Member Reviews

K.L. Slater is back on top form, an addictive thriller that had me hooked from start to finish. Fast paced, great characters and a well written plot make this an entertaining read.

Kate Shaw’s world crumbled when her husband Michael stepped in front of a lorry after being questioned by the police. Michael was spoken to by the police concerning the disappearance of a young woman named Suzy Baros.

Following Michael’s death Kate feels compelled to seek the truth and prove her husbands innocence, not only for her but their six year old daughter.

This novel is typical of K.L. Slater’s writing, fast paced, addictive and full of twists and turns.

I would like to thank both Netgalley and Bookouture for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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The Widow by KL Slater
I give this book 4.25 stars

I stand at Michael’s funeral, clutching my little girl’s hand, as I insist to all our friends that he died an innocent man. Yet the questions have started and the Police are digging.
To keep my daughter safe, the last thing I need is for people to start looking at me…

A fantastic page turner about family,relationships,a terrible event and personal dilemmas.
This authors writing style always manages to pull me in with a great storyline,tension and pace. It’s told between present day and 2019 mainly by Kate,but we also hear inserts from Irene and Jakob and Nottinghamshire Police.
Go read this book,it will make you wonder….what would you do to protect your child?
With thanks to Netgalley,KL Slater and Bookouture for my chance to read and review this book

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A psychological thriller with some twist and turns that had me hooked from the first page.
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I always enjoy the books by this author but I'm starting to think that maybe they are starting to be churned out too quickly. This book was good, but it could have been great.

The plot was interesting, and I enjoyed how the Polish story and the one happening in the UK intertwined. There were a lot of emotional things happening, and yet I just didn't feel it in the writing. The main character was supposed to love her wonderful husband and yet when he died she didn't seem that bothered. Yes he had been accused of some bad things and she was starting to have her doubts about him, but we were told that they had had nearly 20 happy years together and she seemed to get over him remarkably quickly!

I love multiple timelines but dates need to add up - I don't understand how Aleks could have been conceived in December 2014 and yet be the same age as six year old Tansy in December 2019. I think with a bit more thought and a tighter edit, this book could have been something really special but as it is, I will probably forget it within weeks of reading.

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My thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for a copy of “ The Widow” for an honest review.

II have so many books to review on my Kindle but ,I must confess, as soon as I get the chance to read a new one of K L Slater’s, they go to the top of my list.!
Her books never disappoint, they are well written and absorbing.Her characters are always well rounded and believable.
I am so pleased that Slater seems to release books quite often ,and they are consistently suspenseful and of a high standard.
Can’t wait for the next one !

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I've read and thoroughly enjoyed many books by this prolific author- so much so that I keep coming back for more. No disappointment this time around, either; she's whipped up another winner in my book.

Kate and Michael are the happy parents of 6-year-old Tansy; their daughter is best friends with Kate and Michael's best friends Donna and Paul (the latter of whom is something of a philanderer). For several years, Michael has worked as the property manager for major landowner Irene Waldbridge, an elderly widow in her 70s with health issues. New to the village is a Polish immigrant Suzy Baros, a single mom who is glamorous and secretive. One tragic day, Michael - who's been acting a bit strangely of late - jumps in front of a lorry and is killed.

Needless to say, Kate is devastated, especially since Michael's death is ruled a suicide. What on earth would prompt him to take his own life? In short order, Kate learns that he may have had even more secrets than Suzy; in fact, he's been tied to her sudden disappearance. The local police, led by Detective Inspector Helena Price, begin to investigate, bringing even more implications that Michael wasn't the upstanding, loving husband and father Kate knew and loved.

But although Kate has many questions that remain unanswered, she vows to get to the bottom of the situation - if for no other reason than she doesn't want her young daughter to remember her dad as some kind of monster. That poses quite a challenge, though, especially since Suzy still hasn't been found and just about everyone else in the town has started shunning Kate in the belief that she somehow knew what kind of person he was all along. There's even speculation that he somehow was involved with the disappearance of Donna's younger sister several years earlier and another male Polish immigrant who's also suddenly gone missing. Mix in questions over the roles, if any, that the nefarious Paul and seemingly innocent Irene play in everything that happened and it makes for an exciting adventure I really hated to put down come bedtime (and in the end, I stayed up another half-hour or so just to get it finished). Thanks once again to the publisher, via NetGalley, for allowing me to read and review a pre-release copy. Loved it!

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After a slow and somewhat tedious start, the plot took off and the author brought everything to a satisfactory conclusion. The characters were not particularly likeable and the friends and villagers were painted as real piranhas.

I appreciate this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, Bookouture, in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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A young mother has gone missing and police are circling in on Kate’s husband Michael as the culprit, when he is hit and killed by a lorry. Kate knows her kind, devoted husband could never do the things he is accused of… would he? As the evidence seems to be piling up against him, Kate will stop at nothing to prove Michael’s innocence and protect her young daughter’s memories of her loving father.

This is an outstanding read (par for the course for this author!) and I tore through it in less than a day. Twisty and turny, the plot throws some curveballs just when I thought I had things figured out. So good!! K.L. Slater never disappoints!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing me an advance copy of this book.

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3.5 stars

Kate Shaw surveys the police activity on the Wadebridge Estate, Lynwick in Nottinghamshire where her husband Michael has worked for the last twenty years. Does it connect to several missing persons inquiries, the most recent being Suzy Baros who has recently moved to Lynwick from Poland with her son Aleks? The story is told from several perspectives including Kate’s.

KL Slater always writes a book with many twists and turns and this is no exception although this isn’t her best book in my opinion. The community of Lynwick is portrayed extremely well with all the petty rivalries, suspicions and tensions especially when there is an attractive newcomer like Suzy. There are several relationships under the spotlight here and these are conveyed well. There’s a growing and deepening mystery surrounding several characters which adds to the growing interest and intrigue. Towards the end there are some surprising revelations which make sense of strange, out of character behaviour where it’s clear there is a lot of strain.

However, I find the start to be convoluted, it’s clunky and disjointed and there’s some extraneous detail which although it gives the reader a clear sense of place it doesn’t add much to the plot. The pacing is uneven, we get some juicy nuggets and then it goes off the boil.

Overall, I enjoy it but I don’t love it like I do with other books by this author. It’s a decent read but I guess I’ve grown to expect a more pacy, exciting read from this talented writer.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Bookouture for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

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Kate has the perfect family. A loving husband and a precious daughter, who’s best friend is the daughter of Kate’s best friend. But after a newcomer to their village goes missing everything changes. The Widow has great twists that you don’t see coming, however the story is slow moving and at times feels too detail heavy. Overall it was a great story that kept me guessing throughout.

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The Widow by K.L Slater

The story starts in a village and the getting to know the characters . Some are friendly towards each other , and others are kept at arms length due to past indiscretions .
It takes a turn for the worse and secrets unfold.
The plot is gripping , at times shocking , and edge of your seat suspense. Once again the author has come up with another brilliant story that keeps you up to the wee small hours . Great ending.

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The Queen of twists is back. OMG! I can't believe how many twists this book revealed. It's one hell of a roller coaster ride and in parts left me gasping and holding my breath. I LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT. It has fantastic characters who all have their own secrets and demons to fight. I wanted to dive in the pages and save little Aleks, I adored him, what a strong character he is, he just wants to protect his mum and keep her secrets close to his heart. Kate the protagonist has a heart of gold and I really formed a bond with her. I was dying to know how this book would end and what a SHOCKING, BRILLIANT, UNEXPECTED ending it was. All the twist were phenomenal and I really really hope a TV producer will make all of Kim's books into prime time drama's, that's how good Kim's writing is, she knows how to draw a reader in and keep them enthralled until the very last page, she's like a magician and her books put you in a trance until the last page is read and all the secrets are revealed. I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to NETGALLY & the brilliant team at BOOKOUTURE for allowing me to read this ARC. It's a seriously good book and I really appreciate it.

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Indeed, very unexpected twists and turns in this book that will keep you mostly wondering what is going on. But nothing too-far fetched that sometimes makes me itchy...

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the book.

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“The Widow” is so good! Intense, clever and heartbreaking! It really makes you realise that you can never really know a person no matter how long you think you know them.

I have enjoyed the two days spent reading this, truly an awesome experience. I hope everyone could get a chance to read this book. Totally worth it. 5 stars! No doubt!

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This author never disappoints and I just loved and devoured this book in one session. It was brilliant and the ending pure genius.

It was just so engrossing.

I was give an advance copy by the publishers and netgalley but the review is entirely my own.

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Good book! Wow lots of twists and turns in this one! This book had suspense, action ,intrigue, and a great who done it! Well a few great who done its! Lol this book was definitely a twisted tale! I definitely recommend reading this book! Its well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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Kate is left shocked and grieving after her husband Michael dies... what makes it worse is that he was questioned by the police about the disappearance of a woman, before stepping out in front of a lorry. Is this a sign of his guilt? Kate was sure that Michael was devoted to her and their young daughter, but now questions everything. As others also begin to ask questions, Kate finds she will do anything to protect her daughter from being made to believe her father was a monster... whatever Kate has to do...

Another gripping thriller from K L Slater that keeps you turning the pages until the end. Full of shocks, twists and turns.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of the book in return for my honest feedback.

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Firstly thank you Netgalley for this ARC. What can I say it kept me awake needed to finish it. So many twists and turns just gobsmacked it take thriller, psychology to another level. Outstanding page turner of a book

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