Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book, and found the romance to be so sweet and heartwarming I literally went aww in places. However, my one criticism, which is also why I couldn’t recommend this book to anyone, is the ending; the ending just suddenly appears and what feels like you have a chapter left to go, turns out to be the last couple sentences, because yes that is literally how long the ending is. It feels as though there’s a lot left unsaid and unfinished, and as though an epilogue was planned but forgotten about

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This was such a quick, easy and cute read. I couldnt put it down, it was heartwarming and funny and a nice lighhearted read. I really enjoyed it.

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The premise of this drew me and it was an interesting enough but the characters did not grab me in the way I had hoped. Lanie as the main character started off well but reaction/ over reaction to meeting Noah put me off her. It kind of soured the development of the chemistry between the two leads as she seemed to make snap judgments about him based on the idea she had her head of who he should have been rather than who he actually was. Even for a slow burn I felt there could have been a bit more romantic connection. (Overall 2.75 ⭐️)

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'By Any Other Name' is a clean romance with a great premise. Lainie's boss has decided she's not coming back to the office after finishing her maternity leave, so Lainie is now the sole point of contact for reclusive romance author Noa Calloway. Which is great! Lainie loves Noa's books and they've been email friends for the last seven years. Not so great, Noa has writers block. And then Lainie finds out Noa is actually Noah. Que the romance!

This was a really enjoyable read with some cute characters. Lainie has a few stumbling blocks but works hard for what she wants and really enjoys her work. Noah is a dreamy romance lead with his own issues. The author deals delicately with the idea of a male writing under a female name, and the wider implications of that. rather than sweeping the issue under the rug. I also really loved the ending and the details that went into making New York so atmospheric. It would be really easy to retrace Lainie and Noah's exact steps as they move through the city.

What I didn't enjoy were the characters around the two mains. There's a lot of depth to Lainie and Noah but Noah's aunts and Lainie's friends are clearly there to say their lines and not much else. Lainie's friend Meg especially annoyed me as she seems to spend most of her dialogue complaining about the perils of being married and having children as if when the marriage is over the romance is too.

If you focus your attention on the well-rounded main characters this is a really fun, sweet story. You just need to contain your expectations whenever someone else shows up.

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The premise of the book drew me in and I enjoyed this lighthearted, easy read. I loved the emails and connections to the 2 MCs correspondence over 7 years. The reference to the title of the book was also well done. I loved the concept of the book that was being written by Noa and the excerpts had me wishing it to be a real book. What I wish there was more of was romantic scenes as a couple between the two, what happens after he comes out as Noah and their working relationship after as a good round up for the reader. While it is pitched as enemies to lovers, I don’t think there was that given that they were friends for 7 years and essentially had a an argument due to circumstances. The 7 years aspect can be further expounded on to make it even better.

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Everyone knows I’m a sucker for a romcom, and this was no different.

Except this book isn’t just about romance, it’s about life’s journey, family and societal expectations all wrapped up in the shape of Noa Callaway.

I physically couldn’t put this one down, it’s well written and all of the characters are likeable and wholesome.

It’s a book about finding yourself and your voice - and being willing to use it.

I absolutely loved it, and can’t recommend it enough.

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Although the premise sounded absolutely my cup of tea, my expectations were not met; Kate's novel reads quickly, but is lacking both on the character and the plot development departments.

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Lanie is a successful romance editor, who has recently been given the chance to work with her biggest inspiration: Noa Callaway. Noa is currently going through writer's block and it's up to Lanie to try and get her to submit her manuscript on time. Lanie and Noa have been exchanging emails for years, but have never met. When they meet, Lanie discovers that Noa is actually an attractive man called Noah.

I was drawn to this book initially by the premise. I liked the characters and storyline, but I would have liked a longer second half, or more development of Lanie's relationship with Noah, especially for a book marketed as a romance.

[Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review]

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Lanie is an editor, a profession she was drawn to after reading the first book by Noa Callaway. Now she is the editor for Noa, but finds out that Noa is actually Noah. As they spend time together she falls for him, but who is he really?

A great read! I would have liked something from the point of view of Noah or an epilogue though.

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I flew through this book. It was a slow burn so I kept turning the pages to find out what was going to happen. I would categorise this as a closed door romance. If you are looking for a quick easy book then pick this one up.

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