Member Reviews

Talk Hockey to Me is a great addition to the Bears Hockey series. While a fabulous read, it has a powerful message. Hunter and Katie were great together and made and enjoyable read while dealing with a hard subject, mental illness. What a great story.

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OMG this book was amazing! I never wanted it to end! Towards the end I was trying not to rush reading because I knew it would be over soon. 😩

All Hunter has ever known is hockey. While in high school a horrific accident killed most of the players in the bus that were headed home from a tournament. He and two of his buddies were the only survivors. It took Hunter a while to continue with his dream of going into the NHL. His agent has always worked hard for him, however, he just had a heart attack and now Hunter’s contract is almost up and doesn’t have anyone representing him. Remembering his old college friend Kate, who played hockey in college and decided to become a sports agent, is a risk since she’s a rookie, but he trusts her.

The last person Kate imagines getting a call from is Hunter. Nothing prepared her for the memories that phone call has instilled where all she can think about is their college trip to Cancun and the wonderful night they spent together. She’s a professional and needs the business. Here she thought she was over him. Kate knows Hunter and she will try to resist him and get him a good contract. It what if she falls for him all over again.

Great book! I give it seven stars!

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I loved this book! Second chance romance, hockey, and a female lead character who actually understands the sport - I was hooked from the beginning. The NYC setting was great and I thought all of the characters were strong and wel-written. The romance scenes were hot, and of course the hockey was awesome. Sometimes I felt like the dialogue didn’t flow naturally, but that wasn’t often. I definitely want to read more of this author!

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Talk Hockey to Me is book 3 in the Bears Hockey series. The story takes place in the hockey world created by Kelly Jamieson. Revisiting this world is the like going home. The characters invite you into their lives and stories. Their stories consume you and have you living in each moment with them.
Talk Hockey to Me is a slow burn second chance romance that is filled with great characters and an amazing story. Kate and Hunter friends in college always seem to be missing their chance and opportunities to be together. A one-night stand while on vacation celebrating their graduation and start of their next chapters is all they ever had.
Hunter contacts Kate to be his sports agent, they are reminded of how much they liked each other in college. The tangible sparks and chemistry fly from the page at the moment they reconnect. Kate and Hunter have a friendship first and foremost. They have a deeper connection than just the physical attraction. You see how their heart and souls connect to one another. Easily sharing their fears and life moments with one another. It created an emotional read with their flirty and witty banter.

The author used flashbacks for character and story development however this is done early on and the story and really helps you to connect to the characters. I very impressed with how the author did not shy away from the hard topics of grief, ptsd and fears. She did it in a way that did not make the story overly heavy, instead she gave it respect and placement in way that created connection for the reader.
Overall, this is the amazing story telling I have come to expect from this author. I love the small glimpses at characters from other teams in her world. (I am still majorly in love with Theo Wynn). This can be read as a standalone but totally worth going back and reading other books by the author.

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“Talk hockey to me” schließt die Bears Hockey - Trilogie ab. In den Büchern dreht sich alles um drei ehemalige Freunde, die als Jugendliche von einem schlimmen Busunfall betroffen waren. In den Büchern findet jeder von ihnen als Erwachsener (die drei sind mittlerweile professionelle Eishockey-Spieler) seine große Liebe und verarbeitet Jahre nach dem Unfall die emotionalen Folgen der Tragödie.

Die ersten beiden Bücher - “Must love dogs … and hockey“ und “You hat me at hockey“ - haben mir beide gut gefallen und daher habe ich mich auch sehr auf den dritten Teil gefreut. Leider reicht er in meinen Augen nicht an die beiden ersten Teile heran.

Dabei fand ich “Talk hockey to me” nicht total mies oder ähnliches, das Buch ließ sich gut lesen und war ganz nett. Aber da ich beim Lesen keinen guten Zugang zu den Charakteren finden konnte, lief die Geschichte ein wenig an mir vorbei. Ich fand beide Hauptcharaktere durchaus sympathisch und interessant, aber ich war nicht von ihnen fasziniert. Dafür wirkten beide nicht echt genug, sondern zu sehr am Reißbrett entworfen.

Blicke ich auf mein Leseerlebnis zurück, so würde ich dieses als durchschnittlich beschreiben. 🖤🖤3/4

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This book is HOT HOT HOT.

This is one of the best romance novels I’ve read in a long time. The sex scenes are great and the characters are even better. Their storyline didn’t feel rushed at all, which is common in romance novels. I loved both characters points of view. Kate is a total badass and it was nice to see a portrayal of women in sports management.

Hunter’s story really hit home for me. I’m not sure whether it was intentional or not but, as a Canadian, I recognized the huge parallels between Hunters story and the Humboldt Broncos bus crash that happened in 2016. I did not see a mention of this in the acknowledgments, but I think that considering the closeness of this story to real life events it is necessary to pay tribute to those who lost their lives in that accident and to their family and friends.

I feel that this book represents the importance of discussion about mental health and how important it is to break down barriers surrounding masculinity, especially in sport.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for something steamy, heart wrenching, and with an actual storyline.

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Hi! It's me who hasn't read the first two books. Not an issue, this is a standalone.

Hunter and Kate were friends in college. They had one hot and steamy night after graduation. He leaves and now it's years later. He's in need of a new agent, and knows she's the best. Drama and some angst along with hot times along with the help of the first two couples and true love wins in the end.

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This is another great addition to the Bears Hockey franchise. Hunter is in need of a new agent and a new team. He remembers his college friend Kate and decides to ask her to represent him.

The sparks they once shared are still there. A second chance at what could have been is in the cards for these two if they will only let down their notions of what acceptable behavior between agent and client might be. The Bears seem to be a perfect match, but Hunter's past with Easton and Josh make him refuse to even consider the offer the Bears bring.

We see a fair bit of hockey in this one. Lots of behind the scenes with getting ready for trades and the draft. The author does a great job presenting PTSD and the issues it plays in every day life. Great addition to the series.

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Lines are crossed and futures are blurred when Hunter needs to hire a new sport's agent just as he is about to become a free agent. Who does he turn to? The one girl from college that he has always wanted but thought he could never have. But when Kate becomes his agent will the instant connection they feel once again come at the wrong time? And will a tragedy from his past keep him from committing to the one deal that will solidify his future? With emotions running high and characters the reader cannot help but fall in love with this was an awesome read. I know need to backtrack and read the others in the series. You do not have to love hockey to love this book!!

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Talk Hockey to Me is fantastic. I loved this one so much. You have Kate the sports agent who really knows her hockey and her way around the industry. Then you have Hunter who is an amazing player yet fighting his demons still from the accident his youth hockey league was in. This is an old friends reuniting to more hockey read that you will love. Kate and Hunter work so well together and have so much chemistry. It is so fun to watch Kate push Hunter just a little when he needs it most. There are a few giggle moments that you are going to love when it comes to Kate and Hunter. The Bears Hockey series is amazing and Talk Hockey to Me just adds to it. You will love as Hunter heals a little more from the accident he was in and reforms his friendships with old team mates. I could not get enough of this one.

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Kelly Jamieson’s third book in the Bears Hockey series, Talk Hockey to Me, is complex, yet when boiled down to the simplest of terms, is a story that has a very powerful message. The focus on mental health is subtle, expertly woven throughout, with signs that very well could be a help to some readers.

Hunter and Katie’s story spans the college years to present day several years after graduation. There are a lot of emotions between the two that they each struggle with, but as they both grow in self discovery it’s easy to take that ride with them...I found it difficult to not form an emotional attachment to both of them.

I’ve enjoyed the stories in this series and link that is shared by the players that is outside of their current hockey careers. I hope there are more stories in this series planned.

This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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This was a fun sports romance. Hunter and Kate had been friends in college where both of them had been star hockey players. But Hunter suffered a tremendously tragic experience a few years earlier and is still having PTSD. Now it’s several years later and he’s a professional NHL player and needs an agent. He reaches out to Kate to be his agent. And so, of course, they also have to deal with their feelings and deep sexual attraction and a few minor complications. It’s a bit predictable, but still enjoyable.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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Oh, my heart. I laughed, but I also teared up. This book does such a good job of dealing with mental illness and also loss. I just wanted to hug all 3 guys in this series, and this was the perfect addition. Just so good.

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Every time Ms Jamieson comes out with a new hockey book, it’s a good day! This is no different. Kate and Hunter had a history starting in college but, unfortunately, ended when Hunter abruptly left. When they reconnected, it was for business. But, it helped that they had some trust between them which only grew while they were becoming closer. I enjoyed this story with Hunter and Kate. I, especially, appreciated Hunter’s realization of how coping with his continuing issues with a tragic episode and how it affects his life and others. The realization that everyone involved in a tragedy deals with it differently and has a different perspective.

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Talk Hockey to Me, is more about the agent side of the sport than it is the actual sport. I kind of enjoyed the other side that we don't see much of. Kate tries really hard to make a go of her job. I love how supportive Hunter is of it.

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Talk Hockey to Me was another great addition to the Bears Hockey series. It was a feel good second chance romance for me. Kate and Hunter had some missed connections and opportunities to get together in college. All they had was one night on a vacation celebrating their graduation. When Hunter contacts Kate to be his sports agent, they are reminded of how much they liked each other in college. Sparks and chemistry fly from the moment they reconnect.

Normally I'm not one for flashbacks, but I loved how they were done in this book. Rather than dispersed throughout the book, Kate and Hunter's college days were done quickly toward the beginning and helped set up the romance. The story in the present was just as powerful. Kate and Hunter's friendship felt real. I loved how they bonded over their shared love of hockey. They also had some fun banter. What I adored most of all was how they were able to share their deepest fears and shortcomings with each other. Their strong friendship made their romance stronger. 

I mentioned the fears above. Hunter had been through some stuff that fans of the series will understand from the previous books. I loved how even though it was darker and sadder stuff, the book didn't feel darker or sadder. It felt more like an awakening for him. Also, don't let this put you off starting with this book if you haven't read the previous ones. It can be read as a standalone. 

So, yeah. I just really enjoyed reading this book. It kind of felt like it might have been a conclusion for this series, but I hope not. I want more books in this hockey world.

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Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Holy Hockey Pucks! Loved this book! Hunter is an Unrestricted Player looking for a trade, and a new agent. He is a sweet, caring soul, suffering PTSD from a horrific tragedy, (which I believe is loosely based on a real catastrophe).. Kate, a strong woman battling the glass ceiling in the men-only universe of sports agents, takes him on as a client. It is a predictable story, but sweet and lovely.
I think what really made me love this book, because it wasn't predictable and it didn't portray it as sweet, was the tragedy Hunter experienced and how he dealt with it.. The subject of PTSD and the resulting mental health issues weren't sugar coated, they were portrayed as raw and biting, just like the real world.
And if you are a hockey fan, you are going to love the incredible amount of information regarding rookies trying to get into the NHL, the league inside, and the ongoing battle of players to stay relevant.
Through it all, Kelly treats the subjects and storyline with sensitivity, caring and respect.
This book gets my 5 stars. If I could I would give it 10!

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This was the third book in the series and while predictable it was still a fun read. I appreciated that Kate was an athlete herself and a strong female character.

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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