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Beyond the Moonlit Sea

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Having really enjoyed Julianne MacLean’s last two books I jumped at the chance to read her newest title. But to be honest it took me awhile to decide how I felt about it. Overall, Beyond the Moonlit Sea was a good book. The storyline came full circle by the end, I guess I just didn’t love the “story. “

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I really loved this book and read it fairly quickly. Was afraid it would have a far fetched ending that would cheapen it for me, but it didn’t. A fun read. Thank you NetGalley for pre release copy for honest review.

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Julianne MacLean ist eine amerikanische Bestsellerautorin, die mehr als 40 Romane bislang veröffentlicht hat, und ich muss leider gestehen, ich kannte sie bislang gar nicht: Für mich klang der Klappentext super vielversprechend, hier gings um einen Pilot, der über dem Bermuda-Dreieck spurlos verschwindet, und ich gestehe, das war mein Schlüsselwort – ich finde alles rund um das sagenumwobene Bermuda Dreieck höchst spektakulär und dramatisch. Also, das Buch wollte ich lesen!

Und ich schicke voraus, ich rezensiere auf deutsch und hoffe, dass sich auch viele deutsche Leser inspiriert fühlen, sich an das englische Original zu wagen!

Hier kurz der Inhalt: Wir sind in New York, 1986. Der Psychiater Dr. Dean Robinson, aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen stammend und in einer sozial schwierigen Umgebung aufgewachsen, trifft auf Olivia Hamilton, Tochter aus einem der reichsten Häuser des Staates. Es ist Liebe auf den ersten Blick, es sind die ganz grossen Gefühle. Olivias Eltern sehen das etwas anders, aber nichts kann das junge Glück aufhalten, und nach einer recht schnellen Eheschliessung zieht das junge Paar nach Miami. Mit Unterstützung von Olivia sattelt Dean noch mal um und erfüllt sich seinen Kindheitstraum: er wird Pilot und arbeitet erfolgreich in einer Fluggesellschaft, die sich auf reiche Privatkunden spezialisiert hat. Fast täglich fliegt er in den Gewässern über Nassau, und eines Tages soll er von einem Auftrag nicht wieder zurück kommen….sein Flugzeug ist verschollen über dem Bermuda Dreieck.

Olivia ist untröstlich, vor allem, als sich herausstellt, dass sie schwanger ist.

Jahre später – sie ist schon längst wiederverheiratet und führt ein glückliches Familienleben mit ihrer Jugendliebe Gabriel – steht die Polizei vor der Tür. Es wurde in den Wäldern vor New York eine weibliche Leiche entdeckt. Die Tote, so stellt sich heraus, war Melanie, die Ex-Freundin von Dean, und eine Expertin im Bereich der Quantenphysik mit dem Spezialthema Bermudadreieck. Und Olivia muss sich fragen, ob sie wirklich ihren ersten Ehemann so gut gekannt hat, wie sie dachte, und vor allem: ist Dean tatsächlich tot? Was ist wirklich damals passiert? Was hat es mit Melanie auf sich?

Spannende Themen, interessante Konstellation.

Der Roman ist abwechselnd aus der Sicht von Dean, Melanie und Olivia geschrieben, wobei das Hauptaugenmerk auf Olivias Leben und ihrer Sicht der Dinge liegt. Wir sind also ganz nah dran an den Protagonisten und begleiten Olivia von 1986 an, als sie 24jährig sich in Dean verliebt, bis weit in ihre 50er.

Und das ist jetzt so ein wenig auch mein kleines Problem mit dem Roman: ich fand die ersten zwei Drittel extrem faszinierend. Es gab eine tolle Liebesgeschichte, die mich richtig gepackt hatte, und ich habe mit allen dreien mitgefiebert; mit Dean und seiner Herkunft und seinen Träumen, mit Melanie und ihrem Päckchen, dass sie mit sich herumträgt, und natürlich mit Olivia und ihrer lebendigen und positiven Ausstrahlung. Und die Dramatik, als Dean verschollen ging. Das war mitreissend, spannend und emotional. Und dann liess irgendwann der Spannungsbogen nach – wir begleiten Olivia und ihre Lieben auf ihrem weiterem Lebensweg, und ja, es kommen durchaus noch ein paar interessante Verwicklungen und kleinere Twists, aber im Grossen und Ganzen war für mich irgendwann die Luft etwas draussen. Da waren für mich ein paar Längen drin, das zog sich ein wenig.

Nichtsdestotrotz, das ist Jammern auf hohem Niveau. Die Geschichte war spannend, flüssig geschrieben (auch für Nicht-Muttersprachler: der Roman liest sich sehr gut weg!), und es war mal was anderes.

Was man vielleicht noch anmerken sollte: das Hauptaugenmerk hier liegt nicht unbedingt auf dem Krimi-Anteil, sondern bei der Lovestory. Bzw, generell bei der Liebe. Das ist das Thema der Autorin. Die grossen Emotionen sind ganz Ihres. MacLean war vier Mal für den (Romance Writers of America) RITA-Preis nominiert und hat zahlreiche Preise gewonnen, sagt ihre Bio, und das merkt man. Die Romantik ist ihr Metier. Und ich meine das positiv, mich hat es abgeholt, ich hab den Herzschmerz aller Beteiligten mitgefühlt 😊.

Also: Bitte lesen!! Es lohnt sich!

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The year is 1990 and Olivia and Dean are happily married. They want to start planning their family and are so excited for it. That night Dean flies a private jet and disappears in to the Bermuda Triangle

In 1986, Melanie is a researcher and studying why planes goes missing in the Bermuda Triangle. She goes to a counselor, Dr. Robinson at the advice of her school in the midst of her thesis paper preparation.

From here, there are so many twists and turns, this book kept me on the edge of my seat to figure out how it was all connected!

Thanks so much to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own.

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This is a story full of secrets, lies and plot twists. It follows Dean, a pilot and coward haunted by his childhood, his wife, Olivia, who is likeable, if a bit naive, and Melanie, a particle physicist, with a lot of issues. Their stories converge when Dean disappears while flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Olivia, is desperate to find out what happened to him and desperate to find him alive. But you know what they say: “Be careful what you wish for!”

The story was gripping from the start and the characters are well developed. The story explores themes of family, childhood trauma, interfering parents, love, loss, and grief. It was also easy to form strong opinions about certain characters.

I’m not sure whether this book was a romance, thriller or mystery. Either way, I really enjoyed it, even though it was somewhat predictable. Julianne MacLean certainly comes up with some interesting plots.

Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This started off really strong for me, but as I got into the multiple perspectives, it dropped off. I definitely enjoyed one narrator more than the others. It also caused the story to become a bit predictable. I was really hoping for a more suspenseful read. The writing seemed stilted and slightly juvenile at points considering the age of the characters. The plot became improbable. I’ll admit I skimmed chapters just to get to the end.

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When I started reading, I figured it would take me a few days, but I read this book in one sitting. Forget work (I have a flexible part-time schedule)! I was engrossed. I didn't want to come up for air.

Surprisingly enough, while I was reading (and even now) I didn't think the plot itself was that amazing, but I was so invested in the outcome for the main characters that I literally did not want to put my tablet down.

Julianne MacLean never disappoints.

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This ARC was provided to me via Kindle, Lake Union Publishing and by #NetGalley. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

A contemporary, well crafted, perfectly paced story.

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This book kept me guessing what was going to come next. It was not a straightforward romance or mystery or relationship fiction. Instead the plot twisted from one to the next which kept it interesting.
Jumping through time and perspectives we learn about a man who is a therapist going through a very rough patch in his personal life, and a woman who has just lost her husband. Hoping for the happily ever after for both of these characters the book takes us on a journey.
I was not able to relate to the characters the way that I wanted to. I hoped for them all to have more depth, and growth. Even the Bermuda Triangle mystery which seems to be a huge plot point sort of falls flat. I would recommend this book to someone who needs a good hook to bring them in, but is ultimately looking for women's fiction that explores all the twists and turns.
I received this book as an Advanced Reader Copy so that I could provide an unbiased review. Thank you to the publisher and author.

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Do not start this book before bed, because you won't be able to put it down to go to sleep. This book absolutely enraptured me and I found my heart even beating fast during certain parts. I highly recommend this book!! Such a captivating book about one man's double life and his wife's dedication to finding out the truth of his disappearance.

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This was such a good book ! It brought tears to my eyes at times and other times I was so happy for olivia, the main character who's husband Dean disappears on a flight . It was a love story and a mystery in one. I highly recommend this book

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I really enjoyed this novel. It had key elements for me; told in the first person, relevant and flowing storyline and relatable characters. I LOVED Olivia. Despite her high-ranking upbringing, she was noble, down to earth and incredibly likeable. The story had a quick pace, but still included rich details without being too wordy.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this fascinating novel. It is well written and I found myself unable to put it down many times. I loved learning more about the Bermuda triangle, there were some interesting aspects that I was not aware of. The plot was fast paced most of the time and kept moving and kept me interested because I had to find out how these two women were connected!

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the e-ARC. All opinions are my own.

Olivia Hamilton is happily married to Dean, a charter pilot. One night after taking a client to their island home, he and his plane disappear over the Bermuda triangle.

Melanie Brown is a struggling physicist who is trying to get her thesis project back on track when she starts seeing a therapist and eventually falls for him.

Olivia, Dean and Melanie's lives are intertwined no matter how much they know or do not know.

I thought this was a lovely book and while I kind of guessed at the ending, the journey there was wonderful. Julianne Maclean has a smooth writing style that evokes emotion and intrigue. I have thoroughly enjoyed her as an author and this novel is no exception.

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Thank you to Net Galley for providing an advance reading copy of Julianne MacLean's Beyond the Moonlit Sea.

This was my first Julianne MacLean book, and it will not be my last! Suspenseful yet tender mystery!
There are dual timelines that follow a few characters, which greatly aids understanding of where they are in the current section of the storey.
I liked this book for a variety of reasons, including the character development throughout the storey, the storyline itself, and the plot twists.
Overall, an excellent read!

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Olive and Dean live a very happy life in Miami. Right after they had a conversation about starting a family, Dean is called to make a last minute flight for the private jet company that he works for. A quick flight back from Bermuda doesn't happen and Olivia receives a phone call telling her that Dean's plane disappeared over the mysterious Bermuda Triangle. Olivia holds on to hope as investigators do their work, and experts in the field test various scenarios. As time goes forward, she is forced to accept her new path through life without Dean beside her.

Melanie Brown lives in New York City and is a physicist who is writing her dissertation about the Bermuda Triangle. When she looses her ambition to move forward, therapy is suggested to her, and after a few sessions, she admits to herself that she is in love with her therapist.

As the story unwinds, a connection between Melanie and Olivia becomes clear. I didn't realize that this book would be a mystery, and was pleasantly surprised at the suspense and intrigue and I started to wonder different thoughts.

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Thank you NetGalley and Julianne MacLean for this eARC.

“When a shocking discovery shows Olivia’s and Melanie’s paths are intertwined, it casts Dean’s disappearance in a new light. The two women’s strange connection threatens to unlock secrets that will change everything Olivia thought she knew about her marriage, her husband, and most importantly, herself.”

This was a quick read but I feel like some of the filler material could have been more crisp. About 100 pages in I wondered what happened with the couple from the beginning to realize we were on another timeline. I loved the scientific aspect and thought the author did their research on the Bermuda Triangle and transporting you the reader to the early 90s. It’s definitely not a light and fluffy beach read but will grab you with the storyline. Add it to your beach bag this Summer!

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<p>Olivia is married to Dean. He's a pilot. One night, his plane disappears. Melanie is a student studying the Bermuda Triangle. She is stressed so she sees a therapist. She begins an affair with him. Somehow this is all connected.</p>
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<p>I don't want to write too much about the plot because it was so interesting to read about it as it unfolded. I wasn't sure how it all fit together. It's told in the present and also the past. It didn't make sense at first, but then it all clicks. If you're expecting an all out thriller, this isn't it. This is a story about moving on, forgiveness, and life's mysteries. I really liked it, and the author does a fantastic job developing characters that you feel sorry for and wonder what would have happened had different choices been made.</p>
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<p>Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing.</p>
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I've read Julianne MacLean's books in the past, but never a contemporary offering. The writing is certainly good and the plot pacing worked as well, my issue with this book was identifying what the point of it all was.

We are presented with 3 different narrators, Olivia, Melanie, and Dean, as well as several jumps in time from 1986 to 1990 to 1993 and so on all the way up to 2017. Olivia is left to pick up the pieces of her life after her husband's plane disappears in the middle of the night over the Bermuda Triangle. The book shows how she proceeds to deal with that grief and eventually start again. It also reveals slowly over time, what really happened with the plane disappearance.

This book was confusing to me because it's not really clear what it wanted to me. Is it a mystery? Is it a women's fiction character study? I'm not sure I know. It reads quickly and I'm not upset I took the time to read it but it's not something I can see recommending to others.

Thank you to NetGalley and and Lake Union Publishing for the electronic ARC copy of this novel for review.

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Beyond the Moonlit Sea by Julianne MacLean brought to mind the words of the song by the great Meatloaf, "I would do anything for love, but I won't do that!"

Olivia Hamilton finds herself falling in love with Dean Robinson, an attractive therapist who she meets while doing a student film. They quickly fall in love and move to Miami, where he leaves therapy behind and follows his lifelong dream to become a pilot. However, the phone call no wife of a pilot ever wants to receive comes one night...Dean's plane has been lost at sea and nothing is ever found of the wreckage or remains. Olivia is left pregnant and devastated, but eventually moves on with her life.

Years later, now happily married, Olivia learns of a young woman named Melanie Brown, whose body is found in the woods of New Jersey. Investigators discover a connection between Melanie and Olivia and Olivia discovers her first husband may not have been who she she thought he was. Her daughter finds another odd occurrence that indicates he might still be alive...can it be possible?

This novel was gripping and kept me intrigued to the very end. I enjoyed seeing Olivia's relationship with Dean develop as well as her relationship with her second husband. In spite of her heartache she was able to move on and not wallow in her grief. The twists and turns of the plot kept my interest and the choices the characters, especially Dean make at the end of the novel surprised me. A thoroughly enjoyable novel, don't miss it!

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