Cover Image: Chasing the Italian Dream

Chasing the Italian Dream

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It's all about second chances which are always good but throw in a little feminism and stir well and you get a delightful read that is full of descriptions - so much so that when you shut your eyes you can smell and taste them too. Thoroughly enjoyed.

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A lovely, light, gentle read . Transported to Italy and given lots of pizza during lockdown - perfect.
Very readable and a real tonic - felt warmer for reading this.

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I could literally smell the coffee, feel the warmth of the sun on my back and taste the pizza and nonna's pasta with rich tomato sauce. All the character's came to life and I found myself wanting to know what would transpire next. The theme was well thought out, making the ending well worth waiting for. A triumph for Jo Thomas.

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Chasing the Italian Dream, Jo Thomas

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews
Genre: General Fiction (Adult), Romance, Women's Fiction,

Sometimes a book ticks all the right boxes but for whatever reason just doesn't fit. That happened here for me.
I went in expecting to love this story but wasn't convinced by the romance, didn't understand how they could let so long go between them when both felt so strongly. I didn't really understand why the need for the competition, but that could be because the women's place in this story felt as if it had come from the fifties.
Maybe Italy in the rural areas really is like that? It just jarred me though, in the same way as yet again that outdated category of Women's Fiction does. Why? Why alienate a huge swathe of potential readers. Men read romance, men write romance...

I wasn't really keen on either main character, Lucia annoyed me so much at times, she was high handed and seemed to see everything for how it affected her. In contrast some of the secondary characters ere really interesting and lifted the story for me. The food descriptions were mouth watering, and I could smell the pizzas, the sharpness of lemons, and the bittersweet Limoncello – I love that stuff. Those parts kept me reading, Lucia didn't. I wasn't convinced by the ending.

Stars: Three, a pleasant read, some good parts even if Lucia annoyed me ;-)

ARC via Netgally

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Lucia while expecting a promotion at her lawyers firm visits her family in Italy for her usual 2 week holiday, where she discovers her grandfather is thinking of retiring. Finding out she is passed over again by a junior colleague Lucia has a rethink about her life. A story about family loyalty, tradition and discrimination. Wonderfully written with twists and turns at every pizza. A feelgood book celebrating women's empowerment. A book to read in one sitting as it keeps you enthralled

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Lucia goes to her grandparents in Italy while waiting word about her promotion in London. Only to find out her grandfather is going to retire and handing the restaurant over to her husband Giacomo. Lucia wants to keep the restaurant but her grandfather says she's can't as it's not the way things are done.

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Smashing story!! Always chase your dream, you never know, it will happen if you persevere!!
Jo Thomas has really hit the spot where a lot of us fear to tread, by 'chasing your dream'!!
This story is about a young lawyer, who had been let down in a couple of ways, & whilst on holiday at her grandparents in Italy it makes her see what she actually wants in life!!
Super story, a real 'getaway' that is truly needed at the moment!!

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'Chasing the Italian Dream' is a summer in a book that you won't forget! With characters that are genuine and easy to connect with, you'll be transported to Italy with such authenticity to live the story as if you're a character in the story too!

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Everything I love in a Jo Thomas story.

European sun, second chances and fresh starts. And food!

A lovely novel, highly recommended to anyone needing an escape.

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Lucia has worked hard as a lawyer in Wales, aiming for a big promotion she hopes will shortly come her way. Finally taking a well-earned break at her grandparents' house in southern Italy, the sunshine, lemon trees and her nonna's mouth-watering cooking make her instantly feel at home. But she's shocked to learn that her grandfather is retiring from the beloved family pizzeria and will need to sell. Lucia can't bear the thought of the place changing hands - especially when she discovers her not-quite-ex-husband Giacomo wants to take it over!

If you are looking for a holiday read or just a book to take your mind off all that is happening in the world, then this book will fill that gap. It is a book about family, love, second chances and most of all food! The perfect easy read.

This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you very much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

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A bit slow at first, but as soon as I read some more I was hooked! Jo Thomas has a fab style of writing that I just love. I enjoyed reading about Lucy and how she was trying to empower other women to join her kitchen and show the men just what they are capable of. A wonderful, summery read.

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Easy to read, nice characters, no great surprises but sets the scene very well and the reader can almost feel the warm Italian sun and smell the fresh lemons...a warm cosy read.

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Imagine the scents and cosiness from your favourite family run Italian restaurant, the garlic, the pizza dough, the warmth and love, the top quality ingredients, and the knowledge you are about to get a good meal.

Well with Chasing The Italian Dream I had the feeling throughout the book, but with the anticipation of a good story instead of a meal.

For this story is homemade, traditional style pizza on a plate, combined with a story that is fighting against the traditions of a small town in Southern Italy, the contrasts between that traditional pizza making processes and also the future - I mean there is a mention of a deconstructed pizza!

It's about the network of Nonna's that are clearly the hearts and brains of their families finally trying to gain some recognition, whereas its normally the men that get the credit.

This is Jo Thomas at her very best, I felt transported to Nonno's restaurant, I could picture it so clearly, and the pull in directions between Giacomo and Lucia, both fighting to be allowed to take over the restaurant once Nonno retires. I could smell the food coming off the pages of my kindle, I felt transported to places I've not been for ages due to this pandemic.

I feel as though I have spent the past day or so in Southern Italy as I was that absorbed in the story and transported between the pages of the book. It's another masterclass of food and travel armchair escapism from one of the best, Jo Thomas! A wonderful book and perfect to escape the misery of lockdown and vaccine side effects.

Thank you to Transworld and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily

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Pleasant, feel goodish read for a relaxing time with either a nice cup of coffee or a glass of wine, depending on time of day, weather, mood , circumstances etc. The original situation for the heroine of the story is sadly still too common in business and the Italian situation sounds as if we have drifted back to the 50’s ....I have no knowledge or understanding of the day to day life in Italy where this may or may not still be the way of life. However as a story it is reasonably forgettable with a somewhat old fashioned ending. Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.

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Lucy (Lucia) is going to be made a partner at her law firm in Wales, it’s everything she has worked for and exactly what she wants.
Or is it. While she’s waiting for the announcement she goes on her annual holiday to Italy to stay with her grandparents. Here she hears the unwelcome news that her Nonno is going to retire from the family restaurant and he has the perfect person to take over
Is Giacomo the right person? Can Lucia do anything to change it.
A perfect read for the beach.

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The perfect book for escapism. Gorgeous setting. The book transports you to Italy and you feel immersed in the culture. Starts with a pacey rush to the airport and then relaxes you into Italian life. Great characters, highlights how women are often overlooked for men in both of Lucia's worlds. Just be warned, you will so so be craving pizza whilst reading this, more than ever before. A perfect spring/summer read. Highly recommend. Loved it.

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Somewhat predictable romance set in Italy but could have been anywhere as the characters rarely left the kitchen.

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A good, light read, with satisfying Italian food bites and the warmth of family bonds and traditions. Easy to read with a satisfying ending. A holiday read, or, if we don’t get to go on holiday during the pandemic, a taste of Italy in your living room.

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I loved this book. I was in tears at the end, but they were tears of happiness that they were back together again. Where they should have been. I could almost feel the heat of the Italian summer and the kitchen where all the glorious pizzas were being made. I loved how so many other women’s lives were changed as well.

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A delightful book from start to finish. This book appeals to the senses, the descriptions are beautifully written and even if you’ve not visited Italy,in your minds eye you can see the places, hear the sounds and almost smell and taste the delicious scents of the foods you are being surrounded with. The characters are charming - our heroine is not annoyingly perfect, she has the same foibles and insecurities that each and everyone of us has. The little Italian town where our story takes place is brought to life vividly and you can almost feel the Italian summer heat rising from the pages. This book is an ideal summer read and whilst you are always rooting for our lead character you also care and identify with the dreams of each and every other one of the characters you are introduced to, and it may well have you considering your own life choices - do you live to work or work to live?

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