Member Reviews

This is an interesting read.
Based on a true story The White Rose Network is about a group of students from the University of Munich who distributed leaflets against the regime of the Third Reich.
Sophie joins her brother Hans and his friends to fight against what was happening in Germany and we learn what led to her being questioned about her involvement.
This is a well researched book which really brings the situation to life.
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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This well-crafted historical novel is a fictionalized account of the life of Sophie Scholl (1921-1943). Scholl, along with her older brother Hans, and a handful of friends, formed an anti-Nazi resistance group called the White Rose. Mostly University of Munich students, they published and distributed leaflets across Germany, denouncing Nazi war crimes and calling for massive civil disobedience. In an afterword, the author says that the wording of the leaflets, and Sophie's testimony at her trial, in the book is verbatim. Just before her execution for treason, Sophie said, "Such a beautiful day, and I have to go...But what difference does my death make if our actions arouse thousands of people?" She was 21. Later that year Allied planes distributed the last White Rose leaflet across Germany,

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Reading a good fiction book about a historical figure is about as close as you can come to bringing them back to life. It was clear to me that the author did very careful research, and she managed to weave it into Sophie’s character seamlessly. While I was reading The White Rose Network, I felt like I really knew Sophie as a person.

While I know less about the other members of The White Rose Network, I found them all to be equally endearing. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever swooned so much over a fictional (well, not entirely fictional) character as I did over Shurik. The Russian-German brooding bad boy is based on the real student of the same name.

Anyone who knows the history of Sophie Scholl knows that the story is equal parts riveting and heartbreaking. I really felt that Ellie Midwood portrayed Sophie’s story in a beautiful way. This book is as much about her as it is about the acts of resistance she and the other students perform. Midwood did not overdramatize the story by focusing solely on the action. much

I could go on and on with all the positive things I have to say about this book, but simply put, this is a beautiful portrayal of Sophie Scholl’s story. While I also recommend that you look into some nonfiction about her life, this book is a great read if you’re looking to get a more personal look at this remarkable figure in history. Sophie was such an inspiring person, and it certainly comes through in Ellie Midwood’s portrayal.

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Sophie arrives in Munich in 1942 to attend the university while living with her brother, Hans, who is in school to become a doctor. While there, she meets her brother’s friends and becomes immersed in their silent rebellion against Nazi Germany and the oppression of Hitler’s regime. Together, they begin The White Rose Network and publish underground pamphlets that are distributed to those at the university to get them to see the other side of what the Nazi propaganda is putting out about the war and what the Fatherland is out to accomplish.

Fast forward to 1943 and Sophie finds herself in custody for being caught with pamphlets along with her brother. The Gestapo investigator, Robert Mohr, feels in his gut that she could not possibly be guilty, or perhaps it is his own doubts about Hitler and his ideals clouding his judgment.

Midwood’s novel takes us through the events that lead to the apprehension of Sophie and Hans. The knowledge of the resistance within the borders of Germany is not one that I have learned much about over time, but how Midwood presented it helped me to understand how much propaganda influenced not only those in Germany, but what is taught in history classes. Yes, we hear about the resistance in other countries, but WWII Germany - not as much. I admired the blunt courage of Sophie’s character and the heart of Hans and Willi. Christoph fought for a better Germany for his children. I felt the character of Alex had his own story that wasn’t fully explored in this book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for this amazing book

the white rose network a group of resistance fighters sophia and hans scholl, brother and sister who along with alex started the resistance with the aim to enlighten the german people that if they all did their bit the war could come to an end

they had many a following and reading this true story was shocking in its extreme, the way they were trying to enlighten all and hide from their own compatriots who were offered money to bring their identities forward

its well written and leaves you a little deflated at the end knowing how it really ended but it wasnt in vain their sacrifice

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I thought I had seen it all when it came to World War II novels. They’re all strikingly similar, yet surprising and satisfying nonetheless. Which is why the remarkable plan by Sophie at 68% needed to happen right away. I’m talking chapter one or maybe even a prologue. I’m honestly shocked I’ve never seen a storyline like that anywhere else before. It’s daring, controversial, a tad sinister and just what I needed to keep me from DNFing this novel. Truth be told: I came close.

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Germany 1942-1943

In the face of evil the bravest will shine...thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action.

This is the incredible true story of Sophie Scholl, a rebellious German girl, who risked everything to lead a revolution against Hitler’s regime. Moving to Munich to live with her brother she felt lucky to attend the university. Along with the same thinking students Sophie became sympathetic to the resistance movement that was slowly taken form among the students. Liberty and freedom was the group’s vision and soon The White Rose Network was in action making pamphlets and secretly delivering them and as they reached farther and wider audiences, Sophie became bold and taking risky decisions...till one day it all came crashing down...someone reported Sophie and her brother Hans to the Gestapo.....

What a heartbreaking story that moves between the group’s activities and Sophie and Hans arrests and trials in 1943. The characters are so realistic it feels as they are beside you narrating their experiences. Alexander Schmorell, Hans Scholl, Willi Graf , Christopher Probts (real people) also play outstanding roles in bringing to life scenes that I simply got caught up in. The history and storytelling flows beautifully and meshes with skill. This is a very moving novel of young people risking their lives for the greater good and by far not an easy read. From the start we know most will not survive the war and most will suffer a terrible ending.

Ms. Midwood is one of my favourite historical fiction authors. Her stories are so riveting and well-done it is hard to pass on them. Kudos to you Ellie for bringing us moments in history told in ways that are not only informative but very captivating.

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"Somebody, after all had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare to express themselves as we did" Quote by Sophie Scholl during her court case
Each time I read an Ellie Midwood novel, I think its my favourite. This one is no different She writes her stories with such passion that you cannot fail to become emotionally involved in the story. Her characters are all strong, resilient and passionate about their cause and she brings their history to life.
In a change from her books about Auschwitz this novel concentrates on Sophie Scholl and her fellow resistance members of The White Rose Network based in Munich during World War 2. Sophie was a student who joined her brother Hans and his friends in denouncing the Nazi regime. The book centres on their story but also Sophies interrogation after her arrest.
Many thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this advanced copy, I am under no obligation to leave my honest review

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My Life for Freedom

What a courageous story. This is a story of young students of "The White Rose Network". In the face of great danger they print and distribute leaflets in resistance to Hitler's Nazi regime. They work toward drawing other's into the resistance in a quest to free Germany from Hitler's hold.

Sophie wins the battle to attend college and joins her brother in Munich who is studying to be a doctor. He introduces her to his friend Alexander. She and Alexander are soon a couple and it is not long until she discovers Hans and Alexander's resistance movement called "The White Rose" and becomes part of it as well.

Sophie and Hans Scholl, brother and sister refused to bow down to the Nazi authority. They tirelessly worked to resist in every way they could. As they were arrested and carted off to jail they were smiling as they watched the students scooping up and reading the leaflets they had just distributed.

Even under pressure in an interrogation room or in a prison cell they never back down. Sophie even tries to recruit her interrogator to the side of the resistance. They hold their heads up high and they are proud to give their lives in the cause for freedom.

This is a book of courage and of hope. That there is always resistance even in the most regimented of societies. There are always those willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice to be free.

I enjoyed reading this book and I do recommend it.

Thanks to Ellie Midwood for writing yet another wonderful book, to Bookouture for publishing it and to NetGalley for making it available to me.

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A wonderful and heartbreaking story. Definitely a must-read book. Beautifully written. Easy to read.

This is the one book that confirms that no revolution can be made without women's presence and commitment. I do not doubt that and I will be forever grateful for the message spread on these pages.

Thank you!

📑This ARC was granted to me through NetGalley and approved by Bookouture in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

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The White Rose Network is a true story about a group of students from the University of Munich, specifically Sophie Scholl and her brother Hans, who defied the thinking and beliefs of the Reich at the time and printed subversive material and distributed printed leaflets for revolt within Germany itself. This was a story I was not familiar with and am so thankful that Ellie Millwood wrote such a beautifully written and masterfully researched book for all of us to read.

Ellie Millwood is one of my absolute favorite WWII authors. The way Millwood navigates through a story has you riveted from beginning to end. I always look forward to reading another of her stories and watch for them as they are released. I believe her books are a must read for historical fiction lovers.

Thank you to #netgalley and #bookouture for allowing me to read the ARC of this book. All opinions expressed above are my own.

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The White Rose Network is an emotional WWII novel based on true facts. University of Munich students, including brother and sister Sophie and Hans Scholl, organized the White Rose Network. The intent of this group was to distribute anti-Nazi papers as a means to educate others on the brutal and evil treatment bestowed on people by Hitler's regime. This book describes how the young and brave students help to fight injustice, and in doing so, give the ultimate sacrifice. Thanks to author Ellie Midwood, Bookouture, and NetGalley for providing a copy of this book for an honest review.

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This book isn’t the usual book I go for, but after reading the description I knew I had to read it. I wasn’t disappointed. The White Rose Network weaved history and thrills to craft a story full of twists and turns and adrenaline. The characters leapt off the page as fully formed people and by the end of the book, I was quite sad to say goodbye to them. Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and author for a chance to read and review this book!

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This is the second Midwood book I've read, but unfortunately I couldn't get through this one like I did the first. I was confused from the start and it felt a lot like info dumping in the first couple of chapters. While I don't doubt that the rest of the book is probably fine, I just couldn't get past the initial confusion and overwhelming chapters!

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The White Rose Network is based off of the White Rose Society, initially a student group, but a group that quickly turned into a large resistance network in Nazi Germany.

I enjoyed these courageous people and there resilience . I loved this story and I definitely recommend

Thank you to netgalley and bookouture for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

All thoughts and opinions are my own and are not influenced by other reviewers

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A brother and sister attend university and join the White Rose network which creates and distributes literature against Hitler.

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Ellie Midwood's "The White Rose Network" is a fictionalized account of Sophie Scholl's involvement in a student resistance against the Nazis in WWII Munich.

When Sophie arrives in Munich in the Spring of 1942 to study at the university, she has no idea that her brother Hans, his best friend Alex, and their fellow students have started publishing leaflets denouncing the Nazis. Sophie, despite being engaged to a Wehrmacht solider, is already a rebel, being one of only ten percent of women allowed to attend university. Her family do not support the Nazi regime, so it is natural that Sophie joins their group, called "The White Rose" and begins writing her own tracts.

Midwood uses contemporary sources and actual quotes which demonstrate the bravery and conviction of these students. Sophie's refusal to condemn the others to save herself, despite the best efforts of her Gestapo interrogator to get her to do so, shows that, even in evil times, there are good people, and it is worth it to try to change things.

It's not an easy read. You know not all of the group will survive the war, and there are definitely uncomfortable parallels to the political climates in several places. The content is rich, though, and Midwood brings each person vividly to life.

4 out of 5 stars.

I received an advance copy from Bookouture and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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As with all of Ellie Midwood's books, I was brought to tears. Always have a box of tissues at the ready when reading one of her novels. She writes vivid, poignant, accounts of real people, real heroes in the most horrid of circumstances, bringing them to life before your eyes. As with the other novels I have read written by Ellie Midwood, I found myself transported back in time until I was there with Sophie and Hans in their little apartment, plotting their next rebellious act.
Sophie moves to Munich to live with her brother Hans and go to college, a privilege very few women were granted during the Nazi reign over Germany. Sophie knew just how lucky she was to have this opportunity and intends to make the most of her time at university. Sophie didn't count on Hans' friends and of becoming sympathetic to the resistance movement slowly forming among some of the freer thinking students at school. Sophie quickly becomes caught up in the fight for liberty and freedom of speech taking many chances. The group calls themselves the White Rose and they start off by making pamphlets that they secretly deliver to the student body. Always looking for a way to spread their word farther and reach wider audiences, when they hear of the execution of the Harnackjs, a resistance network couple who had ties in high reaches offices of the Nazi government they reach out and make contact with remaining members.
I loved this book as I have loved every one I have read by Ellie Midwood. Her characters come alive, and the stories they tell are so sad, but wonderful in celebrating the resiliency of the human spirit. To know that these people were real, they actually lived and breathed the same as you and me, but they were so much more. They didn't look to become heroes, they weren't looking for fame or fortune. They were living unending nightmares and somehow through all of it they managed to survive and under extraordinary conditions they prove that good triumphs over evil and that there are some things no one can ever take from us.
I have said before I think everyone should read Ellie Midwood's books. If you like reading fictional accounts of real events and people, heroes of WWII, then her books are for you. They will grip you from page one and never let go. I highly recommend this book and all her Galley for the free ARC, I am giving my honest review in return.

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5 young students standing up to a tyrant, to a regime that kills anyone who stands in their path. 5 20 somethings who decide to take a stand for their country. A true story of lives cut short for standing upto freedom of everyone in Germany during the Second World War. I hadn’t heard about the White Rose Network before this book. And I wonder what was it that led these girls and boys who had their whole lives ahead of them to take so much risk and perish. I feel bad for them and wonder what their families must have felt. Was their sacrifice not too much? I’m conflicted but this book really was something that added another layer to my understanding and knowledge about the second World war.

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Historical fiction lovers don't want to miss this emotional 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ read!

"The White Rose Network" by Ellie Midwood brings tears to your eyes. Reading about Hitler's brutality grips your soul due to the cruelty endured throughout this time in history. According to the author, "The White Rose Network" is fiction based on the accurate account of Sophie Scholl's life. She lives on in history as one of most courageous women to fight against Hitler's regime during the 1940's.

Sophie parents despised living in times ruled by Adolph Hitler. Sophie's father Robert spoke out regularly against the regime, was arrested, and later freed. Sophie grew up strong willed and is determined to fight like her father against the injustice.

Sophie meets a very handsome young man named Alexander. Sophie and Alex form a lifelong bond of love. Together they find a group and embrace a mission to right the horrific wrongs of those being persecuted by the Nazi political control. They form the "White Rose Network" in a secret underground location. Standing up against the Nazi's is extremely dangerous. This is the emotional story of their brave fight.

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the honor of reviewing this stunning book. I appreciate reading about the outstanding life of Sophie Scholl as told through the brilliant writing of Elle Midwood. The book will be published February 9, 2022.

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