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Love on the Brain

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Ok so I think we can all safely say that we have Ali Hazelwood books all over social media. I myself have The Love Hypothesis on my TBR. So when I saw Love on the Brain was available to request of netgalley I jumped at the chance. And I’m so glad I did. I will be definitely bumping TLH up my list now.
I can’t say I’ve ever read a romance with a science setting.
I was hooked from the very first page until the very last. I can’t remember the last time I read a book so fast. It was addictive, adorable, swoon-worthy, cute with a bit of a steamy side, nerdy and down to earth characters, and funny banter.
At first I wasn’t expecting the like the science side of the book, there was a lot of science in the book but as the book progressed, I found myself invested in Bee and Levi’s work just as much as their relationship.
Bee and Levi’s relationship developed throughout the book and I loved every second of it. I loved the fact that Levi was the one to hide his crush from Bee for all these years. He is such a sweet, and caring man.
Love on the Brain is one of my fav books of 2022!

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I adored The Love Hypothesis, so I was super excited for Love on the Brain. It was a lovely romance - I could see where it was going from the beginning but that's not a bad thing. It felt like the perfect example of a romcom in a book - a combination of You've Got Mail and When Harry Met Sally. Sometimes, though, it felt a bit rushed - I wanted the romance to be drawn out more. I also could see a lot of similarities with The Love Hypothesis, which also isn't a problem (they are the same author, ofc!) but for one particular bit it felt a bit same-y. Otherwise, tho, I adored it!

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This book made my heart flutter and made me fall in love even more with Ali Hazelwood's writing and capacity to craft incredible stories. I loved Bee and Levi with my entire heart, and seeing strong women in STEM just feels amazing!

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Ali Hazelwood's The Love Hypothesis had been hovering in my TBR sights for a while, and I hadn't got around to reading it yet, but then Love On THe Brain appeared, and I read it in literally six hours, and I believe I shall have to remedy the not reading her first book, ASAP!
Whilst I am not up on STEM and all it entails, I love a bit of girl power, and this definitely had some strong females in the book!
Bee is the main protagonist in this, a woman in a man's world who is fiercely pro-Marie Curie and all she endured and succeeded in, in that scientific male-dominated world.
She gets the chance of a lifetime to work alongside another team at NASA on a massive Neoruengineering project which could really get her name out there. However, she has to co-lead with Levi, her arch-nemesis from Post-Grad days. Her extremely tall, built, good looking arch-nemesis.
Enemies to lovers, kinda.
Extremely saucy when the heat factor gets notched up, too, I'll have you know!
Then there is a cat. And who doesn't love a cat? Well, actually, there are two.
Right, let me go and get that first book...
Thanks to NetGalley and The Little Brown Book Club for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Can't I just forget that I read this book and start it all over again?

I read this book almost a month ago and I just want to reread it so badly! Ali Hazelwood is so talented! I couldn't put this book down and read it in almost one sitting - almost, because I needed to work...

As always, I love Ali Hazelwood female characters. They are smart, fierce, beautiful in and out. And the male characters... I'm sorry, I was supposed to be faithful to Adam but Levi is... everything.

I love both characters; how they interact with each other, the evolution of their relationship, but also all the daily life. I prefer romances that are not only focused on the romance but also on how the characters grow, their life because it feels more realistic and I feel closer to them.

Love on the brain is sure a book to read and I truly believe that it will have the success it deserves! Thank you Ali Hazelwood for your romances, the beautiful messages you convey through your books.

I highly recommand it to you if you like ennemies-to-lovers, science, and of course beautiful true love!

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Bee's dream job comes with a serious catch - she's co-leading with her grad-school nemesis, Levi. Bee doesn't know what she did to make Levi hate her so much and she's completely stuck on how she's going to lead with someone who won't answer her emails and seems intent on seeing their project tank, her career along with it. So Bee turns to her radiation-wielding idol in a lab-coat/wedding dress and asks herself, what would Marie Curie do?

This novel was filled with ghost-cats, Star Wars, and cemetery rescue-missions. There were plenty of funny misunderstandings and brilliant secret identities (one of my favourite tropes). The romance was swoon worthy, delicious and so, so good.

It is also filled with cool stem facts - I learnt so much about the brain! Like The Love Hypothesis, it's also another great novel about women and representation in STEM. I loved Rocio - she was such a great side character and her lines were really funny.

I was really worried I wouldn't like this as much as the Love Hypothesis, but I didn't need to. Love on the Brain is every bit as addictive and fun. Ali Hazelwood has definitely become an auto-buy author. I started reading this as soon as I was approved and finished within a day because I couldn't put it down.

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Thank you to Netgalley for the eARC.

I haven't read any of Ali Hazelwood's other books, despite them being on my radar for a while now, so I was very excited to read this book. And, oh boy, it did not disappoint.

Is this the most unique book? No. Was the plot a bit predictable? Yes. Did we care? Absolutely not! It was clear from the title page what this book would be about and what would happen, and I love it.

Our protagonist is Bee, the loveable and quirky neuroscientist, who wields her humour and wit to help her deal with her archnemesis and work colleague, Levi Ward. Levi hates Bee for a reason unfathomable to her, because of course all of those lingering stares surely signify hatred.

This was a high enjoyable, funny and heart-warming book. The main characters have their respective issues that they are working through and it was wonderful to read how they were able to (eventually) work together to create beautiful science. There was a part near the end of the book that seemed to jump the shark but, then again, I may be wrong and someone American might be able to enlighten me on how easy it is to purchase a gun.

My only criticism, and why this does not have a 5 star rating, is that I do not think this book will stand the test of time. There were too many pop culture references and meme-like jokes for this book to remain relevant in 10 years.

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I am utterly obsessed with Ali’s writing.

Love On The Brain was a hilarious, wickedly intelligent and addictive read.

Bee was an incredible character - I want to be her friend. She was clever, cool and a total Marie Curie Fangirl through and through.

I am obsessed with this super smart rom-com that makes me wish I was a STEM-goddess too (alas, my talent lies with bookstagram and books not brains and biology).

How amazing is it that there are finally books that highlight how damn sexy it is to be smart?!

Love On The Brain will undoubtedly bring the smiles, the science and the smarts to be your next five star read!

Please note I will not publish my full review publicly until the week prior to release.

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I am absolutely OBSESSED with this book!

I had to read it in one sitting because Ali Hazelwood’s writing is addictive.

Her characters are brilliantly written, flawed and human which makes them relatable to all readers. Bee is a brilliant female protagonist, and she goes against the mould in the best possible way.

I laughed out loud so many times when reading Love on the Brain, it’s witty and charismatic. The story itself is well thought out, and the romance is mind blowingly good. I was swooning chapter after chapter!

Bee’s love for Marie Curie is also a highlight, proving that girls can have a healthy interest in things and women in STEM are a necessity.

Ali Hazelwood, you’ve done it again. A fun, heartwarming read that I cannot wait to read again and again. PERFECTION

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Bee is a neuroscientist trying to get ahead in her scientific career whilst dealing with a male dominated environment, a horrible boss, and echoes of a failed engagement. Things start to look up, however, when she lands the lead role on a career changing NASA project. Until, that is, she comes face to face with an old nemesis, Levi, who will actually be co-leading the project with her.

Sparks start to fly when they start working together, and Bee realised that the person she has thought hated her for all those years may not hate her after all…

This is a really fun book. I really enjoyed the STEM background having had a career on a similarly male dominated environment, and chuckled a few times at what Bee says/experienced as all too realistic. The insights into neurology were well placed and informative, and I thought the twist at the end well plotted.

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Ali Hazelwood is such a gift to the romance genre! I am so thrilled that this book even exists, and it has instantly become become on of my all time favourites.

Bad ass scientist Bee is moving across the country for an exciting new job. The only problem is that the Co-lead on the project is a man who hated her in grad school. Hijinks ensue!

This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet, spicy ... chock full of characters that I adore. I already want to devour it again!

I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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All the unrequited longings
For cat lovers
Brain waves to the heart

I dove into Love on the Brain and stuck my nose out out of the book to sleep overnight, then emerged the next morning with coffee to complete it and I am absolutely buzzing about these characters and story. Academia, NASA style was such fun to read this academic, some relatable aspects and puns I appreciated but the world was realms away from mine and I loved it.

Levi Ward, His Wardness, Dr Wardass, despised me.

Levi seemed to put the arse into hole but there were definitely misunderstandings about his character. His early hate was fun to read but the change in his interactions with Bee were all consuming to read. Bee was quirky and lovely, a small fainting package with a quick wit and broad shoulders taking on the misogyny in this world. I could totally relate to sausage referencing, I was laughing so much at that and many women will relate in their work and personal lives.

With Levi present, his team tends to agree to my suggestions more quickly - a phenomenon known as Sausage Referencing(TM)....the better-regarded the man, the higher his Sausage Referencing(TM) power.

The plot was really engaging. You don't have to have any interest in neuroscience to enjoyit, but it was still a fun background to the project, the co-working and the more. When hump(s) in the road hit, I got that clawing feeling in my gut, I was so damn invested in these two.

Ali Hazlewood has written a superb follow up to The Love Hypothesis, I love them both equally, just as I find I adore her way of writing, her wit and skill with dialogue and characterisation. I will devour anything she writes.

Thank you to Little Brown UK for the early review copy.

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For the past two days, all I have done is work, eat, sleep, and READ this book! Ali Hazelwood has my whole heart when it comes to contemporary romance novels - especially non-conforming, totally independent STEM females.

Ali Hazelwood’s character development is amazing, and really knows how to make you fall in love with the characters. For me, it is so important to build upon a character’s back story and the journey that brought them to this current moment - and she does that perfectly. Bea is such a fleshed out, vibrant, and truly lovable character. Her love for Marie Curie makes her such a relatable character, which is a very important aspect for me when reading contemporary romance/fiction.

And then there’s Levi - oh Levi, why do you have to be a fictional character?!? I fell in love with him, and his relationship with Bea INSTANTLY. I love a good “enemies” to lovers trope, but this was the perfect amount to the point where it was easy to believe why they had such a deep resentment to one another. I know some people aren’t a fan of the miscommunication trope for enemies to lovers, but it is the one that makes the most sense realistically.

I just want to protect Levi with my whole entire being - I loved his backstory, and how Ali Hazelwood created a male love interest that was hyper aware of his personal flaws and how he actively set out to improve them.

The perfect amount of spice, and the perfect amount of fluff. 💕

I am beyond excited for the release of this book, so that I can squeal about it from the rooftops! I will be recommending this to EVERYONE, because it is a must have on everyone’s reading list for this summer.

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This is one of those books that makes me feel all gushy inside. With constant 'aw' and 'you go girl' moments, Ali Hazelwood has done it again with Love On The Brain.

With such likeable characters, and clever, witty story lines this book has a way of drawing you in and making you devour it instantly. (24 hours for me!)

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This was everything. I loved this book so incredibly much. It was a delight from beginning to end. The banter, the quirkiness, the tension... I didn't want to stop reading, yet I wanted to savour it at the same time! If this one isn't on your radar yet, be sure to include it! Without doubt the best romance of 2022.

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It has been a week since I finished this book and I am still thinking about Levi Ward.. He is definitely my newest book boyfriend!

I loved the science/NASA setting and all the delicious tropes we received! Bee gave a fun perspective, albeit clueless when it came to Levi's feelings!

This was a HUGE step up in "spice" from The Love Hypothesis and I am grateful for it. It was just the right balance. Get ready for this title to be everywhere, because it will be bigger than Hazelwood's last success.

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5 stars
I can't even begin to explain how much I loved this book. Once I started it I couldn't put it down. Levi and Bee were amazing. I loved their banter and how they "played" off each other. It was entertaining and I couldn't get enough of it.

This book is a standalone and like Ali Hazelwood's previous book, this book is based in the science field, while it can be technical at times, I wasn't lost or I didn't want to skim over it. It was engaging and I loved the passion the writer has for this topic. It was well thought out and it was clearly visible that Ali knew what she was talking about. There are a few twists and turns that I genuinely couldn't get enough off.

Overall I highly recommend this book!

A massive thank you to NetGalley and the author for a copy of this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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THIS BOOK. This book guys.

It’s amazing ! I was waiting for this one so badly and I totally fell in love with Bree and Levi. They are so cute and the story is well written. I’m so happy I got to read this one and I can’t wait to have the copy.

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Love on the Brain was a fun contemporary romance standalone. Ali Hazelwood is a new author to me and I really enjoyed this funny modern day romance! I really liked the setting as it was completely new to me and a great change to my usual!
Bee is a quirky, funny woman who is very independent and had quite a sad childhood. I liked her inner monologue and her quirky banter! I laughed out loud at a few things which is always a bonus for me!
Levi comes across as a broody moody guy but there was so much more to him and I really enjoyed learning about his past. The two of them together made for some really cute interactions and I enjoyed the scenes were they were together most.
My only gripe is that the book features a trope I really struggle with, which is miscommunication.
There were a couple of steamy scenes in the book which were done well and kept with the tone.
Overall I enjoyed this fun stand alone.
3.5 stars for me.

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4.75 stars
Having really enjoyed The Love Hypothesis but not being the biggest fan of the male lead in it, Adam, I was really excited to read Love On The Brain. And I easily loved Bee and Levi's story so much more.
Is there misunderstanding? Yes. Is it predictable at parts? Yes. Do we immediately know that it's the two of them conversing on Twitter? Of course. But it is so, so good.
I loved the You've Got Mail vibes with their back and forth. And the steamy scenes were *chef's kiss*.
I also empathised with Bee and her fear of getting close to people, especially in a romantic way. We also share low blood pressure and a propensity for fainting. I also liked that she wasn't your typical cutesy girl.
Levi was a great male lead and I liked their chemistry, even when they apparently 'hate' each other.
The representation of women in STEM and calling out the archaic rules and realities of what it's like for women, especially in this area of work.
The only things stopping me from giving it 5 stars; some of the science talk could alienate parts of the audience. I understand that this is from Bee's POV but some of the jargon definitely went over my head (and the specific sections of my brain mentioned many times throughout the book).
I also wasn't a huge fan of how (spoiler alert) things ended with Guy. I did enjoy the reveal but him using a gun and what transpires there felt a little bit OTT.
But this was such a great rom com/romance book and I will be recommending this to everyone.
I'm also really excited to read the three novellas that Ali Hazelwood is releasing this year too. She's easily become an instant-buy author for me because of this book in particular.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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