Member Reviews

3.5/5 stars

Thank you Netgalley and Kodansha for an eARC in exchange for a review.

This lighthearted, slice of life manga focuses on a woman who finds a tanuki but thinks he's a dog. I really liked how light the story felt and short each of the chapters were. I really think that the tanuki's personality shined with his actions and his little pen and notepad. I do think that some of it requires some willing suspension of disbelief because if you think about how easily these people have been tricked by the tanuki, it makes the characters seem a bit dumb.

Side note: it reminded me of the editor in Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun who wanted to add tanukis into every manga that his authors were producing.

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Thank you NetGalley and Kodansha for the eARC of this upcoming manga, With You and the Rain (volume 1 in specific)
My opinion is purely my own.

This manga was so lighthearted and just the perfect starter volume which is definitely needed during these hard times. This sweet tanuki manages to convince everyone - besides the one cat guy - that he is a dog and it is hilarious. I love the female protagonist and how nurturing she is towards a tanuki who can literally write on a notepad and cut cake with a fork. My favourite story in this slice of life manga was when the protagonist goes into a store for pen and a notepad and straight up tells the cashier that it was for her pet.

Overall, I loved this manga and it's one of the sweetest books I have reviewed this year.

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This was just alright for me. It didn’t really capture my attention but the extremely short chapters and almost slice of life stories were easy enough to get through in one sitting!

This is about a girl who finds a stray “dog” which is actually a tanuki who likes to write to her on paper. But she strictly sticks with that he’s a dog to everyone including herself. It was cute! I’m not sure I’ll continue on with the series but I’d recommend this if you need something light and cheerful!


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Thank you NetGalley and Kodansha for providing the e-ARC in exchange of an honest review.

This manga is about a woman who found a tanuki in a box and adopted it. What's amazing about this tanuki is, first: it insisted that it's a dog, and second: it can do many task, like taking care of the woman or conversing by writing in a notebook. The art style is neat and really cute which helps the readers to enjoy the story.

There's something that attracts me to this manga. I love how the woman hardly express her feelings but somehow she feels connected to the 'dog'. And they take care of each other so well it makes me wishing for a pet of my own! I also like how the manga shows that pets can be your companion and bring sweet moments in your daily life. This manga is definitely for slice-of-life manga and pet lovers!

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Ok, this one looked really cute, and the art was really nice. This is a title where it was supposed to be funny, and I just found it awkward. This tanuki convinces this woman. and everyone around them, that he's a dog, not a Tanuki. It just makes this woman look like an idiot to everyone around her, and I didn't like how that made me feel.

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I didn’t really know what to expect with the manga and that was a good thing. We follow a young woman who meets a dog/tanuki and decides to adopt him. The manga consists of many (23) short chapters about how the dog and the woman are adjusting to and living with each other. They are very likeable. There is also the little girl (the neighbour) and the vet that I like very much. I wonder if the story is going to evolve or if we’re just going to continue to look at their everyday life.
In terms of drawings, I think the style suits the story well. The lines are quite round which makes it very cute.
I recommend this manga if you’re looking for a story to bring a smile on your face.

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I loved this manga. Everything about this manga is what I want out of manga. It's charming and funny, with a lovely sense of heart. I laughed out loud at certain gags, and I just enjoyed the experience of reading this. The art is gorgeous and the writing is wonderful. More licenses like this, please.

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Gracias a Netgalley por el envío de una copia avanzada a cambio de una reseña honesta.

Este comic es la representación de la cotidianidad y la ternura. Con ilustraciones simples, nos retrata la vida de una mujer que adopta a un zorrillo, que es muy inteligente y capaz de hacer cosas por haber sido entrenado.

A través de dibujos se nos presentan escenas de la vida diaria, personajes no tan relevantes pero que sirven para el desarrollo breve de los protagonistas.

Una historia entretenida y dulce.

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Thanks to NetGalley, Kodansha and the author for providing an e-ARC of this manga in exchange for an honest review. All the opinions expressed in this review are my own.
With You and the Rain is the perfect manga to relax with on a rainy day when you just want to shed your worries. There is no major conflict (at least in this first volume) and instead the story centers around the two main characters and their daily life, interactions with their neighbours and family and other regular activities.

While I normally do not read slice of life stories, this is definitely one that I needed after a stressful day. It's also a great break from any heavy reading you might be doing! The art style alone is reason enough to read With You and the Rain.

Overall rating: 5/5 stars!

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This was a sweet and gentle "slice of life" manga, that while it didn't have any overarching dramatic storyline, it flowed gently like a calm brook in a green forest, with light rain pattering all around from a light grey sky.

Very relaxing and cute set of vignettes where a woman and a rescued off the street "dog" (really a magical tanuki, I want one now, SO CUTE!) live a quiet, gentle, happy life, going out, visiting with family and neighbors, casual and calm, no real stress or conflict.

This was a great palette cleanse for me after a really rough book about WWII.

I would recommend this if you need to relax and don't want any stress, just something sweet and simple that won't take forever to read. The artwork is beautiful and calming as well.

3.5 rounded up to 4, calm and soothing, stars.

My thanks to NetGalley and Kodansha for an eARC copy of this book to read and review.

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THe manga was cute but kind of boring. She finds an animal in a box that claims to be a dog but looks like a weird racoon like thing and just goes with it. She brings it into her life with no questions asked. She notices all the super intelligent behavior and just brushes it off as a smart creature. It makes no sense. There were no hints or anything given to show that the plot/story will progress at all in further volumes.

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This manga is utterly adorable. Tanukis are just plain adorable and this one is a bit of a smartass too. This is a wholesome fluffy manga that's so enjoyable.

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"If it looks like a dog and acts like a dog and insists it's a dog, it's...a dog? Probably?"

That's basically the plot of this manga. It's an 'a piece of life' story, which follows a woman who finds an animal on the streets. The animal itself thinks it's a dog, and the woman just goes along with that. Whether it's actually a dog... who knows?

The story itself is really simple, nothing much happens, but the tanuki is just absolutely adorable, and you can't help but fall in love with it as the story progresses. It's probably not something I'd recommend people to pick up if they're just getting into manga, however as a quick read it's fine.

Overall I'll give the story 2.5 stars, because nothing much happens, however I'm rounding up because the art style is really nice, and I truly enjoyed looking at it throughout the entire volume.

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It's a manga! About adopting animals! To be precise, it's about a woman who adopts a tanuki who can more or less communicate through writing (a talented pup!) and claims to be a dog. The manga's composed of 23 tiny chapters that are just super sweet, and drawn in a very pretty style that I would normally associate with slightly older manga. Because of all that, it reminded me of With a Dog AND a Cat, Every Day is Fun.

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This is one the most heartwarming manga I have read in a long time. Plus, the artwork is absolutely gorgeous! I highly recommend this series to everyone!

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This is such a cute book. No Nikaido made it possible to read, learn, be entertained and awed by this flawless book. The tanuki was not only cute and adorable, but also showed that you can be anything you want to be. He said he was a dog, so he became a dog. A cat? No problem! I’m not sure if that was supposed to be a lesson within the book, but it really stood out to me. That if you just put yourself on the line and give it your all, anything you say you are, you can be. The illustration was phenomenal! The details were beautiful and full of life. I loved the little side notes to pictures that let you know small information that was within them. Now time to wait for volume two!

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It was a refreshing, total comfy story about a girl and a... well her new pet friend. I liked for the lightness and the tranquility and the humor

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With You and the Rain, Volume 1
by Ko Nikaido

With You and The Rain is a charming, wholesome slice of life vibes type of a manga that is simply the story of a young woman who comes across a tanuki on her way home and brings it home. Tanuki–actual animals perhaps better known as Japanese racoon dogs are popular creatures in Japanese folklore and even animation, they are known for their mischievous natures and troublesome interactions with people. The tanuki which is passed off as a pet, a dog settles into his new home hilariously and is well loved by most.

This manga is a shorter, slower paced fun read that should be appropriate for all ages. The artwork is gorgeous, reminding me of polished shojo manga and I loved getting to know all the different characters in the neighborhood, from the little girl next door, the protagonist’s parents and the local vet who is not convinced he’s an actual tanuki.

All and all, this manga may not be for everyone: especially those who are looking for a heavier, more layered read with a story with more life and death stakes. And that’s fine. There’s plenty on the manga shelves for them. This is a simply low-stakes, fun and pretty wholesome read that brings just enough to the table for those looking for something lighthearted, which may be the escapism, distraction and fun you may be looking for. I’m hoping that the second volume is released soon, so this first volume doesn’t get buried in the many manga releases we readers get month to month–⅘ stars!

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With You and the Rain is ADORABLE! I would love to have this book in our collection, but it is not available in print or through cloudLibrary. I'm so disappointed that I won't be able to put this book in the hands of readers. :( When I started reading it, I had no clue that it was digital only through Amazon. Such a disappointment.

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This was so cute and adorable!! I was able to read it in one sitting. Some chapters were so adorable, they made me smile as well. I really want to know whether he is a dog or something else. Highly recommend it if you are looking for something slice of life and cute. Looking forward to reading more of this manga!

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