister by Marion Kummerow is an incredible story. This is the first book I have read by this author and I would love to read more books written by her. This was a good book to read of the courage of two girls and their love for each other. I would recommend this book.

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A heartbreaking story of two sisters separated by the Nazi's. This is a story that will stay with you for a long time dealing with hardship and cruelty in the concentration camps but also the courage of those imprisoned. Another great book by this author

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You can't get any better than this author, Marion Kummerow!! Such a detail to history,you can tell as you read so much research has gone into her stories and she is very well known to do this as her grandparents spent time during this time and was kept capture by the Nazis...Marion wrote her grandparents story that's also a must read...two sisters separated as they were taken to the same camp but separated because of age.. 17 and 4,the two sisters spend their time looking for each other and also have the ones they met in the camp to look also... Follow the two sisters story in the camp and what they and others had to go through until they can be released by the Americans or did in the prison,whichever one comes first... The Nazis were a little bit nicer to the very young but they had someone watching out after them and fought to try to keep them fed and keep them clean and in clothes... The little ones don't last as long as adults but they all try in their own ways... Follow this heart warming story and upsetting story as you right through the time all of these people try to survive each and every day and just try to stay alive and find food....beautiful story that will stay with you for a very long push for the two sisters to find each other and to find out about the remaining of everyone's family in the camp...Received from Net Gallery

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Sisters Rachel and Mindel are captured by the Nazis and sent to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Separated, Rachel strives to find her younger sister and ensure they will be together again, against insurmountable odds. Well written historical fiction.

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Not without my sister is about two sisters, who loose their parents and get separated from their brothers whilst trying to flee their hometown but are caught by the nazis. Mindel who is just four and Rachel who is seventeen get captured and are then taken to multiple concentration camps.

The story switches between the two girls showing the pain and suffering each of them went through during their time at Bergen-Belsen. The minute they arrived there they were split up and we then read about each of their experiences in the camp and their attempts to try be reunited again.

The whole story is based on a concentration camp and can be a hard read as it is coming from a 4 year olds point of view. The author based the character Mindel on a photograph she saw when she went to visit the memorial site. The author throughly researched this awful period in history and gave us a well presented and thought provoking story about just how strong minded children can be, Especially Mindel!

We should never forget what happened to all of those innocent people during those times. All the time I was wondering are these girls going to survive whilst during the whole story a lot of people around them were dying. It was horrific and viewing it from children’s eyes made it harder.
I would recommend carry on and read the epilogue at the end as i found out where the inspiration of the book came from and how some of the characters were inspired by real people.

I received this through Net Galley and Bookouture for a chance to read this for a completely honest review

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I finished this one yesterday, but it took me a bit to compose my thoughts. This book was one of the best nonfiction books I've red in a long time that deals with the Holocaust. It's not easy for a writer to convey the pure heartbreak of this time, but Kummerow did it perfectly. I wanted to reach through the pages and hug Rachel and Mindel and all of the others in the camps. They didn't deserve this. None of these people did. I'm really at a loss for words.

I'd also like to point out the fact that the author listed in great detail her inspirations for the story and many of the characters. That's so important.

If you're a fan of historical fiction or even if you're not, read this one. It's one I will not soon forget.

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This story was heartbreaking and bittersweet. It was a difficult story to read, how the people in the concentration camps were treated. The writing is detailed and very atmospheric.
Many thanks to Bookotoure and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I loved this book Not Without My Sister by Marion Kummerow it was so beautifully written throughout. The author Marion had written this latest book with so much depth and love that just took my breath away when I was reading it.
WoW!!! But you will need Tissue so be warned!

This book is heartbreaking story of the courage and love of two sisters living in horrible circumstances in the worst of times of their lives. After years of hiding from the Nazis, Rachel Epstein who was a teenager and her sister Mindel who was a toddler are both deported to a Nazi concentration camp, and forced to endure slave labor conditions. These conditions were bad and they are both separated when Rachel goes into a women's camp and Mindel is left to fend for her herself. All alone, things could not get worse and their greatest challenge was, was both to stay alive. They both need to find the strength and courage to survive everyday and especially to find each other. The greatest fear Rachel had how will she survive especially her sister sho was only a toddler. Hoping someone will take her under their wing, but everyone is looking out for themselves and they all are trying to get through this in one piece. WoW!!!!

I was hooked within the first few pages and I had to sit and read this in two sessions as I wanted to find out of they survive. OMG Where are my tissues.

I highly recommend this book Not without my sister.

Big thank-you to netgalley the Bookouture and author for the advanced digital copy of this book in exchange for my fair and honest opinions.

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Not Without My Sister is an extraordinary historical read. This Marion Kummerow novel explores the power of family.
Mindel and Rachel are sisters who are separated after being put into a concentration camp. The story follows their lives in the camps, as well as their determination to be reunited.
The author spares no expense at illustrating the conditions of the camp and the horrific events that happened there.
This is a heartbreaking journey of two girls, one a teen, the other a toddler. Told all from a young person's pov, the story delves into harrowing situations. Yet, through it all, is also the power of family and the strength of hope and determination. The women who all work to try to reunite the sisters will capture your heart.
I can't say I love the events of this book, cause obviously, I don't.
But the author captured my heart and interest early on and I couldn't stop reading.
Definitely check out this book the next time you're in the mood for a harrowing historical read.

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I wanted to reach through the pages if this book and grab Rachel and Mindel! These two children should never have been on their own especially having to fight after they were separated at a camp. Heartbreaking, heart wrenching, and soul searching describe this book. As a mom, the feelings with this one kind of double while reading it. Lots of emotions here.

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley.

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A moving story that was hard to out down. Heart-breaking to read as this is from a true perspective and you see what children went through during the war.

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This made me cry like crazy you cannot believe how sad I was while reading this book, my heart was in my hands at all times and after seeing the picture of the little girl whom the author got inspired for this book, I think my heart broke even more.

I really get very angry whenever I read about the atrocities the Nazis did to the children, the way they spoke to them, and even hit them like if they were not going to break. but Mindel really was the tip of the iceberg I've never read the story of a kid during the war and this was it.

This is the story of Rachel and Mindel two wonderful sisters with a wonderful family living at their farmhouse without any trouble or care until the War got through their doorstep and the Nazis destroyed whatever was left of their home. Rachel and Mindel were separated from their brothers and family never to be found and this is where their journey begins.

Both are sent to a concentration camp and were separated this is the story of how hard they worked to survive and to finally get together, there was a lot of hunger, they had to steal to survive, they had to do stuff that didn't agree or like in order to survive, they constantly were put to a test with chords or situations that were terrible.

what I love about this book was the strength and the kindness of Mindel she was always trying to be kind and nice, she was innocent and lovable like any child, she was always talking to Paula her doll and that made me even cry harder how can someone that young be treated like if she was the worst enemy of this world.

one of my favorite characters was Laszlo, he was the real savior of Mindle, I love how much he took care of her and how much he was always able to console he and protect her, another great character was Mother Brinkmann, I'm sure she has a very huge place in heaven, she saves so many and gave so much

Not without my sister was a good book but very hard for me to read. the atrocities during the WWll still very much hard to understand and to comprehend how can a human be so soulless and have the nerve to destroy so many lives without even close your eyes.

overall it was a good book, a good story, with great characters, I really would have love to know what happened to Mindel's brothers but I guess not every story has an ending or the right ending.

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Not Without My Sister by Marion Kummerow is a heartbreaking WWII story centering on two sisters, seventeen year old Rachel and four year old Mindel, who are sent to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, but in the process they are separated, leaving four year old Mindel defenseless. Rachel will do everything she can to locate her sister as how can a four year old survive all on her own without the help of an adult. Will Rachel reach her sister in time?

The idea behind this story came to life when Kummerow visited the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp with their temporary exhibition of “Children in Concentration Camps.” Moved by the stories of children and one picture of a young child inspired the premise for this book and the creation of Mindel, which I feel really was the star of this story.

One would think even in the worst of times, being forced into the terrible living conditions of a concentration camp, that no one would just ignore a small child, but this is exactly what Mindel faces when she is separated from her sister, Rachel. It is heartbreaking to read, but Mindel does eventually find a group of small children and a boy, Laszlo, takes Mindel under his wing. If you read Kummerow’s notes at the end of the story you will see mention of some of the games the children played such as “SS or Jew” or “Who dies next.” These are just children and while they are still young they had to grow up in different ways in order to survive the horrors of the concentration camp without really knowing the true truth to the camps.

Not Without My Sister is a short and fast read that focuses on a different outlook than the “norm” stories centering around WWII. Utterly heartbreaking and moving, this story will stick with you after you are done reading.

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My love for Historical Fiction is pretty clear, and this book can be added to the ones that make a real impact.
What makes this story stand out from other ones that focus on concentration camp life is that it’s largely told via the points of view of two children.
Rachel is 17 when her family farm is taken. and she is forced to run with her two brothers and younger sister Mindel who had just turned four. When they are separated, both girls try to find their way back to each other.
While Rachel’s harrowing experiences are similar to those in other stories, I believe this is the first time I have ever read about camp life from a young child’s point of view.
The chapters involving Mindel were both informative and disturbing. It is sickening to think that children that young were targeted with beatings and horrific treatment, and it certainly brings the animalistic nature of the Nazis into harsh light.
But I was also interested in their methods of coping. Mindel’s “gang” played versions of cops and robbers (but instead were Nazis and Jews) and took bets on which prisoner was going to die next.
While it certainly is morbid and dark thinking (especially for a four-year-old!), it is indicative of the spirit that must have been necessary to get through the days however possible.
I also appreciated that the author included real people in the camps that Rachel is in. I don’t want to say more than that, but it lent an air of authenticity and reality to the story. In other words, Rachel’s story wasn’t in a vacuum, but could have belonged to anyone in any camp.
The scenes involving the Orphan Camp and Mother Brinkmann were also touching. They were a good reminder of the goodness of some people, and it was a nice break (albeit often short) to read the descriptions of children acting like children (like the scene with the shoes).
Even if you’ve read several historical fiction books centered on the camps and experiences of people at them (like I have) I would definitely recommend this one for its unique perspectives and message of unwavering hope.

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This book was so sad. It was very hard to put down but tore at my heart. I felt awful for what the sisters were going through but also loved their strength.

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Publisher's Blurb: All they had left was each other. Until the Nazis tore them apart.
1944, Germany: After years of hiding from the Nazis, Rachel Epstein and her little sister Mindel are captured by the Gestapo and sent to the concentration camp at Bergen-Belsen. The only ray of light for either girl is that they are together and have each other.
But on arrival they are separated. Rachel is sent to work in a brutal factory whilst four-year-old Mindel is sent into the so-called “star” camp for Jewish prisoners. All on her own, she has no chance of survival—unless she can find someone to take care of her.
But the only person willing to help is barely older than she is. Will that be enough to keep Mindel alive, until she can find her sister again?
Separated by barbed wire, and treated brutally by SS guards who don’t consider them human beings, can the orphaned sisters ever dare to hope that they’ll find their way back to each other? And to freedom?

This was a beautiful story of the tragedy that was the Holocaust. Often we see the pictures and read stories about the adults. But what about the children who were subjected to just as much torture as their parents just because of their religion?

The author was inspired to write Mindel's story because of a picture which she saw of a child in a concentration camp. After reading the story, I looked at the picture and she looked just like how I pictured Mindel to be. At that age, no child deserved what the author wrote about. Rachel was Mindel's much older sister and, even though quite close to adulthood, was still a child. My heart ached for her just as much as Mindel. Another favorite of mine was Mindel's best friend at the camp, Laszlo. He was so brave and protective even though he was not much older than her.

The Holocaust was a truly horrific time and reading these stories only serve to strengthen my belief that humanity should never be allowed to reach that low point ever again. Reading about the indignities these women endured made me sick.

The author is quite talented and I would definitely read more books by her.

Due to some very disturbing content, I would suggest that this book is read by adults only. There are scenes of abuse, particularly against children, which can be a trigger.

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Fans of The Tattooist of Auschwitz will not want to miss Marion Kummerow’s heart-wrenching historical novel, Not Without My Sister.

In 1944 Germany, Rachel Epstein and her little sister Mindel have spent years hiding from the Nazis. But their luck seems to have sadly run out. When they are captured by the Gestapo and sent to a concentration camp at Bergen-Belsen, the girls cling to one another and hope that they can stay together to endure all the anguish, misery and sorrow coming their way. Unfortunately, their evil captors have got other plans in store for the two sisters whom they cruelly wrench apart. As Rachel is seventeen and deemed to be an adult, she is sent to work in a factory for hours on end while four year old Mindel is sent to a so-called “star” camp for Jewish prisoners.

Rachel cannot help but be worried sick about her little sister. Mindel is all on her own and she can have no chance of surviving – unless Rachel finds her and takes her to a place of safety. Rachel is going to need all of her strength and courage if she wants to give herself and her sister even the slightest chance of a future. But as Rachel spends hours on end working in a windowless and airless munitions factory and handling chemicals that make her eyes sting and her fingers burn, she cannot help but wonder whether she will ever emerge from this prison alive. Yet, Rachel cannot surrender because her sister is depending on her to rescue her from certain death.

With barbed wire keeping them apart and cruel treatment at the hands of SS guards who treat them like chattel, will the sisters ever manage to find their way back to one another and to freedom? Or is theirs an impossible dream that can never come to fruition?

Marion Kummerow’s Not Without My Sister is an intensely emotional and highly dramatic historical novel about love, sacrifice and courage that will make readers cry buckets. Marion Kummerow brings the horror and terror of the concentration camps to startling life and has written a poignant tale of loss, tragedy and triumph that will hold readers spellbound and keep them eagerly turning the pages.

A wonderful story readers won’t easily forget, Not Without My Sister is a superb historical novel by Marion Kummerow.

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